All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 143 Prepare to activate the group crossing function!

After everything was settled, Shi Hao left the Void God Realm through the passage and returned to Shi Village.

Today's experience was too wonderful for Xiao Shi Hao. He felt the Supreme Blood gradually filling up in his chest.

It has been more than a year since he lost the Supreme Bone. The experience during this period was like a dream.

This ball of Supreme Blood contains infinite vitality. As long as Xiao Shi Hao is willing, he can condense them into a new Supreme Bone at any time.

The Supreme Bone is back like this?

However, Xiao Shi Hao now has no intention of condensing a second Supreme Bone.

At this time, everyone in the chat group is also very eagerly discussing Xiao Shi Hao's trip to the Void God Realm.

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "What a pity, Shi Yi almost ran away. If he ran a step slower, Xiao Shihao could have used the Nine Dragons Pan Tian Ding to directly blast him into pieces."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's not a pity, killing Shi Yi in the virtual world is of no value at all. There is no way to completely destroy his body. Shi Yi will definitely be rescued.

Because there is a master with double pupils standing behind Shi Yi. Although she is not as good as Liu Shen, she is also a giant at the level of Immortal King.

If you want to really kill Shi Yi, you can only grind him to ashes in reality."

In fact, Xu Chenzhou doesn't care whether Shi Hao can kill Shi Yi. Although Shi Yi has a huge impact on Xiao Shihao's childhood, the life and death of Shi Yi is irrelevant to Xiao Shihao's future. The darkness faced by Emperor Huang Tian comes from a higher level.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou speculated that this was also the reason why there was no cub growth mission this time. Although the double stone battle had far-reaching impact, it did not change Xiao Shihao's future much. Even if Shi Yi was killed directly in the virtual god world, it did not change Xiao Shihao's life trajectory.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Speaking of which, I saw Xiao Shihao's chest glowing during the live broadcast just now. Is this a sign that his supreme bone is about to be revived?"

Hong Yi asked with some curiosity. He was somewhat interested in the supernatural power of the supreme bone that was born and raised by nature.

Xiao Shihao (Shicun cub): "Yes, brother Hong Yi, if I want to revive the supreme bone, I can condense a new bone at any time now, but the group owner's information said that if you want to get the real strongest treasure technique, you can only constantly suppress the formation of the supreme bone, so that at the final moment, you can breed a treasure technique that is invincible in all the heavens and worlds."

Hong Yi nodded. He had also read the information about Xiao Shihao, and naturally knew how terrifying the treasure technique that Xiao Shihao condensed at the end on the original timeline was.

Although the magic is nameless, it can directly enhance the combat power of Emperor Huang Tian several times. The more you practice it to the later stage, the more precious it is.

Xiao Shihao paused and continued: "Although I didn't condense a new supreme bone, the harvest this time is also great. At the last moment, I used the Devouring Heaven Magic to devour all the essence of the Supreme Valley in Shi Yi's body, including all the runes that condensed the Heavenly Tribulation Light, which were all plundered into my body. So although I didn't condense a new bone, I mastered the supreme magic contained in the first bone."

After that, Xiao Shihao directly uploaded the Heavenly Tribulation Light magic to the chat group.

As the group members continue to grow, the magic in the chat group's magic library has become more and more abundant.

These days, Zhang Junbao has collected hundreds of martial arts secrets.

After Zhang Junbao optimized, these martial arts secrets have also become the corresponding immortal martial arts versions with greatly increased power.

Next is Xu Chenzhou, who has the SSS-level authority of the Martial Arts Association. He also exchanged a lot of skills from the Scripture Pavilion of the Martial Arts Association and uploaded them to the chat group.

In addition, Xiao Nannan's crazy hunting during this period, she looted many skills of the world of Zhatian from the soldiers of Yuhua Shenchao, and also uploaded them to the chat group.

