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Chapter 145 Wudang Academy, spreading martial arts to the world

Xu Chenzhou felt that Xu Moran's concerns were reasonable.

This powerful being has its own reasons for everything it does, and it will never be aimless. There must be various calculations behind it.

For example, a catastrophe in the Star Alliance 100,000 years ago was due to the existence of this supreme power. At that time, he also did a lot of nonsensical things, such as killing his daughter with his own hands and throwing her head on an abandoned planet thousands of light years away, wantonly massacring civilians in his clan, etc.

The result was that these seemingly unreasonable actions, like the wings of a butterfly, promoted changes in the world, and finally caused more than a dozen ethnic groups to attack the Star Alliance at the same time, almost destroying the Star Alliance in one battle.

But Xu Chenzhou is not very worried, because this kind of powerful being is too far away from the current Xu Chenzhou, and no matter what his calculations are, it has nothing to do with the current Xu Chenzhou.

Anyway, the group travel function is about to be launched. As long as he is willing to spend more points, he can leave with his relatives and friends. If it doesn't work, he can run away to other worlds to avoid the limelight.

It's just that Xu Chenzhou can be so open-minded, others can't. When the war begins, every living planet on the rock front may fall into the flames of war at any time!

This threat of life hanging on the edge of a knife is very scary for people who have lived in a peaceful world for a long time.

Xu Chenzhou turned to look at Xu Moran, and saw her face darkened, full of worry.

Xu Chenzhou said softly: "There's nothing to worry about!

Although that supreme being has great magical powers, the supreme being of the Star Alliance is not just a decoration, otherwise we would not be able to take the position of star overlord.

And brother, I still have a way out, which I guarantee will allow us to escape unscathed. Anyway, relax, everything will be fine! "

Xu Moran raised his head and looked at Xu Chenzhou's resolute and confident look. Xu Moran was very familiar with this look. Ever since she was a child, whenever Xu Chenzhou had such an expression on his face, she had never been disappointed.

Somehow, Xu Moran's worried mood gradually calmed down.

After finishing lunch, Xu Chenzhou returned to the training room. His daily life was mainly about living at two o'clock and one line at a time. Apart from eating and drinking, he almost only practiced training.

Of course, although Xu Chenzhou works hard, he also attaches great importance to the balance between work and rest. In his spare time, he often experiences the entertainment projects of the Star Alliance.

For example, now, Xu Chenzhou was a little tired from practicing for a long time, so he returned to the study and turned on the smart projection device on the desktop.

Aquamarine is not connected to the virtual intranet of the Star Alliance, and there is no way to use brain waves to sneak in virtually, so for the time being, mainstream games still exist in the form of VR.

Although it is only a VR game, its highly developed technology makes its graphics infinitely closer to reality.

However, there is one thing to say. Although the technology of the Star Alliance is advanced, the concept of making games is very rough. The excessive pursuit of reality has greatly weakened the gameplay.

For example, Xu Chenzhou played a war game a few days ago. The scene was huge, the action was very realistic, and the skills were gorgeous. However, the game producer was very nervous and added a physical value setting to the game characters.

This stamina value is not the stamina value in our traditional concept. In that game, as long as the character moves, he will generate fatigue value. The more tired he is, the slower his actions will be. If he does not rest, he will even be exhausted to death.

And this rest is extremely hardcore. Not only do you need to hunt for food and cook it yourself, but the game character also has to sleep. It’s a very real kind of sleep. Players can either hang up for two hours to do other things, or they have to watch it happen. The character was lying on the bed, tossing and turning and even making a deafening snoring sound.

For Xu Chenzhou, who is from Earth, this setting is purely to disgust game players, but players in the Star Alliance do not think there is anything wrong with this, because most of the games on the market are set like this. , pursuing the ultimate real experience.

On some planets that can access interstellar virtual networks, the games produced are even more perverted. Not only do you need to eat and sleep, you even have to eat, drink and relieve yourself.

If Xu Chenzhou hadn't been busy practicing and had to personally teach the game producers of this world what a fun game should be like!

After playing for a while, the smart bracelet on Xu Chenzhou's hand made another beeping sound. He raised his hand and saw a short message.

"Ten million yuan has been credited to your Interstellar United Bank account, please check!"

Xu Chenzhou looked at the remitter and couldn't help but smile. The flowers he planted two months ago finally began to bear fruit.

The remittance of 10 million yuan came from Baihe Nutritional Food Co., Ltd. This company was registered by him personally last month and was mainly used to operate the degraded Qiankun Yiqi Rice product.

Xu Chenzhou had in-depth research on product research and development in his previous life. Under his leadership, the company successively released more than ten popular products. Even the boss looked at Xu Chenzhou in a different light and used many shares as bargaining chips to completely tie Xu Chenzhou On top of that company's tank.

This is also the reason why Xu Chenzhou was able to get so much money after the company went public.

After registering the company, Xu Chenzhou got started immediately. He first designed the outer packaging and marketing plan of Qiankun Yiqi Rice, and then wrote a detailed plan for future development.

