All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 133 Shi Hao practices the Heaven-shading Technique

In a group chat.

Little Nannan (a homeless girl): "Brothers and sisters, I'm sorry, the furniture you bought for me was destroyed by the bad guys from the Yuhua Dynasty (Maomao feels wronged.jpg)."

Picture of the cave (a mess, everything in the cave seemed to have been destroyed by a huge shock wave, a Gutai-shaped dressing mirror on the wall was broken into pieces, even Gutai's ears were broken, the pink girl's little The bed was also broken into two parts, and the entire cave room was completely uninhabitable.)

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "What! Little girl, have you been discovered by people from the Yuhua Shen Dynasty? (Too shocked.jpg) It doesn't matter those furniture or something, you can buy them again at any time, you are fine now Well, those people didn't hurt you! "

Misaka Mikoto was lying on the bed, asking nervously, and even her two white feet that had been flapping behind her were gently put down at this time.

In fact, the Gutai dressing mirror was a Gutai peripheral that Misaka Mikoto finally snapped up. She also liked it very much, but the little girl was so cute that she reluctantly gave it to her. If she saw her beloved on a normal day, With the mirror shattered like this, Misaka Mikoto's heart must have been broken as well, but now Misaka Mikoto's eyes did not see the dressing mirror at all, only worry about her little girl.

After these days of getting along with each other, Misaka Mikoto has long regarded her as her biological sister.

As soon as I heard that the little guy was being bullied, I was so angry that the hair on my head flashed with lightning and made bursts of crackling sounds!

Next to her, there were three or four electronic devices, and each screen showed the figure of a thin, white-haired man from different angles.

This white-haired man is Accelerator. During this period, what Misaka Mikoto did every day besides practicing was to use the Internet to monitor Accelerator's whereabouts.

Shi Hao (Shicun cub): "How dare you bully our little girl? If I hadn't been able to go over, I would have beaten them to pieces!"

Little Nannan (a homeless girl): "Thank you for your concern! I'm fine, it's the bad guys who are!

Those bad guys are all in the Life Spring Secret Realm and are no match for me. They were defeated by me in just a few strokes! (Monkey akimbo.jpg)”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Little girl, don't take it lightly. The people of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty are not simple. The soldiers of the Mingquan Secret Realm are not even cannon fodder in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. Now that we have been discovered, let's quickly change our residence. Come on! It’s still growing, so be careful.”

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Yes, the group leader is right. Just find a hidden place to develop secretly. When the time comes, you will be able to surprise everyone! (Monkey Counting Money.jpg)"

Xiao Nannan (a wandering young girl): "The two brothers are right. We really need to find a secluded place to live. Otherwise, every time we hunt down the people of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, there will be no place to quietly devour the origin."

What the hell? Hunt down the people of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty! ! !

Lu Mingfei was startled.

In his impression, the little girl was a very cute little sister who seemed harmless to humans and animals. How could she suddenly become so cruel!

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "So, little girl, you have tried to use the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique to devour the origin of human beings, so have you decided to practice the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique by hunting down people from the Yuhua Divine Dynasty?"

Little Nannan (a homeless girl): "Yes, I just did an experiment on the bad guys who destroyed my home, and found that if there is always enough source to devour, my cultivation speed can be increased by more than ten times!

Anyway, I learned from the bad guy that the soldiers of Yuhuashen Dynasty were constantly searching for seedlings with good qualifications to send to Yinghuo.

Each and every one of these soldiers searching for seedlings is a bad person who is helping the tyranny.

In this case, I might as well use the people from the Yuhua Divine Dynasty as my cultivation resources. "

The little girl secretly calculated in her heart that she learned from the captain's mouth that there were more than a dozen camps for the soldiers of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty. With these dozen camps as resources, it was enough for her to transform her physique into the treasure body level.

Xu Chenzhou was not surprised by Xiao Nannan's plan. When he first deduced the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, he had already expected that Xiao Nannan would embark on such a path.

The Yuhua Shenchao was originally the enemy of Little Nannan, so Little Nannan would not be merciful when he swallowed it.

