All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 128: The Transport Captain's Gold Coins, Breakthrough to the Second Level of Transcende

Star World, Xu Chenzhou’s home.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou was holding a white crystal ball and looking at it carefully.

This thing was the immortal-killing sword energy that Li Xuangang sent out at that time.

But it was later turned into a ball by Tushita Bagua Immortal Training Furnace.

Inside the crystal ball, there is a sword energy as thin as a mosquito crisscrossing left and right. Wherever the sword energy passes, everything comes and goes, and the universe falls into silence.

What a miraculous magical power, he can actually practice another magical power into a physical entity.

Xu Chenzhou secretly sighed at the magic of the Tushita Bagua Immortal Training Furnace. He took the crystal ball in his hand and gently swiped it to the right. An unknown amount of weakened Immortal Killing Sword Qi appeared in the air and slashed towards the sky.

After a moment, a white cloud in the sky that looked like a little hen was split in two by the sword energy, revealing an extremely clear blue sky.

Xu Chenzhou vaguely felt that the power of this Immortal-Slaying Sword Qi had exceeded the fourth level and reached the fifth level.

The sword energy in the crystal sword pill has also become a little weaker, and it is vaguely not so solid.

This crystal ball is a consumable item. Xu Chenzhou secretly estimated that if it was a sword energy of this intensity, it should be able to swing about thirty more times.

This made Xu Chenzhou feel quite satisfied. A crystal ball was equivalent to thirty opportunities for a fifth-level master to take action, so what else would he need for a bicycle?

Xu Chenzhou looked at the white fairy crystal next to the crystal ball. A sword energy could achieve such a harvest, so what kind of magical effects could this white fairy crystal that condensed half of the body of a cultivator in the ascending realm have?

This white fairy crystal looks crystal clear. It is a crystal-like material. Through the surface of the crystal, you can see that there are countless silver-white lines in the crystal. These lines are connected to each other in the white fairy crystal, showing an extremely beautiful scene. Complex patterns.

However, Xu Chenzhou was disappointed that although this white fairy crystal contained extremely huge energy, the energy was extremely stable and there was no way to stimulate it.

Xu Chenzhou transferred the energy in his body into the fairy crystal. These silver-white lines lit up one by one with the arrival of energy, and emitted white fluorescence outwards, giving the white fairy crystal an extremely gorgeous appearance. attitude.

These light and shadows cast on the ground form an extremely magnificent picture, with countless lines passing through it and constantly changing.

Xu Chenzhou looked carefully, and countless lines kept weaving back and forth, weaving a picture in his mind.

At ten o'clock in the Yuan Dynasty, the lanterns are first lit.

A teenage boy wearing a white martial arts uniform followed a young man wearing a black martial arts uniform, and the two of them were walking on a flower street.

The little boy's hair and clothes were covered with gray-black mud, and his martial arts uniform was damaged in many places. His hair was wet, and from time to time a drop of dirty water flowed down his forehead and then dripped from his chin.

The little boy followed the young man with a dejected look on his face.

"Brother, am I too useless? No one can beat me. I always bring shame to our Li family."

The young man turned back to the little boy and showed a warm and firm smile.

"It's okay, Xuan Gang, you've done a good job.

My parents had just passed away, and they wanted to poop and pee on our Li family’s heads.

We can't get used to people like this. It doesn't matter if we can't beat them. You still have brother here, and he will always be your strongest support! "

After hearing the young man's words, the grievance in the little boy's eyes suddenly burst out.

He stood there and started crying.

The young man ignored the mud on the little boy's body, turned around and held him in his arms, gently caressing his back and comforting him gently.

The picture turned, the scene changed, and we came to a mountain with beautiful scenery.

At this time, the little boy has grown into a young man, and the young man at that time has already grown up. He is extremely majestic, with a pair of arms with light white fluff, which looks a bit scary.

The young man looked at his brother with reluctance in his eyes, unwilling to leave.

But his brother just waved his hand gently and pushed the young man towards a middle-aged Taoist priest.

The scene changed again, this time the scene was particularly long-lasting.

In a secret room, the wall of the secret room is made of a crystal-like material, which looks crystal clear and glows with a faint light.

In front of the young man stood the middle-aged Taoist priest just now.

"Xuan Gang, it has been ten years since you joined the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect.

After ten years of cultivation, you can condense a Tao seed and enter the fourth level. You are indeed very good and qualified to learn the supreme inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect.

Today I will teach you one of the three great magical powers of the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect: to control wind and rain. "

"Walking wind and rain sounds very common. Anyone with a little bit of cultivation can do it.

But the wind they call is ordinary wind, and the rain they call is ordinary rain.

