All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 124 Kill these two bastards!

Li Chenglong was trembling with anger, his round face kept shaking, and the fat on his body also kept shaking, as if he was dancing.

"So brave, so brave! You dare to kill someone in front of me. You really don't take me seriously."

Zhang Lingwen was also so angry that he was so angry that his old face was as red as a monkey's butt. There was a faint will-o'-the-wisp in the eyes of the old monk in the Bone Pagoda behind him, and a cold aura enveloped the entire venue.

"In all my life, I have never seen anyone as arrogant as you."

Xu Chenzhou raised his eyebrows: "Then you will see it now."

After saying that, Xu Chenzhou stood quietly and looked at the two of them, with no intention of taking action.

According to the extraordinary control regulations, if he strikes first, he will be called an assault police officer, but if the other party strikes first, it is reasonable self-defense.

The two people across from him were both red and warm, and Xu Chenzhou didn't believe they could hold back from taking action.

There is a big difference between attacking the police and counterattacking in self-defense. Xu Chenzhou acted with caution, so it was naturally impossible for him to make this mistake.

Li Chenglong and Zhang Lingwen looked at each other, and then took action boldly.

They were teased like this by a newcomer and they still didn't take action. If word got out, the old face would stop him.

Zhang Chengwen reached forward and grabbed the void, and a huge white bone armor appeared out of thin air. Behind the armor were countless densely packed bone pagodas. The old monks in each pagoda stretched out their hands and struck Xu Chenzhou fiercely. Wisps of will-o'-the-wisps appeared out of thin air, like ghosts in a cemetery.

The hand of the white bone armor grabbed Xu Chenzhou's position fiercely, and a binding force appeared to hold Xu Chenzhou in place, unable to move.

The speed and strength of the white bone armor were not comparable to the previous Li Xuanqi.

Faced with such an attack, the nine nine-yang golden elixirs in Xu Chenzhou's spine flowed out of the nine nine-yang true energy.

The color of these nine true qi is like the bright sun in the sky. It no longer looks like true qi, but has almost condensed into a liquid.

The nine true qi merged into one in Xu Chenzhou's spine, and then flowed to Xu Chenzhou's palm.

And streaks of Red Emperor Dragon Flame also flowed out from Xu Chenzhou's body bones and condensed on Xu Chenzhou's palm.

As these two groups of forces converged, the color of the flame changed from red to yellow, from yellow to white, then from white to blue, and finally turned into a strong red flame with a breath.

This crimson flame formed a red dragon. The dragon's body hovered over Xu Chenzhou's body, and the dragon's head merged with Xu Chenzhou's palm.

As soon as the red dragon appeared, everything turned upside down.

Xu Chenzhou struck out with a palm, and the red dragon swam in the air. The red fire coming from its body dyed the sky a fiery red.

The red dragon turned over, and with Xu Chenzhou's 360,000 kilograms of strength, he actually knocked the bone armor in mid-air upside down, and the will-o'-the-wisps all over the sky were melted by the red flames.

But at this moment, another attack came. This attack was a white light. There was nothing fancy about it. The only feature was that it was extremely fast and powerful. Wherever the white light passed, the gravel on the ground was scattered. The energy that came out was crushed into powder.

Xu Chenzhou violently condensed a red-yellow bell-shaped air shield. The white light hit the bell-shaped air shield and instantly shattered Xu Chenzhou's black and yellow exquisite body protection technique. However, this also provided Xu Chenzhou with room to dodge.

The two exchanged just one move before Zhang Lingwen showed a horrified expression on his face.

"This palm is the Red Dragon Heaven-turning Palm?

How is it possible, how can you learn the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Hundong Gong. "

Before Zhang Lingwen had time to think, Xu Chenzhou had already rushed to his face and punched him fiercely.

This punch was incomparably majestic. Xu Chenzhou was like a divine king sitting in the heavens, controlling the birth and death of the stars, and the prosperity and decline of all things in the world.

The red fire dragon behind him seemed to have transformed into a man wearing a red imperial robe, with a red beaded crown on his head and a red sword hanging from his waist, commanding the heavens.

