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Chapter 126 Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace

Li Xuangang was extremely manic at this time, he was close to madness.

Why would killing a small person of the first level cause so many troubles?

Why was this ant-like small person so difficult to kill? It would be fine if he could hurt himself, but behind him stood the psychic saint and the magic warrior.

This kind of destiny reminded Li Xuangang of the protagonist of heaven and earth he had seen in the immortal sect classics.

The destiny was entangled, and the wind and clouds met.

This made the killing intent in Li Xuangang's eyes more intense.

If this kind of person is not killed, there will be endless poison in the future.

On the contrary, offending this magic warrior is not a big deal. With the protection of the master and the immortal cultivator association, as long as he is not killed on the spot, there is room for maneuver.

A barely perceptible golden light shone on the soles of Li Xuangang's feet, and then he stretched out his hand and pointed, breaking a sword-shaped jade talisman directly.

This jade talisman was a life-saving treasure given to him by his teacher before he went down the mountain, a magical jade talisman from the Supreme Creation Sect.

The jade talisman cracked, and a sword light flashed out from it. This sword light carried the extremely strong artistic conception of slashing the sky, slashing the earth, slashing people, slashing gods, and slashing everything.

A flash of white light, like a rainbow piercing the sun, attacked Xu Chenzhou.

Li Xuangang silently chanted: "The Eight Supreme Wonders, a sword that slashes the immortal."

Li Xuangang knew that if this sword was issued, Xu Chenzhou would be dead. Unless another true immortal jumped out to protect Xu Chenzhou, there would be absolutely no change.

After slashing this sword, Li Xuangang ran away.

The golden light under his feet suddenly lit up, and a golden bridge was built between his feet and the far distance.

Following this golden bridge, Li Xuangang turned into light and turned into a rainbow and left.

The golden light of the four great immortal methods of the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect.

Li Xuangang dared to attack brazenly because of the existence of this immortal method.

This immortal method is extremely concealed, and running away is like an antelope hanging on a horn, almost leaving no trace.

Unless Zhou Xuanyi could react in an instant and then deploy his true body to intercept with all his strength, it would be impossible to stop him.

With the Immortal Slashing Sword, Zhou Xuanyi would definitely not be distracted in order to protect Xu Chenzhou, so his move this time was foolproof.

Things developed as he expected. Zhou Xuanyi did find that Li Xuangang was trying to run away, but at this time he could not care about so much, after all, there was still a terrible sword energy attacking Xu Chenzhou.

This sword energy was so terrible that it could cut through the sky, the earth and everything.

Even if Zhou Xuanyi deployed his true body, he had to use all his strength to have the confidence to take this sword.

At this time, in a hurry, Zhou Xuanyi's combat body only had time to fully deploy one arm.

Zhou Xuanyi stretched out his palm and slapped the sword energy of the Immortal Slashing Sword.

A sound of metal clashing came, and Zhou Xuanyi's true body of the demon was directly cut through.

With only a fragment of the Emperor's Heaven-Slaying Battle Body, how could he completely intercept such a terrifying sword?

A wisp of sword energy penetrated Zhou Xuanyi's palm and continued to slash towards Xu Chenzhou.

The sword light fell, and the world was in panic. Even if there was only a wisp of sword energy, Xu Chenzhou could not resist it.

Facing such sword energy, Xu Chenzhou did not escape at all, nor did he have any fear. Anyway, he would not die, so why should he be afraid?

Instead, he opened his eyes wide to feel the sword intent in the sword energy, trying to understand something from it.

At this moment, Xu Chenzhou felt a warmth in his chest, and a fairy light lit up from his chest.

Xu Chenzhou could hear the sound of a talisman burning from his chest.

Then a huge Bagua furnace appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

This Bagua furnace was brass-colored, and the color looked very dark. The top of the furnace was engraved with the Yin and Yang poles, and the body of the furnace was engraved with the Bagua Qiankun. The furnace ears on both sides were square and looked extremely majestic.

The color of this Bagua furnace looked familiar to Xu Chenzhou. He thought for a while before he recognized it. It was somewhat similar to the color of the bell-shaped gas shield that appeared when he performed the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique.

