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Chapter 146 Xiang'er, let's fly the sword together

The purpose of their trip to Wudang Mountain was to inspect the site and build a new martial arts academy on Wudang Mountain to spread the immortal martial arts that Zhang Junbao had learned.

Zhang Junbao was very insistent on building the martial arts academy on Wudang Mountain.

This made Guo Xiang very curious, because logically speaking, locating the academy in Xiangyang City was the optimal solution.

A large number of people from all walks of life have gathered in Xiangyang City. With the help of the Guo Mansion, Xiangyang City can become the center of the world's martial arts in an instant by establishing a school palace in Xiangyang City.

Guo Xiang once persuaded Zhang Junbao to build the academy in Xiangyang City, but Zhang Junbao did not adopt her suggestion and insisted on building the martial arts academy in Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Junbao smiled slightly and did not answer Guo Xiang's question. Instead, he pulled Guo Xiang's sleeve to a sea of ​​clouds and looked at the infinite sea of ​​clouds below.

He didn't know how to explain it. Logically speaking, his life trajectory had completely changed, and he didn't necessarily need to establish a sect in Wudang Mountain.

But secretly, Zhang Junbao had a feeling that starting a sect in Wudang Mountain would be an excellent choice for him.

Seeing that Zhang Junbao didn't want to say anything, Guo Xiang didn't intend to ask. The two of them stood quietly in front of the sea of ​​clouds, watching the clouds below constantly changing, sometimes like mountains with overlapping mountains, sometimes like tracing the waves. The coast is constantly changing.

Zhang Junbao originally did not look at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him very seriously, but focused on the profile of Guo Xiang next to him.

Every time he was with Guo Xiang, his attention was always unconsciously attracted to the girl next to him.

This feeling is quite amazing.

In fact, during this period of time in Xiangyang City, Zhang Junbao has also seen quite a few beauties. Not to mention others, Guo Fu's appearance alone is quite extraordinary. Her appearance is not inferior to Guo Xiang's, and she also has the charm of a young woman. For some people, More attractive.

But facing these beauties, Zhang Junbao didn't feel anything at all. He just felt that they were no different from ordinary people.

Zhang Junbao was embarrassed to stare at the girl next to him unscrupulously, and from time to time he would look at the endless sea of ​​clouds in front of him.

Although it was just a casual glance, Zhang Junbao fell into an epiphany at this mountainous sea of ​​clouds.

The three pictures of Taishang that Xu Chenzhou had passed to the group suddenly appeared in Zhang Junbao's mind.

The Tai Chi diagram in the void and the figure of the old Taoist seemed to overlap at that moment.

Zhang Junbao's eyes gradually became confused, and after a while he became sober again.

"Xiang'er, I saw Yun Hai and realized a new martial arts. Do you want to try it?"

Guo Xiang turned and tilted her head to look at Zhang Junbao, with a big question mark written on her forehead.

No, aren't we looking at the sea of ​​clouds together? How come you have comprehended a new martial arts? Cheating is not the way to do it.

It's not that Guo Xiang doesn't want to see Zhang Junbao learn new martial arts, it's mainly because such a situation will make her look stupid.

It was obvious that we were two people together, but what we saw was the sea of ​​clouds. Before we even took a closer look at the sea of ​​clouds, Zhang Junbao understood a new martial art. Is it necessary that the gap between people is so big?

Zhang Junbao could tell by looking at Guo Xiang's expression what she was thinking, but Zhang Junbao couldn't help it. It wasn't his fault that he was too savvy!

So he looked at Guo Xiang and said: "This martial arts is very interesting. I guarantee Xiang'er that you have never seen such martial arts before!"

Hearing Zhang Junbao say that the new martial arts is very interesting, Guo Xiang immediately threw his thoughts behind him.

In Guo Xiang's view, the way of immortality and martial arts that Zhang Junbao understood was no different from cultivating immortals. It was the first of its kind and a change that had not been seen for thousands of years.

After cultivating to the state of great success, it is just a matter of life to fly into the sky, escape from the earth, move mountains and reclaim the sea, and even be able to live forever and recreate the world!

During this period, every time Zhang Junbao demonstrated his martial arts, it was an eye-opener for her. Xiao Dongxie, who had always been very interested in new things, naturally would not miss this opportunity to experience new martial arts.

Guo Xiang said with eyes full of curiosity: "Then show me quickly!"

Zhang Junbao stood on the edge of the cliff. The breeze blew through his robes slightly, making the robes rustle under the influence of the wind. He raised his hand and gently moved it forward, turning his fingers. The white clouds in the sky followed Zhang Junbao's left hand. circulation.

Guo Xiang could feel the soft force moving between Zhang Junbao's five fingers. It seemed that his fingers were just waving lightly, but they had an extremely huge impact on the outside world. Countless white clouds were condensed under this force. Gradually it gathered into a huge white cloud ball.

Under Zhang Junbao's control, the cloud ball in the sky kept changing its shape. Sometimes it was a cute Dalmatian dog, sometimes it was a heart pierced by a sharp sword, and sometimes it changed into the appearance of Guo Xiang.