After all, he was the predecessor of the ruthless emperor. If he really had the temperament of a good man and a believer in women, he would definitely not be able to transform from a mortal body into the ruthless emperor who shocked the world.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "Little girl, you are right. Since these people have become our enemies, the best outcome is to become the data for our growth. This is also the purpose of my derivation of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique."

The more Hong Yi looked at the little girl, the more he liked her. He felt that this little girl was indeed the same kind of person as him.

Hong Yi's attitude towards his friends is as warm as spring, and his attitude towards his enemies is as cold as the harsh winter, and he never shows mercy.

During this period, Hong Yi traveled around the world of Yang Shen, causing a lot of trouble and encountering many enemies. At the same time, he also used the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique to swallow up the origins of many enemies who opposed him.

Little Nannan (a homeless girl): "Thanks to Brother Hong Yi for the many ideas he put forward when he was deducing the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Kung Fu, we were able to develop such a useful technique!"

This topic, big and small, is very similar, and people began to share their experiences of devouring the source in the chat group.

Hong Yi was a pioneer after all, and gave Xiao Nannan a lot of useful suggestions and improved a lot of details, which greatly improved Xiao Nannan's swallowing efficiency!

The two chatted happily, so much so that Xiao Nannan remembered that she had forgotten to upload a set of exercises to the group exercise space more than an hour later.

Xiao Nannan uploaded: [Feathered Body Refining Exercise (Wheel Sea Chapter)]

Because Xiao Nannan had been concentrating on practicing before, the group exercise space had not added any exercises belonging to the world of Covering the Sky. Now that Xiao Nannan finally has a trophy, it means that the group's practice system has added another method of Covering the Sky. Xu Chenzhou quickly downloaded the exercise.

However, for now, Xu Chenzhou does not have the energy to dabble in the method of Covering the Sky, so he can only use the method of Covering the Sky as a reference.

Little Shihao (a young boy from Shi Village): "Hey, I don't know what's going on, but the cultivation system of this technique looks so good. The secret realm of the wheel sea, the opening of the bitter sea, the gushing of the life spring, the construction of the divine bridge, and the reaching of the other shore.

Just looking at it, my body can't help but have a desire to practice."

Xu Chenzhou touched his forehead. Of course you are familiar with it, because this set of cultivation system was left by the future Emperor Huang Tian. Maybe the initial inspiration came from the random thoughts of Little Shihao when he was young.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not tell Little Shihao too much about the future, so Little Shihao now does not know that the Heaven Covering Method was actually created by him.

Little Shihao (a young boy from Shi Village): "Oh, oh, oh! There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. God Liu finally agreed to let me enter the Void God Realm!"

In fact, after entering the Cave Heaven Realm, Little Shihao asked God Liu to enter the Void God Realm for training.

But God Liu temporarily rejected Little Shihao's request.

Xiao Shihao cultivated too fast. He reached the cave heaven realm in just over a month, so God Liu hoped that Shihao would use some time to consolidate his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, after only two months, Shihao opened up nine cave heavens in succession, and at the same time, he mastered various treasure techniques to a perfect state. This terrifying cultivation speed scared God Liu.

Even God Liu felt that since he couldn't consolidate, he might as well let this idiot play around, so God Liu agreed to let Shihao enter the virtual god realm.

But in fact, Xiao Shihao's cultivation time is much longer than what God Liu saw. With the time acceleration function of the chat group, Xiao Shihao's one day can be regarded as ten days. In addition to the points reward for the previous joint creation of the exercises, Xiao Shihao can basically use the acceleration function every day. In this way, it actually took Xiao Shihao more than a year to open up nine cave heavens.

Even so, Xiao Shihao's cultivation speed is still much faster than the original timeline.

You should know that Shi Hao in the original timeline didn't open up ten caves until he was ten and a half years old, while the current Shi Hao is only three and a half years old. Even if the time of time acceleration is taken into account, the current Shi Hao is only six years old.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Great, there are many good things in the virtual world. Not only is there the True Phoenix Treasure Technique, but there are also two big guys hidden.

After you enter the virtual world, you should pay special attention to the two old men. One of the two old men is called Jingbi Grandpa, with a piece of Jingbi hanging around his neck, and the other is called Bird Grandpa, with a bird on his shoulder.

