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Chapter 142: Treat others in their own way

"It looks like Shi Yi is coming to an end!"

"Shi Hao's skills are really overbearing. With the connection between his soul and his body, he can absorb people's essence from a distance. Shi Yi will become a useless person!"

“What kind of tyranny is this? It’s just treating the other person the way he wants!

Since he did the first year of junior high school, don't blame Xiao Shihao for doing the fifteenth year. "

Everyone was talking about it. Some people had sighs in their eyes, as if they couldn't bear to see a generation of geniuses fall. Others had rejoicing in their eyes, smiling at Shi Yi being abolished!

At this moment, there was a loud thunder sound from the sky, and a figure appeared in the Second Middle School of Virtual God Realm.

He cut through the sky, holding a large bronze cauldron in his hand, and slowly descended from the sky.

"Don't be afraid Yi'er, I'm here to save you!"

The fifth master, Shi Yuan, had an anxious look on his face. The big cauldron in his hand was the projection of the Nine Dragons Pantian Cauldron, the ancestor of the Shi Kingdom, in the Virtual God Realm.

This big cauldron stands in the void, and a strange and bizarre scene appears on the cauldron.

In the center of the scene was a huge and majestic capital city. During a grand ceremony, countless people dressed in fine clothes knelt on the ground and paid homage to the great cauldron.

Other scenes show countless scenes of people from birth to death, constantly rotating, like a dream valley, which can be called a microcosm of a country.

"Shi Hao, please let go of Yi'er quickly and follow me back to the family to plead guilty. If you do this, I can still spare your life, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Come here if you have the ability, and stop talking nonsense!" Shi Hao didn't even bother to look at him, still concentrating on absorbing Shi Yi's origins.

Shi Yuan raised the bronze cauldron in his hand. There were nine dragon patterns on the cauldron, each of them lifelike, as if they were constantly swimming.

Following Shi Yuan's actions, red-gold rays of light lit up one after another on the cauldron, revealing the supreme power that crushed the entire world.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. The Nine-Dragon Pantian Cauldron is the ancestral weapon of the Stone Clan. Once it is activated, it can destroy the heaven and the earth. It can also shatter your soul across the endless void, making you From now on, he will never be reincarnated.

Please let go of Yi'er quickly. I can promise you that I will never use this ancestral artifact. In this case, we can still talk."

When Shi Hao heard this, he was not only not afraid, but also responded with a smile on his face: "How can you be so kind? Could it be that you only have the cultivation level of Cave Heaven Realm left now, so you can't control this ancestral weapon, and you are afraid of being affected? Come to Shi Yi!

If you want someone, you can get it yourself. I want to see how powerful your broken tripod is! "

Hearing Shi Hao's words, Shi Yuan's face showed an angry look, and his hair and beard were spread out: "How outrageous! Huangkou kid, I wanted to spare your life, but you don't cherish it."

After finishing speaking, Shi Yuan bit his tongue fiercely and spit out a large mouthful of blood essence. This mouthful of blood essence contained countless divine essences and shone brightly. .

The blood essence was sprinkled on the bronze cauldron, and the blood flowed downwards along the lines on the cauldron's body, forming nine blood dragons, lifelike!

After a while, the nine blood dragons were sucked into the cauldron.

"Combining blood with soul, sacrificing weapon with blood! Shi Guo Lao Wu is really decisive! This mouthful of blood essence can keep him in bed for at least two years,"

"That's true, but in this case, he can freely control the Nine Dragon Pantian Cauldron. The Stone Clan has even taken out this heavy weapon used to suppress the fate of the clan. Shi Hao is really in danger this time."

Two leader-level figures were discussing, with regrets on their faces. No one could have imagined that Shi Guo would use such outrageous means.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood essence, Shi Yuan's aura obviously became much weaker. Even his face became extremely pale and his aura became much weaker.

With the blessing of these essences and blood, one after another yellow-brown aura filled the cauldron. Each aura was extremely heavy, as if it could collapse the avenue and shatter the past and present.

A blue-gold ripple emanated from the cauldron like ripples of water.

Everyone who comes into contact with this ripple can feel as if there is a country pressing on their back, a country trillions of miles away, and they are unable to move at all.

Even the Virtual God Realm can't bear this pressure. Mountains and rivers collapse and rivers sink. It's simply a doomsday scene.

Then, immediately after, the nine giant dragons on the big cauldron spiraled out, and the dragon soared towards Shi Hao with thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

Wherever the nine divine dragons flew by, the heaven and earth were shattered, and countless fish scale-like cracks appeared in the void. It seemed that even the Void God Realm was unable to restrain the power of this magical power.