This Bagua furnace appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou, and actually swallowed the sword energy that cut through the sky and the earth directly into the furnace, and then the divine fire in the furnace burned fiercely, and actually practiced that sword intent into a crystal clear crystal sword pill.

What's the matter with this Bagua furnace?

Where did it come from?

Xu Chenzhou was a little confused.

Xu Chenzhou touched his chest. What's in my chest? This thing looks like the style of the prehistoric world. Could it be that Yang Chan, this little guy, secretly stuffed me with some life-saving talismans?

But it shouldn't be. If Yang Chan gave him a life-saving talisman, she would never hide it from him.

At this moment, Xu Chenzhou suddenly remembered that the thing on his chest was a sachet, and the sachet contained the peace talisman that Xiao Baozi asked for him during the warrior assessment.

At that time, Xiao Baozi told him that he must carry this sachet with him, which could protect him.

Xu Chenzhou must have always carried the protective sachet given by such a lovely sister.

Since he always wears martial arts uniforms, there are no pockets on his body, and it is not easy to tie the sachet around his waist, so he always puts the sachet in the pocket inside the upper body clothes.

Xu Chenzhou suddenly opened the martial arts uniform and took out the sachet to check.

Sure enough, the amulet in the sachet had been burned to ashes.

At this moment, the Bagua furnace in front of Xu Chenzhou actually took off and flew towards the direction where Li Xuangang had just escaped.

Xu Chenzhou could feel that his soul seemed to be connected with this Bagua furnace, and he could perceive everything through the Bagua furnace.

As the Bagua furnace sped up, it soon caught up with Li Xuangang, who was escaping with the golden light of farming.

The moment it caught up with Li Xuangang, the lid of the Bagua furnace opened, and a stream of divine wind appeared out of thin air, desperately sucking Li Xuangang into the furnace.

Li Xuangang, who felt something was wrong, turned around and was shocked.

"Taishang Immortal Method, Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace?"

Before Li Xuangang finished speaking, he was sucked into the furnace by the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace.

At this time, Li Xuangang was no longer as calm as before. He was completely broken. He spread his arms and legs in the air like a big toad, desperately resisting the suction of the Bagua furnace.

But how could his arms bend over his thighs? In front of the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace, Li Xuangang's resistance was completely futile.

If I am sucked into this furnace, I will die!

I don't want to die. I still want to become a true immortal and travel across the universe!

Li Xuangang's face revealed endless fear, tears and snot flowed down together. If his cultivation had not reached the level of fasting, his body would probably be even uglier at this time.

The Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace is one of the three major gate-keeping immortal methods of the Supreme Immortal Sect. It is more powerful than the sword of beheading immortals contained in the jade talisman he just broke. It is the gate-keeping secret method of the Supreme Creation Sect.

Ordinary true immortals will only die if they are sucked into the furnace, not to mention that he is only a cultivator in the ascending stage.

"There is no other way now. I can only do this, to survive in death!"

Li Xuangang waved his hand fiercely, and actually cut his body in half. One half of the body close to the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace exploded into a blood mist with a bang, generating a powerful thrust, which turned into a blood rainbow, allowing Li Xuangang to move a million miles away in an instant.

After pulling away from the distance, Li Xuangang felt that he had gotten rid of the lock of the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace, and then he sighed and relaxed.

After escaping death, Li Xuangang sat on the top of a high mountain.

At this time, his appearance was very strange, with only the left side of his body, one eye, one ear, half of his nose, half of his mouth, and even only half of the Tao seed in his body.

Sitting on the top of a high mountain, Li Xuangang couldn't help shaking with fear.

The reason why Li Xuangang could be so calm and detached from the mundane world was just because he had the identity of an immortal cultivator.

And this immortal method Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace came from the Taishang Creation Sect, the overlord of the immortal cultivation world on Shuilan Star, which was several levels stronger than the Jiulong Immortal Sect where he was born.

Facing such an overlord, Li Xuangang naturally couldn't maintain that high-handed attitude.

He secretly recalled when he had offended the master of the Taishang Creation Sect, but after thinking about it, Li Xuangang didn't recall any clues.

Although he and his master never really considered people other than cultivators as human beings, he was always polite to fellow cultivators.

Since he entered the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect, he has been practicing diligently and rarely caused trouble. Even if he occasionally followed his master down the mountain, he always behaved himself. How could he suddenly attract the attention of such a powerful person?

