All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 131 The Yuhua Dynasty has gone crazy

After reading this alternative book of immortal cultivation techniques that Xu Chenzhou took out, Xu Moran was in a state of shock.

She stepped forward and touched Xu Chenzhou's forehead with her hand, and then touched her own forehead with her hand.

My brother must have been burned out, and was deceived by someone using a fake Kung Fu book.

Qi-building foundation pill Yuanying, what kind of cultivation system is this, how can it be a method of cultivating immortals!

Could it be that my brother bought this technique from a street stall?

Why has she never heard of this cultivation system?

During the period of time when he came into contact with the Taishang Creation Sect, Xu Moran already had a deep understanding of the world of immortality.

The cultivation path from the divine light realm to the ascending realm has been deeply ingrained in Xu Moran's mind.

But Xu Moran thought of the magical fruit that Xu Chenzhou brought to her, and hesitated a little, wondering whether she should question Xu Chenzhou!

He could only look at Xu Chenzhou with some doubts.

When questioned by his own sister, Xu Chenzhou didn't panic at all. What he took out was genuine.

Whether it's true or not, you won't know until you practice it.

At Xu Chenzhou's insistence, Xu Moran started his first practice of the ancient immortal way with hesitation.

With Xu Chenzhou's guidance, Xu Moran's practice process was flawless and he successfully completed the introduction of Qi into his body.

And what surprised Xu Chenzhou was that Xu Moran's talent in practicing the ancient immortal way was actually quite strong.

In just one day, Xu Moran had already reached the second level of Qi training.

Although Xu Moran now has eaten the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit and has an innate body, his cultivation speed is still too fast.

According to Xu Chenzhou's estimation, even if he hadn't eaten the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit, Xu Moran's talent in the ancient immortal path should still be at the genius level.

You must know that the aura of heaven and earth on Aqua Blue Star is not very strong, and it is far inferior to that of the prehistoric world.

According to Xu Chenzhou's estimation, the concentration of the aura of heaven and earth on Aqua Blue Star should be similar to that of the mortal world.

It only took Xu Moran one day to reach the second level of Qi training. If Han Li knew about this, Old Demon Han would probably emo.

What happened after that was a matter of course. Xu Moran felt the power of Yuxu Qi Lianjue, so he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the practice of Yuxu Qi Lianjue.

Under Xu Chenzhou's guidance, Xu Moran's cultivation path was also smooth sailing.

Time flies so fast, two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Xu Chenzhou lived a very peaceful life, and the lives of the group friends did not encounter any setbacks.

Everyone is working hard to practice and increase their strength. Occasionally, in their spare time, they will go to the group public space to exchange their cultivation experiences with group friends.

At Lu Mingfei's suggestion, the group would hold a regular dinner party every half month. Everyone would bring supplies from different worlds and hold a grand banquet.

With the efforts of several group members from modern and interstellar societies, many equipments have been updated in the group exercise space.

Micro-core power generators, holographic projectors, ultra-large-screen home theater equipment provided by Xu Chenzhou, PS3 game consoles, NDS, Game boys, and an old computer provided by Lu Mingfei, and Misaka Mikoto provided by Academy City A variety of modern entertainment equipment has added many relaxing items to the entire group's public space.

The only thing that Xu Chenzhou regrets is that Lu Mingfei's dragon world line is too early, and the game equipment and game IPs in Academy City where Misaka Mikoto is located are completely different from the earth in his previous life.

To be honest, after traveling to this world for so long, Xu Chenzhou still misses the games he played in his previous life.

It would be great if there was a group friend who happened to be from a timeline around 2033.

In this way, Xu Chenzhou can directly play Old Man Ring 2, Zelda sequel, New Mario, Black Myth Wukong and other games that he had not had time to play in his previous life.

In the world that covers the sky, in the vast barren mountains, a group of soldiers from the Feathered God Dynasty held spears in their hands and wore battle armor, flying in the deep mountains covered with dense woods.

The armor worn by the leading soldier was obviously different from that of the group of soldiers behind him.

The armors of other soldiers were of an older style and were a little yellow in color. Some of the armor pieces even had many gaps on them, making them look old.

The leading soldier was wearing bright silver armor, every piece of armor was shining, and half of a wing that was turning into light was carved on his chest.