Under this vast fist power, Zhang Lingwen was dumbfounded and had even forgotten to resist.

However, although he did not react, the bone pagodas behind him exploded one after another, turning into a white torrent and forming a giant bone shield in front of Zhang Lingwen.

This is the life-saving magical power in the White Bone Pagoda War Book. Once a cultivator encounters a fatal crisis, it can spontaneously form a giant shield of bones in front of the cultivator without the cultivator's control to help him resist the fatal danger.

At this time, Zhang Lingwen came back to his senses: "This is the fist intention, and you actually practiced the fist intention?"

Zhang Lingwen was almost scared to death. The Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Hung Dong Kung Fu is the highest level martial arts in the Kung Fu Pavilion at the headquarters of the Water Blue Star Martial Arts Alliance. Those who can learn it are either the top second generation in the Martial Arts Alliance. Otherwise, they are the top geniuses in the martial arts alliance.

However, Zhang Lingwen checked and found that Xu Chenzhou was born in an ordinary family. Although he performed very well in the martial arts assessment and was almost certainly a transcendent martial artist, he did not obtain a training contract from the martial arts association. How could he suddenly learn such top-notch martial arts.

Not to mention his fist intention, it almost scared Zhang Lingwen to death.

You must know that there are many martial arts masters in the martial arts alliance who have not mastered the fist intention.

Moreover, the artistic conception of the fist that Xu Chenzhou mastered was also extremely terrifying. He was like the Emperor of Heaven slaughtering all things and herding all living beings. With this kind of power, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the King of Gods in the Heavens and the most powerful person in the Star World.

It is not that Zhang Lingwen has never seen masters who have mastered the fist intention, but no one's fist intention can be as vast and lofty as Xu Chenzhou's.

How could a first-level warrior master such a fist intention?

In fact, even if you ask Xu Chenzhou this question, he doesn't know.

Who knows what Hong Xuanji was thinking when he created the Wheel of Life and Death? He was obviously just a Martial Saint at that time, and he was only Marquis Wu Wen, not even a prince. Where did he get the nerve to think of himself as the King of Gods? ?

But I have to say that the fists of the Wheel of Life and Death are really strong when used, mainly because they are really handsome. Xu Chenzhou expressed that he was very satisfied.

Li Chenglong didn't know what Zhang Lingwen was thinking. He turned his head and roared when he saw his pig teammate acting dumbly.

"We've already started a fight, and he's still dazed. He's already offended. Why don't you kill him quickly?"

Li Chenglong couldn't hold back the murderous intention in his heart. Xu Chenzhou's performance was beyond his expectation. He was surprised that Xu Chenzhou could defeat Li Xuanqi. Under normal circumstances, if this kind of thing really happened, he would definitely have to do it. Go up and curry favor with Xu Chenzhou.

But there was no way, there was someone behind Li Xuanqi, and he was a cultivator who was about to become an immortal. The two ends of the scale were not balanced at all, so he took action brazenly.

And now Xu Chenzhou, as a first-level warrior, can face two third-level experts at the same time without falling behind.

Since such a genius has been offended, why not kill him immediately? How about waiting for him to grow up and dance on his grave?

Hearing these words, Zhang Lingwen woke up from a dream. Yes, no matter how talented Xu Chenzhou was, since the two were already on opposite sides, the only option now was to kill him.

The two of them no longer held back, and went all out with all their strength, even using their trump card to press the bottom of the box.

Zhang Lingwen sacrificed all the bone pagodas in the air, turning them into streams of white air that converged on the skeleton armor. The reinforced skeleton armor's body suddenly grew in size, from two meters to three and a half meters, and every bone also changed. Must be very strong.

After getting bigger, the strength of the white-bone skeleton was greatly increased. Not only could it confront Xu Chenzhou's 360,000 kilograms head-on, but it could also suppress Xu Chenzhou head-on, making him retreat step by step.

Li Chenglong became even more sinister. In addition to Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, he also took out a pair of gloves with blue roses carved on them, which looked extremely coquettish.

