All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 130: Supreme Forgetfulness

After hearing this, Xu Chenzhou understood that there might be some problems with the technique that was suitable for Xu Mo Ran to practice.

As expected, Xu Mo Ran paused and continued.

"If I don't choose the technique that suits me, I can only practice to the fifth level with my qualifications, and there is no hope of breaking through to the realm of true immortals.

The elders of the sect naturally hope that I can practice the technique that suits me, but I don't want to practice that technique.

The technique that suits me is the inheritance of the Tai Shang Zao Hua Sect, called the Tai Shang Wang Qing Chapter. This technique is said to be inherited from a mythical figure.

People who practice this technique not only have extremely fast progress in cultivation, but also extremely powerful combat power. It is said that they can fight to the nine heavens and ten earths, and the Great Dao will be wiped out, and there will be no rivals in heaven and earth.

The only disadvantage is that the higher the cultivation, the weaker the emotions.

Even after practicing to a very high level, the practitioner will lose all emotions and enter a state called Tai Shang Wang Qing, with his own heart in harmony with the heart of heaven, and the cultivation can be improved by leaps and bounds, and in harmony with the Great Dao. Practitioners in this state have completely lost their personal desires and become an absolutely rational machine."

Speaking of this, Xu Mo Ran's emotions have collapsed a little.

"Although I am willing to become an immortal cultivator, if I practice this technique and reach the state of supreme forgetfulness, will I still be myself?"

Hearing what Xu Mo Ran said, Xu Chenzhou was slightly stunned.

The Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, this technique is obviously inherited from the Supreme Saint.

But why does this description sound a little wrong.

The higher the level of cultivation, the weaker the emotions. After entering the state of supreme forgetfulness, one will even lose all emotions and finally become an absolutely rational machine.

This seems to be a little different from the supreme forgetfulness that Xu Chenzhou knew.

"The sect put a lot of pressure on me. Many elders in the sect asked me to follow the path of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

Because among the disciples of this year's sect, I am the only one who has the potential to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

The sect needs an immortal who practices the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter to suppress the sect's fortune.

The master is very good to me. He allows me to choose the path of practice according to my own wishes, but the pressure from the sect also makes him very embarrassed.

He gave me a second way to go, which is to give up entering the Supreme Creation Sect.

As long as I don't join the Supreme Creation Sect, I naturally have no obligation to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

So I have been struggling recently."

Xu Chenzhou reached out and touched Xu Moyan's head.

"Since you have so many things in your heart, why don't you tell your brother?"

Xu Mo Ran lowered his head in frustration: "Isn't it because I'm afraid you will worry?

And after I officially become a cultivator, I have to move to the mountain gate to live.

I can't bear to be separated from my brother, so I haven't told you about this."

At this time, Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this little girl hadn't told him after she had the opportunity to become a cultivator. It turned out that she was hesitating whether to give up her identity as a cultivator.

But this Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter is really a bit weird. At this moment, Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Since the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter is so mysterious, and the cultivators who practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter have such high combat power, then where have all the cultivators who practiced the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter in the Supreme Creation Sect gone? Why are they so eager to have you practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter?"

Xu Mo Ran shook his head: "I don't know about this. They should all be dead. According to Master, most of the practitioners of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter died in the depths of the starry sky battlefield, and a small number died in the civil war of the immortal sect."

This made Xu Chenzhou feel more and more that something was wrong.

If it is really the Supreme Forgetfulness, indifferent to all emotions, and only rationality remains, then the mortality rate of people who practice this technique should definitely not be so high.

After all, only rationality remains, so survival becomes the first element.

A person who has no emotions but only rationality and takes survival as the first goal can definitely live a long life.

Even if they die in battle occasionally for one reason or another, there should still be many cultivators who can survive.

Unless the cultivator is absolutely rational and does not take survival as the first element.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou felt a little numb on his scalp.

"So what do you think now, sister? Are you going to give up becoming a cultivator, or are you going to join the Supreme Creation Sect?"

Xu Moyan looked up at Xu Chenzhou and said slowly.

