All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 132 The Ruthless Emperor's First Experience

The captain looked at the strange scene in front of him, and a trace of greed appeared in his eyes.

These three caves were floating up and down, and it was obvious that it was a powerful secret technique. If he could get it, it would definitely increase his combat power.

The little girl in front of him was really his lucky star.

The captain sneered, his face was ferocious.

He shook the divine spear in his hand, and a stream of divine power essence flowed out from the spear head, and a huge wing condensed behind him.

Xiao Nannan clenched her fists and made the starting posture of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art.

The chat group version of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art she practiced was itself deduced on the basis of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, and it has a very close connection with it.

It can be said that the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art is the most suitable fighting method for her. After more than two months of practice, Xiao Nannan has initially understood the starting posture of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art disassembled by Liu Shen.

Behind Xiao Nannan, tiny dust particles rose up, circulated in reincarnation, and evolved into pieces of time light rain. The sun rose and the moon set, the world changed, and a universe of stars slowly emerged.

The two fought together, and the spear in the captain's hand shot out brilliant fairy light, like the sun in the sky, emitting extremely hot heat waves, corroding Xiao Nannan's body.

At the same time, his movements were swift, like a prehistoric beast. In an instant, thousands of spear shadows stabbed at Xiao Nannan, covering the entire sky.

Not only that, behind the captain, a dozen soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty also condensed into a formation, surrounding Xiao Nannan in the middle, and countless spear shadows stabbed at Xiao Nannan's small body like a torrential rain.

This is a combined attack formation specially taught to soldiers by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. The Yuhua Reincarnation Formation can integrate the power of the soldiers in the formation into one, and it is endless. It is one of the reliance of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty to travel across the heavens.

The battle in the field was extremely intense. A little girl over three years old stood in the air, like a god, with countless lights and shadows flowing around her, facing the Yuhua Divine Dynasty's conquest array alone.

She urged three magic skills at the same time, the Green Scale Eagle Magic Skill, the Roaring Clan Magic Skill, and the Luan Clan Magic Skill. The flashing lights and shadows were like the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the Great Dao rotated. No matter how many attacks there were, they could not attack this little girl.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art can use six magic skills at the same time when it is running to the extreme. Unfortunately, Xiao Nannan's cultivation is too weak at this time. Even with the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, she can only use these three magic skills with relatively small consumption at the same time.

However, even so, Xiao Nannan's combat power is still very amazing at this time. With several divine energies flowing, she fought with these soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art is best at group battles. The more people there are, the more fierce Xiao Nannan is.

But the soldiers in front of him were all quite good. Even the weakest one was at the Divine Bridge Realm, not weaker than Xiao Nannan at this time, so it was difficult for Xiao Nannan to pose a threat to these soldiers.

This battle lasted for three hours. The entire mountain forest was flattened by the battle. There were broken trees everywhere, like a parking lot destroyed by a tornado, and the ground was in a mess.

Xiao Nannan's cultivation was still too weak after all. It was too much for her to push the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art with all her strength. After a long time, she gradually couldn't hold on.

There were constant spear shadows that penetrated the defense circle of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and pierced Xiao Nannan's body.

Xiao Nannan's petite body continued to have blood marks, leaving countless cracks on her porcelain doll-like body.

The blood left behind dyed Xiao Nannan into a bloody person.

But the longer the battle lasted, the more fierce Xiao Nannan's eyes became. She was obviously covered in wounds, but she was not afraid at all. The look in her eyes became more and more cold and fierce, and she fought to the point of madness.

Finally, there was a flaw in the cooperation of this group of soldiers. One soldier blocked the attack route of another soldier, causing the entire Yuhua Samsara Formation to be in chaos.

Xiao Nannan's eyes condensed. This was the opportunity she had been waiting for.

She raised her left fist and opened it suddenly. Countless purple electric balls like stars appeared in her palm. The electric balls turned into a thunder and lightning universe, and struck the soldier who showed a flaw like thunder.

As the electric light flowed, all the purple electric balls hit the soldier, electrifying him black and emitting a meaty smell.

This was the killing move of Xiao Nannan that she had hidden for a long time, the Suanni treasure technique. She evolved this treasure technique into a thunder and lightning universe, which contained infinite mysteries and was extremely lethal.

At the same time, Xiao Nannan let go of all her defenses, and the other three magics attacked with all her might. The magic of the Roaring Clan, the magic of the Luan Clan, and the magic of the Green Scaled Eagle simultaneously manifested strange phenomena.