These two guns are mechanical equipment that he assimilated. With the blessing of the amethyst in his body, they evolved three times.

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf is fast, and the hand cannon fired by Blue Rose is powerful. He hides behind Zhang Lingwen, and fires a shot from time to time. He also often changes the firearm he shoots, making it more difficult for Xu Chenzhou to deal with it, which is very insidious.

The three younger brothers brought by the two men were hiding further away and were also harassing them with long-range attacks. However, in front of Xu Chenzhou's Xuanhuang Exquisite Body Protection Technique, the attacks of these three people were meaningless.

Facing the attacks of the two men, Xu Chenzhou could only hold on with all his strength.

There is no way. Although he has practiced many cultivation systems from other worlds, his current cultivation time is still too short, and his cultivation level in each system is not too high.

To be able to cross two realms and face such two great masters without defeat for such a long time, Xu Chenzhou had already tried his best.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou had silently opened the portal to the world of Yangshen behind him, and he was ready to run away at any time if something went wrong.

However, although the battle between the three was so fierce, the surrounding residential buildings were hardly affected.

On the one hand, it was because the terrain of Xu Chenzhou's villa was relatively empty, with no other buildings within more than 200 meters.

On the other hand, the three of them still restrained themselves from fighting, and did not want to affect civilians.

In the star world, although extraordinary people have unimaginable privileges, they still have to work hard to save face.

The battles between extraordinary beings were fierce, and the problem was not big. All they had to do was compensate for the financial losses. The specific punishments were basically decided internally by the major associations and the Star Alliance.

But once civilians are affected, the nature of the entire battle will be different and it will become very troublesome.

Although you will not be executed for accidentally killing civilians, many forces will be qualified to intervene in punishment. If you are not careful, you will be sent to the frontline meat grinder by the hostile forces to experience life.

Therefore, battles between lawful extraordinary beings will basically avoid private houses and civilians.

However, the villa of Xu Chenzhou's family suffered a disaster. It collapsed in the fierce fighting and turned into ruins.

Fortunately, Little Baozi said that he had something to do today and was going to stay in a Taoist temple on the mountain for two days, otherwise Xu Chenzhou would really go crazy at this time.

Xu Chenzhou felt that the true energy and combat energy in his body were gradually exhausted, leaving only the divine power talisman to maintain.

But in the battles with the Bone Armor again and again, Xu Chenzhou felt that he was getting more and more tired, and gradually became unable to use his strength.

Are you going to retreat?

Xu Chenzhou asked himself secretly.

The two people in front of him were not only at a higher level than him, but they were also capable of long-range and close combat. It was like fighting a boss, summoning beasts and adding long-range attacks. How about playing legend?

As long as he retreats temporarily, he will be a good man again after seven days.

But what happened today made Xu Chenzhou feel angry.

Obviously he did nothing. First he was attacked and almost killed, and then he encountered unfair treatment. Even his home was reduced to rubble.

retreat? Retreat the hell!

If I don't kill these two bastards today, I will write my name Xu backwards.

Xu Chenzhou's mind moved, and a black pill suddenly appeared in his mouth.

As the pill went down his throat, Xu Chenzhou could feel the energy consumed in his body recovering rapidly. Every time the drug power circulated through a large cycle, his energy recovered by 30%. In just ten seconds, the energy that had been exhausted was replenished again.

Not only that, Xu Chenzhou's injuries also began to recover rapidly. The wound on his right abdomen that was scratched by the Howling Moon Wolf particles, where his internal organs could be seen, was scabbing quickly, and then the scar fell off, and it recovered to a smooth and uninjured appearance.

Including his physical strength, it was instantly restored to its peak.

If you want to treat me as a boss, you can.

But you never thought that I would change my stage.

After taking this ancient secret medicine, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh that the pharmacology in the Monster Hunter world is really something. After taking this ancient secret medicine, he was directly killed to full blood.

It seems that I have to spend more time to see if there is a chance to reproduce the ancient secret medicine.

But this is not the time to think about this. Xu Chenzhou's only purpose in taking this ancient secret medicine is to kill the two bastards in front of him.

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