All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 144 Team building! Preparation for the group tribulation!

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "If that's the case, when will new group members join the group?"

Xu Chenzhou (group owner): "I'm not sure about this. The quota for new group members to join the group can basically only wait for the task rewards of the chat group to be issued, but there have been no new tasks recently, so we can only wait.

However, there have been no new group members joining the group for more than two months. According to my understanding of the chat group, it shouldn't take long for new group members to join."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "I hope this day will come soon, and then I will take you to visit Yujing City. The spring thunder is coming soon, and I can't wait to go through the tribulation with you!"

Everyone in the group is also looking forward to this scene. Although there is a group public space and everyone is familiar with each other every day, there has been no real offline activities organized.

If we can go to the Yangshen world to go through the tribulation together to become a ghost fairy, and build a team by the way, it should be a good experience!

Little Shi Hao (Shicun cub): "Okay, Brother Hong Yi, I will spend more time practicing the Amitabha Sutra recently, and strive to cross over to the Yangshen world to overcome the tribulation with you!"

Little Nannan (Yuhua killer): "And me! And me! I want to be with you too!"

The Amitabha Sutra is also a popular technique in the chat group.

Among the various systems in the chat group, the destructive power of the Amitabha Sutra is not very strong.

But the group members naturally practice such a technique not for destructive power. The Amitabha Sutra has various magical uses and is considered a very strong auxiliary technique.

For example, the effect of Yangshen Taoism in dividing thoughts is very helpful for every cultivation system. Every extra thought is equivalent to one more person to help cultivate and comprehend the technique.

Zhang Junbao was able to research so many Xianwu versions of the techniques in just two months, which is closely related to his Yangshen Taoism cultivation.

For example, the effect of the Amitabha Sutra in restoring the soul and thoughts is so significant that the soul damage in other cultivation systems is almost fatal.

But for the practitioners who practiced the Amitabha Sutra, what is the damage to the soul? Just visualize it and it will be restored.

Not to mention that after achieving the ghost fairy, the soul can produce various magical powers, which is really helpful for cultivation!

It is precisely because of this effect that almost all the group members in the group practiced the Amitabha Sutra, but the progress of cultivation was fast and slow. For example, Xiao Shihao and Xiao Nannan only regarded this practice as an auxiliary practice. They visualized it in the intervals between practice. The practice speed was not fast, and now they have reached the realm of exorcism.

There are only four people in the group who have reached the standard of the ghost fairy who has passed the tribulation, Xu Chenzhou, Hong Yi, Zhang Junbao, and Misaka Mikoto.

However, with the help of the incense power of the Yitian world, plus the time acceleration function, as long as the group members work hard to practice, there is still hope that they can catch up with this tribulation gathering.

Everyone chatted for a while and then went offline one after another. Xu Chenzhou looked at the time. It was time for dinner. The world is big and the most important thing is to eat!

Moreover, his nose kept smelling a fragrance that was so fragrant that it would make his eyebrows fall off.

It was obvious that Xu Mo Ran had prepared a lot of delicious food.

Thinking of his sister's cooking skills, Xu Chenzhou was drooling!

Xu Chenzhou closed the group chat and walked from the lounge to the restaurant.

This restaurant looked very luxurious, seemingly elegant and classic, but in fact it was filled with the breath of money. Whether it was the ordinary painting of snow-seeking plum blossoms hanging on the wall, which was actually worth millions, or the dining table made of Tianya Qingzao wood, it revealed a message that the owner of this house was not short of money.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou didn't want to make it so luxurious, but there was no way. This villa was the extra compensation given to him by the Martial Arts Association.

At that time, the president of the Martial Arts Association visited him in person, not only offering the full amount of compensation proposed by Xu Chenzhou, but also fully assuming the reconstruction of Xu Chenzhou's residence in order to compensate Xu Chenzhou for the mental loss caused by the former inspection minister's abuse of power.

The house where Xu Chenzhou lives now is actually built on the site of his old house.

With Zhou Xuanyi as a backer, the Martial Arts Alliance acted quickly. One day after he applied for compensation, a team of construction workers arrived at the scene to rebuild the destroyed villa.

To be honest, these construction workers who have learned martial arts and have high technology in their hands are really efficient, even more outrageous than the infrastructure maniacs in the previous life.

In just three days, a brand new villa was built. The quality is better than the villa he lived in before, and the various furniture inside are super luxurious versions sponsored by the president of the Martial Arts Association.

"Brother, come here quickly, the meal has been prepared, just waiting for you!"

Xu Mo Ran looked happy, and looked at Xu Chenzhou and waved his hand. Xu Chenzhou hurried to the dining table, where there were seven or eight exquisite dishes on the table, both meat and vegetables, each of which looked delicious and appetizing.

