All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 141 Reclaiming the Supreme Bone

Looking at Shi Hao's performance, Shi Yi's indifferent eyes also showed a hint of surprise.

"I didn't expect you to have a trump card, but everything you have is in vain in front of the Supreme Bone, and I will destroy you like a dead tree."

Shi Hao said nothing, as if he didn't hear Shi Yi's words, his face was cold, the eye on his forehead opened, and a bright fairy light shot out from it.

The color of this fairy light is so magnificent that it is unimaginable, as if it is the first ray of light that emerged at the moment of the creation of the world, creating all things, supreme, and the avenue is constantly shaking in front of this light and surrendering to it.

And the heavenly calamity light emitted from the Supreme Bone also came with the breath of heaven that judges everything and destroys everything.

"Brother, accept your fate! Supreme Bone can control the world and conquer the avenue. No matter what kind of magic you have, you can never be the opponent of Supreme Bone. Defeat under the power of Supreme Bone is your most perfect ending!"

"Wait until you win before you say these words. No matter what, you are just a despicable thief. You still need my bones to compete with me. You rely on this double pupil as a decoration!"

The two rays of light intertwined in the sky. In an instant, everyone's eyes were white. Endless energy escaped and destroyed everything around. Within the range of the two rays of light, things were decomposed into powder, and then decomposed into particles smaller than powder, until they were so small that Shi Yi's double pupils could not detect them, and everything fell into nothingness.

The splendor of the moment when the two rays of light intertwined made everyone present unforgettable. At this moment, time and space seemed to have lost their meaning. The whole world of the virtual world was shaking constantly, almost breaking apart.

The crowd of onlookers around could no longer stand. Under the influence of the powerful aura, they either collapsed or knelt on the ground.

Among them, there were some leaders who came after hearing the news, but they still could not control their bodies in the battle of the two stones' magic skills.

Someone sighed: "I originally thought I was also a genius. Now I see the real romantic figures, and I know how ignorant I was before.

There are so many flowers blooming and falling in the world, but the big and small stones are destined to become the two most colorful flowers of this era!"

Some people were fortunate: "Fortunately, the Stone Clan destroyed the Great Wall and let the two geniuses fight against each other. Otherwise, with these two geniuses, this era will surely become an era ruled by the Stone Clan. The whole world will surrender to the feet of the two geniuses and fall into endless shadows!"

The light finally gradually dissipated, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground, almost running through the entire virtual world. In the light, everyone could only barely see a figure that was extremely fast, so fast that it surpassed time, and the palm emitting red-gold light pierced through the chest of another figure.

"Is this battle between the young supremes finally coming to an end? Who will win or lose?"

"I hope Xiao Shi wins. He is so pitiful. He can fight back after being bullied like this. There must be a good ending!"

Almost everyone favors Shi Hao. As onlookers, they all think that Xiao Shi Hao has had a hard time, and they also think that the Shi clan has gone too far! .

Everyone is extremely nervous. This peerless battle between the young supremes has finally been decided.

"It's a pity that the time point of the battle between these two young supremes is too early. One is only eight years old, and the other is even younger, only three years old. I can't imagine how exciting it would be if they had a duel when they grow up!"

An old man sighed, feeling a little unsatisfied.

Finally, the light completely dissipated, and everything on the field became clear.

"It's Shi Hao. Shi Hao won the final victory. I knew he could win!"

Someone shouted at the top of his lungs.

I saw a small figure standing in the void on the battlefield, and a palm passed through Shi Yi's body and grabbed the Supreme Bone in Shi Yi's body.

Shi Yi's image at this time was extremely miserable, with wounds all over his body, half of his body was completely blown up, and blood kept flowing down.

Shi Yi, whose chest was pierced, did not panic in his eyes, but seemed very calm, and still maintained his confidence.

"I lost, the Supreme Bone lost to you!"

Shi Hao shook his head: "It's not that the Supreme Bone lost to me, but you lost to me!"

Hearing this, Shi Yi raised his head suddenly: "The Supreme Bone lost, but the Chongtong did not lose.

There is only a ray of heavenly calamity in your Supreme Bone, and my Chongtong still contains infinite potential.

It's just that my current cultivation is not enough, so I haven't dug out the potential in the Chongtong very well, otherwise you can't be my opponent!"

At this time, Shi Yi's face no longer had an indifferent look, and he seemed a little excited.

He could accept that the Supreme Bone lost to Shi Hao, because the Supreme Bone itself belonged to Shi Hao, and it was nothing if it lost.

But he would not be happy if the double pupil lost.

Shi Yi firmly believed that his double pupil was invincible, and his double pupil would never lose.