After thinking about it, Li Xuangang only thought of one possibility, that is, this Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace was related to Xu Chenzhou.

This possibility made Li Xuangang instantly put on a painful mask. Damn, it was just killing a first-level warrior, a psychic saint, a god and demon warrior, which was nothing, but he actually provoked the Supreme Creation Sect?

This time, Li Xuangang was not angry, but rather a little scared. How could he go against the Supreme Creation Sect?

On the other side, Xu Chenzhou, Zhou Xuanyi, and Abbot Tiancan were all looking up at the sky.

Because a brass alchemy furnace was dripping down from the sky.

In the furnace, in addition to the white jade sword ball just now, there was another piece of pure white fairy crystal. The flame in the furnace was still burning, burning many black impurities from the white fairy crystal.

Looking at this Bagua furnace, Abbot Tiancan opened and closed his mouth, unable to say a word.

After brewing for a long time, he sighed: "Taishang Zaohuamen, Tushita Bagua Refining Immortal Furnace, you are really hidden. It seems that I am a little overconfident this time."

However, Zhou Xuanyi did not care too much about this Bagua furnace, but looked at Xu Chenzhou with a guilty face.

Two consecutive mistakes, the first mistake can be explained, but the second mistake made Zhou Xuanyi feel embarrassed. He rushed to Xu Chenzhou's side and almost had someone kill Xu Chenzhou in front of him, which made Zhou Xuanyi feel very sorry for Xu Chenzhou, the benefactor of his rebirth.

Seeing Zhou Xuanyi's expression, Xu Chenzhou waved his hand: "Mr. Zhou, don't feel guilty. No one expected that Li Xuangang would act so decisively, and he also used external force that was far beyond his realm.

I am more concerned about what this Bagua furnace in front of me is. I wonder if either of the two seniors can tell me about it."

After hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Abbot Tiancan stroked his beard on his chin.

"My friend, you don't know what this Bagua furnace is?

Okay! I will tell you about it.

The Bagua furnace in front of you is not a real furnace, but a magical power called the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace.

This magical power comes from the Taishang Creation Sect, the overlord of the fairy world of Shuilan Star, and is one of the three great magical powers of the Taishang Creation Sect.

Only the true disciples of the Taishang Creation Sect are qualified to learn these three magical powers.

Actually, I don’t know much about this magical power, because almost everyone who has seen it is dead.

I only know that this magical power has the power of the Eight Trigrams Yin and Yang, and has the functions of creation, refining, absorption, tracking, suppression, etc.

Now this magical power should be the white crystal in the quenching furnace. Once the quenching is completed, this magical power will dissipate soon. "

Zhou Xuanyi also said: "If I am not mistaken, this white crystal should come from Li Xuangang's body.

However, judging from the energy contained in this crystal, there should only be part of Li Xuangang's body in this furnace.

By the way, the Immortal Sword that Li Xuangang used just now also came from the thief of the Supreme Creation Sect.

However, the Immortal Sword is only one of the Eight Supreme Wonders, and any inner disciple can learn it.

Whether in terms of strength or rarity, it is far inferior to the Tusita Eight Trigrams Immortal Refining Furnace! "

Xu Chenzhou fell into deep thought.

This magical power of the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace came from the amulet given to him by Xiao Baozi.

According to Xiao Baozi at the time, this amulet was obtained from Gu Yue Temple.

Now Xu Chenzhou thought about it and knew that Xiao Baozi must be talking. How could the amulet obtained from the Taoist temple contain such a powerful magical power?

So this amulet must have been obtained by Xiao Baozi from other channels and then given to him for self-defense.

This means that Xiao Baozi has a connection with the Supreme Creation Sect that he doesn't know about.

And the Supreme Creation Sect and the Tushita Bagua The names of Gua Alchemy Furnace are also very unusual.

The simultaneous appearance of Taishang and Tushita Bagua also made Xu Chenzhou have many associations.

It is useless for him to guess here. It is better to wait until Xu Mo Ran comes back from the Taoist temple and ask her in person.

No, has the little bun really stayed in the Taoist temple these days? Xu Chenzhou suddenly became a little uncertain.

But in any case, Xu Mo Ran should not encounter any danger, so Xu Chenzhou is not in a hurry.

