All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 129 How come my big home is gone!

Although Xu Chenzhou could match two extraordinary third-level practitioners before, that was when he used the Divine Power Talisman.

If he did not use the Divine Power Talisman, Xu Chenzhou's regular combat power would be equivalent to the early third-level.

Now that he has entered the extraordinary second level, Xu Chenzhou's combat power has greatly increased. In addition, the Five Elements Mixed Hole move can be used at any time without much consumption. Xu Chenzhou's current regular combat power can already crush most extraordinary third-level practitioners.

After sorting out his gains, Xu Chenzhou opened the chat group and uploaded the two magical powers he had realized today to the chat group.

Xu Chenzhou uploaded, Immortal Method Golden Light of the Earth, Immortal Method Calling Wind and Rain.

The people in the group were also very excited to see these two skills. When Xu Chenzhou was attacked before, he opened a live broadcast for them.

So everyone present knew how strong the two magical powers of Calling Wind and Rain and Golden Light of the Earth were.

However, as the number of skills in the group increased, many group members gradually made choices. After all, human energy is limited. Even if there is a time acceleration function, it is impossible to learn all the skills in the group.

Group members like Han Li, Lu Mingfei, Yang Chan, etc. who follow the immortal system have downloaded skills.

Group members who focus on other cultivation systems such as Hong Yi, Xiao Shihao, Misaka Mikoto, etc. did not choose to download these two magical powers.

Han Li (Divine Doctor): "Tell you a good news, the ancient dragon tooth rice can be mass-produced."

Then Han Li posted a video in the group.

He opened up ten acres of farmland in the God Hand Valley, and planted one thick dragon tooth rice seed after another in the farmland, then pinched the seal, countless runes on his body flowed, and a virtual Suanni phantom appeared behind Han Li, countless lightning flashed, and the lightning true energy even condensed into streams of liquid, and then Han Li poured these streams of lightning true liquid into the farmland.

The land in the field suddenly turned bright purple, and countless electric sparks flashed in the field. From a distance, it was magnificent and fantastic.

Of course, with the power of Han Li's current Suanni treasure technique, the lightning liquid condensed by a spell is far from enough to irrigate the entire field.

In fact, in order to plant this time's Taigu Longya Rice, Han Li has been preparing for ten days.

Then Han Li carefully sprinkled a drop of towering fortune dew evenly on the ten acres of cultivated land. A green light flashed, and countless Taigu Longya Rice trees rose from the ground and produced one by one Longya Rice fruit.

It only took a moment for Longya Rice to grow from breaking the soil to becoming a tree. When the fruit matured, the trunk slowly withered until it turned into a dead tree, as if all the essence was absorbed by the Taigu Longya Rice.

Han Li uploaded the red envelope, Taigu Longya Rice.

Taigu Longya Rice, like the previous Qiankun Yiqi Rice, is also a share for everyone in the group.

However, because it takes ten days to gather the thunder liquid needed for planting once, the number of ancient dragon teeth Han Li sent to the group was not as much as the Qiankun Yiqi rice.

And because of the basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance, the group members have a strong digestive ability, so their appetites are very good, and each of them can be called a big eater.

Although there are a lot of these ancient dragon teeth rice, they are only enough for the group members to cultivate for one month.

At the celebration banquet before, everyone had tried the effect of the ancient dragon teeth rice. Long-term consumption can cleanse the body, strengthen the blood, and even increase the qualifications. No matter what cultivation system, it is the best food.

So this time Han Li was able to successfully plant the ancient dragon teeth rice, and the group members were very excited.

Little Nannan (homeless little girl): "Thank you, Brother Han Li, for the ancient dragon tooth rice. With it, I can practice faster and find my brother!"

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): "Brother Han Li is mighty, Brother Han Li is domineering! (Cat bows.jpg)"

Little Yangchan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "By the way, the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit I planted has also matured. Brother Han Li, you don't have to send me the Cantian Creation Dew after today."

