All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 123 Since you want it so badly, then you can each take half!

Xu Chenzhou did not speak, but just looked at the group of mechanical special police quietly. The energy in his body surged out and gathered in Li Xuanqi's brain to prevent him from waking up suddenly.

At the same time, his hand moved slightly, and five fingers clasped the unconscious Li Xuanqi's neck fiercely. With just a slight force, he could take off his head.

He didn't like to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of it.

Li Xuanqi had come to his doorstep, and it was absolutely impossible for him to hand over Li Xuanqi.

Besides, what he did today was completely reasonable and legal.

He and Li Xuanqi were both licensed warriors, and they were under the jurisdiction of the Martial Arts Association in legal terms.

The upper rulers of the Star Domain Alliance were almost all extraordinary people, and the ten major associations had a pivotal position in the Star Domain Alliance, so the laws in the Star Domain Alliance had many unreasonable regulations that favored extraordinary people.

For example, if the extraordinary people who joined the Martial Arts Association fought each other, as long as there was no death of civilians, they would not be managed by the Star Domain Alliance, and everything would be decided by the Martial Arts Association.

If it is a fight between the supernaturals of different associations, such as a fight between the supernaturals of the Martial Arts Association and the supernaturals of the Cultivator Association, then as long as there are no casualties among civilians, no matter what the consequences are, the two associations will discuss and make a decision.

Even if the fight between the supernaturals causes the death of civilians, the Star Domain Alliance only has the right to supervise the case but not the right to directly rule.

Of course, these regulations only apply to the supernaturals who have joined the top ten associations, and all other supernaturals who have not joined the top ten associations are still subject to the control of the Star Domain Alliance.

In fact, in Xu Chenzhou's view, this regulation is actually quite unreasonable. It is tantamount to giving the supernaturals of the top ten associations all kinds of privileges, not only to be able to escape the control of the Star Domain Alliance, but also to be superior to ordinary civilians.

But the problem is that this law is not made by him, and the current situation is obviously in line with the supernatural control regulations.

There is only one situation that does not apply to the supernatural control regulations, that is, the supernatural has betrayed the interests of the alliance. In this case, the Star Domain Alliance can bypass the top ten associations to intervene in the fight between the supernaturals.

But it is obvious that Xu Chenzhou has definitely not done anything to betray the interests of the alliance.

In other words, the situation in front of him is very wrong.

The eyes of the mechanical special police flashed red, and the row of special police behind him also took out the energy guns in their hands, and the cold mechanical fingers pressed a wedge-shaped switch on the butt upwards.

Xu Chenzhou knew that this meant that the mechanical special police had turned on the switch of the energy gun and could fire at any time.

"I warn you again, Xu Chenzhou, a citizen of the alliance, please give up resistance immediately!

After three warnings, we will take compulsory measures."

The voice of the mechanical special police was cold and ruthless, and the red light in his eyes flashed more and more, revealing a solemn mood.

Xu Chenzhou just stood there: "Li Xuanqi, who is a third-level supernatural, is not my opponent. What can you do to me with these iron lumps?

I apply for the intervention of the Martial Arts Association. If you refuse, I will fight back in accordance with Article 27 of the Supernatural Control Regulations to safeguard the interests of the supernaturals themselves."

Only a fool would give up resistance. The tendency of these mechanical special police in front of him is too obvious.

Once you give up resistance and enter the Public Security Bureau, you will be at the mercy of others.

These mechanical special police in front of you are the same type as the robots in the warrior assessment. Of course, the combat effectiveness of the mechanical special police is much stronger than those robots. After all, these mechanical special police are equipped with many police weapons.

However, Xu Chenzhou has the Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique, and he is best at facing this kind of group attack, so he is not afraid.

As Xu Chenzhou finished speaking, the energy guns in the hands of the mechanical special police were raised one after another.

Xu Chenzhou's empty hand also burned with hot white flames again.

The atmosphere on the field was very solemn, and the battle was about to break out.

The mouth of the leading mechanical special police opened and closed slightly: "Alliance citizen Xu Chenzhou stubbornly resisted and refused to cooperate with the Public Security Bureau's actions. In view of the fact that the target is a supernatural person, compulsory measures are taken in accordance with the law and it is allowed to open fire."

Hearing this, more than a dozen mechanical special police behind the leading mechanical special police raised their energy guns and pulled the trigger to shoot at Xu Chenzhou.

Red high-temperature particles shot out from the muzzle of the mechanical special police's energy gun, pulling out brilliant rays of light in the air.

But Xu Chenzhou was not panicked at all, and he didn't even use the Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique. He just gently raised Li Xuanqi in his hand and blocked him.

Are you kidding? Li Xuanqi is a third-level martial master with an extremely strong body. He was just beaten by him with a huge force of 360,000 pounds, and he just fell into a coma.

