All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 127 Zhang Junbao's Teachings and Guo Fu's Aunt's Smile

The two seniors fought for him today, but they failed to stop Li Xuangang in the end, but Xu Chenzhou has remembered this favor and will definitely repay it in the future.

The collapse of the villa does not mean that Xu Chenzhou has no place to live. The Xu family is really a wealthy family. In addition to the villa, the Xu family has two properties, one of which is 2,000 meters away from the villa.

Xu Chenzhou brought the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace to the room and watched the fire in the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace burn quietly.

At first glance, this Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace is very ordinary, as if it is just an ordinary alchemy furnace, which is completely opposite to the artistic conception of the sword of the immortal.

However, Xu Chenzhou, who has seen the power of the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace, will not be confused by its appearance. He took advantage of the last period of existence of the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace to fully comprehend the artistic conception of the Bagua Furnace.

It is amazing that his three spiritual cores actually felt three different pictures at the same time.

His ego felt a piece of cosmic void, and then a pair of hands kept fiddling in the void. The galaxy was like a lace, the planets were like dust, and all things in the universe became balls in those hands, and then were dragged out of the void by those hands.

Hong Yi's spiritual core felt a round golden elixir, which was flawless, seemingly existent and nonexistent, as if it was connected with all things, and as if it was born before all things.

As for Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual core, it was relatively simple and direct. It turned out to be a white-bearded old Taoist holding a banana fan and gently fanning the wind. However, whether it was the old Taoist's sitting posture or the movement of the fan, it seemed to be natural and natural.

After a long time, Xu Chenzhou felt that the fire in the Tusita Bagua Refining Immortal Furnace was about to burn out, and he slowly woke up from the three artistic conceptions.

After watching these three pictures, Xu Chenzhou seemed to have no gains at all, but he seemed to have gained a lot.

Xu Chenzhou tried to describe the scenes of these three pictures, but found that he had no idea where to start.

What made Xu Chenzhou most difficult to describe was the face of the old Taoist with white beard in his memory, which was actually blurred.

Although Xu Chenzhou clearly remembered that the old Taoist was an old man, when he recalled carefully, the image of the Taoist changed again. The Taoist sitting cross-legged on the ground was sometimes a teenager, sometimes a young man, sometimes an old man, and sometimes even a female Taoist.

The Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao. The fact that he cannot tell the truth just means that he may have seen the real Tao.

Xu Chenzhou looked up at his watch. He seemed to be in a trance, and seventeen or eighteen hours had passed.

However, Xu Chenzhou’s inability to describe it himself did not mean that Xu Chenzhou had no way to deal with these three pictures.

Chat group, start!

Soon a prompt appeared in the group.

Xu Chenzhou uploaded three pictures of the Great Dao of Gongfa.

Seeing this prompt, Xu Chenzhou laughed, so what if the Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao, but I have a cheat.

Xu Chenzhou directly downloaded the three pictures of the Supreme Dao.

The carrier of the three pictures of the Supreme Dao given by the chat group was very strange. It was a piece of paper with a background similar to the starry sky.

The paper kept repeating the scenes that Xu Chenzhou had realized in his memory.

Especially the old Taoist with white beard, his appearance was extremely clear at this time, and there was no more blur in his memory.

At this moment, the fire was completely burned out, and the sword ball and the white fairy crystal fell out at the same time.

The existence of the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace also began to gradually fade away.

It was said that it was too late, and Xu Chenzhou directly raised his hand and stuffed the Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace into the group red envelope and sent it directly to Xiao Yangchan.

What is called plucking feathers from a passing goose?

Don't think of wasting things that have come to Xu Chenzhou's hands.

Although this is just a Tusita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace magical power, and it is also a phantom that is about to dissipate, but Xu Chenzhou always feels that this thing may have other magical uses in the prehistoric world.

However, it is a matter of great importance, so it is better to be careful.

After sending the red envelope to Xiao Yangchan, Xu Chenzhou also reminded her in every possible way not to take it out casually. No one knows what chain reaction this thing will cause. Just put it in the red envelope first, just in case.