The magical power of our Nine Dragon Immortal Sect to call wind and rain comes from the Thirty-six Tiangang Dharma of Taoism, which is a peerless magical power.

Our wind-calling technique calls in the divine wind from the sky, which can summon the nine winds. The Gengjin divine wind breaks the soul, and the Likan divine wind urges the fire.

Our rain-calling technique summons the divine rain from the sky. It can summon the Nine Rains, the Ice Soul Sword Rain to damage the body, and the Spring Spirit Rain to bring all things to life. "

The middle-aged Taoist explained in detail to the young man in front of him the magical effects of the three great immortal techniques of the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect on how to make wind and rain.

In his narration, this technique of calling wind and rain can bring about nine winds and nine rains, each of which has its own magical powers and magical uses.

Some divine winds can hurt people's souls, some divine winds can stimulate people's spirits, some divine winds can transform all things, and some divine winds can freeze everything.

Just this combination of the magical power of calling wind and rain can give birth to ninety-nine and eighty-one changes.

After introducing the magical power, the middle-aged Taoist began to explain the specific tricks of the art of calling wind and rain to the young man in front of him.

Seeing this picture, Xu Chenzhou was very serious, his ears stood up high, and he didn't want to miss a word.

He didn't expect that this white fairy crystal could bring him such a huge gain.

The white fairy crystal condensed half of Li Xuangang's body, and these lines inside should be the remnants of Li Xuangang's soul.

In these lines, the most profound pictures in Li Xuangang's memory are hidden.

For Li Xuangan, the most important moment in life, apart from the years he spent with his brother before, is the time to learn the fairy method.

The magical power of calling wind and rain is very difficult and profound. Even with Xu Chenzhou's current understanding, he can't learn it in one go.

But it's not a big problem. The pictures in the white fairy crystal can be watched repeatedly. If you can't learn it once, watch it again.

In addition to the magical power of calling the wind and rain, Xu Chenzhou also learned another magical power from the white fairy crystal, which was the golden light of the earth that Li Xuangang used at that time.

But unfortunately, it should be because there is only half of Li Xuangang's soul in the fairy crystal, so except for these two most important magical powers, the other learning pictures are vague, and you can only see the pictures, and you can't hear the sound at all.

After learning these two magical powers, Xu Chenzhou is not in a hurry to practice.

First, with his current immortal cultivation, even if he learns these two magical powers, he can't exert their power.

Second, because Xu Chenzhou now has more important things to do, he has obtained the second-level breakthrough materials of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong from Zhou Xuanyi.

He has been stuck at the peak of the first level for a long time, and he can't wait to break through to the second level.

The process of breaking through the second level is quite smooth. During the time when Xu Chenzhou was stuck at the peak of the first level, he had already simulated the process of breaking through in his mind countless times.

Moreover, there is the chat group's time imprint function as insurance, so naturally there will be no problems.

The main organ of the second stage of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Cave Technique is the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Foot. After condensing this extraordinary organ, Xu Chenzhou can gain the ability to control the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi.

The most important thing is that the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Foot has the ability to shrink the earth into an inch. As long as the practitioner stands on the ground, he can shrink the earth into an inch within a hundred meters. As long as he takes a step, he can be close to the world. With this extraordinary organ, Xu Chenzhou can gain unparalleled mobility.

Xu Chenzhou integrated more than a dozen precious materials into his body and slowly transformed his calves and feet.

The essence of the earth dragon drilled into the deep of the leg bones to replace the original bone marrow, and the seven leaves, seven insects, seven grass flowers turned into a thin film and merged into the blood vessels.

After the transformation was completed, Xu Chenzhou could feel that his legs were filled with a powerful earth power, which was broad, thick, and boundless.

This earth-type power merged with the fire-type power of the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone in Xu Chenzhou's body, and began to slowly nourish his body, changing his marrow and blood. The two powerful energies merged and penetrated each other, causing Xu Chenzhou to even undergo a transition at the genetic level.

Xu Chenzhou squeezed his fist hard, and the air was squeezed with a bang.

Very good, after practicing to the second-level warrior, at least 100,000 pounds of strength has been increased. His current full-body strength has reached an astonishing 220,000 pounds.

Feeling the strength in his hands, Xu Chenzhou was very satisfied.

This is the pressure brought by the top-level martial arts, not to mention the various magical powers it brings.

The blessing of the flesh alone is already quite terrifying.

If Xu Chenzhou is still practicing the Burning Flame Demon Fist, then breaking through to the second-level warrior will give him a maximum of 20,000 pounds of strength, which is a five-fold difference.

In addition, there are new magical powers brought to him by breaking through to the second level.

In the practice space, Xu Chenzhou can release the energy of his whole body without any scruples.

The first thing to test was the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi, which has several magical uses.