After that, Little Yangchan also distributed the ripe Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit to the group members according to the agreed share.

Xu Chenzhou got three, and the group members except Han Li got one each, and Han Li got nine.

At this time, Zhang Junbao suddenly spoke.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "Little Yangchan, can you plant the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit again? I will provide the Cantian Creation Liquid for this planting."

Zhang Junbao also accelerated time many times, and naturally had a part of the Cantian Creation Liquid in his hand.

One Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit is enough for Zhang Junbao to strengthen his physique and achieve a congenital body. He wants to plant it again, not for himself.

He wants to plant the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit again mainly for Master Jueyuan.

Master Jueyuan is over 50 this year. In the original timeline, Master Jueyuan has passed away this year.

Although he has avoided death now, Zhang Junbao still feels uneasy.

Although the old man has profound internal strength now, his body has gradually withered.

As a disciple who has depended on Master Jueyuan since childhood, Zhang Junbao will naturally not watch Master Jueyuan slowly decline.

With this fruit to improve the body, plus the martial arts golden elixir method he has studied, Zhang Junbao is confident that Master Jueyuan can be rejuvenated and live again.

Xiao Yangchan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Of course, planting the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit doesn't take much effort anyway. Just drop a drop of the Cantian Creation Liquid every day.

But Brother Junbao, you want to plant this Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit, it's not for Sister Guo Xiang, right?

Wait until Sister Guo Xiang can also live forever, so that Brother Junbao can live with her and become a pair of immortal lovers. ”

Zhang Junbao blushed slightly when he saw the message sent by Xiao Yangchan. Although his main purpose was to improve Master Jueyuan's physique, it would be a lie if he said that he didn't think about Xiang'er at all.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Junbao, can you add me in? You should have more than enough of the eighteen Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruits. I will also contribute some of the Cantian Creation Liquid, and we will share it equally when the time comes."

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "And me, and me, I want to participate too! "

Xu Chenzhou raised his eyebrows. He could understand Misaka Mikoto's participation in this plan.

Although Misaka Mikoto has not met Shirai Kuroko, Saten Ruiko, Hatsuharu Shikiri and others yet, except for her girlfriends, it is normal for Misaka Mikoto to give the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit to Kamijou Touma, who has been practicing the Great Bull Demon Fist under her devilish training, or to her father and mother.

But what does Xiaolu want the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit for?

Xiaolu, who has just returned, should not have anyone he cares about in the Dragon Clan World. Senior Brother Chu is still studying at Kassel Academy, and his parents are missing. He can't be giving the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit to his uncle, aunt and Lu Mingze.

There must be something wrong with this kid, but he is just hiding it from the group members.

Zhang Junbao naturally didn't know what Misaka Mikoto and Lu Mingfei were saying. He would not refuse. After all, six Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruits were enough for him. In this way, he could save a lot of Cantian Creation Dew to plant other spiritual medicines.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then Xu Chenzhou went offline.

He took out three Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruits from the red envelope.

These three fruits were red all over. From a distance, there were streams of fairy light flowing under the peel, but this appearance was very extraordinary.

Moreover, the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit contained extremely powerful life force. If Xu Chenzhou was not in a reinforced concrete room, I am afraid that countless tender green grass buds would have drilled out of the ground now!

Looking at this beautiful and rare fruit in front of him, Xu Chenzhou fell into deep thought.

The main purpose of his wanting to plant this fruit was to help Xu Mo Ran improve his qualifications.

However, in the current situation, Xu Chenzhou did not know what happened to his sister. Does the little sister need this fruit?

There is no doubt that this little girl must have the qualifications to cultivate immortals.

Moreover, the little sister has such a deep connection with the Supreme Creation Sect, and Xu Chenzhou does not know whether it is good or bad for her to take this fruit.

If the change is too big and attracts the covetousness of some people, it will be counterproductive.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chenzhou decided to give the choice to the little bun herself.

Whether to eat or not, it depends on her own choice.

