All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 125 Immortal Technique Nine-day Sky Tour!

Xu Chenzhou lowered his hands slightly, and the energy in his body evaporated, turning into runes one after another around his body. These extremely complicated runes flowed rapidly around Xu Chenzhou's body, and gradually gathered in the center of Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows.

Not only that, a black-yellow bell-shaped aura appeared outside Xu Chenzhou's body, and a five-color divine light flashed above his head.

Then the two visions suddenly collapsed and turned into runes that converged towards Xu Chenzhou's head.

Since we are here to fight the boss, we must give these two brothers the most complete group fighting treatment.

Just turning around is not enough. You have to give these two brothers a taste of a devastating move.

A dazzling divine light flashed, the heaven and earth shattered, everything was extinguished, the energy was like a torrent, impacting everything in front of it,

As the divine light passed by, everything within sight fell into silence.

Xu Chenzhou's magical power was not a weakened version of the original Nine Waves of Nirvana that had been divided by Liu Shen, but the original original Black and Yellow Nine Waves of Divine Light that was fused with three magical powers.

Three different runes kept flowing between Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows. Although they were not completely integrated, their power was already extremely terrifying.

The two people in front of them had never seen this level of magical power before. Their three younger brothers were turned into ashes by the divine light at the first moment of contact.

Although these two people struggled to support it, it was obvious that they could no longer support it.

A light blue electromagnetic shield appeared outside Li Chenglong, but this electromagnetic shield could not block the power of the divine light. Soon it was almost broken, revealing cracks, and the divine light poured into it. Then all the surface layers of Li Chenglong's skin were melted, leaving only the muscle tissue under the skin.

Zhang Lingwen was even more miserable. There was only one white bone left in his body, and cracks began to appear on his white bones. However, he practiced the extraordinary skill of White Bone Pagoda and Heavenly Book, and he could still survive even with only one white bone left. I can still manage to hold on.

At this moment, a pair of jade-like hands stretched out.

These hands were so big that they could almost cover the sky and the sun. Just three fingers were able to cut off the endless original black and yellow Nine-Dang Immortal Light shining from Xu Chenzhou's body.

Then, a young man wearing black and white Taoist robes appeared in the sky. His right hand was slightly lowered, in the same posture as the big hands that appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

"A mere mortal ant actually dares to kill my elder brother and disobey the power of immortals. I'm really tired of living.

However, this move is not bad, but it is meaningless in front of a true immortal. "

The young man's eyelids were lowered and his face was indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything.

At this moment, the three different runes in Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows came together and turned into a complete divine eye.

The divine eye opened and suddenly drained all the energy from Xu Chenzhou's body. Even the Nine Yang Golden Pill in his spine lost its luster and became gray.

And the original black and yellow nine-dang fairy light emitted from Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows and eyes also became more terrifying. In an instant, it was like the Milky Way falling to the ground, and the stars in the sky rolled back.

In the big jade-like hand in front of him, the three fingers in the middle actually had thin cracks. The skin and flesh were scattered into the air like powder, exposing the white finger joints.

The original Xuanhuang Jiudang Immortal Light also flowed to Zhang Lingwen and Li Chenglong through the fingers of the big hand. In front of this super plus version of the divine light, the two people were instantly melted, and even their bones were broken into powder.

After delivering this blow, Xu Chenzhou's feet suddenly went limp. This sudden feeling of weakness made him want to collapse on the ground.

But it's clearly not time to relax yet.

After Xu Chenzhou killed the two people, he retreated directly, trying to enter the light gate.

But unfortunately, there was a huge qi machine that locked him, preventing his body from moving at all.

Xu Chenzhou was now in a state of weakness. Even including the increase in divine power talisman, he only had 90,000 kilograms of strength left, which was not enough to break free from this shackles.

But Xu Chenzhou didn't panic at all, he just stared coldly at the young Taoist priest in the sky.

Because Xu Chenzhou had already prepared a retreat before using the original fantasy Nine Waves Divine Light.

This magical power consumes too much energy. Once it is used, it will be life and death. Xu Chenzhou will naturally not be careless.

He had already escaped part of his soul in advance, and this part of his soul, with more than a dozen thoughts, plunged directly into the world of Yangshen without looking back.

On the other side of the light gate, Hong Yi had already prepared a body for Xu Chenzhou to stop temporarily.

With this part of the soul present, everything will be foolproof.

Even if his body in this world is destroyed, he can still survive with the part of his soul in the Yangshen world.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou had read the instructions for the chat group and knew that the chat group would enable the body repair function in the future. The group chat was about to meet the conditions for enabling this function, so he had no worries.

After the young Taoist priest stretched his hands back, he put his hands on his back. Xu Chenzhou could faintly see the slight trembling of his outstretched right arm, but the young Taoist priest still had a calm look on his face.