The formation was in disarray, and the power between the soldiers became a kind of interference, and they were no longer able to resist her attack.

A round of clear moon slashed at a soldier like a blade, and the moon shadow swayed, and the head was separated.

The magic of the Roaring Clan also turned into a terrifying sound wave, in which countless phantoms of divine dragons flowed, and several soldiers were shocked to the point that blood came out of their eyes, ears, mouths and noses.

The most terrifying was the magic of the Luan Clan. At the moment when Xiao Nannan attacked with all her might, it turned into a divine bird, with its wings spread to carry mountains and cross seas, and the extremely terrifying impact force directly smashed the remaining soldiers into pieces.

At the same time, a dark yellow bell-shaped gas shield appeared outside Xiao Nannan's body, blocking the shadow of the spear that the captain attacked her.

Xiao Nannan sublimated to the extreme, and actually used five magics in an instant.

This is Xiao Nannan's killer move that has been hidden for a long time. With her current cultivation level of the Cave Heaven Realm, she can only last for ten seconds using five magic techniques at the same time.

If the soldiers had not revealed any flaws, their power would have been condensed into one under the effect of the formation. Even if she used five magic skills at the same time, she could not do anything to these people. At most, they would suffer some minor injuries. In this case, the explosion was meaningless.

In order to achieve the greatest results in this ten-second extreme explosion, Xiao Nannan had been forbearing for three hours, and even with injuries all over her body, she had not exposed other magic skills.

At this time, there was only one enemy left in the sky, the captain. Seeing that all his companions were killed by Xiao Nannan, he was extremely frightened, and his pupils kept shrinking. The delicate little girl in front of him seemed to have become a devil in his eyes.

But then his eyes became extremely fierce again. All his men were dead. Even if he escaped alone, he would not have a good end. He would probably be sent to Yinghuo to mine.

In this case, it would be better to fight to the death and capture the little girl in front of him or kill her on the spot, so that he could atone for his crime and still have a way to live.

Seeing that there was only one opponent left, the hatred in Xiao Nannan's eyes became more and more turbulent. It was not enough for this group of people to take away her loving brother, they also wanted to take her away, and even destroyed the new home that the brothers and sisters in the group arranged for her.

Although she had only lived in this new home for more than two months, she was very emotional because it represented the love of the brothers and sisters in the group for her.

Those who dared to destroy her home, they deserved to die!

The captain stabbed with a spear. This attack condensed all his will and burned his life essence. Countless wings stretched out from the tip of the spear and fluttered in the air. Feathers with pale yellow light fell from the wings and turned into a stream of divine aura, flowing around the captain, making him so fast that he could not be seen by the naked eye, like a beam of divine light, swift as lightning and killing Xiao Nannan.

The power of this spear is like a meteorite hitting the ground, destroying the world. Even the masters of the Taoist Palace Secret Realm have to fear its sharpness when facing this spear.

But facing the full-strength attack of the team leader, Xiao Nannan showed a faint smile on her face.

She cancelled the posture of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, countless runes flashed in her hands, and a five-color divine light flashed. In an instant, the spear in the team leader's hand was brushed into the five-color divine light by Xiao Nannan.

After all, the five-color divine light technique is not the original five-color divine light of Kong Xuan. The team leader's cultivation is much higher than Xiao Nannan. Brushing away the long hair in the team leader's hand is very consuming for Xiao Nannan. In an instant, Xiao Nannan's face turned pale, and drops of cold sweat appeared on Xiao Nannan's bright and white forehead.

This is also the reason why she didn't use this trick at the beginning. Against these opponents with higher cultivation than her, this trick consumes too much energy, and the control time is not long, only a few seconds.

There are so many people on the opposite side. If you use this trick rashly, it will only greatly consume your energy and put yourself in a disadvantage.

But it is just right to use it at this time.

Suddenly losing the spear in his hand, all the energy that the captain had injected into the spear disappeared out of thin air. This was a blow that condensed everything. At this time, his body was empty and he no longer had any fighting power. Only a trace of energy was left to allow him to float in the air.

Two seconds later, the spear broke free from the five-color divine light. The spear was still powerful, but the captain was no longer able to snatch the spear that fell from the air.

So the spear fell straight off the cliff. The powerful energy contained in the spear caused the peak of a mountain to collapse completely, and pieces of rubble rolled down the mountain like a waterfall.

