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Chapter 139 The pupil master takes action and opens up the tenth cave

Even Shi Zhanshi, who had not made a move, made a move at this time. Between the flow of light and shadow, a lifelike phantom of a dragon appeared behind him, soaring into the sky. The dragon was surrounded by flames, stepping on a cloud of fire, burning the void, and the heat wave caused the void to begin to distort.

He punched hard, and the dragon flew out of the body and flew towards Shi Hao.

This scene made the onlookers tremble.

"Shi Hao may be in real danger this time!

Shi Zhanshi had broken through to the Inscription Realm many years ago, and his understanding of treasure techniques was extremely terrifying.

Shi Zhanshi, the eighth master of the Shi clan, used the Red Dragon Treasure Technique, which is one of the three treasure techniques of the Shi Kingdom. It is rumored that it can summon a sea of ​​fire to judge all living beings in the world. How could little Shi Hao resist this terrifying treasure technique!"

At this time, Shi Hao no longer held back and sublimated the power in his body to the extreme.

The nine caves behind him were suspended behind him, and countless divine powers were continuously transmitted from the void, bringing his momentum to the peak!

Shi Hao's hand flashed with lightning, and an electric ball shrank infinitely, condensed into a point and then exploded with a bang. The thunder in his palm spread, and actually evolved a thunder universe in the void.

This is Shi Hao's performance of evolving the Suanni method to the extreme!

The thunder universe spreads.

Whether it is rain or sea of ​​fire, whether it is a strange beast or a dragon, it is blocked outside Shi Hao by this thunder universe and cannot move forward.

Not only that, Shi Hao also evolved the Devouring Heaven Magic Art to the extreme. The devouring power in his body was transmitted to the nine caves, turning the nine caves into nine dark suns.

There is a black vortex in the sun that keeps turning, as if it is the end of the world, the end of everything, releasing a terrifying suction, as if nothing in the world can escape its devouring.

The sun is shining, and the cave is descending, as if nine huge beast mouths appeared in the void, swallowing nine stone clan masters into it with a puff.

The figures of the Stone Clan masters who were swallowed up gradually faded, their origins in reality were gradually swallowed up, and their physical realm began to slowly fall.

Shi Hao chose the Stone Clan masters who had tried to use moral kidnapping on him before.

After all, the Stone Clan was his family, and in fact, many people in the Stone Clan sympathized with Shi Hao, but their power was too weak to fight against the power of Shi Yi's lineage, and they could do nothing.

So Shi Hao showed leniency to the Stone Clan masters who did not use moral kidnapping on him, and did not use the Heaven Devouring Magic Art, but only destroyed their spiritual bodies.

Seeing this scene, Shi Zhanshi was close to madness!

Before entering the Void God Realm this time, he had never thought that such a change would happen.

Because before entering the Void God Realm, he already knew how shocking Shi Hao's performance was in the Void God Realm of the Moving Blood Realm, and he once again showed the talent of the Supreme Youth.

So when entering the Void God Realm this time, Shi Zhanshi actually wanted to bring Shi Hao back to the Stone Clan for training.

He also knew that Shi Hao must have resentment towards the family, but Shi Zhanshi did not think that he could not handle Shi Hao.

In his opinion, Shi Hao was just a three-year-old child. How difficult is it to handle a three-year-old child? Just coaxing him and giving him two candies would make Shi Hao return to the Shi clan.

In fact, Shi Zhanshi did not belong to Shi Yi's lineage.

Strictly speaking, he was a neutral faction, neither biased towards Shi Yi nor Shi Hao.

When Shi Hao still had the Supreme Bone in his body, he was the best elder to Shi Hao.

Later, when Shi Hao lost the Supreme Bone and Shi Ziling attacked the Shi clan and wanted to dig out the Supreme Bone from Shi Yi's body and return it to Shi Hao, he was the first to stand up and oppose it.

He had only one position, that was the interests of the Shi clan. Anyway, as long as it was good for the Shi clan, it was right for him.

Of course, the premise was not to harm his own interests. He protected the interests of the Shi clan, and in essence, he protected his own interests!

And now, Shi Hao's behavior of devouring the foundations of the Shi clan masters has deeply touched his bottom line.

