All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 137 Since you have to sacrifice, why don’t you sacrifice yourself!

At this time, all the friends in the chat group were also watching the battle. After hearing the speeches of these people from the Stone Clan, the group friends were also shocked by their shamelessness.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Scholar): "I originally thought that Hong Xuanji's shamelessness was unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect that people like the Stone Clan could be even more shameless than him!"

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Little Shi Hao is so cute, how can these people have the heart to bully him like this? What a bunch of beasts!"

Even though Misaka Mikoto can be a bit violent at times, she is actually very ladylike at ordinary times, and fully fits the image of the daughter of Tokiwadai Academy.

To be honest, Misaka Mikoto has never scolded anyone in her life. This time, she was so angry that she cursed a beast, which was already a very rude word to her.

Everyone in the group felt very angry about what happened to Xiao Shihao, and expressed their opinions in the group.

Especially Xu Chenzhou was extremely angry. His cultivation had increased greatly recently and he remembered many details in the book.

All Shi Hao has received from the Stone Clan in his life is suffering, and he really doesn’t owe them anything. If Shi Hao was born in another aristocratic family, he would definitely be regarded as the son of a Qilin family, and all resources would be gathered to support him. However, he was born in the Stone Clan. Not even a single resource was allocated to him, but the Supreme Bone was poached away. If it weren't for the old village chief and the villagers of Stone Village, the little guy would have burped long ago!

In the end, this group of people had the nerve to say such things, standing on the moral high ground and making extremely selfish remarks.

What Xu Chenzhou hated most in his previous life was this kind of keyboard warrior.

After everyone finished speaking, Han Li, who had been diving for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

Han Li (Qixuan Divine Doctor): "Why don't these beasts understand that disaster comes from the mouth?"

Since these beasts are using such high-sounding words to disgust Xiao Shi Hao, then we might as well treat them the same way they are treated and see if they are willing to truly devote themselves to the Stone Clan. "

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "Do you mean the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique?"

Han Li (Qi Xuan Divine Doctor): "Yes, I just discovered when I watched the live broadcast that Xiao Shi Hao can use the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique to devour the primitive bones of the Virtual God Realm. If this is the case, the spiritual bodies of these people can also be devoured. "

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): “Not only that, although this group of people are only spiritual bodies, there is a very close connection between the virtual world and the real world.

If you have a magical weapon such as the Soul-Breaking Needle, you can directly harm the opponent's body through the virtual god world.

Our Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique was integrated into the original-level techniques when developing it. I have a feeling that using the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Skill in the Virtual God Realm can trace back to the origin and directly devour the origin of their real physical body through the spiritual body! "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “That’s right, aren’t they just disgusting people who occupy the moral high ground and criticize them?

No one will be the same!

Our little Shi Hao is a direct descendant of the Shi family, the supreme young man.

According to them, these people, as members of the Shi family, should sacrifice themselves for their young master. "

When the group members start the live broadcast, the chat messages of the group members will appear in front of the group members in a form similar to barrages, so Han Li in the chat group just proposed this idea and was immediately seen by Xiao Shi Hao.

Just like when Xiao Shihao and the Yu tribe were scolding each other before, Xiao Shihao learned many words from the barrage.

Of course, group members can also choose to block these barrages directly to avoid affecting the battle.

Originally, Xiao Shi Hao was still having a headache on how to refute these heaven-defying things of the Shi family.

After all, he was only three years old. No matter how talented Shi Hao was, his experience was too little.

Xiao Shi Hao, who grew up in the wilderness, had the simplest logic in his mind: just beat whoever is unhappy until he is convinced!

He's really not very good at talking nonsense.

Now that the group of friends were offering advice, Xiao Shihao suddenly had ideas for dealing with them.

Xiao Shihao blinked his big watery eyes and looked at the people of the Stone Clan: "I thought about it carefully and found that what you uncles and uncles said is right. There is indeed some truth. As a member of the Stone Clan, you should indeed make some sacrifices for the Stone Clan!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Shi Hao's face was no longer as cold as before. Instead, he showed an innocent smile like melting ice and snow, and slowly walked towards the Stone Clan's team.

Seeing Xiao Shihao's appearance of being persuaded by them, everyone in the Stone Clan looked at each other, and for a moment they became a little less confident.

Did he really believe it?

How could we convince this little devil so easily?

They just want to criticize this little thing from the moral high ground. This is already the habit of children from aristocratic families.

As for whether what they say is true or not, I can only say that only a fool would believe it.

Several Stone Tribe people present sighed in their hearts. Fortunately, the Supreme Bone was taken out from the body of this second idiot and installed on Shi Yi. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to let this kind of fool become the young Supreme of their Stone Tribe. In just a year, the Stone Clan’s entire family fortune could be wiped out.