The first is to manipulate soil, stone and other earth-attributed materials.

Xu Chenzhou stomped his feet lightly and released the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi into the earth.

As he stomped his feet lightly, the whole earth began to tremble, countless mud dragons drilled out from the ground, and then drilled into the ground again. The whole earth became extremely muddy, and even countless ground spikes emerged from the ground and flew towards the sky.

Then Xu Chenzhou controlled the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi to test his control ability. It only took him half an hour to control countless soil and stones to build a city in the cultivation space.

In addition to the ability to control soil and stone, the strongest ability of the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi is to be able to condense a Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Armor, which can absorb countless mineral essences in the earth and is extremely hard.

The most buggy thing is that just step on the earth, this secondary Earth Dragon Armor can be infinitely repaired.

Xu Chenzhou had tested it and found that even if he used his 220,000-jin physical strength to strike with all his strength, he could only create a crack in the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Armor. If he stepped on the ground, it would only take one second to completely repair it.

This is a bit too hard.

Xu Chenzhou looked at his own defense system and even he began to think it was a bit excessive.

The outermost layer is a layer of Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, and inside the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique is a layer of Huangdi Earth Dragon Armor.

A turtle shell inside a turtle shell, this is what people do.

Xu Chenzhou even has the urge to find a body training technique, cultivate his physical body to the level of diamond indestructibility, and then get a body protection magic weapon, a four-layer turtle shell, directly from Lili Yuanshangpu

Now if Xu Chenzhou fights with someone, then the opponent should be quite collapsed.

After all the hardships, he finally broke through the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, thinking that he could finally hurt Xu Chenzhou.

As a result, he encountered the same ridiculously hard Huangdi Earth Dragon Armor, what a desperate thing it was.

Then Xu Chenzhou tested the ability to shrink the earth into an inch.

This ability is the magical power of the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Foot. After using this ability, Xu Chenzhou can take a step of 100 meters. As long as Xu Chenzhou is willing, one second is enough for him to run 4,000 to 5,000 meters, which makes up for his weak mobility.

After testing the mobility speed, Xu Chenzhou announced that he was already a hexagonal warrior, with full attack and defense speed, and he could be called the most fierce tiger of the empire!

In addition, after possessing the power of the earth, Xu Chenzhou was finally able to use the strongest magical power of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Hole.

The principle of the Five Elements Mixed Hole is to use the conflict between the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and the Five Elements to create a terrible mixed hole.

Although Xu Chenzhou now only has the incomplete version of the power of the Two Emperors, Two Dragons and Two Elements, it is enough to support him to use the incomplete version of the Five Elements Mixed Hole.

Xu Chenzhou kept running and blending the Red Emperor's Fire Dragon Flame and the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi in his body according to the techniques recorded in the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Mixed Hole.

Slowly, a huge red and yellow vortex appeared outside his body.

The vortex contained extremely terrifying energy, and the red flames and yellow earth and rocks kept rotating, rotating faster and faster, so fast that golden thunder appeared in the mixed hole due to friction.

Thunder roared, and the red and yellow mixed hole was like a millstone, grinding all the materials involved into powder.

This scene was like the collapse of a planet, the fall of a star in the wilderness, and the end of the world coming to the world.

As the speed of this huge vortex turned faster and faster, Xu Chenzhou gradually lost control.

He pushed his hand forward violently, and this huge vortex slowly moved forward.

All the materials were sucked into the vortex, and even Xu Chenzhou himself could not control his body and was almost sucked into the out-of-control five-element mixed hole.

As the vortex moved farther and farther away from Xu Chenzhou, the vortex without Xu Chenzhou to coordinate the balance of the two forces slowly lost balance.

At the moment of annihilation, the vortex released an extremely terrifying explosion, and the red and yellow energy swept out, dyeing the entire cultivation space white.

When the explosion came, Xu Chenzhou walked forward to check. A huge pit over a thousand meters long appeared on the ground. Everything in the pit was completely annihilated, leaving only the extremely smooth and crystallized ground. From a distance, it looked like a huge semicircular bowl.

In fact, when practitioners reach the later stage of cultivation, their moves no longer pursue the range of destructive power.

The battle between high-level practitioners is not about who has greater destructive power, but about who has higher quality of power and faster speed. Even the battle at the higher end will look at the nature of power.

But to be honest, if Xu Chenzhou is given enough time to accumulate power and brew the Five Elements Mixed Hole to the point of being close to out of control, this move will be unbearable even for a fourth-level extraordinary practitioner.

And even if you don't deliberately pursue the out-of-control effect and stay at a controllable level, the power of the Five Elements Mixed Hole is quite terrifying, and even a third-level practitioner will find it difficult to withstand this power.

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