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Chapter 135 My name is Shi Hao!

Xiao Shihao walked slowly forward to several pieces of original treasure bones. He stretched out one hand to grab a piece of original treasure bone, and put the other hand behind his back, running the Devouring Heaven Magic Art with all his strength, and a ray of black light flashed in the palm of his hand.

Just as Xiao Shihao picked up the first piece of original treasure bone, the other pieces of original treasure bones began to glow and flew directly through the air.

However, these pieces of original treasure bones did not fly far before they were covered by a black light. This black light was extremely deep, as if it could make the whole world lose light and fall into eternal night.

Under the powerful suction of the black light, these pieces of original treasure bones were sucked into Xiao Shihao's body, turning into a stream of origin, nourishing Xiao Shihao's body.

After swallowing these pieces of original treasure bones, Xiao Shihao's breath became visibly stronger.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shihao couldn't help but smile. The Void God Realm still wants to play rogue. The original treasure bone that obviously belongs to me is still thinking about taking it back. I will eat you directly and see how you take it back!

As the original treasure bone was swallowed, the entire Void God Realm was shaking slightly, as if a giant god was angry in the sky.

But after a while, the vibration stopped, and then a stone tablet floated up.

"Smash the initial channel and reward an original treasure bone!"

As soon as this stone tablet came out, the onlookers widened their eyes. It was actually possible to play like this, and smashing the initial channel could actually get such a huge reward.

Many people beat their chests and stamped their feet, touching their chests, regretting why they didn't think of this. If they thought of it, wouldn't this piece of original treasure bone be his.

There were also many people who spoke to Shi Hao, wanting to buy this original treasure bone from him.

At this time, an old man with a five-colored bird on his shoulder spoke softly.

"Little guy, hurry up and carve the relevant information and complete this record!"

Shi Hao nodded. He had already known the information about this stone tablet from Xu Chenzhou's information.

There are two lines of information waiting to be completed on the stone tablet. The first line is the name or code name, and the second line is not restricted, but generally the information of the breakthrough will be written.

In the original timeline, little Shi Hao misunderstood the words of a kind sister in this link, and filled in the five big words "I love to eat beast milk" in the name column. Later, this name has always followed Emperor Huang Tian and became one of the black histories he least wanted to mention.

This time, Shi Hao will naturally not make such a mistake.

He stretched out his chubby little hand and slowly engraved on the stone tablet with his index finger, and wrote two big words, Shi Hao.

Yes, that's right, this time Shi Hao did not change his name or surname, and directly engraved his real name on the record tablet.

So when these two words appeared at this time, the onlookers showed surprise in their eyes.

"Shi Hao, is this little guy's name?"

"If his last name is Shi, he should be from the Shi clan. I didn't expect that Shi Country had one Shi Yi and another Shi Hao."

"I was wondering why such a terrifying genius suddenly appeared. It turned out that he was from the Shi family. Maybe this Shi Hao is the younger brother trained by Shi Yi himself."

In addition to these onlookers who didn't know the situation, there were also some well-informed people. When they saw the two words "Shi Hao", their backs felt cold and their foreheads sweated.

Some people secretly took out the communication jade talisman to send a message to the head of the family, while others quickly went offline and came to the head of the family to report the news.

The most shocked person at the scene was Shi Jiajia, a disciple of the Shi clan.

Shi Jiajia had seen little Shi Hao when he was very young, and he also knew the conflict between Shi Hao and Shi Yi.

Looking at little Shi Hao's face, Shi Jiajia felt that the little kid in front of him looked exactly like the former Tiansheng Supreme.

At this moment, little Shi Hao continued to write and wrote slowly in the second line.

This time, stepping on Lingxiao and destroying Shiguo, just to retrieve the Supreme Bone!

As soon as this line of words came out, it instantly caused an uproar.

Shi Yi, who was far away in another space of the Void God Realm, also saw this stone tablet.

His eyes were very calm and his expression was very indifferent, as if Shi Hao's reappearance did not cause him any psychological pressure.

There was a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth: "My good brother, you are back."

Shi Yi didn't care about Shi Hao's return at all. Since his brother's Supreme Bone was cut off, he never took Shi Hao seriously again.

The peak of the four-year-old Blood Moving Realm is indeed okay. If it is in front of others, it can indeed be called a genius.

But in front of me, don't say that you are just in the Blood Moving Realm, even if you have entered the Spiritual Transformation Realm, what about it?

On the other side, Shi Jiajia's figure became virtual and went offline directly.

He is back. The former natural supreme is really back, and he openly asks the Shi family for the Supreme Bone. This matter is too big, it is simply breaking the sky. His little shoulders can't bear it, and he has to find some people who can carry it.