It would be a waste not to use such a useful shield.

The energy gun fired very quickly, and high-temperature particle streams shot at Li Xuanqi in Xu Chenzhou's hand.

Master Li's already ravaged body became slightly burnt under the baptism of the energy gun, and even a barbecue-like aroma was diffused.

At this time, the noisy sound of electricity came to the ears of the mechanical special police again.

Xu Chenzhou vaguely heard a few words.

"Stop, stop now, stop shooting, don't hurt the hostages."

The leading mechanical special police waved his hand fiercely.

"Stop firing!"

The other mechanical special police put down their energy guns.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou laughed.

"You said stop, stop. Who do you think you are? It's beautiful to think about it."

Xu Chenzhou pounced forward fiercely. Although he was holding a person in his hand, it did not affect his actions at all.

The mechanical special police who did not dare to use energy weapons were no different from living targets in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Especially now that the divine power talisman was still in effect, with the blessing of 360,000 pounds of huge force, Xu Chenzhou was even more powerful than the wild beast.

Xu Chenzhou kicked the leading mechanical special police fiercely. His thigh was burning with hot white flames. The flames melted and hit with great force.

After one kick, a huge hole appeared in the chest of the mechanical special police. The metal at the edge of the hole was burned red by the high temperature, and even dripped drops of iron juice.

Then, Xu Chenzhou broke the head of another mechanical special police with one hand. Behind the head was a transparent crystal spine. There were dense wires in the spine, and the sparks of electric current were still emitting.

In just three minutes, the well-equipped mechanical special police turned into piles of scrap metal and collapsed to the ground helplessly.

Of course, except for the first two mechanical special police, Xu Chenzhou's methods were relatively rough. He was much gentler when dealing with other mechanical special police, and only destroyed the control chip in his brain center.

It was not that Xu Chenzhou was afraid of the Public Security Bureau, so he showed mercy.

But Xu Chenzhou had already regarded these mechanical special police as his own things.

Since he was attacked, he must pay some interest.

However, these mechanical special police were useless to Xu Chenzhou, and it was troublesome to keep them, so he stuffed them all into the red envelope and gave half to Misaka Mikoto and Lu Mingfei.

The reason why he didn't give it to other group members was not because Xu Chenzhou was partial, but mainly because this thing couldn't be used by them. After all, the control chip was burned into a ball of charcoal by Xu Chenzhou, and it was not easy to repair it.

Anyway, let them take it first and find a way to repair it. If they can't repair it, they can also copy some high-tech from the star world.

If any group member is interested in this thing later, just ask Xiao Lu and Misaka Mikoto for it.

As for exposing the ability to store space, it is a small matter. The fifth-level cultivators and the sixth-level gods and demons have the ability to make space storage equipment.

Although the price is very expensive, don't forget that there is really a sixth-level gods and demons behind Xu Chenzhou.

At this time, another police vehicle sped over Xu Chenzhou's head.

And behind him was a maglev car with the logo of the Martial Arts Alliance.

The two vehicles sped and soon landed in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Three sheriffs came out of the police vehicle. The leading sheriff was wearing a sheriff's uniform, with an upright posture, a bright silver energy gun on his waist, and two star flowers printed on his shoulders.

This bright silver energy gun has a wolf head embroidered on the muzzle with relief technology, and the gun body has sections of bright golden curves. The grip of the gun body is also carved with a section of the body of a white wolf with white jade crystal.

Xu Chenzhou had seen the information of this energy gun on the Internet. This gun is the Howling Moon Silver Wolf, which is assigned to senior inspectors by the Public Security Bureau.

Unlike the common energy guns of the mechanical special police, this energy gun can shoot Howling Moon Silver Wolf particles, and its lethality can severely damage the third-level extraordinary people with one blow.

And these two star flowers represent that this senior inspector has made two second-class merits and has the potential to be promoted to a major inspector.

Two men also got out of the vehicle representing the Martial Arts Alliance.

The two men were wearing black suits, with serious expressions and very strong bodies. They also had an exquisite cufflink on their cuffs, and a golden long sword was micro-carved on the cuffs.

The sheriff got out of the car, glanced at the surrounding environment, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

What happened? Where did all my mechanical SWAT police go?

Although I know that the mechanical SWAT police should not be Xu Chenzhou's opponent after they can't shoot. After all, Xu Chenzhou can even defeat Wu Zong. If he can't shoot, these SWAT police are just here to deliver food.

But he can't beat them, but where are the bodies of the mechanical SWAT police?

Could it be that this guy has space equipment? This is impossible!

The space equipment that can hold so many mechanical SWAT police is not cheap.

You know, unless Xu Chenzhou can beat the bodies of the mechanical SWAT police into slag, he can take the bodies of the mechanical SWAT police back to the bureau and send them to the repair shop, and it won't cost much money to repair them.