The origins of the two of them are not simple. They are the residual souls of two immortal king giants. When they were in their prime, their combat power was only one level weaker than that of Liu Shen at his peak, which was very remarkable.

Among them, Bird Grandpa used to be known as the second in the world. The reason for this name is that Bird Grandpa's true body is a The famous dragon clan, he once competed with the real dragon, one of the ten evils, but lost to the real dragon, so he could only be ranked second in the world, and the old man Jingbi used to be called the Immortal Gold Taoist.

These two old men have a lot of good things in their hands, such as the real phoenix treasure technique in the hands of the bird master. As long as you break enough records in the virtual world, you can get this invincible treasure technique from the bird master. "

After this period of practice, Xu Chenzhou's soul has become much stronger, and the memory of the past reading in his mind has gradually become clearer, allowing him to recall many details in the book, and some of the details he has not had time to add to the corresponding information.

"The most important thing is that your "little brother" should also be in the virtual world now. "

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, the always optimistic little Shi Hao's eyes flashed a strange look.

For Shi Yi, Shi Hao's mood is very complicated.

As his cultivation continues to improve, Shi Hao's childhood memories are gradually revived.

He not only remembered the scene when Shi Yi played with him when he was a child, but also remembered Shi Yi's cold eyes when he was tied to the bed by the woman called Auntie and had his chest cut open to take out his bones.

Little Shi Hao had no good feelings for the culprit who separated him from his parents, only anger.

Shi Hao (Shi Village cub): "Brother, the group leader, I know that the biggest purpose of my wanting to enter the virtual world is to meet him and see how far this person who took my bones has cultivated now!"

Little Shi Hao, who was only three years old, naturally could not be as open-minded as he was after entering the upper world. He met Shi Yi and laughed away their grudges, and even joined forces to fight the enemy.

Influenced by Xu Chenzhou and Hong Yi, Little Shi Hao now believes in the idea of ​​complaining if there is a grievance, and taking revenge if there is a grudge.

So Little Shi Hao is looking forward to the day when he can meet Shi Yi!

After closing the chat group, Little Shi Hao used the chat group's materialization function to download the Feathering Body Refining Technique (Wheel Sea Chapter).

A moment later, an ancient bronze book appeared in Xiao Shihao's hand.

The texture of this ancient bronze book is very thick, and there are spots of rust on the cover of the book, which looks ancient.

Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Xiao Shihao can feel that the Heaven-Covering Method uploaded by Xiao Nannan to the group is very suitable for him.

If he practices the Heaven-Covering Method, the speed of progress will be very fast.

Do it when you think of it. This is Xiao Shihao's way of being. He did not delay his efforts at all and immediately devoted himself to practice.

Although no one explained the various tricks of the Heaven-Covering Method to him, Xiao Shihao only read it once and felt that he had completely understood the Feathering Body Refining Technique (Wheel Sea Chapter) and reached the state of mastery.

Xiao Shihao was afraid that this feeling was his own illusion, so he read it over and over again several times, but he did not gain anything new.

He could feel that this method had no secrets for him, and everything was clear in his mind. This speed of understanding even exceeded his talent in runes.

Since Xiao Shihao had used up all the points in the chat group in the past two months, he did not enter the practice space this time, but started practicing directly in Shicun.

The first step in practicing the Heaven-Covering Method is to sense the Wheel of Life, which is the beginning of the practice of the Heaven-Covering Method.

The Wheel of Life in the human body overlaps with the Sea of ​​Bitterness. Only by constantly opening up the Sea of ​​Bitterness can the essence of the Wheel of Life be released, so that the Divine Spring can gush out, and then the Divine Bridge can be built to reach the other side of the Sea of ​​Bitterness and come to other secret realms.

Shihao followed the guidance of the Feathering Body Refining Technique, closed his eyes, and sensed the Wheel of Life in his body.

In fact, the Feathering Body Refining Technique records a kind of medicinal liquid, which can help the cultivator find the Wheel of Life after taking it, but Xiao Shihao did not recognize many of the medicinal materials on this medicinal liquid and could not find them at all.

