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Chapter 136 Why can’t we sacrifice for the Stone Clan? (There are many typos, please read again afte

Xiao Shihao looked at the people of the Rain Clan who fell to the ground in front of him, and there was a look of disappointment in his eyes. These guys were too weak. He clapped his hands: "You are too weak. I haven't even exerted my strength yet, how come you all fell down!"

Xiao Shihao's contemptuous words made the onlookers speechless. The people sent by the Rain Clan were already strong enough. The leader, Jiufeng Zhenren, was a great cultivator in the Transformation Realm. His subordinates basically had the cultivation of the Cave Heaven Realm. For ordinary cultivators, this was already a big force, but in the mouth of this little baby, it was actually despised.

"This little kid is too amazing. When I was three years old, I couldn't even walk. The gap between people is too big!"

"Xiao Shihao is a natural supreme. How can we be qualified to be compared with him?"

Hearing this, many people echoed.

Their performance when they were three years old was also very different from Shihao. The words of this cultivator gave them some psychological comfort. It was not that they were bad, but mainly that others were cheating.

Indeed, they are just ordinary cultivators, not even geniuses, how can they compare with the natural supreme.

But at this time, someone who has read the ancient books stood up.

"His achievements have nothing to do with the natural supreme bone.

It is true that Xiao Shihao is a natural supreme, but I have read in ancient books that the natural supreme who has had his supreme bone dug out will become weaker than normal people, and it is even difficult for them to survive.

I really don't know how much suffering the little guy has suffered to have his current cultivation strength!"

The eyes of the old man Jingbi and the old man Niao who were hiding in the dark also flashed with strange spirits when they looked at Xiao Shihao, and they looked very appreciative.

At this time, another stone tablet appeared in the void, with only a simple line of words on it.

"I'm waiting for you in the Void God Realm of the Cave Heaven Realm. If you want the supreme bone, come and get it yourself!"

This stone tablet obviously came from Shi Yi, and the content on it was very explicit, and there was no intention to cover up that he had taken the supreme bone of Shihao.

This is Shi Yi's character. If he took the bone, he took the bone. There is no need to hide it. He even wanted to use the power of Shi Hao's supreme bone to defeat little Shi Hao!

Shi Yi's behavior shocked the onlookers.

Because the appearance of this stone tablet means one thing, that is, Shi Yi broke the record again in such a short time.

Breaking the record is like drinking water. Is this the strength of a true genius?

Although Shi Hao has such a strong combat power at the age of three, it is already very strong, but it is obvious that Shi Yi's performance is better.

Throughout the ages, there are not many cultivators who can be so arrogant and use the limit-breaking stone tablet as a letter paper!

Seeing this stone tablet, a smile appeared on little Shi Hao's face.

The virtual god realm of the cave realm?

Very good, it seems that Shi Yi's cultivation is still in the cave realm.

Shi Yi is not only four years older than him, but also has the resources of the two major families of the Shi clan and the Yu clan. The early cultivation is very smooth, even if he has broken through to the spirit transformation realm, it is normal.

If Shi Yi really breaks through to the Spiritual Transformation Realm, Little Shi Hao is not sure that he can defeat him.

After all, Shi Yi not only has his Supreme Bone, but also these two double pupils. Even Shi Hao is not sure that he can fight against such an enemy across the realm.

Little Shi Hao looked far away, looking at a high peak in the distance, and then he rushed out fiercely. Every step he took on the ground could create a deep pit, causing the earth to shake constantly, just like an ancient beast.

Seeing Little Shi Hao's behavior, everyone was stunned, wondering what this little baby wanted to do.

But Shi Hao's might when he charged still shocked them a little.

"Each of these steps can cause such a big commotion. This little baby's physical strength should be 170,000 to 180,000 jin."

"Although his realm is limited to the Blood Moving Realm, he can still possess such a strong physical strength. It seems that this little baby's cultivation should be far more than the peak of the Blood Moving Realm."

"That's true. Even at the peak of the Blood Moving Realm, he only has 180,000 jin of strength. Only after breaking through the Blood Moving Realm can he break through this limit.

This little baby's cultivation realm should be stronger than the peak of the Blood Moving Realm, so he can only exert more than 180,000 jin of cultivation when his realm is limited to the peak of the Blood Moving Realm."

As Xiao Shihao charged, a straight dirt road appeared on the ground. The flowers and plants on the road had all turned into powder at this time. From the sky, it looked like a straight earth dragon, coiling on the ground and crashing into the distant mountain.

At the moment when he was about to hit the mountain, Xiao Shihao made a fist with both hands. It was the Six Paths of Samsara Fist. He sublimated it to the extreme and integrated six kinds of treasures at the same time.