"I thought about it for a long time and decided to join the Supreme Creation Sect to learn the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

After all, with my qualifications, if I don't practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, I can only join some very small immortal cultivation sects.

In this case, I have almost no potential to become a true immortal.

It is too difficult to survive in this world without enough power.

If I hadn't given you the amulet today, you would be in danger today.

The Nine Dragons Immortal Sect is not even in the mainstream in front of the Supreme Creation Sect.

Especially the Li Xuangang you mentioned, I also met him some time ago. At that time, he didn't even dare to speak loudly in front of me.

But in a blink of an eye, he can pose such a big threat to you, brother.

I want to have enough power to protect the people I cherish around me.

According to the master, although the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter can make people indifferent, after entering the Supreme Forgetfulness realm, they will still protect everything they cherish in their hearts.

So even if I really forget about love and become an absolutely rational practitioner, I can still protect my brother for the rest of my life

Xu Mo Ran's words made Xu Chenzhou feel warm in his heart.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been taking care of his sister and protecting her smooth growth.

Now the little girl has finally grown up, and even wants to protect her brother in return.

But if Xu Mo Ran just wants to cultivate immortality and have power, then he really doesn't have to join the Supreme Creation Sect.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head: "That being said, the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter you just mentioned sounds too weird.

Brother, I have another way here, do you want to try it?"

After saying that, Xu Chenzhou flipped his hand, and a Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit appeared in his hand.

"This fruit was obtained by your brother by accident. It is said that eating it can improve one's aptitude and make one achieve a congenital body.

You just asked me why my skin became so good, it was because I ate this fruit.

But after eating this fruit, the body will change a lot, both the external appearance and the internal aptitude will have a huge change.

It may not be easy to explain to the Tai Shang Zao Hua Sect at that time, Mo Ran, you decide whether to eat it or not."

Seeing this fruit, Xu Mo Ran's eyes lit up.

Although she has not officially joined Taishan Zao Hua Sect, the elders have long regarded Xu Mo Ran as a direct disciple of Tai Shang Zao Hua Sect.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Xu Mo Ran is now the number one Taoist seed of Taishan Zao Hua Sect.

Following this group of elders, Xu Mo Ran has seen many fairy treasures, but none of them can compare with the fruit in Xu Chenzhou's hand.

Not only that, Xu Mo Ran can feel that just smelling the fragrance of this fruit, her body is already eager, and she has a feeling of extreme desire.

Then she couldn't help but reach out one hand and took the fruit from Xu Chenzhou's hand.

"Brother, don't worry. With my status in the Supreme Creation Sect, no one dares to touch me even if there are huge changes."

Knowing that Xu Chenzhou had eaten the fruit, Xu Mo Ran put the fruit into his mouth without any hesitation.

In an instant, nine streams of clear air fell like a river in the sky, washing away the dirt in Xu Mo Ran's body and transforming her physique from an acquired body to an innate body.

Xu Chenzhou could clearly see that piles of gray powder had precipitated from Xu Mo Ran's body, which was gray and hard to describe.

However, the gray powder on Xu Mo Ran's body was much less than what he had just precipitated, which might be because there was still a certain gap between him and Xu Mo Ran in terms of immortal qualifications.

With a cry of surprise, Xu Mo Ran shyly hid in the bathroom.

Even in front of his brother, this gray and dusty image made Xu Mo Ran feel a little embarrassed.

After a while, the little girl came out of the bathroom again after washing up.

The moment he saw Xu Mo Ran now, Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up.

Xu Mo Ran's skin was originally very good, the kind of white and rosy pink, and now it has changed like a reborn. From a distance, it looks like a piece of white jade, which makes Xu Mo Ran's already very cute appearance even better.

The change in appearance is only the most minor. The most important thing is that Xu Chenzhou can feel that Xu Mo Ran has become a spiritual vortex. Just walking, sitting or lying down, he can constantly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air.

Just after walking out of the bathroom, Xu Mo Ran shouted to Xu Chen Zhou with great excitement: "Brother, the fruit you gave me is so magical. I feel that my whole physique has completely changed.

I just tried to practice the introductory exercises given to me by the sect. My practice speed has increased by more than 5 times, and the practice speed of the introductory chapter of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter has increased by more than 10 times.