Finally, there are contributions from other group members. Thanks to the atmosphere of the masses, group members will upload new gains to the chat group as soon as they have them.

Now there are more than a thousand skills in the chat group's skills library, which is already dazzling.

Xu Chenzhou also made a simple classification of the skills in the chat group, and filled the skills into four different levels of file libraries of Tiandi Xuanhuang according to their different values, so that new group members can choose in the future.

The four different levels of skills libraries are not determined by the strength comparison between the skills, but mainly by their value in the current cultivation system.

For example, the Heaven-level Art Library includes the most essential arts of different cultivation systems, such as Yuxu Refining Qi Jue, Yuanshi Zhenjie, Zhenwu Ningdan Jue, and the Past Amitabha Sutra.

Xu Chenzhou did not sort the arts according to their power, but according to their value in his own cultivation system.

In terms of power, Yuxu Refining Qi Jue completely crushes the Past Amitabha Sutra. One is a supreme magic method that can directly point to the Chaos Daluo Jinxian, and the other is far behind.

However, from the perspective of the Taoist cultivation system, the Past Amitabha Sutra is a well-deserved Heaven-level art, and it can naturally be included in the Heaven-level Art Library!

Everyone chatted in the group for a while, and at this time, Xiao Yangchan, who had been lurking for a long time, suddenly came online.

Xiao Yangchan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Brother, the last time I practiced the cultivation system of the Perfect World, it seemed that something big happened!

The recent trend of the prehistoric world seems to be a bit strange, which is completely different from the future mentioned in your information."

Hearing Xiao Yangchan's words, Xu Chenzhou frowned.

Xu Chenzhou’s understanding of the prehistoric world where Xiao Yangchan lived was not particularly deep.

Mainly because there were too many works about the prehistoric world in his previous life, Xu Chenzhou really didn’t know which prehistoric world Xiao Yangchan came from.

In addition, Xiao Yangchan introduced the Perfect Method to the prehistoric world, which caused a huge change.

Although that action brought great benefits to Xiao Yangcai, other group members in the chat group also benefited a lot.

But this change also made Xu Chenzhou’s foresight of the prehistoric world invalid for a large part.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Xiao Yangchan, don’t be anxious, tell me slowly, what happened!"

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Since the last great change in the world, the six saints who had been in seclusion for a long time have reappeared. Tongtian Saint opened the mountain gate and accepted 300 disciples in one breath. The original saint also opened a new dojo in the southeast. Even the Supreme Saint reappeared, riding a green ox to travel around the prehistoric world and took a child from the human race.

Not only Even Haotian sent out his heavenly soldiers to search for gifted people all over the world and bring them back to heaven.

Moreover, many natural treasures that had never been seen before appeared in the prehistoric world, and many cultivators came out of the mountains to compete for these treasures.

The whole prehistoric world was in chaos, and the war broke out everywhere. Even Uncle Yuding took his brother down the mountain to compete for opportunities.

I couldn't hold back and wanted to go down the mountain to experience it. "

After reading what Xiao Yangchan said, Xu Chenzhou fell into deep thought. The re-emergence of the six saints to accept disciples must be related to the perfect law.

The prehistoric heavenly way added a heaven and earth environment suitable for practicing the perfect law to the prehistoric world, but did not pass down any inheritance of the perfect law.

The six saints should also cross the river by feeling the stones this time, and create a perfect practice method belonging to the prehistoric world from scratch. Perhaps these new disciples are to test the perfect law they deduced.

As for the appearance of many natural treasures that have never been seen in the prehistoric world, it is normal. After all, the environment of the entire prehistoric world has been changed by the way of heaven, and it is reasonable that there are more natural treasures in the perfect world.

These were originally expected by Xu Chenzhou.

What Xu Chenzhou was thinking about was what benefits such a change could bring to Xiao Yangchan.

Six saints were born to accept disciples and set up a new lineage. This kind of thing would have a huge impact on the future of the prehistoric world.