As Xu Chenzhou uploaded these three pictures, the group members were also blown away.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "These three pictures are so mysterious, especially the picture of the white-bearded Taoist making elixirs. I don’t know why, when I saw this picture, my mind was restless and I had an impulse to have an epiphany."

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "No, Junbao, when did you become a martial arts legend? What happened these days?"

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Actually, I didn’t do anything. I just opened a small class in Xiangyang City to teach other martial arts heroes to practice martial arts. I don’t know how more and more people came to listen to the class, and then I became a martial arts legend."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "You are still talking about Zhang Junbao, why don't you quickly explain to us what you mean by the school beauty killer."

Lu Mingfei shook his head with a bitter face: "I don't know what happened. I don't know why Su Xiaoqiang and Chen Wenwen suddenly disliked each other. They quarreled in front of me every day, and then my title became the school beauty killer."

Xu Chenzhou shook his head. This kid got the advantage and still acted cute. However, it is true that Lu Mingfei is very charming now, and his whole body is full of masculinity. It is reasonable for him to be the school beauty killer.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "I was not moved by the picture of the white-bearded Taoist making elixirs, but the second picture was more touching to me. This round golden elixir looked like the embodiment of the other side realm I pursued.

And I always felt that this picture was similar to the Tai Shang Dan Jing of the Tai Shang Dao, and it was much higher and more mysterious than the Tai Shang Dan Jing."

Through the discussion in the group, Xu Chenzhou gradually had a deeper understanding of the three pictures.

The three pictures he realized were not specific exercises, but to some extent, they were more precious than exercises. They were a higher level of artistic conception and an interpretation of the Tao.

Although he could not rely on these three pictures for cultivation, he could cultivate better with them.

In the Yitian world, in Guo's mansion.

Zhang Junbao sat cross-legged on a high platform, and a group of people from the rivers and lakes sat under the platform.

Each of these Jianghu people is a hero-level figure. Usually, they are more arrogant than each other, but at this time, they are as obedient as primary school students, sitting on small stools honestly, looking up and listening to Zhang Junbao's lecture on the stage.

"Qi is before the spirit, which means the heart moves, the sky is bright and the earth is lacking, and it circulates and moves"

When Zhang Junbao was lecturing on the stage, no one dared to interrupt, and they all listened obediently.

It was not until Zhang Junbao finished speaking that these warriors dared to move and raised their arms in unison.

Zhang Junbao glanced around and saw Guo Jing's figure under the stage.

Guo Jing, a hero of this generation, now raised his arm obediently, trying to get the opportunity to ask questions.

Zhang Junbao would naturally not be so blind. He would not neglect Guo Jing even if he neglected anyone.

So he stretched out his hand and pointed: "Guo Xia, do you have any questions?"

The Jianghu heroes under the stage saw that Zhang Junbao had indeed chosen Guo Jing again. This was the nineteenth time this month.

But no one showed dissatisfaction, and no one thought it was wrong for Zhang Junbao to favor Guo Jing.

Instead, they all smiled like aunts, turned their heads to look at Guo Xiang sitting next to Guo Jing, and then turned their heads to look at Zhang Junbao sitting on the stage. The more they looked, the more they felt that they were a good match.

"Junbao, I still don't quite understand what you mean by the spirit of Qi accumulation and the self-formation of the golden elixir.

Qi is Qi, why does it become a golden elixir?

Even if it becomes a golden elixir, it should be condensed into a golden elixir under our control, why does it need a spirit?

Without this spirit, can't we rely on our own efforts to achieve the martial arts golden elixir?

For example, can't we find a way to improve the quality of the true qi, and then condense it into a golden elixir according to our will."

Zhang Junbao smiled, worthy of being Guo Jing, the great hero, and always asked questions that were on point.

Don't think that Zhang Junbao kept asking Guo Jing to answer questions because of Guo Xiang.

Strictly speaking, in fact, only 90% of it was because of Guo Xiang, and the remaining layer was because Guo Jing's questions were particularly high-quality every time.