The power of this blow has almost reached the realm of gods. If it were not restricted to the Cave Heaven Realm, even the Venerable might not be able to withstand this blow!

Faced with such a desperate scene, Xiao Shi Hao looked down at Shi Yi, and the black light in his hand flickered more violently.

As his Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique was operating at full power, a huge black vortex appeared behind Xiao Shihao, swallowing the sky and the earth, and the end came to an end.

With the emergence of this huge suction force, the Supreme Bone in Shi Yi's body finally darkened to the limit, and actually shattered with a hiss, and even his two double pupils lost their luster.

Seeing this scene, Shi Yuan's eyes were about to burst. Shi Yi's Supreme Bone was devoured by Shi Hao and turned into a piece of waste bone.

He knew that he could not let Shi Hao devour it like this anymore, otherwise even Shi Yi's double pupils would be in danger.

"You little beast, suffer death, the nine dragons are hanging in the air and crushing everything."

The flying speed of the golden dragon was extremely fast, as if a ray of light hit Xiao Shi Hao.

At this moment, countless runes on Xiao Shi Hao's other free hand suddenly lit up with a brilliant five-color brilliance.

There was a flash of light, and the Nine-Dragon Pantian Cauldron, which was originally firmly grasped by Shi Yuan, suddenly let go and was swept into the air by the light. A moment later, the cauldron fell from the sky again.

Without the control of the cauldron, the nine giant dragons in the sky suddenly stopped and flew back towards the cauldron.

And Xiao Shi Hao also threw Shi Yi fiercely like a rag doll, and then he rushed towards the big cauldron in the air with a strong figure and wisps of thunder behind him.

Shi Yuan also rushed toward the five-color light like crazy, trying to snatch the cauldron that fell out of the light.

Shi Hao's five-color divine light technique is not as terrifying as the original five-color divine light. It can only extract treasures, but cannot wash away the brand of the original owner.

If it is a treasure that recognizes its owner, it can be directly recalled by the original owner after being separated from the five-color divine light.

However, this ancestral weapon is too terrifying. Even with Shi Yuan's cultivation level, there is no way to make the ancestral weapon recognize its owner. He can only control it with blood essence and has no ability to recall it.

Under the realm of Cave Heaven, Shi Hao's speed was almost unmatched by anyone, and he quickly arrived in front of the Nine Dragons Pantian Cauldron.

He grasped the ear of the big cauldron with one hand, and gently drew his other hand across his chest, and a drop of golden blood essence appeared on his fingertips.

This drop of essence and blood seems to be engraved with countless scriptures, densely packed like an ancient scripture, and the voices of countless chanting scriptures can be faintly heard.

Shi Yuan's face was completely crazy at this time. He finally rushed to the big cauldron and stretched out his hand to grab the big cauldron. As long as he could touch the big cauldron, he could use the connection of essence and blood to blow up the nine dragons and kill them directly. Shi Hao.

"Little beast, no matter how many demonic arts you have and the clan's ancestral weapon, you are still dead today!"

At this moment, Shi Hao flicked his hand, and the drop of golden blood dripped from the sky and merged into the cauldron.

As this drop of blood merged, a ball of bright red blood was spit out by the cauldron, dyeing a dark red mark on the ground.

Although Shi Yuan's blood essence was of extremely high quality, it was undoubtedly garbage compared to Xiao Shi Hao's supreme blood.

When the two compete, the Nine-Dragon Pantian Cauldron naturally recognizes Shi Hao who possesses Supreme Blood.

A smile appeared on Shi Hao's little face: "The Zhen clan's ancestral weapon suppresses the fate of the Stone clan. Of course it's okay for you to use the ancestral weapon to deal with me, but have you forgotten one thing? Shedding the blood of the Stone Clan.”

After finishing speaking, the nine divine dragons on the Zhen clan's ancestral weapon rose into the air following Shi Hao's thoughts, and rushed towards Shi Yuan with boundless power.

At this moment, Shi Yuan was so frightened that the two forces were fighting. He did not hesitate to detonate all the energy in his body, hoping to destroy his spiritual body directly, so that he could break the connection with his main body.

Although doing so will cause him to suffer extremely serious injuries, at least he will not be directly killed by these nine golden dragons crossing the infinite space.

But the speed of the Nine Golden Dragons was faster than his thoughts.

The divine dragon took off, and nine golden dragons slammed into his body.

His body has emitted infinite light and inspired all his strength, but it was completely useless in front of these nine golden dragons. He was destroyed like a rotten corpse, and even his real body was reduced to ashes.

Shi Yuan's death plunged the entire Shi Kingdom into chaos.