After making up his mind, Xu Chenzhou ate the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit that belonged to him.

The taste at this moment made Xu Chenzhou sigh that there is such a delicious food in this world.

It is fragrant, soft and sweet, and it also has a strange fragrance, which makes people feel as if they have come to the fairy palace in the sky.

After a few bites, only the core of this sweet fruit is left.

Then Xu Chenzhou felt that there was Nine green airs kept flowing in the body.

As the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit washed his marrow, some gray dust appeared on Xu Chenzhou's body.

These dusts did not smell bad, but the color was quite dull, an indescribable gray.

After shaking off the dust, Xu Chenzhou took a shower, put on a martial arts uniform and stood in front of the mirror. He could not help but be impressed by the handsome guy in the mirror.

Is this me?

How could he be so handsome!

After crossing over, Xu Chenzhou's appearance was quite high. He was tall, had long limbs, and had good facial features. His appearance was not inferior to some stars.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou had a touch of fairy spirit on the basis of the original. His skin was as smooth as jade, as if it was glowing slightly, and his facial features seemed to have been corrected. Just a slight adjustment made his appearance rise to a higher level again.

He was so handsome that he even shocked himself.

Let's just say that in front of the current Xu Chenzhou, Louis Koo in the White Ancient Period was just an ordinary passerby.

Really ordinary Louis Koo.

Just then, the smart bracelet kept vibrating, reminding him that someone was sending him a message.

Xu Chenzhou quickly opened his communication software.

He saw Xu Mo Ran sending him dozens of messages like a screen.


Where is our home!

We have such a big home!

How come my home is gone after I went out for a while!!"

Picture [There is a ruin in the open space. From the debris left by the ruins, it can be seen that this is a villa with quite exquisite decoration, but at this time only a piece of debris and broken walls are left, and only the foundation is barely intact. ]

After this message, Xu Mo Ran also sent many messages in succession, asking Xu Chenzhou where he is now and whether he is in danger.

Seeing the message sent by Xu Mo Ran, Xu Chenzhou touched his forehead.

It's over. He has been too busy these two days. He has been comprehending the Tushita Bagua Immortal Furnace and breaking through the second-level warrior. He actually forgot to tell Xu Mo Ran that his home is gone.

Xu Cheng quickly replied: "Hello, brother, come quickly!"

Then Xu Chenzhou sent his current address to Xu Mo Ran.

After a while, a petite figure rushed into the room.

"Brother! What happened? Why is our home gone?

Who did it? I'm so angry!

My clothes, my dolls, my pots and pans!!!"

The little bun was angry, and his chubby face was even more round.

A small pink fist was clenched in front of his chest, and anger flashed between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

This was the first time Xu Chenzhou saw Xu Mo Ran so angry.

Usually, this little girl was soft in front of Xu Chenzhou, and Xu Chenzhou had never seen her angry.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand: "It's okay, although the home is gone, there will be a large amount of compensation, enough to buy more than a dozen villas.

This wave is considered a blood profit. Whatever clothes and dolls you want, brother will buy them for you!"

The moment she saw Xu Chenzhou, Xu Mo Ran was suddenly stunned. She stared at Xu Chenzhou blankly, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou seemed to be glowing in Xu Mo Ran's eyes, with skin as soft as jade and a temperament as ethereal as a fairy.

Fortunately, this is his own brother. If someone else is so handsome, Xu Mo Ran doesn't know if he can stand it.

"Ah, brother, did you go for some plastic surgery? How come your skin has become so good?"

Xu Chenzhou raised his hand and looked at the skin on his forearm. It was indeed amazing, white as jade, and shiny and flawless.

This is all the effect of the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit. After returning to the innate, Xu Chenzhou's body became a flawless true body, and his skin was naturally scary.

"Go away, why do I, a grown man, have plastic surgery? My skin got better because I ate a fruit."

"Fruit! What kind of fruit is so magical? I want it too. Give me one too!"