Xiao Nannan took out a gold and silver rope from the red envelope in the group, and then tied the captain tightly with the method taught by Xu Chenzhou.

This rope was naturally prepared by Xu Chenzhou.

Some time ago, Xu Chenzhou got more than 2 billion in compensation from the Martial Arts Association, and his hands became much more comfortable, so he bought a lot of daily necessities on the Internet and sent them to his friends in the group one by one in red envelopes.

In this way, every time they need to use something, they can collect it from the group red envelope separately.

This rope is a gold and silver electromagnetic binding rope that Xu Chenzhou bought from another planet through the interstellar express network. One rope costs more than 100,000, plus the high interstellar express fee, the price of this rope has reached an astonishing 200,000 Alliance coins.

However, this is a small amount of money for Xu Chenzhou, who is now rich and powerful. Buying ten ropes is only 2 million, not even a fraction of the compensation, which is nothing at all.

This kind of rope cannot be produced with the current technological level of Shuilanxing. It is extremely tough and surrounded by a special electromagnetic binding field.

The original purpose of producing these ropes was to use them in hunting, to tie up some alien species with particularly strong strength. They are tied up with special techniques, and even if they have millions of pounds of strength, they cannot break free. It is absolutely worth the money.

After Xiao Nannan tied up the team leader, she began to ask for all kinds of information about Yuhua Shenchao.

The team leader was very determined at first, watching Xiao Nannan shaking his head constantly, as if he was unwilling to betray Yuhua Shenchao even if he died.

Until Xiao Nannan took out a high-frequency shock wave kitchen knife from the red envelope.

The blade of this kitchen knife is as thin as a cicada's wing. It is said to be a magic weapon used by chefs in the Star Domain World to cut meat. Xu Chenzhou said that if the technique is delicate enough, this dagger can cut a pig thigh into 3.6 million pieces.

Xiao Nannan took the kitchen knife and described the function of the kitchen knife to the team leader in a vivid way.

Before Xiao Nannan finished speaking, the captain's eyes were filled with fear. He opened his mouth to shout something but found that he couldn't say anything.

It turns out that the gold and silver binding electromagnetic rope also has the wonderful effect of paralyzing the vocal organs of the bound person with electromagnetic fields.

Because many exotic animals often make deafening roars after being captured, which affects the experience of the hunters, the designer specially designed this very humanized function.

Xiao Nannan glanced at the captain indifferently: "If you can't stand it, just tell me the question I asked just now."

After that, Xiao Nannan demonstrated on him.

When she cut, Xiao Nannan's eyes were indifferent and ruthless, and there was no emotion in her big eyes like sparkling gems, as if she was watching pigs and dogs being slaughtered.

She cut carefully, starting from the captain's feet, and demonstrated upwards little by little until she reached the captain's calf.

If it were any other little girl, she would definitely not do such a thing as Ling Chi, and she would even be scared to tears when seeing such a scene.

But you have to know that Xiao Nannan is the predecessor of the ruthless emperor. If there is no chat group, after knowing her brother's experience, Xiao Nannan will become the ruthless emperor, devouring countless Tianjiao, and can be called the first ruthless person in the world of Zhan Tian from ancient times to the present.

Although she has joined the chat group now, Xiao Nannan still has the hope of saving her brother in her heart, and has not completely turned black, but when facing the enemy Yuhua Shenchao, she still has the demeanor of the ruthless emperor.

At this time, the captain was extremely miserable. There was only a section of white bones left from the calf bone to the sole of the foot. Xiao Nannan did not take any measures to stop the bleeding, so blood kept flowing out of the captain's wound, dyeing the entire cave floor red, but because the captain's identity as a monk was extremely strong, so even with such an injury, his vitality was still extremely tenacious.

Precisely because of this, the captain suffered even more horrible pain. His strong vitality made it a luxury for him to faint. He watched his calf being cut into hundreds of thousands of pieces and neatly placed on the ground. The physical pain and mental fear made him completely collapse.

At this time, his facial expression had already been completely out of control. His snot, tears and saliva all flowed out. His mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound came out. His facial features were twisted together, just like a severely demented patient.

At this time, Xiao Nannan raised her head, still with the same look as looking at pigs and dogs: "Oh! I almost forgot that the big brother said that you can only talk after turning on the switch. Are you willing to confess now?"

After that, Xiao Nannan turned on the switch on the gold and silver electromagnetic restraint rope.

In an instant, a scream that soared into the sky sounded, and the sound was so shrill that people felt a chill in their backs just by listening to it.