And the phoenix-blood gilded spear he held in his hand had a divine light flowing on it. It was obvious at first glance that it was an immortal weapon. It was obvious that he was the leader of this group of soldiers.

A soldier complained as he walked: "Really, why is the Shen Dynasty so short of people this time? Even in such barren mountains and wild places, people have to be sent to search for seedlings with good qualifications.

This place seemed so deserted, it was impossible to find anyone, let alone the kind of genius that the higher-ups needed. "

The leader of the team turned his head and his eyes were extremely sharp: "If there is an order from above, just look for it. Where does all this nonsense come from? If you can't find a suitable candidate, why don't you go to Yinghuo to mine?"

The soldier did not dare to complain after being scolded by the leader, but he still secretly muttered in his heart.

You are the leader, of course you are not afraid.

Someone above you came here to do the gold plating, and you deserve credit for finding him. If he can't be found, we'll take the blame.

The Yuhua Divine Dynasty has been going crazy recently, searching for some talented cultivators everywhere, and sending them to the Yinghuo Star to mine in batches.

The decision made by the people at the top is just a lip service, and the real hardship is for these low-level soldiers, who are searching for talented cultivators all over the mountains and fields, and their legs are almost broken.

But it is not easy to find a talented cultivator. At least this planet has been screened three times by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and the teenagers who meet the requirements have been transported away. Now they are asked to find another talented cultivator, how can it be so easy.

However, under the pressure of the leader, the soldier did not dare to speak again, but just followed silently.

The leading team leader was also very bitter in his heart. In fact, he certainly did not want to search like a headless fly in such a desolate mountain.

But the problem is that if he can't find a suitable candidate, then it will be his turn to be sent to Yinghuo.

What these big soldiers don't know is that they don't have to worry, because their qualifications are too poor, and they are okay as cannon fodder, but they are not qualified for such high-end jobs as mining in Yinghuo.

On the contrary, his qualifications are quite good, and he perfectly meets the criteria of being sent to Yinghuo to mine.

In order to find a good seedling with good qualifications, the Divine Dynasty has almost gone crazy.

Unable to find a suitable seedling, they will take the people who have committed crimes in the Divine Dynasty as the target, and send the qualified Tianjiao in the Divine Dynasty to Yinghuo.

In just a few months, the team leader has seen several colleagues sent to Yinghuo to mine because they failed to complete the task.

Although the team leader has someone above him, this time the Yuhua Divine Dynasty is too crazy. He seriously doubts that even the person above him can't protect him.

At this moment, a sharp-eyed soldier suddenly pointed at a cliff and roared softly.

"Captain, look, is there a faint light on the cliff over there? Is there any rare treasure?"

The team leader raised his eyes and looked between the cliffs. Sure enough, there was a faint light.

This light was very small. If it weren't for his amazing eyesight, I'm afraid he really couldn't see it.

With his cultivation of the peak of the other shore of the Mingquan Secret Realm, he could clearly see that the light was emitted from a crack on the cliff.

He sneered slightly: "Exotic treasure? I don't think it's an exotic treasure. This light looks very soft and extremely stable. It is obviously a man-made light source. I suspect that someone has hidden his tracks in the cliff. It seems that we have caught a big fish this time."

The captain tightly grasped the spear in his hand, and his figure soared into the air and flew to the front of the crack.

At this time, the captain was more and more certain of his guess.

Because there was a millstone-sized stone blocking the front of a cave, the stone and the cave were not particularly suitable. Although someone had carefully covered the gap with soil, for some reason, some soil fell off, revealing a small gap, so the light leaked out from it.

This gap is very small, as small as the thickness of a hair. If there was no light source, I am afraid that no one would be able to find that there was a small hole here.

The captain grabbed it hard, and a stone the size of a millstone was pulled out of the cave.

In an instant, a strange fragrance filled the air. The strong aroma of meat mixed with the unique fresh smell of spiritual medicine made the captain swallow his saliva.

He looked up and saw many strange decorations in the cave. These decorations were extremely strange. Most of them were pink, which was very different from the bronze style popular in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. With his status, he had never seen such decorations.

In the center of the cave, there was a large cauldron with four legs on the ground. Under the cauldron was a fire burning with a kind of wood he had never seen before. The fire was extremely fierce. The golden meat soup in the cauldron was bubbling, and a pillar-thick animal leg was floating in the soup, which looked very tempting.