Others were also discussing it, and some of them were so imaginative that they almost guessed the truth.

"Take back the Supreme Bone? That means the Supreme Bone belongs to the little guy in front of me. I thought it was strange at the time. How could someone have both double pupils and Supreme Bone? It turns out that only the double pupils are his own, and the Supreme Bone was stolen from someone else."

"It is indeed possible. I have read about the case of grafting Supreme Bone in ancient books. Now it seems that the little guy in front of me is the victim."

"The Stone Clan is really too greedy. They obviously can have a dual supreme, but they use such cruel methods to fuse two extremely talented people into one person. No wonder Shi Yi's combat power is so strong. It turns out that he used These insidious means.”

As the waves surged, public opinion instantly turned to Shi Hao's side.

Of course, there are also people who are facing the Stone Clan, thinking that it is impossible for someone to be so stupid as to destroy the Great Wall in this way and destroy the talented people in the clan.

While everyone was still speculating, a group of figures emerged from the void.

The leader is wearing a sleeve robe made of fine cloud brocade. The chest of the sleeve robe is embroidered with the word "cloud" in white silk.

And behind him were more than a dozen monks.

This group of people walked toward the initial passage menacingly.

"These are people from the Yu Clan. It is said that they are the descendants of Shi Yi's mother clan, the genius of the Stone Clan."

"It seems like what Shi Hao just said is probably true."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense if you don't want to die. It's not like you don't know how powerful the Rain Clan is."

After everyone knew their identity as members of the Rain Clan, they all moved out of the way, allowing the team to come to the center.

The leading man walked up to Shi Hao and looked at Shi Hao with a rather complicated look, as if he couldn't believe that Shi Hao was still alive. After a long time, he slowly spoke.

"Master Shi Hao, you can eat randomly but not talk nonsense.

The supreme bone of Shi Yi, the genius of our clan, was born with him. What does it have to do with you?

Could it be that something went wrong while you were practicing and your brain was burned out?

Let's do this. Our Yu tribe has very good medical skills. You come home with me and I will find the best doctor to treat you. "

Another man behind him also said.

"After your illness is cured, you can explain to the world what is going on and restore our Shi Yi's innocence."

The leading man took a step forward, his figure shuttled through the void, and then the man suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Shi Hao's shoulder, wanting to capture Shi Hao directly and bring him back to the Rain Clan.

"Come and follow me home, and uncle will treat you."

The leading man was very confident. He had already confirmed that the three-year-old child in front of him was Shi Hao.

No matter how good he is, there's no way he can beat a three-year-old child!

In the initial channel, everyone can only use the cultivation level of blood-moving mirror.

The leading man had already used all his strength, ninety thousand kilograms of strength condensed in his hands, and countless runes flashed on his body.

The big golden hand grabbed Shi Hao, and there were countless golden sword energies surrounding the big hand. The power of this grab was simply earth-shattering, and it was definitely a rare opponent in the blood-moving mirror.

At this moment, Shi Hao waved his hand gently, very casually, as if he was driving away flies. The golden sword energy broke in response, and his big hand was slapped away by Shi Hao's palm.

The leading man's eyes showed an expression of disbelief, how could you be so strong!

The child in front of him seemed so small, how could he contain such powerful power in his body.

The leading man waved his hand gently and said coldly: "Let's go together. We must bring Master Shi Hao back to the Yu Clan to treat him well and cure his illness."

But the group of men behind him agreed and took out the magical weapons in their arms and pointed them at Shi Hao.

As the magic weapon was being swung, the sky was filled with divine chains of order, and countless rays of sword energy were shot towards Shi Hao.

Faced with such a ferocious attack, Shi Hao did not panic at all: "You are not worthy of fighting with me in the same realm!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Hao's whole body shimmered with light, and countless rays of lightning flashed on his arms, converging on the palms of his hands. It was as if the God of Thunder had come to the world, and when the lightning flashed, it was like whips lashing out at everyone in the Rain Clan. .

Under the absolute disparity in combat power, these people from the Rain Clan simply did not have the strength to fight back, and they lay on the ground one after another.

In fact, many people's cultivation is not limited to the Blood Moving Realm, but in the Virtual God Realm at the initial channel level, they can only exert the skills of the Blood Moving Realm, so there is no way they can be Shi Hao's opponent!

The figure of the leading man became weaker and weaker in the air, until he completely disappeared when he landed on the ground.

This unbelievable performance once again shocked everyone.

"Did I read correctly just now? The people of the Rain Clan were killed?"

"I know this team leader. He is known as Jiufeng Zhenren in the outside world. He is a great master in the realm of spirit transformation. Now he is actually killed by a three-year-old child. It is really unexpected."

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