Because among these people, many are his direct descendants, even his most promising biological son is among them

"Little beast! Stop it now, what are you doing, these people are your uncles, how can you bear to do such a heavy hand!

I am so angry, you are digging the roots of the Stone Clan!

When you were dug out of the Supreme Bone and became a waste, I should have slapped you to death with one palm, you ungrateful and white-eyed wolf."

Watching the tribe members being devoured one by one, and falling from the pride of heaven to waste, Shi Zhanshi was shattered, but he had no way to deal with Shi Hao.

The thunder universe condensed around Shi Hao was too powerful.

Even if his Fire Dragon Magic could burn the heaven and earth, it couldn't break through Shi Hao's Thunder Universe in the Cave Heaven Realm.

Shi Hao looked at Shi Zhanshi and showed an innocent smile on his face: "Grandpa Ba, don't worry, line up and take your time, it will be your turn later!"

While speaking, Shi Hao's nine cave heavens moved again in the void, the huge mouth opened, darkness came, under the powerful suction, the attacked had no ability to resist at all, and the nine masters of the Rain Clan were swallowed in again.

Shi Hao had no scruples about dealing with the people of the Rain Clan, one by one!

No one who entered the Void God Realm today was innocent. As long as they were members of the Rain Clan, Shi Hao swallowed them all, without mercy.

As these origins continued to flow into Shi Hao's body, Shi Hao felt that a drop of precious blood gradually condensed in his chest. In this drop of precious blood, countless runes were floating and shining with golden light.

This position was exactly where Shi Hao's Supreme Bone was originally located, and this drop of precious blood was the Supreme Precious Blood that was reborn in Shi Hao's body.

This meant that the Supreme Bone in Shi Hao's body had been reborn in Nirvana.

This matter was already within Shi Hao's expectations. Everyone in the group practiced the Heaven Devouring Magic Art in a different direction.

For example, Xiao Nannan wanted to cultivate a postnatal chaotic body, Xu Chenzhou absorbed the origin to strengthen the extraordinary organs, and he transported all the origins to his chest to condense the Supreme Bone again.

With the reappearance of this drop of Supreme Blood, Shi Hao felt a breath of energy that made his spirit connect to an existence in the dark.

The nine caves behind him no longer turned into a dark star, but instead restored their original appearance, connecting the world, and the rolling magma attacked, making the nine caves emit a dazzling light.

Not only that, an extremely terrifying energy also flowed out of his chest and rolled towards the existence in the void.

The tenth cave suddenly appeared in the void, flickering, with thousands of rays of light and tens of thousands of rainbows, as if it was the residence of the gods in the sky.

The onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed!

"What? This kind of scene, is Shi Hao trying to open up the tenth cave heaven!"

"It's incredible. Even the cubs of the ancient heaven-level beasts find it difficult to open up the tenth cave heaven. I didn't expect Shi Hao to be able to do it!"

"As far as I know, Shi Yi's current cultivation is also at the level of the tenth cave heaven.

If he can open up the tenth cave heaven, then Shi Hao will catch up with the footsteps of the stone clan's genius!

He can really compete with Shi Yi!"

"What are you kidding? Do you have a brain? What do you mean by being able to compete with Shi Yi?

You should know that Shi Hao is only three years old now. Even if he started practicing since his mother's womb, how long can he practice? Shi Yi is already eight years old this year.

It seems that Shi Hao, the hidden genius of the stone clan, is a true genius, the supreme young man."

This tenth cave heaven is quite difficult to open up. The rosy clouds and auspicious auras absorbed most of the energy in Shi Hao's body, but it was still on the edge of opening up.

Shi Hao was no longer polite and rushed towards the two stone clan masters.

His two small hands fiercely grabbed the necks of the two Stone Clan masters. Although his palms looked small like those of an ordinary three-year-old child, they contained terrible power that made the two Stone Clan masters unable to break free even if they tried their best!

In the flashing black light, streams of origin energy rushed into Shi Hao's body, turning into streams of divine power and rushing towards the Tenth Cave Heaven.

In this scene, the two people were like Shi Hao's large power bank, being absorbed by him constantly to open up the Tenth Cave Heaven!

However, the two people had just accused Shi Hao of being ignorant, and they deserved to become Shi Hao's power bank.

