All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 138 A Sure Win

Shi Zhanshi's face was extremely angry when he saw this scene, and his golden hair danced wildly behind his head, like a lion with bared fangs and claws.

"Shi Hao! How dare you attack Ziyun? He is your cousin!"

Little Shi Hao had no intention of responding to Shi Zhanshi. He looked left and right, as if he was choosing the next prey.

The surrounding Shi clan masters were frightened by the look of little Shi Hao, who seemed to be picking livestock in a slaughterhouse.

Shi Hao's eyes were fixed on a Shi clan master, and the man could not help but step back several steps to avoid Shi Hao's eyes.

Seeing that this man was scared, Shi Hao felt a little bored and looked at another person.

As a result, this Shi clan master also retreated again and again, hiding behind others, fearing that he would be targeted by little Shi Hao and become the next target.

Before Shi Hao made a move, he scared more than a dozen Shi clan masters back again and again with just his eyes.

At this time, a man in bright red armor stood up. The man's bright red armor was covered with fine scales, like fish scales, and runes flowed on each piece of armor!

His face was resolute, and there was a long scar on his right cheek, like a centipede lying on his face.

"What are you afraid of! Although he has the evil skill of sucking people's essence from a distance, there are so many of us here, and there is also Uncle Ba in charge. Are we still afraid of a child like him?

Besides, he was so invincible in the virtual world of the Blood Moving Realm, but it doesn't mean that he can still dominate in the virtual world of the Cave Heaven Realm.

I think his cultivation level is at most just entering the Cave Heaven Realm, otherwise he wouldn't need to use sneak attacks to suck Shi Ziyun's essence."

Hearing the man's words, Shi Zhanshi turned his head and looked at him with admiration in his eyes.

"Ziyi is right. You are so scared by a child. How can you live like this?

And Shi Hao has gone astray by practicing this evil skill that can attract the origin. He must be brought back to the clan and trained to get back on the right path."

After hearing Shi Zhanshi's words, the Shi clan masters slowly got rid of their fear.

It is true. Although they all know how amazing Shi Hao's performance was in the virtual world of the blood moving realm, this is the virtual world of the cave heaven realm, where the strength of the cave heaven realm can be exerted.

They are almost all in the spirit transformation realm. How could they be afraid of a three-year-old child!

A pale-faced Shi clan expert said, "Ziyi, what you just said is really good. I think it's better for you to take down Shi Hao!"

Another thin Shizhu man also nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it is the safest for you to take action in this battle. You have already reached the peak of the Spiritual Transformation Realm three years ago. As long as you take action, you will definitely win!"

Shi Ziyi hurriedly shook his head. He was not stupid. Why would he do such a thankless task?

If he lost, wouldn't he be sucked dry by Shi Hao and become a useless person in reality?

Even if he won, it would not be a credit. Bullying a three-year-old child would make people laugh.

"I think it's better to attack together and take down Shi Hao. This is the safest way.

The kid has gone astray by practicing evil skills. There is no need to follow any rules with him for this kind of evil way!"

"Okay, let's attack together. This way, we will definitely be able to take down Shi Hao."

Shi Ziyi's words hit the mark of the Shi clan masters. They didn't want to fight against Shi Hao alone. After all, no one wanted to joke about their own cultivation.

But if they attacked together, they couldn't bring themselves to do it.

Now with Shi Ziyi's words, they instantly threw away their burdens!

They looked at each other, and their hands lit up one after another. Runes lit up from them and condensed into magnificent magic in their hands.

Some of these magics condensed into dozens of magic swords, some turned into a white tiger beast roaring to the sky, and some condensed into a ball of fire that dyed the sky red.

Behind them, a number of caves appeared, and the divine light in the caves flickered. Endless energy poured into their bodies, greatly increasing the power of the magic in their hands.

The caves behind these people were guaranteed to be more than five, and there were even two stone clan masters who condensed seven caves.

More than a dozen stone clan masters stood in the air, and the caves behind them covered the void. The divine energy was swaying everywhere, making the whole space a bit dreamy.

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen men from the rain clan also looked at each other.

"How can we miss such a grand event as the Demon Elimination and the Way? Brothers, wait a moment, we are here to help you!"

At this time, the spectators who had just chased Shi Hao had just arrived.

Little Shi Hao ran too fast and almost tired them to death.

The spectators who had just arrived at the scene were a little dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.

No, what are they doing!

Do these people from the stone clan and the rain clan even want to save their face!

To deal with a three-year-old child, so many experts were dispatched.