"Emerald Seven Spice Chicken, Soybean Stewed Tianmei Sheep's Hoof, Qingjiang Tianye Crab, Unmoved Glazed Fruit!

Why did you cook so many delicious things today? Did something good happen to you, sister?"

The price of the raw materials for a table of dishes added up to almost 30,000 Alliance Coins, and it can be seen that Xu Moyan cooked every dish very carefully, fully stimulating the delicious taste of the ingredients!

Xu Chenzhou was a little surprised. Even he rarely had a family banquet of this scale.

Xu Mo Ran stretched out his left hand, and his slender fingers formed a hand seal in front of Xu Chenzhou, and then a strong wind blew up, and the wind and rain were heavy!

Under Xu Mo Ran's control, the wind and rain did not damage any furniture, but just kept circling in the empty space, like a sharp blade, containing terrifying power.

"The ability to call the wind and rain, your cultivation has reached the great perfection of foundation building!"

Xu Chenzhou said in surprise, even he was shocked by Xu Mo Ran's cultivation speed.

Don't look at Xiao Yang Chan's cultivation to the Nascent Soul stage in just ten days, but on the one hand, the world Xiao Yang Chan lives in is the prehistoric world, the spiritual energy of the world is so rich that it is almost liquefied, and on the other hand, Xiao Yang Chan also has the chat group time acceleration function blessing, ten days is equal to a hundred days.

Xu Mo Ran didn't have a chat group to open a time acceleration plug-in for her, she just practiced for more than two months, and she practiced in a place like Shuilanxing where the spiritual energy of the world is thin.

In addition, Xu Mo Ran insisted on cooking for him every day. Under such training conditions, he actually reached the Great Perfection of the Realm Building in two months, and was only one step away from breaking through to the Golden Core Stage.

Xu Mo Ran's talent is no less than that of Xiao Yang Chan before he achieved the Merit Saint Body.

Xu Mo Ran boasted with a proud face: "How about it, I'm awesome!"

Xu Chenzhou touched Xu Mo Ran's head: "Awesome! Our Mo Ran is the best!"

After being praised, Xu Mo Ran looked at Xu Chenzhou curiously and asked: "But brother, what realm have you reached now? I have already broken through to the late stage of foundation building, but I still feel unfathomable when I look at you!"

Xu Chenzhou did not answer, but just smiled: "Practice well, you are still a long way to catch up with me!"

Xu Chenzhou's cultivation level changed too quickly, so he did not intend to tell Xu Mo Ran about his cultivation level. After all, with the chat group, his cultivation speed was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

His cultivation is naturally higher than Xu Mo Ran. Although Xu Chen Zhou regards the extraordinary warrior as the foundation of his cultivation, he will not hang himself on this tree. The immortal way and the unrighteous way are both compatible and there is no conflict. They can be cultivated at the same time.

In the recent leisure time, he has plenty of time to practice. During this training time, he not only honed his extraordinary warrior to the peak of the second level, only one step away from breaking through to the third level, but also raised his immortal cultivation to the peak of the golden elixir, about to break through the infant state.

The two of them played for a while, and then started to eat. Today's meal is indeed extremely delicious. The Emerald Seven Fragrance Chicken uses a kind of chicken from outer space, which is a famous gluttonous delicacy in the interstellar. The feathers of this chicken are like emerald, flawless jade, and can become crystal clear under the sun. The appearance is very beautiful.

Of course, the Emerald Seven Spice Chicken is so famous not because of its appearance, but because of its taste. The main reason why the Emerald Seven Spice Chicken is called Seven Spice Chicken is that its meat has an extraordinary fragrance.

And the most amazing thing is that the fragrance of its head, body, chest, legs, heart, wings, and kidneys are different. After stewing and eating them separately, people can feel like walking in heaven. The most important thing is that this kind of chicken not only has an extremely delicious taste, but also has extremely high nutritional value, so this chicken alone is worth 5,000 yuan.

And the other dishes also have their own extraordinary features, and the most important thing is that these dishes are of great help to practice.

In addition, with the ancient dragon tooth rice as the staple food, this meal is simply an invincible enjoyment.

When eating, Xu Chenzhou doesn't like to talk much, but prefers to think quietly and think about something.

In fact, with his practice speed, more than two months is enough for him to break through to the third level of extraordinary warriors, but there is a problem. The materials needed to break through the third level of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Mixed Caves can not all be bought in the Martial Arts Alliance.

Xu Chenzhou has already prepared the materials that can be purchased, but there are two materials that even the Martial Arts Alliance cannot take out for the time being.

In fact, these materials were originally in reserve in the Martial Arts Alliance, but because they are too precious, the reserve quantity is very small, and they were all bought by someone some time ago.