As for the possibility that Shi Hao was acting, it was not that they had not thought of it, but they subconsciously rejected the guess.

After all, Shi Hao's appearance is just that of a little kid over three years old. If he was acting, how could he act so realistically?

Even if I was born to practice my acting skills, I wouldn't be able to act so resemblingly, so innocently.

What’s more, everyone in the Shi Clan knew that when Xiao Shihao was over two years old, his Supreme Bone was taken away, and he even lost all his memories. Naturally, no one would suspect that such a blank-slate child was lying or acting.

But this group of people didn’t know that under the leadership of Xu Chenzhou, Han Li, Hong Yi, Lu Mingfei and other group members jointly participated in compiling several basic textbooks.

The group members were all talented and spoke well, so the basic textbooks they compiled were naturally a little different,

For example, the actual combat experience (also known as: the actual combat dirty routine collection)], and Han Li’s chief editor [Secret Realm Dungeon Exploration Guide (also known as: frowning and retreating behind everyone)], [A master’s self-cultivation (also known as: the birth of an actor!)]

Under the influence of these basic textbooks, Xiao Shihao’s fighting style has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past two months.

As he walked, Shi Hao approached Shi Ziyun, the first Shi Clan man who stood on the moral high ground to accuse him.

Shi Hao stretched out his hands and held Shi Ziyun's right hand, shaking it vigorously.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Ziyun, for reminding me! What you said is so profound, it enlightened me all of a sudden, otherwise I still don't understand why the Shi people help the Shi people."

Under Shi Hao's compliment, Shi Ziyun was a little floating

He himself didn't expect that his thinking was so profound that he could make this former young supreme admire him so much.

Shi Ziyun didn't even notice that a layer of black light was flashing on Shi Hao's palm, and every inch of his skin that came into contact with Shi Hao felt the endless suction.

But this suction was very weak, and it seemed so insignificant under Shi Hao's rapid shaking that Shi Ziyun didn't notice it at all

Shi Hao's hand shook faster and faster, and soon Shi Ziyun's body became a little ethereal, and a stream of gray-white air flowed out of his body and was sucked into Shi Hao's hands.

Not only that, there was also an endless supply of gray-white gas flowing into his body through the connection in the dark and then absorbed by Shi Hao.

Soon, the expression on Shi Ziyun's face changed from euphoria to fear.

He looked at Shi Hao with a look of surprise, and his tone was very panicked: "Nephew Shi Hao, what are you doing? Why do I feel that the origin in my body is being absorbed by you continuously?"

Shi Hao's face still had the same innocent smile as before: "Uncle Ziyun, I am a little weak now. I will absorb some of Uncle Ziyun's origin to replenish it. Uncle Ziyun will definitely not mind!

The Shi people help the Shi people. Isn't this what you said? I did everything you said. I guess you are also willing to sacrifice for the family.

After all, you just said that if you have the Supreme Bone, you are willing to donate it for the family, let alone this little origin!"

Shi Ziyun was constantly absorbing the origin by Shi Hao, and he was getting weaker and weaker. He had a breath stuck in his throat and couldn't say it no matter what.

Tmd I said I was willing to donate the Supreme Bone to the family because I don't have the Supreme Bone. You can sacrifice as you want. Anyway, I don't care.

But I really have the origin, you want to suck my origin, isn't this going to kill me!

If a cultivator loses his origin, at best he will never be able to make any progress in his cultivation, at worst he will degenerate into a mortal, which is comparable to the most terrifying Dao injury.

Because the origin is the foundation of cultivation, how can you cultivate without even the foundation?

Shi Ziyun's face became more and more horrified, because he had gradually felt that Shi Hao was absorbing not only the origin of his spiritual body, but also the origin of his physical body in the real world.

"What kind of magic is this, why can you even absorb the origin of my physical body in reality.

Xiao Shi Hao, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong, let me go quickly, if you absorb it again, my physical body will fall to the blood-moving realm!"

Things happened very quickly, the efficiency of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art in absorbing people's origins is absolutely first-class.

Shi Zhanshi, who claimed to be Shi Hao's eighth grandfather, had not reacted yet, and Shi Ziyun was absorbed to a layer of shallow phantom.

This phantom was in great pain and madness at this moment, because he could feel that his cultivation in the Cave Heaven Realm in reality was almost completely devoured by Shi Hao, leaving only the level of the initial entry into the Blood Moving Realm.

As little Shi Hao devoured the last bit of Shi Ziyun's essence, this person's phantom shattered like a bubble, scattering streams of light all over the ground.

The eyes of the people of the Shi Clan who were still present when they looked at Shi Hao changed a little. Now they knew that the three-year-old child in front of them was not an innocent little kid, but a terrifying demon who could absorb people's cultivation across thousands of mountains and rivers.

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