Although the two worlds of Heaven-Covering and Perfection are connected, they are far apart after all. It is a bit difficult to find the medicinal materials of the Heaven-Covering World in Shicun!

And he always had a feeling that if it was him, he would not need this kind of medicine to quickly sense the Wheel of Life.

Sure enough, after sitting cross-legged, Shi Hao soon found the location of the Wheel of Life.

There was a huge halo three inches below his navel, and the life energy in the halo was surging, and there were also streams of divine power essences surging around the halo.

These streams of divine power essences were extremely active, pushing the Wheel of Life to rotate rapidly.

Outside the Wheel of Life was a red sea of ​​suffering. This sea of ​​suffering was vast and boundless, and the end could not be seen at a glance, completely covering the huge wheel of life in Xiao Shihao's body.

There were huge waves rolling up in the sea of ​​suffering, and the waves hit the end of the sea of ​​suffering heavily, splashing countless waves.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shihao was a little surprised.

Strange! Doesn't the Yuhua Body Refining Technique say that the sea of ​​suffering is a dark green ocean with no life fluctuations and extremely desolate?

Why is my sea of ​​suffering actually red, and it keeps surging with huge waves, what went wrong?

Xiao Shihao scratched his head, and after careful sensing, he did not find anything wrong with his sea of ​​suffering, so he continued to practice according to the records in the Yuhua Refining Body Technique.

What was very cheating was that as Xiao Shihao pushed the secret method to open up the sea of ​​suffering, the countless divine rays in his blood flowed towards the sea of ​​suffering, and the nine caves behind him kept sinking and floating, absorbing endless divine energy from the void and transporting it to Xiao Shihao's body.

With the help of these energies, the red sea of ​​suffering was constantly opened up, from the size of a grain of rice at the beginning, to the size of a teacup later, and after a while it became like a bowl of sea.

After a long time, it was almost dark, and suddenly bursts of dragon roars came from Xiao Shihao's body, and red dragons appeared in the void.

Then, Xiao Shihao's sea of ​​suffering also emerged from his body, turning into a boundless ocean, covering the entire Shi Village.

The giant dragon soared, hundreds of beasts were born, the waves of the sea of ​​suffering became more and more turbulent, and the entire Shi Village was plunged into a vast ocean.

This made the villagers of Shi Village extremely panicked. The old lady who was drying bacon suddenly exclaimed, threw the bacon in her hand, turned around, picked up the dung fork behind her and entered a fighting posture.

At this time, willow branches extended from the void, and the cold voice of the willow god came from the willow branches.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, Shi Hao is practicing."

Hearing the words of the sacrificial spirit, the villagers of Shi Village calmed down. Since the sacrificial spirit said it was okay, it must be okay.

No one noticed that a willow branch quietly drilled through the window and came to Xiao Shihao's room.

In fact, the willow god was also confused. Although she knew that these strange phenomena were caused by Xiao Shihao, she didn't know how Xiao Shihao did it.

Let me see what this kid is doing.

The moment he looked at Shi Hao up close, the willow branch of the Willow God went into a petrified state.

The willow branch quietly watched the current state of little Shi Hao, so absorbed that it even stopped absorbing the chaotic haze in the air.

Even though the Willow God had been mentally prepared for what Shi Hao would show from time to time, he couldn't help but be surprised by the state of little Shi Hao.

What is this idiot doing again?

I could barely understand the things he did before.

I really haven't seen the thing he is practicing now.

The closer you get to Xiao Shihao, the more obvious the vision becomes. In the room, the vision of the bitter sea reflected by Xiao Shihao reaches its peak.

The dragons are surging, the ocean is rolling, and for a moment it seems as if a shipwreck has come.

After a while, the dragons disappear, and it turns into nine suns shining in the sky on the red sea.

After a while, the vision changes again, and it turns into a giant hand extending from the sky, with endless calamity light in its hand.

This calamity light contains the artistic conception of destroying everything, making the waves of the red bitter sea even more turbulent.

Xiao Shihao is like a stone sculpture. He allows the visions outside him to continue to emerge, but he does not move at all, but the breath of life on his body becomes stronger and stronger.

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