To get these materials, Xu Chenzhou has only two choices, either to go hunting and gathering in the wild, or to buy them from alien planets through channels.

Hunting and gathering in the wild is too troublesome. The two materials that Xu Chenzhou did not buy are the heart blood of the silver wood ape. This kind of ape lives in the depths of the Kusak Great Forest. The number is extremely rare. If you want to catch them, you can only rely on luck. Hunters with bad luck can only return empty-handed after spending half a year.

The other material is the Qingyuan wooden fish stone. This gem only exists under the mantle layer. It is extremely difficult to mine and the number is extremely rare. It is not easy to find it.

So Xu Chenzhou has already activated his money ability. Anyway, he is not short of money now, so he directly purchases it from alien planets.

However, the purchase of these two materials requires transportation from a distant planet, and even interstellar express delivery will take a long time.

At this moment, a series of piercing alarms came from the holographic projection standing by the window.

"Attention, citizens of Blue Water Star, there is a conflict on the Rock Front, and the Tianji Clan is invading. Now Blue Water Star has entered the third level of combat readiness. Please prepare for the changes that may occur next!"

"Attention, citizens of Blue Water Star, there is a conflict on the Rock Front."

The alarm sounded repeatedly, and it could be heard that the announcer was extremely anxious and impatient.

This sudden news made Xu Chenzhou and Xu Mo Ran both stunned at the same time. There was an alien invasion.

You should know that the area where Shuilanxing is located has been peaceful for a long time.

In the entire starry universe, the Star Alliance can be regarded as one of the top ten major forces, occupying dozens of large territories, and can be called a giant in the starry sky.

There are only three forces that can compete with it on the border of the Star Alliance!

These forces are basically entrenched in the south of the Star Alliance, so the elite soldiers of the Star Alliance are basically stationed on several major fronts in the south.

The Rock Front where Shuilanxing is located is in the northeast of the Star Alliance. This front should be the weakest front of the Star Alliance.

However, due to the strength of the Interstellar Alliance, there has been no alien invasion for about 500 years. Everyone has long been accustomed to the existence of peace, and subconsciously does not think that war will break out again.

Unexpectedly, the Tianji Clan invaded the Rock Front so abruptly this time, which caught everyone off guard.

Xu Chenzhou hurriedly took out his smart bracelet to check the current location of his interstellar express.

Level 3 combat readiness means that the Blue Water Star will enter a military management state.

If his interstellar express has not entered the defense circle of the Rock Front, it is very likely to be intercepted and not allowed to enter.

Fortunately, the result made Xu Chenzhou relieved. His interstellar express has entered the Tomb Earth Stone Star for rest and is preparing to fly to the Blue Water Star.

The Rock Front is a defense composed of tens of thousands of planets in the northeast of the Star Domain Alliance.

The shape of these tens of thousands of planets on the star map is like a rock, so the Rock Front got its name.

This front is divided into three layers. The first is the outermost interstellar battleship group. These battleships form a steel defense line in space. They are stationed in deep space all year round to monitor the movements of alien races at any time.

The second line of defense is the 108 military garrison planets at the border. There are tens of thousands of interstellar teams stationed in these 108 military garrison planets, which are constantly training and ready to fight against aliens at any time.

The third line of defense is the defense line composed of the blue water planet where Xu Chenzhou lives and tens of thousands of planets. It is also the lifeline of the Star Domain Alliance.

The Rock Front must not be broken, because there are very developed wormhole communities inside the Rock Front. Once the aliens use these wormhole communities, they can enter various regions of the Star Domain Alliance at will to launch blitzkrieg!

The Tombstone Star is one of the tens of thousands of planets that make up the Rock Front. It is within the defense circle of the Rock Front and will not be intercepted.

Xu Mo Ran looked a little worried: "Brother, with the current strength of the Tianji Clan, there is no way to fight against the Star Domain Alliance. How dare they launch an attack? It doesn't make sense! Did the Supreme Being calculate something again?"

The Tianji Clan is one of the alien races living in the east of the Star Domain Alliance. It has its own unique cultivation system. It is said that there is a Supreme Being in the clan who can control the secrets of the sky and can manipulate infinite fate with a wave of his hand. It is an extremely terrifying Supreme Being.

However, because the frontal combat ability of this Supreme Being is really weak, it belongs to the weakest level, so the Tianji Clan cannot become one of the interstellar overlords.

However, although the current Tianji Clan is not strong, at the beginning of the rise of the Star Domain Alliance, the Tianji Clan once caused great trouble to the newly born Star Domain Alliance.

Under the calculation of the Supreme Being, the Star Domain Alliance has encountered several disasters that can be called a catastrophe.

It is only under the spirit of the ancestors who sacrificed everything and burned themselves that the disasters were repeatedly broken, and today's Star Domain Alliance was established!

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