"Is this a good question?

In fact, according to common sense, what you said, Mr. Guo, is the right way to cultivate the golden elixir of martial arts.

Ordinary martial arts in the martial arts world cultivate internal strength by moving the Qi around.

But you should know that things in the world do not come from nothing, they all have a root.

The reason why moving the Qi around can cultivate internal strength is that we slowly refine the Qi and blood in the human body and then generate internal strength.

This is also the so-called refining essence into Qi.

But the foundation of human beings has its limits, so the internal strength we cultivate also has its limits.

Even if you practice the strongest internal power secret book, when the internal strength is cultivated to the strongest level, it is nothing more than flying a hundred steps in the air, catching dragons and letting cranes fly, and the internal strength condenses into a wall of Qi outside the body."

Before Zhang Junbao finished speaking, a group of martial arts people in the audience were a little dumbfounded. What does it mean to fly a hundred steps in the air? What does it mean to form a wall of Qi outside the body?

Think about themselves, almost all of them are famous heroes in the martial arts world, but they can only spit out ten steps in the air at most in one breath, and it is difficult for the internal strength to leave the body.

Can people really be so Versailles?

If the person standing on the stage was not Zhang Jianxian, I'm afraid the rotten eggs and tomatoes in the audience would have been thrown at the stage by now.

Zhang Junbao didn't care much about the reactions of the people in the audience. After joining the chat group, Zhang Junbao's vision had already become very high. He really looked down on the cultivation that could be called a martial arts legend, such as flying a hundred steps in the air and condensing internal force into a wall of air.

"Even if this kind of internal force is trained to the extreme, there is no way to condense the martial arts golden elixir.


There is only one reason, the internal force condensed in the human body is too little and the quality is too poor.

If you want to condense it into a martial arts golden elixir, you can only change the quality of the internal force.

The most orthodox way is, of course, as Mr. Guo said.

For example, like me, it is to absorb the power of the sun.

With the help of the power of the sun, I purified the Nine Yang Qi to a state of perfection, and then successfully condensed the martial arts golden elixir.

But my way is not possible for others.

Absorbing the power of the sun is too dangerous. The sun is scorching, and the nature of the power is like a red-hot iron. Only with extremely precise control can you be sure to use the power of the sun to purify the true qi.

If you make a mistake, you will be burned to death by the scorching sun.

In addition to the power of the sun, the only power that a warrior can use is the moonlight.

It is possible to absorb the moonlight, but the problem is that it is too slow.

It would take at least a hundred years of hard work to absorb the power of the moonlight and purify the internal energy to the point where it can form elixirs.

How many hundred years are there in life?

Most people don’t have one!

To put it bluntly, I will use the method of transforming spirits as the core of the martial arts golden elixir. The main reason is because our world is not suitable for cultivation. For humans, in addition to the power of the sun, only the power of the moon can be used. .

Of course, in the future, we can also find ways to improve the way of absorbing the power of the moon, so that the time of this cultivation method can be greatly shortened.

But no matter how shortened it is, it will still take at least twenty or thirty years.

But the method of transforming spirits is different. "

Zhang Junbao talked eloquently and fully explained the advantages of the method of transforming spirits.

The so-called method of transforming spirits is actually a training plan he finally came up with after referring to part of the Taoist training system of the Yangshen World.

The warrior allows the soul to have a trace of spirituality through visualization, and then continuously purifies this spirituality, and finally integrates this spirituality into the internal power.

After the inner force has spirit, it will naturally form various forms according to the spirit.

The only energy that humans can absorb is the power of the sun and the power of the moon.

But in fact, the power of Yitian World is not sterile. Whether it is light or darkness, whether it is flowers, grass, trees, thunder and lightning, or even air, its essence contains energy.

Zhang Junbao's martial arts golden elixir method classifies common substances in the Yitian world, such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, light, electricity, etc., visualize different spiritualities, and then absorb different substances as energy.

