All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 134 Entering the Virtual God Realm

Two days passed before Xiao Shi Hao slowly opened his eyes.

As his eyes opened, the vision of the crimson sea of ​​suffering that enveloped the entire Stone Village slowly disappeared.

The sound of rushing water sounded in Shi Hao's body, which was the constant surge of the too-deep source of life.

"This Heaven Covering Technique is really exciting to practice, as if it was tailor-made for me."

Xiao Shi Hao stood up, clapped his fleshy little hand forward, and a red palm print struck, carrying countless life essences, making a big crater in the land in front of him.

"This power is not bad. Although I have only reached the early stage of Life Spring Realm, the combat power provided by this spring is comparable to that of a hole in the cave."

A willow branch from Willow God stretched out quietly.

"The technique you have practiced in the past two days is very good."

Xiao Shihao turned to look at Liu Shen.

"Liu Shen, your perception is too keen. You can actually feel that I am practicing a new cultivation method. I originally wanted to wait until I am successful in my cultivation before telling you to give you a surprise!"

The willow branch swayed gently in the air and nodded on Xiao Shi Hao's head.

"I'm afraid even the ferocious beasts in the wilderness can detect the movement of your cultivation, let alone me."

Xiao Shihao shook the bronze book in his hand and handed it to Liu Shen's willow branch.

"Well, according to my friend, the upper limit of this skill is very high. Unfortunately, the skill book in my hand is not complete. It only has the cultivation method of the secret realm of the wheel sea."

Willow God's willow branches gently brushed against each other, and he opened the bronze book and looked at it carefully.

In fact, she discovered the bronze book in Shi Hao's arms two days ago. However, she would not flip through it without Shi Hao's consent. Therefore, it was not until today when Shi Hao handed the book to her that Liu Shen had it. Opportunity to learn more about the method of covering the sky.

The more he looked at Liu Shen, the more he was shocked. Although the book in front of him only contained a secret cultivation method, but at the level of Liu Shen, a glimpse of it can reveal the whole story!

After a little deduction, Liu Shen realized how extraordinary this technique was. It was even more amazing than she thought!

This is a brand new path of cultivation that is derived from the methods of cultivation in this world. Along this path, you can practice upward and even reach the top of the ultimate path and become an immortal in the world of mortals.

Liu Shen held the bronze book and fell into silence. Xiao Shi Hao waited aside for a long time, and finally couldn't wait any longer.

He couldn't wait to speak and said: "Liu Shen, Liu Shen! Didn't you tell me a few days ago that you would allow me to enter the Virtual God Realm?

I feel like I'm in good shape today, and I want to go into the Virtual God Realm to have a look. "

Hearing Xiao Shi Hao's voice, Liu Shen woke up as if from a dream, put the bronze book back into Xiao Shi Hao's arms, took him to the charred tree trunk, and asked Xiao Shi Hao to sit down cross-legged!

Xiao Shihao folded his legs obediently and sat cross-legged on the ground, looking very well-behaved, but the look of anticipation in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

"Since I promised you, I will naturally not break my promise. Be prepared and let us start our journey to the sky."

The five willow branches of the Willow God stretched out and kept shuttling in the void. Countless mist of chaos billowed, and the chain of the God of Order entangled in the air to form a giant golden beam of light, rising into the sky.

The sky opened, and under the green light all over the sky, the two skies became hazy, as if leading to another dimensional world.

Shi Hao felt his body light up, the world opened up, and suddenly he appeared in another world.

Liu Shen took him to a desolate ruins, and then showed him where to go. Following the direction Liu Shen pointed out, Xiao Shi Hao kept walking forward.

As he walked, Xiao Shihao felt that the chaotic mist around him was getting thinner and thinner, and gradually the scene in front of him became clearer and clearer, until he stepped on a large bluestone, and suddenly a golden light flashed, and the little boy left. He walked out of the ruins and came to another piece of bluestone.

Shi Hao lowered his head and looked curiously at the bluestone at his feet. This large bluestone was inlaid with several primitive precious bones.

Shi Hao knelt down and tapped the original treasure bone with the knuckle of his middle finger.

Only a crisp sound was heard from these primitive treasure bones, and then divine inscriptions shone one after another on the treasure bones, forming a very strong defense.

This should be the initial channel mentioned in the group leader’s information!

I remember that as long as you don't use rune power and just use physical power to attack this bluestone, the divine pattern defense will not be triggered.

Xiao Shihao swung his fleshy fists, feeling some urge to give it a try.

At this moment, a group of people gathered around Xiao Shi Hao.

They stared at Xiao Shi Hao with curious expressions in their eyes.

"Whose child is this? He is only over three years old. How can his parents be so confident in letting him enter the False God Realm to experience it!

I think he might not even have 10,000 kilograms of strength. "

"It's hard to say, maybe he is a genius from a large family!

You must know that the genius of Shi Kingdom also entered the False God Realm to experience at the age of five or six, and also broke many records. "

"Can it be the same? The genius of the Stone Kingdom not only has double pupils, but is also said to be born supreme and has a supreme bone. It is difficult for such a genius to appear in hundreds of years.

Comparing him to the little milk baby in front of him was simply an insult to Shi Guo Tianjiao. "

The onlookers kept discussing, and everyone was very curious about Shi Hao's origin, because they had never seen a little milk baby like Shi Hao in the virtual god world.