But at this time, the captain's attention was not on this cauldron of meat soup at all. He looked greedily at a little girl sitting cross-legged on the bed.

The little girl was very cute, with a delicate and beautiful figure, but the most important thing was her skin, which was as bright as a piece of fine jade. One could tell from her appearance that she was a natural seed for cultivation.

The moment he saw the little girl, the captain was filled with ecstasy. Being able to find a seed of cultivation with such qualifications meant that he would not be sent by the Divine Dynasty to take the blame.

The captain acted very decisively. The moment he saw the little girl, he pinched his seal fiercely, and a shadow of a flying Kunpeng appeared from behind him. His cultivation at the peak of the other shore was fully revealed, and he grabbed the little girl in an instant.

In fact, the captain would not act so decisively at ordinary times. Generally speaking, they would use lies to temporarily deceive the deceived, telling them that they had good qualifications, were selected by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and now they would be sent to a place to learn and cultivate.

Because for ordinary people, being able to join the Yuhua Divine Dynasty is a very good choice, so their set of rhetoric works every time, and they can easily send them to Yinghuo quietly.

As for what the fate of these young geniuses will be after arriving at Yinghuo, the captain does not know, and does not want to know.

He only knew that a few colleagues who had returned from Yinghuo described Yinghuo as a purgatory on earth.

But the little girl in front of him was obviously different. Not only was she so talented, but she also lived quietly in the mountains and forests.

It was obvious that they had heard rumors that the Yuhua Dynasty was recruiting cultivation geniuses, so for such people, it was best to take direct action to control them as soon as possible.

This incident made Xiao Nannan a little confused.

She had just finished a day of cultivation and was looking forward to cooking the beast leg given to her by Brother Shi Hao, thinking about having a good meal later.

Suddenly, a team of ferocious soldiers broke into her little home and attacked her directly.

Not to mention that the team of soldiers in front of them were wearing the standard armor of the Yuhua Dynasty.

Xiao Nannan clearly remembered that the soldier who took her brother away was wearing this set of silver armor.

Xiao Nannan remembered this set of armor very clearly, because it often appeared in Xiao Nannan's dreams, the kind of nightmare that could wake her up directly.

Facing such a bad guest, Xiao Nannan would not hesitate at all.

She clenched her pink fist fiercely, and three golden holes suddenly opened behind her. The three golden holes kept spraying out divine energy and flowing into Xiao Nannan's body.

When the two intersected, there was a shocking sound in an instant. With a bang, the shadow of Dapeng was shattered, and the captain was knocked back by this punch.

The powerful air wave generated by the fight between the two smashed many furniture in Xiao Nannan's cave.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Nannan's eyes flashed with cold light, and she strode out of the cave.

The captain's eyes were full of surprise at this time. In his eyes, Xiao Nannan was just a three-year-old girl. Although she looked very talented, the captain did not think that a three-year-old girl could be very strong.

But Xiao Nannan's punch directly stunned him.

The power of this punch was not inferior to that of a master at the peak of the Life Spring Secret Realm.

How is this possible!

After two months of cultivation, the time of the chat group was accelerated, and with the extremely sufficient supply of resources in the group, Xiao Nannan's cultivation had broken through the extreme realm of the Moving Blood Realm and reached the Cave Heaven Realm.

And the technique she practiced was a Heaven Devouring Demonic Art that was finally created by integrating the cultivation systems of several worlds.

In fact, the cultivation system of the Perfect World and the cultivation system of the Covering Heaven are completely incompatible.

Covering Heaven can even cultivate a secret realm to achieve great power, while the Perfect Cultivation System requires gradual cultivation step by step, so the combat power of the cultivation systems of the two worlds is not easy to compare horizontally.

For example, the Life Spring Realm, although the Life Spring Secret Realm is only a large realm, there are many small realms in it, such as the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Life Spring, the God Bridge, and the Other Shore.

The team leader can cultivate to the Other Shore realm, and his combat power should not be inferior to Xiao Nannan in the Cave Heaven Realm. Strictly speaking, the team leader at the peak of the Other Shore is definitely much stronger on paper than Xiao Nannan who has only cultivated three Cave Heavens.

Facing this powerful opponent in front of her, Xiao Nannan, who is only three years old, is not afraid at all.

Although this is her first time fighting in reality!

The three holes behind her floated up and down, shining with divine light, and extremely powerful forces poured out from them and were poured into the little girl's body.

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