He stretched out his left hand and said softly.

"I was originally unwilling to kill you with my own hands. Killing you would do me no good, but it would cause huge trouble.

But who told you to kill my brother? I am avenging my relatives. Even if the president of the Immortal Cultivator Association comes here in person, there is no reason to stop me. "

Li Xuangang didn't take Xu Chenzhou seriously at all. Even when he asked Li Xuanqi to kill Xu Chenzhou, it was not because he was afraid that Xu Chenzhou would threaten the Li family after he got up.

It was just because he heard that Li Xuanqi wanted to kill Xu Chenzhou.

He thought it was just an ant, there was no need to care about it, just crush it to death.

Even before this operation, Li Xuangang didn't pay too much attention. He had an appointment with the Governor of Tiancheng City to have tea tonight, so he didn't have the heart to care about such a small matter.

He had arranged everything, and arranged for the Senior Inspector of the Public Security Bureau and the Minister of the Inspection Department of the Martial Arts Association to finish the job for his brother.

In his opinion, everything was foolproof. After killing Xu Chenzhou, there were so many people to help Li Xuanqi clean up his mess, and even the Governor of Tiancheng City stood on his side. What could go wrong?

Who would have thought that a third-level martial arts master could be killed by a first-level martial artist?

It was simply a joke. You know, even a cultivator with extremely high strength in the early stage could not kill people by crossing two major realms.

It was precisely because of this that Li Xuangang was relieved to drink tea with the governor, and he didn't even pay much attention to the information on the smart bracelet.

Later, when Li Xuangang saw the message from Li Chenglong, he thought he was dazzled.

What the hell? Three third-level extraordinary people can't even take down a first-level newcomer.

Is this the annual joke of the year?

However, Li Xuangang didn't take Xu Chenzhou seriously, but now he doesn't think so anymore.

Not only because of the death of his elder brother who raised him, but also because of the white bone on his finger.

Although Li Xuangang's face was still calm, the look in his eyes became more and more solemn.

Li Xuangang's intact left hand changed quickly behind his back, pinching out a series of hand seals, and then his left hand suddenly stretched forward, saying in a calm tone.

"Immortal method, nine-day sky tour"

As Li Xuangang's sleeves swung, the originally quiet night was as bright as day, and one sun after another hung high in the sky.

Under the scorching heat of the nine suns, the water vapor within a hundred miles was steaming, the earth was dry, and cracks appeared.

Then the suns rose from the east and set in the west.

The suns fell like meteors with flaming tails, falling towards Xu Chenzhou.

Li Xuangang did not hold back in this move, and it was already a full-strength attack.

After he released this move, he no longer looked at Xu Chenzhou, turned around and planned to leave.

"Amitabha, good, good, benefactor, please forgive me when you can."

An old monk lowered his eyebrows and eyes and suddenly appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

The shadow of a big Buddha sat cross-legged on the ground, covering the sky and the sun and reaching into the clouds.

The Buddha statue stretched out a giant hand to push away the clouds in the sky, and a series of Buddha lights shone from the sky and collided with the nine big suns.

Li Xuangang turned his head and stared at the old monk with a serious expression.

"Monk from Ci'en Temple? What are you doing here to interfere in the matter between me, the immortal cultivator, and the extraordinary warrior?"

This old monk is the abbot of Tiancan: "This young friend is the designated successor of Ci'en Temple. I hope you can show mercy and let him go."

Seeing the abbot of Tiancan, Xu Chenzhou's eyes showed a strange color.

Although Xu Chenzhou had called for help the first time when he encountered the difficulties of the mechanical special police.

But the person Xu Chenzhou called was Zhou Xuanyi, and he did not contact the abbot of Tiancan.

Li Xuangang's face finally changed, revealing a hint of anger: "You asked me to let him go, did you know that he killed my brother?"

The abbot of Tiancan just put his hands together: "The struggle between extraordinary people will naturally be judged by the association. At that time, the right and wrong will be judged by the public. Why should we interfere?"

The abbot of Tiancan was actually a little confused. He didn't know what happened at the scene, nor did he know why Xu Chenzhou killed Li Xuanqi.

So he couldn't refute Li Xuangang, and could only use this kind of rhetoric to deal with it.

Just now, he sensed that someone in Tiancheng City was using great supernatural powers, so he sent out a spiritual body to check what was going on, so that he could save Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou has the potential to practice the Supreme Reincarnation Buddhist Scripture.

It is very important for Abbot Tiancan to find a successor who can practice this Buddhist scripture, because it is related to whether he can break through to the sixth-level extraordinary person.

This is also the reason why Abbot Tiancan was so enthusiastic about Xu Chenzhou before.

Abbot Tiancan has been looking for so many years to find one, and it is impossible for him to watch Xu Chenzhou die in the hands of this cultivator in front of him.