The magic of the Roaring Clan, the Luan Clan, the Green Scaled Eagle, the Suanni, and so on merged together, rotating continuously, forming a terrifying phantom behind Shi Hao, with all things withering and flourishing, and the universe being born and dying.

Although the power of this punch was limited to the peak of the Blood Moving Realm, the fusion of these magics was too terrifying. The rays of light flowed and merged together, turning into a terrifying light.

This light struck out and hit the mountain hard.

With a loud bang, the foot of the mountain began to collapse as the light pushed forward, and one-third of the entire mountain collapsed inward. A huge gap appeared on the mountain, and under the huge pressure, the mountain with only two-thirds of the foundation left began to collapse.

Boom boom boom, half of the mountain turned into a pile of rubble, covering the ground. This terrifying power is completely beyond the scope of the Blood Moving Realm. Even the peak cultivators of the Cave Heaven Realm find it difficult to do it.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

"I remember that this mountain seems to be the one that Shi Yi used to refresh the long jump record.

At that time, Shi Yi jumped from the ground to the top of the mountain with only physical strength. The huge impact force even left a lake on the ground. At that time, I thought Shi Yi was already the strongest in the Blood Moving Realm. I didn't expect that there was actually a master!"

"Indeed, Xiao Shihao's performance is much more terrifying than Shi Yi.

If his punch just now was limited to the Blood Moving Realm, I dare say that few masters in the world are sure to catch this punch!"

Just when everyone was still discussing this punch, a stone tablet appeared next to Xiao Shihao again.

This time, Shi Hao was much more straightforward and wrote a line of big words directly on the stone tablet.

"Come if you want, don't leave if you have the guts!"

After carving this line of words, little Shi Hao grabbed a passerby and asked in which direction Shi Yi broke the record, and then ran in that direction.

A pair of short legs, running fast, raising a trail of dust behind him

This time, Shi Hao didn't want to continue playing the stone tablet messaging game with Shi Yi, after notifying him, he went straight to meet him!

"You say, could it be that this little kid smashed this mountain just to reply to Shi Yi's letter?"

"Do you need to tell me? Isn't the result obvious?"

"I dreamed of breaking a record, but I couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. But he broke the record just to send a message! Don't mess with him. Geniuses can do whatever they want."

"What are you still discussing? Hurry up and catch up! If you don't watch this good show, you will regret it for a year."

"Regret for a year? If I miss it, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

The crowd of spectators kept running behind Xiao Shihao. This spectator was too exciting. If I didn't eat it, I would feel uncomfortable.

Following the guidance of the passerby, Xiao Shihao successfully left the virtual world of the blood-moving realm and came to the virtual world of the gods that limited their cultivation to the cave realm.

After walking a few steps, another group of figures appeared in front of Xiao Shihao.

This time, the people who appeared in front of Xiao Shihao included not only people wearing the brocade clothes of the Rain Clan, but also several middle-aged men who looked a bit like Shihao.

When the group saw Xiao Shihao running towards them, they showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Brother Ziteng, it's really easy to get this kid. I was thinking of going to the virtual world of the blood realm to find this kid, but I didn't expect him to bump into us."

"Brother Heling, this is the fate of our clan's genius. He is destined to become the supreme ruler of the world. Those who dare to provoke Shi Yi will not have a good end."

This group of people are the people of the Feather Clan and the Stone Clan. The leaders Shi Ziteng and Yu Heling are Shi Yi's uncle and uncle respectively.

Xiao Shihao had no intention of paying attention to this group of people. He wanted to pass by them directly. He was now determined to find Shi Yi.

At this moment, Shi Ziteng opened his hand, and a yellow stone wall rose up to block Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao, you don't even know how to greet your cousin. You are so uneducated!"

Yu Heling, who was standing next to him, held a green feather fan in his hand and waved it slightly in front of his chest, looking like he was planning and winning a battle thousands of miles away.

"Brother Zi Teng, don't blame me. This kid is also a pitiful person. His parents have not been around since he was a child. He is no different from a savage. It is normal that he doesn't know etiquette.

Alas! What an irresponsible pair of parents. They don't know how to teach their children.

Fortunately, we uncles help them discipline them!"

Stopped by the stone wall, little Shi Hao stopped.

In fact, with his current cultivation, this stone wall can't stop him at all.

But the two people's words were so mean that Shi Hao couldn't help it.

If these two people just talked about him, it would be fine.

But these two people actually dared to talk about his parents, which completely touched Shi Hao's reverse scale.

"Don't you know best whether my father is responsible or not!