At the same time, the thunder universe outside Shi Hao's body was still flashing, and the divine power was boiling, and he kept fighting with the masters.

The attacks of these people were guided by Shi Hao's thunder universe to rush towards his Tenth Cave Heaven.

Seeing this scene, Shi Zhanshi was heartbroken, and his heart was bleeding. Every Shi clan master who was devoured by Shi Hao was the backbone of their Shi clan, especially those few of his confidants, which made Shi Zhanshi very heartbroken.

But he could not do anything to Shi Hao, so he could only bow his head and beg: "Shi Hao, Eighth Grandpa, I beg you, please stop!

Don't be so cruel.

These people are all your uncles!"

Shi Hao shook his head gently and blinked his eyes.

"Eighth Grandpa, how can you say that I am cruel!

Didn't these uncles just say that they are willing to sacrifice for the family's righteousness!

As long as there is one more young supreme in the family, let them give everything without hesitation.

These words have just been said, Eighth Grandpa, how can you forget!

Now that I have absorbed their origin, I can not only open up the tenth cave, but also promote the rebirth of my supreme bone nirvana.

Isn't this their wish? I am fulfilling their dream.

To be honest, they should thank me for giving them this opportunity! "

The situation on the field was reversed in a flash. Under the power of Shi Hao's Heaven Devouring Magic, the masters of the Stone Clan and the Rain Clan were no match for Shi Hao at all. They were devoured by his essence and became useless.

Only a few masters of the Stone Clan who were not bad-mouthed escaped temporarily, but even these people ended up with their spiritual bodies destroyed and their vitality seriously damaged.

After sucking out all the essences of these people, the Supreme Blood in Xiao Shi Hao's chest has increased to three drops, gushing out endless divine power, but it is still not enough to open up the Tenth Cave Heaven, there is still a little bit of it.

At this time, behind him, the Tenth Cave Heaven opened in the air Opening, constantly emitting wisps of auspicious clouds, peaceful and holy, but there is still a thin barrier at the entrance of the cave, which prevents him from completely penetrating the tenth cave heaven.

Sometimes, a little difference is a natural chasm. I don’t know how many supreme geniuses were just a little short of the tenth cave heaven when they were young, but they couldn’t cross this obstacle no matter what, and finally could only break through the spiritual transformation realm with the achievements of the ninth cave heaven.

But little Shi Hao was not afraid, because he still had a large power bank. Shi Zhanshi was a super master in the inscription realm, and he was just one step away from becoming a king of arrays. His origin was enough to help him break through the shackles!

The reason why I left the stone-killing lion until the end is also for this reason. At the critical moment of breaking through the realm, of course you have to choose a more powerful master!

Xiao Shi Hao raised his eyes and looked at Shi Zhanshi with a faint smile on his face.

Xiao Shihao looks very cute, with a smile on his young face like an angel.

But at this moment, in Shi Zhanshi's eyes, this smile was like a demon coming into the world.

Because he knew that after Xiao Shihao devoured everyone else, he would be the next one.

He doesn't want to lose his cultivation and become a useless person.

But at the level of the Cave Heaven Realm, he is no match for Xiao Shi Hao. This little kid is really cheating. With the nine-mouth Cave Heaven and the invincible magic, except for Shi Yi, Shi Zhanshi can't think of anyone who can compete with Shi Hao. contend!

If you can't beat him, just run away!

Between becoming a useless person and losing face, Shi Zhanshi chose to lose face without hesitation.

After all, face is worth a lot of money, and cultivation is the core of his status!

Shi Zhanshi, as the eighth master of the Shi Kingdom, naturally has two brushes. A rune flashed under his feet, and his whole figure disappeared into place like a dreamy bubble, and actually walked away on a wave of water.

But Xiao Shi Hao was unhurried. He practiced the Suan Ni method to the extreme. Not only could he transform into a thunder cosmos to kill enemies, but he could also transform into a Suan Ni and walk on electricity, which was extremely fast!

Xiao Shi Hao followed Shi Zhanshi with a flash of lightning, chasing after him.

The difference in speed between the two is only a millimeter. Shi Zhanshi's secret running technique is indeed very good, and he can travel through a hundred meters of void in one second.

But no matter how the speed of rain can rival that of lightning, after all, Xiao Shi Hao Suan Ni's magic is still faster.