Even under such a change, whether the future Conferred God Tribulation will happen is still uncertain.

However, all this information is still too little, and the void deduction is not advisable. Xiao Yangchan still needs to obtain more information.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "You can go down the mountain to gain experience. After all, you have the tiger skin of a disciple of Yuxu Palace. Those who are capable of dealing with you know your identity and dare not kill you, and those who don't even know Yuxu Palace are probably not your opponents.

Xu Chenzhou is not worried about Xiao Yangchan's idea of ​​going down the mountain.

Although the prehistoric world is very chaotic, people with a little bit of brains know that they can't attack the disciples of Yuxu Palace.

In addition, Xiao Yangchan is now a body of merit and virtue of heaven and earth, and is protected by the heavenly way.

People with such a body of merit and virtue, few cultivators are willing to attack such people, because if they kill such a blessed person, they will definitely be despised by heaven and earth. In simple terms, they will become unlucky in everything they do.

And if I am not mistaken, you should have a good harvest this time when you go down the mountain."

Han Li (disciple of Qixuanmen): "It's a coincidence. I also plan to go out recently and take a good walk in the Tiannan area."

After such a long period of cultivation, Han Li's cultivation has reached the Jindan stage.

The main reason why Han Li went out this time was to collect some spiritual medicine seeds and pill recipes in the Tiannan region.

Originally, Han Li planned to stay at home until the Nascent Soul stage, but he had no choice. Without the help of pills, his cultivation speed was really slow and he couldn't keep up with the pace of his group friends!

Although the days in the Qixuan Sect were comfortable, there was no opportunity to contact the world of immortal cultivation. Without the assistance of spiritual medicine and pill recipes, the efficacy of the small green bottle was greatly reduced.

Of course, Han Li didn't plan to cause trouble this time. Without cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, Han Li really had no sense of security. He just planned to walk around and take a look.

Although he could also rely on Xiao Yangchan to get some spiritual medicines from the prehistoric world, Han Li didn't want to become a person who relied on group friends for help in everything. He also wanted to get some opportunities by his own strength.

In addition to his current Jindan stage cultivation. In the Tiannan region, as long as he didn't provoke the old shaman in the Yellow Wind Valley, he could already walk sideways, so he was thinking about moving.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Has everyone taken action recently? I also plan to return to Shengjing City, and the spring exam is about to begin."

Xu Chenzhou was somewhat interested: "So, the spring of the Yangshen World is coming soon, doesn't that mean that Hong Yi, you will soon be able to become a ghost fairy!"

The Taoist practice method of the Yangshen World is very peculiar. After reaching a certain level, one must experience thunder tribulation to be reborn and become a ghost fairy. After each layer of thunder tribulation, the practitioner's soul can be baptized.

Moreover, the structure of thunder in the Yangshen World is very special. It is divided into nine layers from the inside to the outside, and each layer is different.

After this period of practice, Xu Chenzhou, Zhang Junbao, Misaka Mikoto and other people who practiced the Taoist arts of the Yangshen World have reached the late stage of possession, and only need a spring thunder to become a ghost fairy.

But the problem is that they have tried it before. In their world, passing the thunder tribulation will only make the soul more condensed, and it cannot make them become ghost immortals.

This made Xu Chenzhou very confused, because he did not need local adaptation when he practiced the Amitabha Sutra before, which means that he should be able to cultivate into a Yang God in the Star Domain World, but the current situation is that he cannot cultivate.

This matter has been discussed many times in the chat group. In the end, the conclusion is that the thunder in the Yang God World is special, which contains special rules of heaven and earth, so that the soul of the person who has experienced the tribulation can continue to transform and eventually become a Yang God.

In other words, the way of transforming the soul through passing the thunder tribulation does not work in other worlds. If you practice the Taoist art of Yang God in the traditional way, practicing to the late stage of possession is the limit.

In addition, the chat group assistant gave him an answer. In fact, there are indeed conditions for cultivating Yang God in the Star Domain World.