With my current qualifications, even if I practice other exercises in the sect, I can be considered a genius.

And the most important thing is that this fruit has a really good effect on improving the skin."

Xu Mo Ran said happily, and while talking, he kept looking at the forearms and calves exposed outside the pajamas. The smooth and delicate skin made Xu Mo Ran himself look a little absent-minded.

Hearing that Xu Mo Ran not only had the sect's introductory exercises in his hands, but also the contents of the introductory chapter of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, Xu Chen Zhou's eyes moved.

The Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter described by Xu Mo Ran was really strange, which made Xu Chenzhou want to see its true face.

And Xu Chenzhou was also curious about the cultivation system of the main world.

"I am a little curious about what this Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter is. Can you show me the entry-level exercises given to you by the sect and the entry chapter of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter?"

Xu Mo Ran nodded: "Of course, the sect does not strictly control the entry-level exercises. There is no need to make a heavenly oath. As long as you don't say it and I don't say it, there will be no problem."

After that, Xu Mo Ran took out two books with white covers from his arms.

Xu Chenzhou quickly took it from Xu Mo Ran's hand and began to browse the contents of the book very seriously.

The entry-level exercises of the Supreme Creation Sect detailed the ninth-level cultivation path of the main world cultivators.

The first level is divine light, the second level is Tao seeds, the third level is life-nourishing, the fourth level is Tao birth, the fifth level is ascension, the sixth level is true immortal, the seventh level is mysterious immortal, the eighth level is Taiyi, and the ninth level is Daluo.

If you want to cultivate immortality, you must have the corresponding qualifications.

The so-called qualifications are actually the natural shortcuts. Only those with such qualifications can reflect the Heavenly Dao in their souls, generate the Heavenly Dao's shadow and transform into divine light, and enter the first-level divine light realm.

This is also the reason why the success rate of immortal cultivators is so high. Because the cultivation of immortal cultivators from the first to the fifth level, strictly speaking, the Heavenly Dao's shadow has paved the way when the immortal cultivators enter the first level. In the future, they only need to slowly nourish this divine light to grow, become a seed of Tao, nourish life and contain Tao, life becomes Tao, step by step, and then enter the path of true immortality.

This special way of cultivation also brings a problem. Once entering the first-level divine light realm, it is difficult for immortal cultivators to change their cultivation methods.

Because all the cultivation of immortal cultivators revolves around this divine light that has been transformed, all subsequent cultivation is to let this divine light transform into Tao, lead the cultivators to step up the steps and condense into immortal roots.

However, after achieving the sixth level of the True Immortal Realm, the immortal roots are condensed and the foundation is established. At this time, it is not so difficult to go back and modify the cultivation method from a high-level perspective.

This is why Xu Moyan has not officially started to practice the method of transforming into divine light, but just keeps absorbing spiritual energy to nourish the foundation.

Because once she enters the first level of the Divine Light Realm, she will have no chance to regret.

Xu Chenzhou opened the introductory chapter of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter and read it carefully.

This introductory chapter is very simple. It only contains the method of absorbing spiritual energy to nourish the foundation and the method of visualizing the Supreme Sitting and Forgetting Dao Diagram to transform into the Heavenly Dao Divine Light.

There are no other subsequent exercises.

No wonder the Supreme Creation Sect was so confident in handing this introductory chapter to Xu Moyan.

Pulling out a picture of the Supreme Sitting and Forgetting Dao in the book, Xu Chenzhou frowned more and more as he looked at it.

This picture of the Supreme Forgetfulness Taoism is very mysterious. There is a huge black and white Tai Chi picture in the void. Two Taoists stand opposite each other in the picture of the Tai Chi. One Taoist wears black and the other wears white. They stand in a quiet confrontation.

The faces of the two Taoists are neither sad nor happy, as if they have no concern for everything. They have a sense of indifference that the heaven and earth are not kind and treat everything as straw dogs.

This picture of Taoism is very mysterious. Just looking at it makes people feel the artistic conception of the Supreme Forgetfulness.

The Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter relies on visualizing the Supreme Forgetfulness Taoism picture to imprint it into the depths of one's soul, and then induce the Great Dao to contact it, carve a trace of charm from the Great Dao, and then leave it in the soul, slowly nourishing and transforming into divine light.

But the more Xu Chenzhou looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong. There was something wrong with this picture.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou had three pictures that were very similar to this picture in his hand.

It was the three pictures of the Supreme that he had comprehended from the Tusita Bagua Xianxian furnace a few days ago.

To be honest, this picture is indeed similar to the three pictures of the Supreme Master he comprehended.

For example, as long as Xu Chenzhou's eyes leave this picture of the Supreme Master's Forgetfulness of Love, it is difficult to depict the charm of this picture, let alone redraw it.

Another point is the breath of the Supreme Master, the feeling of doing nothing and doing everything is also very similar.

But in the most basic description, this picture is completely different from the three pictures of the Supreme Master that Xu Chenzhou comprehended.

In the image of the Supreme Master in the three pictures of the Supreme Master that Xu Chenzhou comprehended, the Supreme Master's Forgetfulness of Love is not ruthless, but forgetting love and gaining love. It seems to be doing nothing, but in fact it is doing everything. It seems to forget love, but in fact it is forgetting love.

Forgetting love is not a result, but a process, because only after forgetting love can we truly understand what love is, and can we achieve that everything is not bound by love but has love.

That's why Xu Chenzhou felt strange when he heard Xu Moyan's description, because not long ago he had come face to face with the charm of the Supreme through the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace.

But there was another point that made Xu Chenzhou a little confused, because the way he comprehended the charm of the Supreme was through the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace of the Supreme Creation Sect.

So it stands to reason that if he could come into contact with the charm of the Supreme through the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace, then the cultivators of the Supreme Creation Sect should be able to do it as well.

If that's the case, why would they use such a scattered picture of the Supreme Sitting and Forgetting as the foundation of the Supreme Forgetting Love Chapter.

Cultivating with such a wrong foundation will naturally lead to a wrong result.

So if he doesn't use this picture of the Supreme Sitting and Forgetting as the foundation, but instead uses the three pictures of the Supreme that he has comprehended as the foundation for cultivation, can he get rid of this drawback?

Xu Chenzhou thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out.

Even if his current comprehension is amazing, he can't brainstorm a cultivation system that he has never come into contact with.

In this case, Xu Chenzhou did not want Xu Mo Ran to practice this technique for the time being.

He had the cultivation function of the chat group as an insurance for exploring the road, but Xu Mo Ran did not.

Even if he really wanted to practice, he had to wait until he had paved the way first.

However, the Supreme Forgetting Love Chapter could not be practiced, and Xu Chenzhou had another technique that he could give to Xu Mo Ran to practice.

Xu Chenzhou reached into his arms and started the chat group at the same time, and a Jade Void Refining Qi Technique materialized in his arms.

After studying the immortal cultivation system of the main world just now, Xu Chenzhou found that the immortal cultivation system of the main world and the immortal cultivation system of the prehistoric world were two completely unrelated cultivation systems.

The first five realms of cultivation in the main world, Divine Light, Dao Seed, Nourishing Life, Dao Life, and Ascending the Steps, are all in the Sea of ​​Gods, with God as the foundation and Dao Seed as the core, and they blossom and bear fruit step by step.

The Yuxu Qigong is a standard Qigong technique, which is to take in Qi and maintain health. It takes Dantian as the core, and goes through Qigong, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transformation of spirit, fusion, refining emptiness, Mahayana and finally ascending.

Although both cultivation systems cultivate spirit and Qi at the same time, there is no essential change in each other, so there will be no impact at all.

Simply put, the two cultivation systems are like the power systems of oil cars and electric cars. Although both are core and spiritual energy, they have two different systems.

Except for the power system, other parts can be used universally, such as magical skills and the understanding of the great way.

Xu Chenzhou can feel that if you have a foundation in one system, it will be a natural and smooth process to cultivate another system.

Moreover, practitioners who cultivate two systems at the same time are more like extended-range vehicles when fighting. They can use both the cultivation system and the other system, which is more comprehensive and has a stronger endurance.

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