Seeing that Shi Hao was about to catch Shi Zhanshi, an expression of ecstasy suddenly appeared on Shi Zhanshi's face.

"Yi'er, Grandpa Eighth is here, come here and save Grandpa Eighth!"

It turns out that the person with double eyes arrived on the battlefield at the critical moment.

In fact, Shi Yi didn't take Xiao Shi Hao seriously at all from the beginning. He knew best how weak Shi Hao was after the Supreme Bone was removed. His brain was broken and he became a fool.

Therefore, Shi Yi did not think that Shi Hao could break through the encirclement of the Stone Clan and the Yu Clan and come to him.

In his heart, it is a miracle that Shi Hao's current cultivation level can reach the blood-moving realm!

However, when he saw Xiao Shi Hao using the Nine Mouth Cave to absorb the essence of the masters of the Stone Clan and the Rain Clan, Shi Yi had already noticed something was wrong.

He stopped watching and rushed to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

But success also has the same pupils, failure also has the same pupils,

The double pupils gave Shi Yi extremely powerful vision, and he could still see Xiao Shi Hao's performance even though he was thousands of miles away.

But precisely because of this, when watching the battle, he did not deliberately get close to the battlefield, but chose a nearby mountain quite far away from the battlefield to watch the battle.

The distance between the two was even at his speed, so he couldn't reach them in a short while.

When he finally arrived at the battlefield, among the more than thirty masters who besieged Shi Hao, only one Stone Slayer Lion remained.

The man with double eyes pointed out, and a black light flew up in his hand, penetrated the void, crushed the universe, and flew towards Shi Hao with a burst of golden light rain and a terrifying and boundless aura.

"Brother, stop, you are no match for me!

Follow me back to the Stone Clan, and I will intercede for you. "

The thunder universe around Shi Hao was directly broken by this black light. Countless thunders were extinguished under this black light and turned into a dream.

The melon-eating crowd had already arrived, and they were frightened into confusion by the power of this finger.

They had just seen how powerful Shi Hao's Thunder Universe was. More than thirty masters from aristocratic families could not break through the defense line of Thunder Universe.

But even such a powerful magic seemed so vulnerable in front of Shi Yi's casual finger.

Someone exclaimed: "This black light is a treasure technique that was born out of the power of the Zhongtong Eye. Shi Yi re-evolved it and interpreted it with runes. Since a casual blow has such power!"

Shi Hao was not surprised at all.

His Thunder Universe itself is an ultimate evolution of the Suanni Treasure Technique. This evolution was originally designed to deal with group attacks. The vast sea that transforms into thunder will naturally lead to insufficient concentration of power. It is very useful against group attacks, but for real For experts, it is not enough.

Shi Hao raised his right hand, divine light flickered, flames filled the air, and a crimson Luan bird flew out from Shi Hao's hand. Seven-colored feathers grew on the wings of the divine bird, and it spread out its wings to occupy an area of ​​the sky.

The Luan Bird lowered its head and bit the black light with its rune-filled beak. It actually bit the black light into pieces and swallowed it, disappearing into nothingness.

After crushing Shi Yi's attack, Xiao Shi Hao's body flashed with countless runes. The divine bird flew out, his divine power flowed, and he grabbed Shi Zhanshi in his hand.

"What, Xiao Shi Hao actually caught the Eighth Master of the Stone Clan in front of Shi Yi!" Everyone was shocked. Xiao Shi Hao was still distracted in opening up the Ten Caves, but he was able to block Shi Yi's attack, which made many people a little bit agitated. Accident.

After Shi Yi entered the Virtual God Realm, this group of people had been living in the shadow of Shi Yi. They knew how terrifying this genius of the Shi family was, but his magic was blocked by Xiao Shi Hao in such an understatement. !

At this time, someone recognized Shi Hao's treasure technique: "Could this treasure technique be the legendary Luan Clan treasure technique? How is it possible? The Luan Clan's treasure technique has been lost long ago!"

"Before the ancient times, the Luan Bird clan was a powerful beast of the bird race that was no less powerful than the Phoenix and Suzaku. The peak Luan Bird could even fight against a pure-blooded true dragon. The power of this magic was so powerful that it could instantly kill the secrets of those powerful families! "

Everyone was even more shocked. No one expected that Xiao Shihao actually held such a trump card in his hand.