The experts of the Rain Clan roared, and countless runes condensed outside their bodies, twisting into a dark cloud.

This was the dark cloud magic of their Rain Clan, which could gather the power of everyone and turn it into a dark cloud to fight the enemy, bringing down wind, rain, thunder and lightning that penetrated everywhere and was indestructible. It was the most suitable magic for siege.

The dark clouds covered the sky, the wind and rain were swaying, and the wind and rain condensed by countless runes blew towards Shi Hao, mixed with lightning and thunder, a doomsday-like scene.

Some of the Shi clan masters were not to be outdone. Purple clouds filled their bodies, and lightning flashed, condensing into lightning beasts one after another in the air.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shihao was not afraid but happy. He stretched out his body, and nine caves opened behind him instantly.

As soon as these nine caves appeared in the world, powerful energy fluctuations surged out one after another, and even the clouds in the sky were suddenly dispersed by Xiao Shihao's powerful momentum.

"This child actually cultivated nine caves! What a terrible talent!"

The crowd exclaimed. You must know that all those who have cultivated nine caves in ancient and modern times are gifted geniuses.

And don't forget that Xiao Shihao is only more than three years old now. A nine-hole contestant who is less than four years old is a little unimaginable to everyone.

The energy gushing out of the cave poured into Xiao Shihao's body, making him surge with a golden light, like a piece of armor, with countless runes flowing, revealing a mysterious and indescribable breath.

This is not the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, but the protective force field formed spontaneously by the energy in his body outside his body.

Countless winds and rains blew on Xiao Shihao's body, causing ripples on his golden armor, energy collisions, runes erosion, and the magic used by more than a dozen people together, but even Xiao Shihao's defense was difficult to break through.

To deal with this group of people, Xiao Shihao disdained to use the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique.

Because Xiao Shihao had already noticed Shi Yi on the top of the mountain in the distance.

He sat on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, motionless.

But Xiao Shihao knew that Shi Yi seemed indifferent, as if he didn't care about him, but in fact, a pair of double pupils had been watching this place for a long time.

If he used a powerful magic in advance, it would only make Shi Yi prepared, and put him at a disadvantage in the battle later.

Xiao Shihao rushed forward fiercely, and his figure flashed like lightning and rushed into the formation of the Shi clan masters.

Seeing this scene, Shi Ziyi's eyes condensed, he raised his hands, his hair fluttered behind him, and there were bursts of sword sounds behind him, and then twelve golden flying swords came out. These twelve golden flying swords were all condensed by runes, flashing with powerful sword energy. Under the vibration of the sword body, the sword sounds were extremely clear and fierce, containing a terrible murderous aura, as if it could tear the sky and split the earth.

But Xiao Shihao was not afraid at all. The golden light in his hand flashed, forming a series of purple lights, and then a phantom of Suan Ni appeared behind Xiao Shihao.

Suan Ni roared, purple thunder filled the air, as if stepping on a sea of ​​electricity and rushing forward, blocking the twelve long swords in the air.

After Suan Ni's magic offset Shi Ziyi's magic, Xiao Shihao continued to rush forward.

In an instant, he came in front of Shi Ziyi.

Xiao Shihao put his palms together into fists, with a golden light flashing on his hands, and punched Shi Ziyi's chest several times in a row.

Every time Shi Hao threw a punch, a phantom of a Suanni rushed out from it, emitting a terrible roar, with lightning flashing around it, and it was lifelike.

Shi Ziyi raised the spear in his hand, but could only barely parry. The power of Xiao Shi Hao's punches far exceeded his imagination. This terrible power was far beyond his ability to resist!

After a few moves, Shi Ziyi's hands began to tremble, and he couldn't even hold the spear in his hand. At this time, Xiao Shi Hao hit Shi Ziyi's chest with another punch, knocking him to the ground, and he lost consciousness and fainted on the ground.

Then Xiao Shi Hao grabbed his neck fiercely and dragged him into the air. With a black light flashing on his hand, he actually began to absorb Shi Ziyi's essence in public.

Seeing Shi Ziyi's miserable condition, the masters of the Shi Clan and the Yu Clan quickly surrounded him. They no longer held back, and they all used all their strength to use all the treasures at the bottom of the box.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with wind and rain, lightning and thunder, and vast oceans accumulated on the ground, rushing towards Xiao Shihao like a flood.

In addition, there were dozens of strange beasts circling in the ocean, including sea turtles, purple leopards, and red phoenixes. Runes flowed on the bodies of each strange beast, as if they could destroy the world.

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