For example, if Xu Chenzhou wants to cultivate into a first-tribulation ghost immortal, he must go to certain planets to pass the thunder tribulation, because the thunder on those planets is rich in special energy, which can transform Xu Chenzhou's soul.

If Xu Chenzhou wants to become a second-level ghost fairy, he must go to other planets to experience new thunder tribulations.

Simply put, in the star field world, if Xu Chenzhou wants to become a Yang God, he must experience the thunder of nine different planets.

These planets are densely distributed in the entire starry sky, and the distance between each other is not very close, which is really a bit of a hassle.

In addition, he can also use various specific natural treasures to temper his soul, which can also allow his soul to transform, but some of these natural treasures Xu Chenzhou has never even heard of.

The situation encountered by group members in other worlds is the same. For them, the thunder they have to experience every time they cross the tribulation is different, and they need to go to various special places. It is very difficult to meet the conditions, almost impossible.

The thunder in the Yang God world is quite special. Each thundercloud is a full nine layers of thunder from the outside to the inside, from strong to weak, just like the whole world created for Taoist practitioners.

Practitioners only need to go through the thunder tribulation step by step, and they can successfully become ghost fairies and constantly improve their cultivation.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Great! In this case, we only need to wait until the group crossing function mentioned by the group owner is turned on, and we can go to the Yangshen world to become a ghost fairy!"

Misaka Mikoto is a little impatient. Her recent practice has reached a bottleneck. At the peak level of possession, she has cultivated sixty crystal clear thoughts, and her computing power has increased by sixty times.

But because she can't find the thunder that can make her a first-level ghost fairy, her Taoism realm is still stuck at the peak of possession. Not only can she not use all kinds of powerful Taoism, but it has also become very difficult to continue to differentiate thoughts.

As for the thunder that can make her a first-level ghost fairy, there is also one in the Academy City world, but it is a bit remote.

According to the chat group, this kind of thunder only exists on a planet in the Sagittarius galaxy.

This is really embarrassing!

With the technological level of Academy City, it is difficult to colonize Mars, let alone travel to the Sagittarius galaxy through interstellar travel.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "According to the information given by the chat group, we only need to add one more group member to enable the plane crossing function, and then we can visit each other.

It should be noted that the primary crossing function has some limitations. It can only travel for three days at a time. When the time is up, you will be directly sent back.

But it's not a big problem. Three days are enough for us to survive the thunder tribulation!"

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "I still have some doubts about this crossing function. According to the group leader's description, some beings in the heavens and the worlds can see through the timeline. All the time in the past and the future is meaningless to them. Everything can be changed for them. If we travel to a world with such beings, wouldn't it be easy to be discovered by these beings!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I have asked the chat group assistant this question. According to its answer, there is no need to worry about these.

To put it bluntly, every world in the heavens and the world is like A computer without external network connection, the supreme beings in the universe are like an individual who has obtained the supreme authority of the computer, so they have absolute control over the inside.

The chat group can connect the universe, and the power contained is stronger than that of a single supreme being in the universe, and the dimension is also higher.

After we joined the chat group, our timeline has been fixed by the chat group at the present, and neither the past nor the future can affect the present.

In order to minimize the impact of our joining the chat group, the timeline of the group members selected by the chat group is the original timeline, which is a great power that only the power of the chat group can achieve.

From this perspective, there is actually no future, because the future has not yet been born. "

As for the one-proof-for-everything, the eternal and unique thing is actually only valid within the universe. Jumping to a higher dimension, there must still be an initial timeline.

Xu Chenzhou does not know why the chat group can capture this kind of time point, but it is obvious that it can definitely do it, otherwise Yang Chan, Shi Hao and the ruthless emperor should not appear in the chat group.

Because if the chat group cannot do this, the changes in the past the moment they join the group should be noticed by the Supreme Being with whom they have a close relationship.

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