All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 140: Grass Sword Technique, Heavenly Tribulation Light

With the blessing of the tenth cave, Shi Hao's momentum is completely different from before.

His small body is suspended in the void, his hair is flying, and every bit of flesh and blood on his body is flashing with divine light, surging with powerful power, like a demon god.

But facing such Shi Hao, Shi Yi still did not move at all. He was suspended in the air, his face was very calm and confident, as if everything was under control.

"Very good, brother, you finally stepped into the same realm as me.

In this way, I can let go of some hands and feet, and don't have to worry about you being too fragile and not playing."

Facing Shi Yi's confidence, Shi Hao just sneered.

"I give you a piece of advice, hurry up and use the power of the double pupils and the supreme bone, otherwise you will not be able to survive a single move under my hands!"

Indeed, the double pupils have a lot of cheats. Two double pupils, one palm can repair the body, and one palm can emit a black light that destroys everything. The most powerful is that the double pupils can open the sky to form a domain.

Moreover, Chongtong also has the magical power to slow down the speed of objects, which can decompose all movements. No matter how fast the speed is, it is as slow as a snail in Shi Yi's eyes.

Most importantly, Shi Yi still has Shi Hao's Supreme Treasure Bone in his body, which can release the heavenly calamity light that destroys everything.

But the problem is, if we really compare whose cheat is bigger, Shi Hao, who joined the chat group, is afraid of anyone.

Apart from anything else, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and the Grass Sword Art alone can offset the advantages that Chongtong and Supreme Bone bring to Shi Yi.

Everyone in the field also began to discuss.

"As expected of the young supreme, both Big Stone and Little Stone are very confident!"

"To be honest, I am more optimistic about Big Stone. After all, Big Stone has double pupils and supreme bones. With these two things on him, Big Stone is a dimensionality reduction attack on Little Stone!"

"I am also optimistic about Big Stone, but Little Shi Hao is really pitiful. Obviously, his talent is stronger than Shi Yi, and he is also a natural supreme. He should be the absolute king. In the end, not only was his heart and bones taken away, but this bone was also used against him!"

It is obvious that everyone is more optimistic about Shi Yi, because everyone knows how outrageous the supreme bones and double pupils are.

During the discussion, the two fought again.

Shi Yi was obviously more serious this time. He used the magical power of double pupils to slow down the movement. Shi Hao's speed was as slow as a snail in front of him. No matter what attack, he was easily avoided.

After dodging Shi Hao's attack, Shi Yi immediately launched a counterattack. A phantom of a golden-winged roc appeared behind him. The roc flapped its wings, increasing Shi Yi's speed to the extreme.

His hands shone with golden light, and he crashed into Shi Hao's lightning universe like a meteor. In an instant, he came in front of Shi Hao, and the edge of his palm flashed with sharp golden light, as if to split Shi Hao in half.

"Brother, you are so cruel, you can't even take my move!"

Shi Yi was as relaxed as strolling in the garden.

So what if he was a Ten Cave Heaven?

He was simply vulnerable in front of his double pupils.

Just when Shi Yi's attack was about to hit Shi Hao's head, a dark yellow bell-shaped gas shield lit up on Shi Hao's body.

His fatal attack hit the bell-shaped gas shield, making a loud noise, and his palm was shaken and hurt, but the dark yellow bell looked unscathed.

It was the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique.

Shi Hao had not yet obtained the Kunpeng Method, so he naturally could not use the extreme speed that could surpass the limit of the ability of the double pupil, but he had extremely strong defense.

The defensive power of the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique was enough to block all of Shi Yi's conventional attacks.

Unless Shi Yi used the double pupil and the supreme bone, it would be really difficult to break through the defensive power of the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique.

And this was the opportunity Shi Hao had been waiting for for a long time.

His mind locked onto Shi Yi, who was close at hand, and he flicked his fingers forward lightly. Countless runes flowed, and a sword energy flew out of his hand.

This sword energy was extremely terrifying, and in a moment it crossed endless time and space, as if it could cut through time and space and cut open the universe.

With the appearance of this sword energy, the clouds in the sky scattered one by one, and the sun, moon, and stars shook, as if under one sword, there were no stars in the sky.

Shi Hao used the Grass Sword Art, one of the core inheritances of the Supreme Hall and one of the Ten Evil Treasures. It is the inheritance of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, which is said to be able to control the sun, moon and stars with one leaf of grass.