But if the bodies of the mechanical SWAT police can't be found, then things will be very troublesome.

The cost of each mechanical SWAT police is quite expensive. This time he sent out 20 mechanical SWAT police. If he wants to buy them again, he will have to empty the working capital of the Public Security Bureau for at least one year.

Thinking of this, the senior inspector walked in front of Xu Chenzhou with a dragon-like and tiger-like step.

"I am Li Chenglong, the inspector of the Public Security Bureau of Xiushui District, Tiancheng City. I came here to deal with your affairs."

Xu Chenzhou looked up at Li Chenglong and said coldly: "Deal with my affairs? What do I need you to deal with!"

Li Chenglong couldn't help but get angry when he heard Xu Chenzhou's arrogance: "Damage public property, provoke trouble, intentionally injure people, resist arrest and assault the police, is this not enough?

Master Li Xuanqi is also an old acquaintance of mine. He is usually kind and generous, and has never had any enemies.

I didn't expect that you would sneak attack him like this. Your behavior is very bad.

Hurry up and put down your weapons and follow me back to the Public Security Bureau, so that you still have a chance to fight for leniency.

Otherwise, you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison based on these few sentences. "

Li Chenglong stretched out his hand and tried to snatch Li Xuanqi from Xu Chenzhou's hand.

Xu Chenzhou took a step back, and pinched Li Xuanqi's neck with more force, making a creaking sound, as if he wanted to tear his head off directly.

"So, what does this have to do with your Public Security Bureau?

Can you get as far away from me as possible and stop getting in my way? "

Xu Chenzhou was too lazy to explain to this man that it was Li Xuanqi who tried to kill him first, so he fought back.

As for the mechanical special police, although the mechanical special police are subordinates of the Public Security Bureau, they violated the regulations and attacked Xu Chenzhou, so according to the supernatural control regulations, Xu Chenzhou's counterattack was not illegal at all.

This is the door of Xu Chenzhou's home. There are surveillance cameras at the door, recording everything.

tnnd This matter is not under the jurisdiction of the Public Security Bureau at all. If there is an explanation, it should be explained to the Martial Arts Association.

Just when the two were confronting each other, the two people who got off the car of the Martial Arts Association also walked to Xu Chenzhou's side.

"I am Zhang Lingwen, the director of the Inspection Department of the Martial Arts Association. Are you Xu Chenzhou?

I have read your information. It has only been a few days since you became a certified martial artist.

You have made no contribution and only know how to make trouble for the association. What's the use of a member like you! "

After saying that, Zhang Lingwen turned to look at Li Chenglong: "Inspector Li, you don't have to give face to our association. I will make the decision on this matter and authorize your Public Security Bureau to investigate.

Director Li is also an old member of our martial arts association. He has made great contributions, but he was beaten like this by this young man.

People who have made no contribution and can only make trouble are not worthy of enjoying the privileges of our martial arts association. "

The department in charge of conflicts between martial artists in the martial arts association is the inspection department.

The inspection department does have the right to authorize the Public Security Bureau to investigate conflicts between martial artists.

However, this is usually done for some suspicious cases, and some martial artists are afraid of crime and abscond.

After all, the martial artists in the inspection department are not from professional schools, and they can only authorize the Public Security Bureau when facing such professional cases.

"Okay, you quickly hand over Director Li to me, and then go back with Inspector Li to investigate the matter. "

As he spoke, Zhang Lingwen also stretched out his hand, wanting to take Li Xuanqi from Xu Chenzhou's hand.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Chenzhou's back felt cold and slightly chilled.

It was obvious that Zhang Lingwen and Li Chenglong were in the same group.

The two had already discussed it.

As for why Zhang Lingwen did not take him directly back to the inspection department of the Martial Arts Association, but chose to authorize the matter to the Public Security Bureau, it was actually very simple.

Because if this matter was handled in the Martial Arts Association, the punishment result would definitely be Xu Chenzhou not guilty.

The results of the Martial Arts Association's handling are all archived and sealed. If Zhang Lingwen dares to tamper with the punishment results, he will be in trouble once he is discovered.

But if it is authorized to the Public Security Bureau, then things will be different. The Public Security Bureau can do something dirty. There are too many things to ensure that Xu Chenzhou can be arranged clearly, and he can also be removed from this matter.

Speaking of this kind of authorized investigation and then taking dirty tricks, it is also an old skill of the inspection department of the martial arts association.

Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall, Public Security Bureau, and Martial Arts Association, these three parties actually joined together.

Who has such great power to target him like this?

Xu Chenzhou instantly guessed the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, and it must be the immortal cultivator behind the Li family.

Since this immortal cultivator can intervene in mundane things, it means that the cultivation of this immortal cultivator has reached the fifth level.