This Luan clan treasure comes from the Supreme Divine Treasure. It seems a bit inconspicuous, but in fact, which of the treasures that can be included in the Supreme Divine Treasure is weak?

The reason why their existence is ignored is simply because the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Grass-Character Sword Art are too powerful, covering up the light of these treasures.

Xiao Shi Hao's hand flashed with black light, while he was devouring the essence of Shi Zhanshi's body, he said lightly on the other side: "Whether I am your opponent or not, you have to fight to know. Don't talk too much!"

Hearing Shi Hao's words, a trace of indifference flashed in the corner of Shi Yi's eyes: "The pearl of rice also shines. It's just a magic technique, can it give you so much confidence? Do you think you can fight me with this!"

Brother, you left the Stone Clan and went to a remote country, and your outlook has become like that of a country boy."

Shi Yi stepped into the void, and his footsteps sounded like thunder. Every step he took could shatter the soul of a person.

Under the purple air, the phantom of a unicorn as high as the mountains and rivers appeared behind Shi Yi, shaking the sky and the earth, and even the heaven and earth were overturned.

The ten caves behind him flickered, communicating the power of heaven and earth, and the magma surged with astonishing momentum.

"The most powerful method? Who doesn't have it? Look at my Qilin's seven steps to crush the Luan bird!"

The onlookers were even more shocked. What was going on today? First, the Luan Clan's magic appeared, and now even the pure-blood Qilin's supernatural power appeared.

However, they were relieved when they thought of Shi Yi's identity as a double-eyed person. A double-eyed person can see through everything, and getting opportunities is as easy as eating and drinking.

Shi Hao also looked a little surprised and looked at Shi Yi. He had seen this Qilin magical power in the information Xu Chenzhou gave him.

In the two-stone battle in the original world line, Shi Yi also used this Qilin magical power.

But both were already teenagers at that time.

Originally, Shi Hao thought that Shi Yi had probably not learned this magical power. Unexpectedly, Shi Yi, who was only over eight years old, had already mastered this magical power. This was far beyond Shi Hao's expectations.

Looking at Shi Yi's performance, Shi Hao secretly sighed. Those with double pupils are indeed against the sky. A pair of pupils can see through the past and present. If he can practice to the extreme, there will be no secrets in his eyes, and the opportunities in the world will come into his hands. What a terrifying magical power this is.

Having these eyes is enough for Shi Yi to reach the top.

such a pity!

Having double pupils is the path to invincibility, so why borrow another person's bones?

Luanniao and Qilin battled in the air, fairy light swayed, the sky was filled with red, and the stars in the sky shook down one after another. The divine power scattered outside the two bodies was even a little bit unbearable for the whole world.

While fighting, Shi Hao maintained the operation of the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art in his hand. Sources were continuously sucked into Shi Hao's body, constantly impacting the tenth cave behind Shi Hao.

Shi Zhanshi let out shrill screams in Shi Hao's hands, because he could feel that the essence of his body was being absorbed by Shi Hao.

Needless to say, Shi Zhanshi is indeed a master of the inscription mirror, and the essence in his body is more abundant than that of ordinary people.

If he were not in the False God Realm, Shi Hao would have no chance of subduing the masters of the Inscription Realm.

It took Shi Hao a full ten minutes to absorb all the essence from Shi Zhanshi's body.

His origin alone made Shi Hao's chest contain more than a dozen drops of golden Supreme blood.

This blood kept gathering in Shi Hao's chest. Every drop of blood contained endless runes. The runes flowed and the blood condensed into a ball, as if it wanted to merge into a piece of broken bones.

And the divine power that surged out of the Supreme Blood penetrated the void like a flood, helping Shi Hao penetrate the tenth cave behind him in one go.

Suddenly, the whole world shook. Shi Hao's tenth hole in the cave exuded an extremely terrifying aura, and powerful power surged in it. Even Dao Dao couldn't bear it and began to tremble continuously!

There were bursts of Taoist sounds in the air, which were so terrifying that even the void seemed to be shattered.

Waves of auspicious clouds surged in the tenth cave, and then turned into a peaceful and sacred aura, which continued to flow to Shi Hao's body, repairing his injuries and strengthening his physique.

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