Even though Shi Hao was extremely talented, and with the help of the chat group, it took Shi Hao about three months to practice this treasure art to the entry level.

Being locked by this sword energy, Shi Yi felt a chill on his back and felt a sense of dreadful crisis.

A thought came to Shi Yi's mind that he must avoid it, otherwise I might die if I was hit by this sword energy!

Shi Yi pushed the power of Chongtong with all his strength to slow down the speed of this sword energy to the limit, trying to avoid it.

But Shi Yi found that the flying speed of this sword energy was too fast, and the distance between him and Shi Hao was too close.

Even with the power of Chongtong, he had no room to dodge.

There was no other way, Shi Yi could only use his hidden trump card, his two pupils were as hot as the sun, emitting endless light, and his pupils opened up, actually forming a field around his body, freezing everything.

However, the Grass Sword Art was so fierce that it would split open even the real universe for you to see, not to mention that it was just a fake universe evolved from his pupils.

The sword energy cut into it, and the speed was only slightly slower, and it split the double pupil area into two, and actually pierced Shi Yi's shoulder directly.

Under the effect of the sword energy, Shi Yi's shoulder exploded, revealing a terrifying white rib, and golden blood spilled, dyeing the entire grassland into a golden color.

The onlookers couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

"Shi Yi was defeated just like that, this is a bit too hasty!"

"I haven't even understood it yet, and everything is over!"

"Little Shi's sword energy is so terrifying, as if nothing in the universe can avoid this sword energy."

"This must be a great magical power, and the bell-shaped gas cover is also very extraordinary. I am really curious about what opportunity Xiao Shihao got to have so many terrible magical powers!"

Even Bird Master and Jingbi Master were a little dazed when they saw this sword.

They felt that they were extremely familiar with this sword energy, but no matter how they recalled it, they couldn't remember the corresponding memory.

Everyone thought the battle was over, and Shi Yi must have lost his combat effectiveness after his shoulder was pierced!

But only Shi Hao knew that it hadn't happened yet. How could a person with double pupils be defeated so easily?

One of Shi Yi's pupils suddenly shone brightly. Under the divine light, the powerful life breath kept running. The huge wound on his shoulder kept growing granulation, and the broken bones regenerated. It was restored to its original state in a very short time.

Shi Hao did not take the opportunity to attack, because he also needed time to recover.

The Grass Sword Art was one of the Ten Evil Treasures. It was too difficult for him to push it with his current cultivation in the Cave Heaven Realm.

The sword energy just now also consumed almost all the power in his body. If it weren't for the ten cave heavens that were constantly providing him with power, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to maintain the divine power suspended in the void.

The two of them were suspended in the air, looking at each other with cold expressions, and no one dared to act rashly.

Shi Yi looked at Shi Hao with a fiery look, as if he was looking at a piece of delicious food: "How come this magic is so similar to the legendary sword art.

Brother, you are really lucky to get such a terrifying magic.

Very good! I just need a supreme sword art."

He was radiating light all over his body, like a sun, and the wound on his left shoulder had completely recovered.

The Shi clan has a long history and has many ancient books that record history. Shi Yi happened to have read an introduction to the Ten Evil Magic.

Shi Hao's sword energy can cut through time and space and cut the universe, which is completely consistent with the grass sword art in the Ten Evil Magic.

Shi Hao has a complete version of the Ten Evil Magic!

This guess made Shi Yi's heart beat wildly.

If he can get this unparalleled magic, combined with double pupils and supreme bones, when he grows up, who in the world can be his opponent!

My good brother, you are really my lucky star!

With ten caves, Shi Hao's recovery speed was extremely fast, and the divine power he had just consumed was now fully replenished.

He did not take the initiative to attack, but stared at Shi Yi's every move with a cold face.

Because he knew that Shi Yi was waiting for him to tire himself out.

Given the distance between the two of them, even if he used the Grass Sword Technique, it would be difficult for him to hit Shi Yi with his double pupils.

And once he used the Grass Sword Technique, the energy in his body would be instantly exhausted. If he could not hit Shi Yi, he would only fall into an extremely passive position.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, and Shi Yi took a step forward, his face still cold, examining Shi Hao.

"Brother, you are really good, and you are worthy of my attention!

Since that's the case, I'm going to use all my strength.

If you have a way, use it quickly, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have a chance!"

Shi Hao shook his head and blinked his big eyes: "I should say this to you, you can't even take my sword energy. You are too weak!"