In response to Shi Yi's words, Shi Hao just smiled faintly: "You are so stubborn, why don't you understand that it was not the Supreme Bone or the double pupil who lost to me, but you.

A double pupil can indeed make you despise enemies from all directions, fight to the edge of the universe, and become supreme and invincible.

But the problem is that you don't have an invincible heart at all. It is always people who are invincible, not physique. You are not confident enough in your double pupil!

If you have an invincible heart, why did you try to take the supreme bone from me in the first place?

Double pupils are the way to invincibility, why do you need to borrow other people's bones? "

After saying this, Shi Hao's hands radiated bursts of black light, and even his eyes turned into two dark whirlpools.

An infinite and terrifying suction emerged from his body, as if it was the end of all things, the end of the world.

The ten caves behind him also formed a circle, and also condensed into a dark and terrifying black hole in front of Shi Hao's chest, covering Shi Yi in it.

This terrifying suction is not only aimed at Shi Hao, but also at the universe. All things in the world are included in it. The energy and matter in the whole world are constantly pouring into this black hole, constantly replenishing Shi Hao's origin.

Even the space of the virtual world has a huge wrinkle, and the space of the entire virtual world is shrinking, and it is constantly collapsing towards this terrifying black hole.

This is This was the first time that Shi Hao used the Devouring Heaven Magic Art with all his strength. It took a terrifying amount of energy to use the Devouring Heaven Magic Art to this extent, but now he had Shi Yi's essence as a supplement, so Shi Hao could fight to support himself.

As Shi Hao continued to absorb, gray-black essences were constantly absorbed into his body, making his aura stronger and stronger.

The light on Shi Yi's chest gradually dimmed, and then Shi Hao's chest continued to emit a fascinating divine light!

Under the guidance of the group members in the chat group, especially Xu Chenzhou's guidance, Shi Hao understood the importance of finishing off the enemy.

After defeating the enemy, you must crush his bones and scatter his ashes, so that he will not have the opportunity to make a comeback.

Unlike the Emperor Huang Tian who put Shi Yi in the bronze coffin of the three generations and resurrected him in the original timeline.

Now only three years old, Shi Hao is very concerned about Shi Yi. Naturally, there was no mercy. For him, the best Shi Yi was the dead Shi Yi.

Under the attack of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art, Shi Yi's body soon became fainter and fainter, and the origins were absorbed by Shi Hao along the connection of the soul.

But at this moment, Shi Yi's right eye emitted rays of light, containing an extremely terrifying vitality, which constantly nourished Shi Yi's body and replenished his origin.

His body exuded rays of divine light, and the virtualization gradually stabilized, and even the injuries he suffered in the previous fight began to recover gradually.

But how much Shi Yi's body recovered, how much the Devouring Heaven Demon Art could absorb, and it seemed that there was a tug-of-war between the two!

In the real world of Shiguo, Shi Yi's body was placed in a very wide and majestic hall. , more than a dozen beings with terrifying power stood beside him, their faces were very anxious.

Shi Yi's body was emitting a faint light, and one after another divine power essence flowed out of Shi Yi's body, flowing to an unknown place along the connection of the soul.

And this group of people kept feeding spiritual medicines into Shi Yi's mouth.

These spiritual medicines are extremely precious. Any one of them can make countless people crazy in the secular world, but at this time, it seems that they are transported to the hall continuously!

It is the effect of these spiritual medicines that allows Chongtong to have sufficient energy to nourish Shi Yi's origin and maintain the activity of his body.

"What should I do? Yi'er's power is constantly weakening, exactly the same as the situation that the Eighth Master just encountered. Is Yi'er going to be useless!"

An elder of Shi Yi's lineage was indignant: "How dare Shi Hao, although he really dared to attack Yi'er, it was really against the sky!"

"Then what do you say, otherwise you personally take action and enter the virtual world to rescue Yi'er? "

The elder's face showed a trace of embarrassment, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no, Shi Hao is also the prodigy of my Shi clan after all, and I naturally cannot treat him differently. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings!"

The atmosphere in the hall was very tense, and the senior officials of the Shi Kingdom were anxious.

Just now they received news that many members of the Shi clan suddenly became disabled. After rushing to the scene, they learned that the reason why these members became ordinary people was because of Shi Hao's murder.

This made them surprised and regretful.

The surprise was that the child who seemed to be dying and had no value at all was able to make a comeback and became a prodigy comparable to Shi Yi in just over a year.

The regret was that when they saw Shi Hao was disabled, they gave up on him and turned to Shi Yi, pushing Shi Hao to the opposite side. .

However, since the matter has become a foregone conclusion and there is no hope of recovery, there is no point in regretting.