When you die in the False God Realm, although only your spirit will die, your body will also be affected. If you are an adult, it will be fine. You can recover after a period of rest, but if you are a three-year-old child, your body has not yet developed. Completely, death in the virtual god world would have a great impact on him.

Shi Hao completely ignored the voices of the onlookers, just lowered his head and concentrated on playing with a few primitive bones on the big bluestone.

Shi Hao was thinking about how to catch all these primitive treasure bones. He only needed to use brute force to break the big bluestone to get a primitive treasure bone as a reward, while the other primitive treasure bones would be recycled by the Void God Realm.

If you don't make a profit, you will lose. Affected by the atmosphere of the chat group and Shi Hao's own personality, he doesn't want to give up even a piece of his original treasure.

Since it was beaten down by me, then it is mine, why should the Virtual God Realm take it back!

Seeing the little milk baby staring intently at the original treasure bones on the initial passage, everyone around him gradually came to their senses.

"Isn't he trying to remove the original bones from the initial passage? This is fantastic!"

"The initial channel is indestructible. The stronger the power you use, the stronger its resistance. Even the genius of the Stone Kingdom was unable to do any harm to the initial channel. If you want to get from the initial channel The primitive treasure bones are simply a waste of effort.”

There were more onlookers who were silent, quietly watching Shi Hao's performance on the Great Qing Stone.

It is rare to encounter such a young child in the Virtual God Realm, and this child is obviously a bit bearish. He is staring at the primitive bones on the initial passage and keeps making gestures. Such a rare joke has attracted the attention of many people, and even Several masters rushed back from the Xu God Realm in the Cave Heaven Realm to the Xu God Realm in the Blood Moving Realm just to watch the fun!

The two old men also sneaked into the crowd, pretending to be harmless humans and animals, and carefully watched Shi Hao's every move.

One of these two old men has a jade-colored jade wall on his chest, and the other has a five-color bird on his shoulder. Both of them look quite wretched!

The monks who had returned from the Dongtian Jingxu God Realm were chatting with the familiar monks around them.

"Let me tell you, a big event happened in the False God Realm of the Cave Heaven Realm today! In order to break another record, the genius of the Stone Kingdom is challenging one person to fight against a hundred masters of the same realm today."

"Then why don't you stay and watch the fun! What's so good about a little brat? Let's go, let's take my friends to the scene. I want to see if the genius of the Shi Kingdom is as strong as the rumors say. "

The monk let out a bitter laugh: "Do you think I don't want to see it? I don't have to!

As soon as the news came out that Shi Yi wanted to challenge the record of one against a hundred, all the good positions around the venue where he was scheduled to fight had already been taken.

Good guy, it was such a huge crowd. Fairies from many sects gathered there, and I couldn't squeeze in at all. "

Hearing Shi Yi's name, Shi Hao raised his head and looked at the monk under the stage.

At this moment, a sacred monument suddenly appeared on the ground, with a line of words engraved on the inscription. Each word was glowing and contained terrifying opinions.

Shi Yi defeated hundreds of monks of the same realm, set a record, and was rewarded with a piece of original treasure bone.

Below there is a line of messages written by Shi Yi "Nineteen"

Seeing this stone tablet, the onlookers exclaimed in surprise.

"It is said that every time Shi Yi breaks a record, he will leave a number on the record. This is already the nineteenth record he has broken."

"As expected of the genius of the Shi family, it's really amazing. I remember that the last time he broke the record was five days ago. He broke a new record in just five days. It's simply inhumane."

"It seems that the number one person of the young generation has been locked in advance by this Young Supreme. Living in the same era as this Young Supreme, the young people of this era are really miserable."

Seeing Shi Yi's name on the stone tablet, a strange color flashed across Xiao Shi Hao's face.

The group leader is right, his brother is actually in the Virtual God Realm, and he should be in the Virtual God Realm on the upper level of Cave Heaven Realm now!

I don't know why, but Xiao Shi Hao suddenly felt a fire in his heart.

Upon thinking of this, Xiao Shi Hao no longer held back. He swung his arms and struck the bluestone with a force of more than 100,000 kilograms.

This huge force of more than 100,000 kilograms is purely physical strength. After entering the cave heaven realm, Xiao Shi Hao's physical strength has made great progress.

Using pure physical strength will not activate the defense mechanism of the original precious bones on the bluestone.

But even so, the bluestone is still very strong, and Xiao Shihao's full blow only left a tiny crack on the bluestone.

Seeing Xiao Shihao's behavior, the onlookers laughed and laughed.

In their minds, the initial channel is absolutely unbreakable.

"Little guy, save your energy. The False God Realm has existed for countless years. Countless geniuses have stepped into this place. I don't know how many people have tried, but no one has ever been able to hurt the initial channel. You It definitely won’t work either.”

"Does a little guy who has not yet been weaned know how to use such funny behavior to impress the public? It's really ridiculous. If you have the ability, just learn from the genius of the Stone Kingdom and leave a record on the stone tablet. This is the real ability."

However, everyone's mocking words stopped after just a few words. They saw that clear cracks actually appeared on the big bluestone.

As Xiao Shihao continued to punch, more and more cracks appeared on the bluestone, and finally it actually cracked with a bang, and several pieces of original treasure bones fell off.

As the bluestone cracked, the onlookers suddenly became silent, and all stared at Xiao Shihao in astonishment, as if they had seen a ghost.

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