When he was showing off his power in the Shi Mansion, you Shi Ziteng didn't even dare to fart. Now you come out to act like a big shot, it's really funny.

And you, you are from the Rain Clan, right? When my father stabbed your daughter to death with a spear, where were you?

A bunch of trash, you can't beat my father so you come to me to vent your anger, you are worse than dogs!"

Little Shi Hao's words directly broke the defense of Shi Ziteng and Yu Heling.

When Shi Ziling knew what happened to Shi Hao, he rushed into the Shi Mansion and almost turned the Shi Mansion upside down, and stabbed the Yu Clan bitch who cut open the heart and bones of little Shi Hao to death with a spear.

This incident is a wound for the entire Shi Clan and the Rain Clan, and it is also a past that they don't want people to mention.

Especially Yu Heling, Shi Yi's mother is his biological sister, and being told about this in public by Shi Hao is like rubbing salt on his wounds!

The two of them were furious, runes flashing all over their bodies, and the order of divine cracks appeared on their bodies, and they wanted to attack with all their strength.

At this time, an old man in a white robe came late. He flew in front of Yu Heling and Shi Ziteng and stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Heling, Zi Teng, why do you two adults care so much about a junior?

Little Shi Hao has suffered so much since he was a child, it is normal for him to have some resentment in his heart.

As adults, you should be more considerate. "

This old man obviously has a lot of face. As soon as he opened his mouth, Shi Ziteng and Yu Heling stopped immediately and lowered their heads to stand behind the old man.

The old man flew to Xiao Shihao with a warm and kind smile.

"Xiao Shihao, I am your eighth grandfather. This time I came to persuade you.

The eighth grandfather knows that you have had a hard time these years and have resentment in your heart. But Xiao Shihao, you must also remember that your surname is Shi, and our surname is Shi too. We are all a family with the same blood. What real conflicts are there between family members?

Sometimes, taking a step back is actually the best choice. The most important thing is that the family is harmonious and happy. "

Shihao looked impatient. This old man was really annoying. He suddenly flew out and kept talking for a long time without knowing what he was saying!

"So, what do you mean?"

The old man continued: "My idea is actually very simple, that is, everyone should turn hostility into friendship.

Shi Hao, I have also heard about your performance in the Void God Realm just now. You can be called the Overlord of the Blood Moving Realm!

You are the Tianjiao of my clan, and Shi Yi is also the Tianjiao of my clan. Although there are conflicts between you two, you are actually a family. Fighting each other will only benefit the people of other families. Why don't you reconcile!

Of course, Sixth Grandpa also knows that you, Shi Hao, have suffered a lot of grievances. Let's do this. Sixth Grandpa will make the decision for you and be a middleman to get some compensation for you!

Don't worry! With Sixth Grandpa's face, you will never lack cultivation resources from now on. Sixth Grandpa can also get it for you if you want any treasure technique. You will never suffer any loss. "

Shi Hao's eyes were rolling up to the sky. As a direct descendant, he had a share of the cultivation resources of the Shi clan, but now he disdained to ask for it. How could it be so funny to compensate him with his things!

Shi Hao's face was cold: "It's not impossible to reconcile with me. You ask Shi Yi to dig out his double pupils for me, and I will agree to turn hostility into friendship. "

Hearing Shi Hao's words, the warm and kind smile on the old man's face instantly became a little cold, and a trace of impatience appeared in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

A member of the Shi clan came out from behind the old man, his face full of righteousness.

"Shi Hao, why are you so ignorant? Your bones are gone. They have been removed. Even if you put them back, what can you do? You don't even have the Supreme Blood. It's just a fake bone. Just accept your fate. You are no longer a natural Supreme.

Besides, removing this bone will have a huge impact on Shi Yi, and it may even be life-threatening.

Our clan has lost a natural Supreme, how can we lose another one? Why can't you sacrifice for the Shi clan and for everyone!

Your father is ignorant, are you also ignorant? "

The words of this Shi clan member are also the voices of many Shi clan members behind the old man. They all spoke out.

"Yes! If it were me, I would definitely be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the family. After all, without the Shi Clan, how could I exist? The family gave birth to me and raised me. When it comes time for me to sacrifice, I will naturally do my best to do it!"

"Well said. If there is no spirit of sacrifice, how could our Shi Clan grow from a remote place and eventually become the royal family of the Shi Kingdom?

If it were me, not only would I be obliged to do it, I would not even ask for compensation!"

On the distant mountain, Shi Yi sat on the top of the mountain, his double pupils flashing with dazzling light, taking in everything that happened on the scene.

There was no emotional fluctuation on his face for all this.

The look he gave Shi Hao was like looking at an ant.

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