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you! Please let me go, I'll tell you everything you want to know!"

The captain was close to collapse at this time, and he no longer had any thoughts of being loyal to the Yuhua Dynasty. He just wanted to get rid of this pain as soon as possible.

He explained all the information he knew about the Yuhua Dynasty, but unfortunately, the captain's status was still a bit low, and he didn't know many secrets.

However, from his mouth, Xiao Nannan had confirmed that those Tianjiao who were sent to Yinghuo were indeed living in a hellish environment.

In addition, Xiao Nannan also learned from him the location of several major strongholds and barracks of the nearby Yuhua Dynasty, as well as the Yuhua Body Refining Chapter Wheel Sea Scroll that the Yuhua Dynasty gave to the soldiers to practice.

Although this practice, the Yuhua Body Refining Chapter Wheel Sea Scroll, was only practiced by ordinary soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty, it is said that the origin of this practice is very extraordinary. It was simplified by the Yuhua Emperor himself from the Yuhua Heavenly Sutra Wheel Sea Scroll, and it has 60% of the mystery of the Yuhua Heavenly Sutra.

The purpose is to select the genius seeds who can practice the Yuhua Heavenly Scripture from the countless Yuhua Divine Dynasty soldiers.

After asking these questions, Xiao Nannan quietly looked at the captain who was tied up by him. The expression on her face was deep. The sunlight shone on half of Xiao Nannan's face through the cave, making her seem to be at the junction of light and darkness.

After a long silence, Xiao Nannan looked at the bronze ring on her finger, and then touched the bronze mask in her arms before finally making up her mind.

Xiao Nannan stretched out her pink palm and pressed it on the captain's forehead.

There was a dark light flashing on her palm, as if it could swallow all the light sources around, making the whole cave dark.

As the light flashed, the captain's originally ruddy face gradually turned pale. He could feel that the origin in the bitter sea deep in his body began to shake slightly, and continued to flow into Xiao Nannan's body along the black light.

Even if the captain's wish was to die quickly and get away from this devilish little girl, the feeling of being robbed of his essence and becoming weaker still made him fall into fear.

"What kind of evil skill is this? Why is my acquired Yin-Yang body constantly vibrating, and my Yin-Yang Pisces vision gradually becoming empty? You are not a human, you are a demon!"

The captain was extremely terrified. He felt that his most precious thing was passing away bit by bit and no longer belonged to him.

As the captain's face became paler and paler, Xiao Nannan's face became more and more rosy, as if the consumption of the three-hour fierce battle just now had been completely recovered, and all the wounds on her body were scabbed. After a while, pieces of black blood scabs fell off, revealing smooth and new skin.

Not only that, a black and white origin gradually emerged in her body.

This was exactly when Xiao Nannan was performing the Swallowing Heavenly Demon Art to absorb the captain's origin.

In fact, this was the first time that Xiao Nannan performed the Swallowing Heavenly Demon Art on a real person. Before performing it, Xiao Nannan was actually a little hesitant, because unlike the previous Lingchi, although she didn't really have to eat meat, this behavior of swallowing human origin was not much different from cannibalism.

But Xiao Nannan understood that if she didn't practice the Swallowing Heavenly Demon Art, it would be too difficult for her current qualifications to have the fighting power to save her brother in a few years.

If she could save her brother, Xiao Nannan felt that even if she fell into the Nine Nether Purgatory and turned into a cannibalistic devil, it would not matter.

As the acquired yin and yang body was completely absorbed by Xiao Nannan's Swallowing Heavenly Demon Art, the captain's face became as pale as a dead body, his eyes closed slightly, and there was no breath anymore.

And the three caves behind Xiao Nannan kept flowing, and when the divine aura sounded, another cave was opened up.

After devouring the captain's essence, Xiao Nannan did not hesitate and found the dozen soldiers she had just killed. With the black light flowing in her hand, she also absorbed the essence of the bodies of those soldiers.

However, the essence of these soldiers was far less effective than that of the captain. After all, the captain was an acquired yin-yang body. For the Devouring Heaven Magic Art that valued qualifications, the captain's essence was simply a great tonic, while these soldiers with ordinary qualifications could only be regarded as desserts after meals. They only condensed the black and white aura in Xiao Nannan's body and there was no follow-up.

Sensing the changes in her body, and thinking of the news that the captain had just told her, that there were six barracks of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty near the mountain, Xiao Nannan's eyes flashed with a deep light.

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