Moreover, the strongest point of Zhang Junbao's martial arts golden elixir method is that after the practitioner converts matter into energy, once used, the energy will subsequently exist in the Yitian world in the form of extraordinary energy.

The more people practice the martial arts golden elixir method, the richer the extraordinary energy in Yitian World will be, and the higher the upper limit that subsequent practitioners can break through.

The emergence of higher-level cultivators means that the richer the extraordinary energy in Yitian World, the more people can practice.

This is simply a powerful cultivation system that can transform a world without demons into a world with high demons.

Of course, there is another problem with this cultivation system, and that is that matter is constantly being consumed. If it is a small world like that, it will not be long before the world is eaten up by cultivators, and then we will usher in the Age of Ending the Dharma, where people cannibalize themselves to become immortals.

But the problem is that Yitian World is a large universe world with real starry sky.

Zhang Junbao had already used an astronomical telescope to measure the starry sky in Yitian World, and it was absolutely true.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the entire starry sky is fake, but this possibility is too small and can be simply ignored.

With the entire universe and starry sky as the background, this system of practice is absolutely feasible.

Even if he does go astray in the future, with his strength and fists, Zhang Junbao is confident that the whole world will take a different path!

After Zhang Junbao finished explaining, everyone in the audience understood somewhat, but most of them still didn't quite understand.

But naturally no one would question Zhang Jianxian. Anyway, they all rolled up and competed to practice.

Others may deceive others, but skill will never deceive others. After one month of attending classes in Xiangyang City, the progress will be greater than ten years of practicing on my own.

Anyone who questions it should get out immediately and don't take up precious classroom seats!

A large number of heroes are rushing towards Xiangyang City!

If you don't need it, give your seat to those who need it. Don't occupy the manhole without shitting.

After class, Zhang Junbao jumped down from the high platform and walked to Guo Xiang.

"Xian'er, didn't you say you wanted to go to that street shop yesterday? I happened to be hungry, let's go together!"

Hearing the young man calling her Xiang'er in public, Guo Xiang's face turned red with embarrassment, but she had no intention of refuting.

He just pulled Zhang Junbao's sleeve: "Obviously I am hungry, but I actually said it was because I wanted to eat, how hypocritical!

But! Seeing that you work so hard in lectures, I will reluctantly eat with you! "

After saying that, the two walked out side by side.

Guo Fu also stood in the crowd, looking at her sister's back with some relief in her eyes.

Guo Fu had to admit that the first time she saw Zhang Junbao, whom her sister brought back, was so outstanding and so powerful, a feeling of jealousy arose in Guo Fu's heart.

She thinks that her appearance is definitely not worse than that of her sister. Why does her sister meet all the good men?

Yang Guo didn't say anything anymore. After all, he was the one who met him first. It was only because he was too unruly that he let Yang Guo go.

And Zhang Junbao made Guo Fu extremely unbalanced. Her sister obviously had unrequited love for Yang Guo and went out to find a man. How could she meet a man who was better than Yang Guo in the blink of an eye.

But seeing her sister and Zhang Junbao happily together every day, Guo Fu became much more relieved.

This is my sister, how can I not look forward to him?

Unless he meets a good man who can tie up his sister, will he keep watching his sister have an unrequited love for Yang Guo, wandering the rivers and lakes every day in search of an invisible Condor Hero?

Since her sister brought Zhang Junbao back to Xiangyang, this is the longest time she has stayed in Xiangyang since she met Yang Guo.

Guo Fu even felt that Guo Xiang didn't even think about leaving Xiangyang when Zhang Junbao was with him.

Although according to Guo Xiang, she promised an older brother that she would take good care of Zhang Junbao and take him to the martial arts world, so she would wait until Zhang Junbao had finished teaching her the Zhenwu Dan Condensation Method before leaving Xiangyang with him.

But my silly sister, with his current fame, does he really need you to take her to the martial arts world?

Looking at her sister's cheerful back, Guo Fu also smiled like an aunt!

I said I fell asleep while writing last night. Does anyone believe it? Haha

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