Li Xuangang laughed in anger: "I don't know that you are just a spiritual saint, and only a spiritual body, why do you think you can stop me.

It is only natural for me to avenge my brother!

Since you are stopping me, then disappear with me."

Li Xuangang no longer cared about his injured right hand, and kept pinching the seals with both hands in front of him. The white bones were exposed in the air, which looked so weird.

"Immortal magic, call the wind and rain."

In an instant, dark clouds filled the sky, thunder flashed, and bursts of thunder came, and the wind whistled and rushed.

Raindrops fell from the sky, rain like arrows, wind like knives.

Each drop of rain weighed a thousand pounds, and was as sharp as a sun-shooting arrow. Every gust of wind swept by, and was as sharp as a cold knife and ice.

The wind was mixed with rain, and the rain merged into the wind. For a moment, the area within a hundred miles was shrouded by this wind and rain.

Everything in the wind and rain, whether it was the gravel on the ground, the mosquitoes in the air, or even the air, was ground into nothingness by this millstone-like terrifying immortal magic.

Even the phantom of the Buddha statue of Abbot Tiancan, which was originally standing tall, shrank into a six-foot-tall golden body, tightly protecting the spiritual body of Abbot Tiancan and Xu Chenzhou in the body.

But even this six-foot-tall golden body, at this time, was scraped off layers of gold powder on the surface, and the face was slowly smoothed, turning into a faceless Buddha statue.

This six-foot-tall golden body was condensed by the spiritual will of Abbot Tiancan, but in front of Li Xuangang's great magical power of calling the wind and rain, whether it was virtual or real, whether it was the soul, the true qi or the flesh, it didn't matter.

Wind blades and rain swords, annihilate everything, wipe out everything.

This move of calling the wind and rain is one of the four strongest killing moves of the Jiulong Immortal Sect where Li Xuangang came from.

If the real body of Abbot Tiancan was here, he would naturally not be afraid of Li Xuangang, but what was in front of him was just a spiritual body, how could he resist such a great magical power.

Li Xuangang looked at Xu Chenzhou, who was protected by the abbot Tiancan in a golden body, with a deep hatred in his eyes.

Li Xuanqi was his elder brother, who had brought him up since childhood and was the only relative he recognized in the world, but he died in Xu Chenzhou's hands.

"Xu Chenzhou! I tell you, you are dead today. Not to mention a psychic saint, even another martial saint can't protect you!"

Before Li Xuangang finished speaking, a smell of wine floated into the wind and rain.

Then a drunk and skinny old man just dived into the wind and rain.

The old man was holding a jar of wine in his hand, and three words were engraved on the wine jar: Immortal Drunk.

The wind and rain could wipe out everything, but it couldn't wipe out this old man, and even the wine in the old man's hand was not damaged at all.

The old man raised his hand and took a sip of the Immortal Drunk in his hand.

The taste of this wine should be very good, and a sip made the old man's skinny face flush.

He burped violently, and the alcohol turned into a giant fist in the air, which actually dispersed the dark clouds in the sky.

The old man stretched lazily and turned his head to look at Li Xuangang: "It is indeed difficult for a martial saint to save Chenzhou from a little kid like you, but what if it is a god and demon warrior?"

Then he turned to look at Xu Chenzhou, with a hint of apology on his face.

"Sorry, my my, I just drank too much with Lao Liu and didn't look at the smart bracelet at all.

If it weren't for the kid's big move, this time it would really be a big mistake."

This time Li Xuangang could no longer keep his face calm.

He could ignore the psychic saint and the martial saint.

But a god and demon warrior, he must take it into consideration, and even be respectful.

Even if he has achieved the sixth-level true immortal, he dare not be too arrogant in front of a god and demon warrior.

Before the sixth level, the immortal cultivators have a huge advantage. Not only can the combat power of the same realm crush other cultivation systems, but the chance of achieving the sixth level is tens of millions times that of other cultivation systems.

But after achieving the sixth level, the situation is somewhat reversed.

Because the combat power advantage of the immortal cultivators after the sixth level is very small compared to other cultivation systems, whether they are strong or weak depends entirely on the individual.

The problem is that most of the immortal cultivators' cultivation is too smooth. One out of ten immortal cultivators can become a true immortal. This terrifying promotion probability often also represents one thing, that is, the promoted true immortals are almost all flowers in a greenhouse.

The difficulty of promotion for extraordinary warriors is too terrifying. Only one god and demon warrior can appear among tens of millions of warriors. Every warrior who can achieve the sixth level is a genius and a fighting elite.

So after reaching the sixth level, this little combat power advantage is no longer enough to make up for the gap in combat talent between the two. On the contrary, ordinary immortal cultivators will be beaten by god and demon warriors.

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