Shi Yi said coldly: "I was just playing with you before, I'm going to be serious now."

After that, Shi Yi pulled away and stared at Shi Hao from a distance!

Because Shi Yi didn't dare to fight Shi Hao in close combat again, he couldn't pull away and he couldn't deal with Shi Hao's grass sword art at all.

A ten evil treasure art is really too advanced for the cave realm.

In close combat, even his double pupil's Yin and Yang life and death power and the supreme secret power of the supreme bone are not the opponent of the grass sword art.

Shi Yi was very curious. He really didn't know how Shi Hao could use his cultivation in the Cave Heaven Realm to activate such a terrible method.

What Shi Yi didn't know was that in addition to the ten caves, Shi Hao also opened up a bitter sea and a life spring in his body, which were not weaker than two caves.

In other words, Shi Hao had to activate the power of twelve caves at the same time to slash that shocking sword.

Shi Yi stood proudly in the void. Since he was not sure about close combat, he would just kill Shi Hao into slag from a distance.

As long as he didn't get close, he would be invincible with the slowing effect of the double pupils.

In terms of power alone, the Supreme Bone is far better than Shi Yi's own double pupils. After all, the functionality of the double pupils is too rich, and it is normal to be a little weak in frontal power!

Shi Yi's chest radiated a blazing light, countless divine clouds filled the air, and a breath rushed into the sky, shaking the sky.

The terrifying momentum overwhelmed the universe and the stars in the sky lost their color, and even the sun and the moon became dim.

I am the only one who is supreme in heaven and on earth. The aura emanating from the Supreme Bone is supreme!

This breath seemed to come from heaven, ignoring everything, despising everything, suppressing everything, and being above everything.

Many people who were eating melons felt their legs go soft, and they were actually kneeling on the ground by this breath, unable to move at all.

Feeling this terrifying power, Shi Yi's usually cold face actually showed a hint of smugness.

"Do you feel it, this terrible power? This supreme bone was born because of you, and you will die because of it. It can barely be regarded as a perfect ending!"

One after another, light came out from the supreme bone, connected into a piece, diffused in the sky, formed a piece of colorful clouds, and flew towards Xiao Shi Hao.

Shi Yi was not worried that he would lose the grass sword formula if he killed Shi Hao. As long as he did not use magic tools such as the Soul-Suppressing Tower to kill Shi Hao in the virtual world, he would not really die. On the contrary, in this way, the Shi clan would have a way to use his spiritual body to track Shi Hao's true whereabouts, so that he could get the grass sword formula.

But what no one expected was that when Shi Hao saw the Heavenly Tribulation Light, he was not afraid at all, but was very surprised.

When Shi Yi used the Supreme Bone to release the Heavenly Tribulation Light with all his strength, he did not have the energy to drive the double pupil to activate the magical power of slowing down the movement.

This also means that Shi Hao's attack will no longer be dodged by Shi Yi's double pupil!

In fact, if the Supreme Blood in Xiao Shi Hao's chest could be several times more, meeting the conditions for the revival of the Supreme Bone, he would not even need to hide from this terrifying Heavenly Tribulation Light.

Because the Supreme Bone was originally his, with enough Supreme Bone Blood, the Heavenly Tribulation Light would only stimulate the Supreme Bone in his body to complete the revival, and would not hurt him.

But unfortunately, the hardware conditions are not up to standard now, so this plan can only be abandoned!

But it doesn't matter, in addition to the Supreme Bone, Xiao Shi Hao has other plug-ins.

I saw countless runes appearing all over Xiao Shihao's body. These runes were divided into three parts. One part turned into a five-color divine light on Xiao Shihao's head, one part turned into a dark yellow bell-shaped gas cover outside Xiao Shihao's body, and the other part gathered at the center of Xiao Shihao's eyebrows and turned into a thin line.

Then, the three runes gradually merged into one, and an eye slowly opened at the center of Xiao Shihao's eyebrows.

This eye was extremely majestic, high above, revealing the supreme aura of the Prime Minister of heaven and earth, and balancing the sun, moon and stars.

It is somewhat similar to the aura of the Supreme Bone, but there are also great differences. The common point is the same supreme.

This magic is the original Xuanhuang Jiudang divine light from the prehistoric world.

I wanted to finish writing this plot, but I didn't sleep much yesterday, and I was almost unconscious. I went to sleep first and wrote it immediately when I woke up tomorrow

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