"Of course I won't eat it all by myself. I will definitely leave a portion for you, but don't worry about the fruit. Explain to me what this amulet is about."

Xu Chenzhou took out the sachet from his arms and placed it in front of Xu Mo Ran.

Seeing the shriveled sachet with traces of smoke on it, Xu Mo Ran's eyes changed, and his pupils were like an earthquake.

"The whole piece of the amulet is burned, what on earth happened to you, brother!"

Xu Moyan was extremely shocked.

Because according to her prediction, this amulet is enough to protect Xu Chenzhou from hundreds of life-and-death crises.

This amulet contains the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace, one of the three great magical powers of the Taishang Creation Sect. As long as the carrier encounters a life-and-death crisis, the magical power in the amulet will manifest and protect the carrier's life.

And the most amazing thing is that this magical power has already produced a trace of spirituality. According to the degree of crisis, it will only use a part of its power to protect the carrier each time.

With Xu Chenzhou's current cultivation and the enemies he encountered, even if he encountered hundreds of life-and-death crises in a row, this amulet should not be burned out.

But now, this amulet is completely burned out!

Xu Chenzhou pulled Xu Moyan to sit on the sofa, poured a cup of tea, and slowly told what happened a few days ago.

Listening to Xu Chenzhou's narration, Xu Moyan was shocked the whole time.

What! The owner of Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall is so shameless!

As a third-level master, he actually attacked a first-level warrior?

What! How can my brother be so awesome that even a third-level master can't beat him!

What! The Public Security Bureau and the Martial Arts Association are so shameless that two third-level masters besieged my brother!

What! My brother actually killed him directly. I'm not listening to a myth!

But during this period, Xu Moran's emotions were still controllable.

After all, her brother is sitting in front of him in one piece.

Until Xu Moran heard that Li Xuangang of Jiulong Xianmen used the big to bully the small to deal with Xu Chenzhou, and even broke the jade talisman to use a sword energy to cut the immortal.

A trace of deep murderous intent flashed in Xu Moran's eyes.

This murderous intent was so strong that Xu Chenzhou, who was sitting opposite, was a little frightened.

"So sister, don't you explain what's going on with this peace amulet you asked for?"

As far as I know, immortal cultivators should not be allowed to go down the mountain and interfere in the world at will.

So, logically speaking, you should not be a cultivator yet.

But if you are not a cultivator, how can you get this amulet? "

After saying all this, Xu Chenzhou took another sip of tea, looked at Xu Mo Ran, and waited for her answer.

Faced with this question, the little bun's face was a little hesitant, as if he didn't know where to start.

Seeing Xu Mo Ran's face was a little embarrassed, Xu Chenzhou sighed.

"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, don't say it.

But remember, I'm your brother!

If you encounter any obstacles that you can't get over, you must tell me. "

Hearing Xu Chenzhou say this, Xu Mo Ran shook his head.

"In fact, there is nothing that can't be said, I just don't know how to say it.

In fact, I haven't been in contact with cultivators for a long time.

About half a year ago, I accompanied my classmates to Gu Yue Guan to ask for divination.

Then I met an old Taoist priest there. At first sight, the old Taoist priest was shocked by my qualifications and insisted on accepting me as a disciple. "

Xu Chenzhou nodded. This was almost what he expected. The little boy had not been in contact with immortal cultivators for a long time, so his cultivation level should not be high, or he may not have started practicing yet.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to be unaware of it.

Xu Moyan sighed and continued.

"After knowing that this old Taoist priest was an immortal cultivator, I was naturally willing to become his disciple.

It is of course a good thing to be an immortal cultivator.

Brother, you have been working so hard in the past two years. You have been practicing martial arts day and night for the martial arts school left by your parents. I feel sad when I see you.

If I can become an immortal cultivator, I can share your pressure and save you from so much hardship.

But the problem is that my qualifications are quite special. I am not very suitable for other martial arts, but I am very suitable for a very special martial arts book."

There is more tonight, it will be very late, and there should be two or three chapters.

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