A cultivator of the fifth level is the sky in Tiancheng City, and even the governor of Tiancheng City has to give him face.

Hand over the person or not?

Xu Chenzhou had no idea. There is no need to think about it, he will definitely not hand it over!

Li Xuanqi attacked him and wanted to kill him. How could Xu Chenzhou let such a person go?

Besides, the Li family has mobilized so many forces to deal with him. What's the point of giving in in this situation?

If he really followed Li Chenglong back to the Public Security Bureau, it would definitely not be a good ending for Xu Chenzhou.

Besides, the Martial Arts Association is not controlled by Zhang Lingwen alone. His backers are much stronger than Zhang Lingwen, a small patrol director.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou couldn't understand why Zhang Lingwen dared to treat him like this when he clearly signed the Martial Arts Association's SSS-level talent training plan. Could it be that his authority was too low to find out about this plan?

Forget it, why bother with him so much? At worst, he would just run away to the Yangshen world to hide for seven days and wait. Zhou Xuanyi must have helped him deal with these messes when he came back.

The last time Hong Yi's cub growth mission, Xu Chenzhou did not choose to enter the Yangshen World and gave up the seven-day tour of the Yangshen World.

But the chat group did not directly take back the opportunity of the seven-day tour.

Now Xu Chenzhou clicked on the task at that time and could still directly open the portal to the Yangshen World.

And most importantly, there are two options to return from the portal, one is to return to the place where you entered the portal, and the other is to return to the return point set by Xu Chenzhou himself.

The second return point was specially set by Xu Chenzhou in a barren mountain outside Tiancheng City, just to deal with the situation in front of him.

Seeing that Xu Chenzhou was still procrastinating, Zhang Lingwen gradually showed an impatient expression on his face.

"Hand him over quickly, why are you dithering? Do you have to inform the president to cancel your warrior qualification?

Without the protection of the warrior identity, your fate will only be more miserable."

This is indeed the truth. With the warrior identity, you may still come out alive after entering the Public Security Bureau.

But if you don't have the warrior identity, you will be a fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered after entering the Public Security Bureau.

But Xu Chenzhou was not afraid at all: "You are worthy of canceling my warrior qualification. Who gave you the face?

You are just a small inspection department director, you really think you are a big official.

You really take chicken feathers as a command arrow, your cerebellum is not fully developed."

Xu Chenzhou's scolding made Zhang Lingwen stupid. Ordinary warriors would be trembling in fear when facing him, the inspection department director, for fear of offending him.

"I am not qualified to cancel your warrior certificate, but does the president have no qualifications?

You think you are a super warrior, so what? If I didn't have the president's permission, would I be here?

I advise you not to refuse a toast and give me the person quickly, otherwise you will have a hard time."

Zhang Lingwen's face was distorted, and a strong momentum surged from his body. A stream of pale energy gathered in his hand, condensing into a huge phantom of a white bone arm, and behind him, a pagoda rose up, and a white bone monk sat cross-legged on each pagoda.

Xu Chenzhou could feel that Zhang Lingwen's momentum was several times stronger than that of Li Xuanqi before.

Behind him, Li Chenglong also slowly raised the Howling Moon Silver Wolf in his hand, with his finger on the trigger. Behind him, a giant wolf with a white body seemed to appear, with a bloody mouth, and a white light ball with infinite power in its mouth, howling at the moon in the sky.

Li Chenglong is an official, and he is on the extraordinary path of a mechanic. The Howling Moon Silver Wolf is his strongest weapon.

"Don't think that you are a master just because you defeated Master Li. It seems that I have to let you know what it means that there are always people who are better than you."

Although Xu Chenzhou defeated Li Xuanqi, the two were still quite confident.

Zhang Lingwen is an elite in the Martial Arts Association. The martial arts he learned is the Martial Arts Association's magical secret book, the White Bone Pagoda Battle Heavenly Book. It is several levels higher than the Seven Killing Tigers, and his combat power is also much stronger.

What's more, there is a senior inspector behind him, who is not inferior to Xu Chenzhou at all.

The three men they brought also took action at the same time.

Xu Chenzhou shook Li Xuanqi in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, if we want to do it, it's a bit inconvenient to hold a person in hand. In this case, I'll give this person to you."

After saying that, Xu Chenzhou exerted his strength and used his energy to directly mix Li Xuanqi's brain into a paste, and then pulled hard to pull out the head along with the spine.

The warm blood spilled, dyeing Zhang Lingwen and Li Chenglong's whole body bright red.

Then Xu Chenzhou threw the two halves of the body at the feet of the two men.

"But you two want it so much, I don't know who to give it to, now it's fine, you each have half!"

Well, the update has been a bit sloppy these two days. I'll make up for it today and there are still two or three chapters. As for whether it will be two or three chapters, let's see what time I write.

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