After putting up the framework, he handed over the company to his two senior brothers and once again became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Xu Chenzhou really doesn't have that much time to take care of this matter. Although he is very familiar with the process of product development and marketing, there are still a lot of things to deal with if he wants to commercialize Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

For example, if Qiankun Yiqi Rice wants to be promoted, it must first be mass-produced, and mass production must build a production base. Whether it is selecting a location, building a factory, recruiting people, establishing various channels, and after-sales processing, each item costs a lot of money. If everything had to be handled personally, Xu Chenzhou would have no time to practice at all!

But fortunately, Qiankun Yiqi Rice is indeed a good product. As long as you don't meet that kind of business idiot, it will definitely have a place in the market.

Although the two senior brothers have no experience in running a company, the Baihe Martial Arts School has prospered under their hands for so many years, which is enough to prove that the two senior brothers have business talents.

This ten million is the income of Baihe Nutrition Co., Ltd. last month.

And this ten million is only the initial income. With the further promotion of Qiankun Yiqi Rice, this income will gradually increase, even to an unimaginable level.

On Aquamarine, the gods and demon warriors are the ceiling of force. With Zhou Xuanyi as his backer, Xu Chenzhou can expand the market unscrupulously without worrying about anyone coveting him.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou did not let the two senior brothers work in vain. He gave each of the two senior brothers 10% of the shares. This money was quite valuable to the two senior brothers.

Because with his help, the two senior brothers changed their training methods. The new skills were too much compared to the ones they originally practiced, but this also brought about a problem, that is, the resources needed skyrocketed.

With this dividend, it is enough for the two senior brothers to make brave progress in martial arts.

In Yitian World, at the foot of Wudang Mountain, the sound of two horse hooves falling to the ground came from a green bamboo forest. The fine bamboo leaves were pushed aside, and among the shadows of the trees, a man and a woman rode a tall white horse and walked slowly in the warm morning. under the sun.

The yellow bird flying in the sky seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers. It flew from the sky and landed on the girl's shoulder, making a chirping sound.

The girl's hair was flying, and her side face was as crystal clear as jade under the sunlight. The bird tilted its head and looked at the girl, and curiously pecked the girl's cheek gently with a bird peck.

After doing something bad, the bird felt a little guilty and spread its wings to escape from the scene of the crime.

The girl stretched out her clothes and gently caught the bird that was trying to escape. Then she shook it gently, making the bird a little dizzy. Then the girl let go and sent the bird back into the sky.

When Zhang Junbao saw this scene, his eyes were smiling and his eyes were burning. His entire field of vision was occupied by the girl in front of him with a charming smile.

He joked: "Xian'er, it's just a bird. What do you care about with it?" "

Guo Xiang shook her head and looked at Zhang Junbao with some dissatisfaction: "I want you to take care of it! It has already pecked my face, and you are still looking at it and don't want to take care of it!"

Hearing what Guo Xiang said, Zhang Junbao smiled: "Xianger, if you say that, then I will avenge you!"

After speaking, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand to grab it, and a strong suction force appeared in the void. The scattered bamboo leaves in the entire bamboo forest turned into the shape of a Tai Chi diagram and converged towards Zhang Junbao's palm. The center of the Tai Chi diagram was the one just now. A bird released by Guo Xiang.

The little bird trapped in the center of countless bamboo leaves looked a little confused.

It looked left and right, and some couldn't believe its eyes. How could such a big battle be used against it? Countless bamboo leaves kept flying and circling in the air, just like a miracle.

Lord Bird, I have never seen such a scene in my whole life!

The sword energy on the bamboo leaves gradually split and stabbed towards the bird like a sharp blade.

Seeing this scene, Guo Xiang immediately said: "Forget it, I don't want revenge. Jun Bao, please let him go quickly."

She is a joke, how can she bear to see a bird get hurt!

Zhang Junbao, who had long known what Guo Xiang would say, flicked his hand, and countless bamboo leaves fell with the wind, floating on the ground to form a huge Tai Chi diagram.

After getting the three Taishang pictures from Xu Chenzhou, Zhang Junbao's martial arts progress in these days can simply be described as incredible.

Especially the third picture of Taishang's three pictures brought him unimaginable gains. At this time, his martial arts had already reached the realm of heaven and man. His movements were all natural, but they contained terrifying The power.

If someone could record these movements, it would immediately become a powerful martial art.

After the two joked for a while, they rode towards the mountain again.

The section of road they chose was quiet, quiet and deserted.

Logically speaking, this kind of rugged path would make it difficult for even the best of a thousand horses to move here.

But the white horse under the two of them was very relaxed and galloped as if on flat ground. Even the white horse on the steep cliff with rugged rocks could gallop at extremely fast speeds.

If any outsiders saw this scene, they might think they were hallucinating.

Being able to do such magical things is naturally because of Zhang Junbao.

At this time, his internal strength has already reached a state of perfection, attached to the horse's hooves, no matter what the terrain is, there is no difference from the flat ground.

The two of them ran all the way and soon arrived at the top of Wudang Mountain. The scenery here was very beautiful. The two of them sat side by side on the lawn at the top of the mountain, looking up at the entire scenic Wudang Mountain.

The sun shone on the two of them, casting two long shadows.

Guo Xiang turned her head and looked at Zhang Junbao.

"Junbao, why did you choose the location of the academy in this sparsely populated Wudang Mountain?"

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