Then Xu Chenzhou told Tiancan Fangzhang and Zhou Xuanyi everything that happened today.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou also concealed Some of them were particularly exaggerated, such as his original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light that injured Li Xuangang.

Zhou Xuanyi, who knew everything, looked at Xu Chenzhou with surprise.

Xu Chenzhou's performance today was too outstanding, even more surprising than the appearance of the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace beside him.

Zhou Xuanyi had seen many super-limit warriors in the Martial Arts Association, but the most outstanding super-limit warriors also found it difficult to cross two major realms and defeat the third-level extraordinary.

Of course, in so many years, Zhou Xuanyi had also seen two such outstanding super-limit warriors, but these two people defeated those who had just entered the third level. Wu Zong.

Xu Chenzhou was different. He not only defeated famous third-level Wu Zong, but also killed a third-level late-stage Wu Zong and a third-level mid-stage mechanic in a one-on-two battle.

If this record were to be spread, the entire martial arts association would be shocked, and even the martial arts association of Xuanyang Galaxy would send people to contact Xu Chenzhou.

This is no longer a planetary genius, nor even a galaxy genius, but has reached the cosmic level!

Zhou Xuanyi thought for a while and said slowly: "Today, Zhang Lingwen will attack you because I didn't think it through.

The contract given to you was obtained directly from the Shuilanxing Martial Arts Association, so it was also entered into the system of the Martial Arts Association.

It is precisely because of this that the Tiancheng City Branch is not qualified to query your information, so they will cooperate with Li Xuangang to attack you.

I have been in seclusion these days preparing for a breakthrough. I originally planned to talk about your matter at the meeting when I came out of seclusion. I didn't expect that they would actually attack you in just a few days. I will thoroughly investigate this matter and give you an explanation.

As for Zhang Lingwen, his death was his own fault, but if this matter is reported truthfully, it will definitely cause an uproar, which will be disadvantageous to you at that time.

I will help you with this matter, including Li Chenglong's matter, you can just put it on me.

Let's be a genius who is a little outstanding, enjoy all the benefits, and don't need to bear much responsibility and danger.

It's too dangerous to be such a cosmic monster. Not only do aliens want you dead, but people from other planets and other galaxies want you dead.

The benefits are not much more, but the danger is tens of millions of times greater.

As for the matter of beating Li Xuanqi to death, you can handle it yourself. I will order the people of the Martial Arts Association to deal with it impartially.

Since you killed him in a coma, you still have some responsibility. You just need to pay a small fine at that time.

But he attacked you first, so even if he dies, he must give you some compensation from his estate.

You can still make some money after all this. "

After saying that, Zhou Xuanyi paused and took another look at Xu Chenzhou's villa, which had become a ruin: "By the way, calculate the loss of your villa and report it together. The association will give you some compensation from Zhang Lingwen's estate.

I remember that the furniture in our villa seemed to be all agarwood, right? And your parents also left you a spiritual medicine worth more than 10 billion yuan, but it was destroyed today. It's a pity.

But fortunately, Zhang Lingwen is still quite rich.

As the head of the inspection department, he still has a fortune of 40 to 50 billion yuan.

I can afford it."

Zhou Xuanyi winked at Xu Chenzhou while talking, and Xu Chenzhou understood all Zhou Xuanyi's meaning in an instant.

He nodded: "That's true. Not only that, I also have a hobby of collecting antiques.

There are antiques worth more than one billion in my study alone.

Unfortunately, these antiques are fragile and were destroyed in this battle.

And my sister likes to buy precious gems and jewelry, which are worth hundreds of millions. "

Zhou Xuanyi stepped forward and patted Xu Chenzhou on the shoulder: "That's right, that's right, you have the understanding, just report it like this. Anyway, everything is up to me.

In the past two months, I will find a house to live near your home. If anything happens, remember to send me a message. I have already pinned your message as a reminder. "

After finishing speaking, the little old man picked up the altar of immortal drunkenness in his hand and left here leisurely.

Seeing that everything was settled, Abbot Tiancan's mind and body gradually faded away.

"My little friend, remember, you can send me a message at any time if you have anything to do. Remember to come to the temple to sit there often when you have time!"

Seeing the two people leaving, Xu Chenzhou nodded and said nothing.

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