The entire hall fell into extreme tranquility. The clan elder suddenly appeared and took the clan's ancestral weapon into the Void God Realm to rescue Shi Yi. Originally, they were full of confidence and were waiting for the good news brought back by the clan elder.

Unexpectedly, they actually saw such a scene. The clan elders with astonishing cultivation levels were turned into flying ashes, and even the spiritual bodies of their ancestors were lost in the False God Realm. What kind of terrible person did they get into? monster.

After killing Shi Yuan, Shi Hao turned to look in the direction where Shi Yi's body was thrown, and murmured: "He ran so fast!"

After having the authority to operate the Zhen clan's ancestral weapon, Xiao Shi Hao was able to directly kill Shi Yi to pieces.

Naturally, he would not hesitate, and Shi Hao would definitely not be soft-hearted if he had this opportunity.

But it's a pity that Shi Yi is too decisive!

The moment he saw Xiao Shi Hao gain control over the Zhen clan's ancestral weapon, Shi Yi directly used his remaining power to activate his heavy pupils, destroying his own spiritual body and exiting the Virtual God Realm.

Xiao Shihao shook his head and ran away, it didn't matter!

The little guy held the big cauldron in his hand and flew in front of the onlookers.

Facing so many strangers for the first time, the little guy looked a little shy, his face was red, and he didn't have the stern and invincible aura of the Young Supreme just now.

"Hello uncles and aunties, can you help me bring a message to the Stone Clan?"

A fairy in white rushed in front of Shi Hao: "Little Shi Hao, tell me, I will help you convey it!"

The fairy in white looked at Shi Hao with twinkling eyes. Who could not like such a cute and polite little guy? He had been completely conquered by little Shi Hao!

Little Shi Hao raised his head, and a hint of unspeakable domineering flashed in the corner of his eyes: "Tell the Stone Clan that in a year's time I will personally visit you in real life and take out Shi Yi's double pupils in front of everyone in the world!

If you take my bones, you will pay back the interest with your eyes! "

Xiao Shihao's domineering words surprised everyone present.

"What? The little guy wants to go to the Stone Kingdom in reality. Is he crazy?"

"You should know that the reality is not like the Void God Realm, where everyone's realm is restricted to the same level. The little guy's current cultivation is only the Cave Heaven Realm. Even if he is given a year, how high can he reach? Wouldn't it be premature to go to the Stone Kingdom in person?"

"It's a pity that the two geniuses of the Stone Clan were enough to dominate the entire lower world, but now a young supreme is standing on the opposite side of the Stone Kingdom."

There are also some fans who have just been conquered by Shi Hao who believe in Shi Hao without thinking and cheer for him!

"Good! This is the momentum that the young supreme should have. It should be like this, stepping on the past and present, sweeping everything, and embarking on the road of invincibility!"

While speaking, a huge change occurred in the Void God Realm again. Rumbling sounds came from the ground, and one stone tablet after another grew out of the ground like bamboo shoots after rain.

These stone tablets are centered around Xiao Shihao, and they are connected together, like a huge forest of stone tablets. Each of these stone tablets represents a record that Shihao has broken. There are more than thirty of them.

The most devouring, the most powerful, the most destructive, the most treasure technique

Then six pieces of ancient divine books emerged from the void and fell in front of Xiao Shihao like rain.

Seeing this scene, even if the people present had just witnessed such a shocking battle, they still felt that their cerebellums were atrophied and almost lost their ability to think.

No, what is Xiao Shihao doing!

Others break records in the same way, and getting a reward from the virtual god world is enough to go down in history.

As a result, Xiao Shihao is just like coming to buy goods. Not only did he break more than 30 records in one breath, but he also got a full six pieces of ancient divine books.

Seeing these six pieces of ancient divine books, many people's eyes flickered. The value of this kind of thing is too great and almost inestimable!

Little Shi Hao is simply a huge treasure. All the magic skills he just showed contain terrifying value, not to mention that he has 6 pieces of ancient divine books on him, it is hard not to be tempted.

But when they think of the power shown by Shi Hao, these people can only silently lower their heads and give up their ideas.

However, several descendants of major forces still stare at the ancient divine book in Shi Hao's hand with burning eyes. No matter how powerful Shi Hao is, he is only the king in the cave mirror. The mere cave realm is not ranked in their forces at all.

If they can find Shi Hao's whereabouts in reality, then all the magic skills shown by Shi Hao and the six pieces of ancient divine books will belong to them.

If Shi Hao can know their thoughts, he will definitely warmly welcome them to come to Shi Village as guests. He will definitely treat them well and ensure that they eat and drink well and feel at home.

After all, who can dislike such a good person who delivers takeout thousands of miles away.

There is no need for Liu Shen to take action personally. The hairy ball who lives in Shi Village can make these people suffer.

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