For them, Shi Yi is now much more valuable than Shi Hao, because Shi Yi is the pride of their Shi clan, while Shi Hao is just an outsider who is alienated from the Shi clan!

However, no one dared to enter the Void God Realm to rescue him personally, because they knew that no one in the entire Shi clan could be Shi Yi's opponent at the level of the Cave Heaven Realm, and now Shi Hao has defeated Shi Yi, which means that no one in the entire Shi clan can defeat Shi Hao at the Cave Heaven Realm.

The Stone King frowned and whispered, "Otherwise, we open the ancestral hall and ask for the ancestral artifact."

An elder's face changed: "Absolutely not, that ancestral artifact was left by our ancestors to help us resist the catastrophe, in order to save our clan from danger and survival. Now it can only be used three more times. It is the foundation of our Shi clan. How can it be used in our clan's internal fighting!"

Another elder glared at him fiercely when he heard this: "Isn't our clan in danger and survival now?

You must know that Shi Yi is our clan's young supreme being and our clan's hope for the future.

If something happens to Shi Yi, what will happen to the future of our Stone Clan?

Is there anyone in the younger generation who can match Shi Yi?

When we all grow old and die, who will support the Stone Clan at that time!

I agree to ask for that ancestral weapon. "

The elder still objected: "Isn't this child Shi Hao also a descendant of our clan? Doesn't his defeat of Shi Yi mean that his talent is even stronger than Shi Yi's? How can he not support the hope of our clan's future?" ?

Moreover, the power of the ancestral weapon is so powerful that we cannot control it at all. In addition, the ancestral weapon has a power similar to that of the soul-suppressing tower. If it is really used on Shi Hao, it is very likely that he will be directly hit. kill.

I absolutely do not agree with this approach.”

The two argued endlessly.

In the end, a figure came out from the depths of the Stone Clan. This figure carried an extremely terrifying aura, and a movement of his hair seemed to be able to crush the entire wilderness.

It was the ancestor of Shi Yi's lineage, and it was he who was able to defeat the crazy Shi Ziling by taking action from the Stone Clan.

"The current situation is urgent, Yi'er may be sucked dry by Shi Hao at any time!

Moreover, Shi Hao showed no mercy to other tribesmen by attacking them so harshly, so it shows that he no longer has any sense of identity with the Stone tribe.

Please appear in the current situation without delay,

We have already lost one of the two young supreme beings, we cannot lose the second one! "

The ancestor's words naturally worked, and the quarrel stopped immediately, and someone immediately went to the ancestral hall to ask for the ancestral artifact!

The confrontation between the two stones in the Virtual God Realm is still going on.

In fact, if the two of them were to face each other in reality, the repair ability of Chongtong Eyes would definitely not be comparable to the devouring power of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique.

But now that there is an entire False God Realm, Shi Hao's efficiency in absorbing the essence from Shi Yi's body is not high. In addition, the Stone Clan keeps feeding Shi Yi elixirs to replenish the power of the double pupil, so he can temporarily Resist Shi Hao's absorption.

But even this can't change the outcome. Even if there are elixirs to supplement the repair power of Chongpu, there is still a limit.

Shi Hao's Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique relies on fighting to support fighting, and the more it absorbs, the stronger it becomes.

If the stalemate continues for ten minutes, Shi Hao is sure that he can completely suck Shi Yi dry.

Shi Yi's hands were trembling a little, but his expression remained indifferent.

"Brother, don't waste your efforts. You can't do anything to me at all. With the power of my double pupil, your devouring magical power is nothing."

Shi Hao smiled faintly while swallowing: "Your whole body is soft, only your mouth is really hard.

There is nothing to be proud of when you have strong recovery ability. The more you recover, the more enjoyable it is for me to swallow. I wish everyone could have a power bank physique like you!

Besides, your Double Eyes can repair your body, but can it repair the Supreme Bone? It's not your thing, it's just something you stole!

And if you don’t know how long you can hold on, just try your best to recover! Only in this way can I absorb more of the origin! "

As Shi Hao continued to devour it, the Supreme Bone in Shi Yi's chest had slowly turned gray-white, looking like it might break into pieces at any time.

Chongtong's life breath can repair everything, but it cannot repair the Supreme Bone in Shi Yi's chest.

At this time, Shi Yi was too young and had not yet practiced the Heaven-Mending Technique, so he had not yet truly integrated the Supreme Bone with his body. It was incompatible with his body and was regarded as a foreign object by his double eyes.

And as the supreme bone essence was continuously absorbed by Shi Hao, more and more supreme blood was contained in his body, gradually filling his entire chest!

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