Baiyun kept changing into various images, which were very weird and interesting. From time to time, Zhang Junbao controlled Baiyun to look like the emoticon he saw in the group, and stretched out his hand towards the little man on the ground, making Guo Xiang laugh.

As the white clouds gathered more and more, the cloud gradually turned black, and then a series of phone calls began to flash in it, and there were even bursts of low and detailed thunder.

Seeing this, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand and pushed it gently. The white ball exploded and turned into countless raindrops, falling down the mountain.

Guo Xiang looked up and saw that the sky before the cliff had become clear, and the sea of ​​clouds that was originally vast and rolling had disappeared.

"What kind of kung fu is this? It's so amazing!"

Even though Guo Xiang was used to Zhang Junbao's magical performance, she was still shocked by the martial arts he learned this time.

Guo Xiang could feel that Zhang Junbao's hand didn't use much internal energy just now, it was almost at the level of Wujue.

After learning Zhang Junbao's immortal martial arts, Guo Xiang now also possesses this level of internal strength.

However, using such a weak internal force, Zhang Junbao was able to control the clouds in the sky, attract thunder and lightning, call wind and rain, and create this scene that was comparable to a miracle.

Zhang Junbao said with excitement on his face: "How awesome is it! This is the Tai Chi Cloud Hand that I have newly learned. It focuses on the skill of using softness to overcome hardness. It can move a thousand pounds with four ounces and stir up the wind and clouds with one's sleeves."

This move is the Tai Chi cloud hand that Zhang Junbao reproduced based on Xu Chenzhou's information. Of course, what Zhang Junbao reproduced was not the original Tai Chi, but the Xianwu version of Tai Chi. The original Tai Chi is very important to Zhang Junbao now. It has no meaning anymore.

The original version of Tai Chi can no longer keep up with the original version in terms of training and fighting styles and has long since been eliminated. However, the boxing intention contained in Tai Chi is extremely profound. Even hearing Xu Chenzhou's few words conveyed it, Zhang Junbao felt quite enlightened. Coupled with the influence of the three Taishang pictures, Zhang Junbao burst out with a huge amount of inspiration.

In fact, the move he just used in the bamboo forest was the prototype of Tai Chi Cloud Shou, but he knew that he had never mastered the key, and the Tai Chi Cloud Shou he had mastered was just in shape.

It wasn't until he saw the sea of ​​clouds that he had an epiphany and understood the true meaning of combining strength and softness. Then he created his own Xianwu Tai Chi with the help of Tai Chi's fist intention.

At this time, Zhang Junbao had only comprehended this one move of Tai Chi Cloud Hand. He could use the small to be broad and the soft to overcome the strong. Through the change between force and force, the yin and yang complemented each other. He could even practice to a profound level and be able to guide all the energy in the world. .

At this time, Zhang Junbao realized that this move of Tai Chi Cloud Hand can use small to be broad and soft to overcome hardness. Through the change between force and force, yin and yang complement each other. It can even be practiced to a profound level and can guide all the energy in the world.

Guo Xiang turned to look at Zhang Junbao, her eyes sparkling, and upon closer inspection, they were sparkling and charming.

In Guo Xiang's eyes, Zhang Junbao was indeed shining, and it was the kind of endless light that could not be looked directly at.

Recalling the time when she bandaged the little monk's wounds in Huashan, Guo Xiang felt the incomparable wonder of fate. How could that poor little boy who looked so miserable turn into a young swordsman admired by people all over the world in the blink of an eye? myth.

And Guo Xiang knew that this was by no means the end of Zhang Junbao's achievements. Once the martial arts academy he wanted to create was completed and the Tao of Immortal Martial Arts was spread, Zhang Junbao would become a martial arts ancestor admired by millions of people in the world.

But Guo Xiang doesn't care about this. No matter how amazing Zhang Junbao's future achievements are, in Guo Xiang's eyes, he will always be the young man who rushed down the city wall to face the 100,000 Mongolian army alone just for his words.

After coming back to his senses, Guo Xiang gently tapped Zhang Junbao's head: "What are you showing off for? I know that Mr. Zhang Da, your martial arts master, is very powerful, but have you forgotten the business we have to do in Wudang Mountain this time?

Wudang Mountain is a big place, and it is not easy to find a suitable address for building a palace. "

Hearing Guo Xiang say these words, Zhang Junbao felt secretly happy.

Zhang Junbao turned to look at Guo Xiang and said seriously: "Xiang'er, I think the efficiency of surveying the address on the ground is a bit low. Even if we want to travel through the entire Wudang Mountains at our pace, it will take a long time.

I have a method that saves a lot of time! "

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Guo Xiang's face showed curiosity: "What can I do? Tell me!"

Zhang Junbao flicked his sleeves, and a long sword came out of the air and landed in front of the two of them: "That is Yujian Flying, surveying directly in the high altitude. In this way, which location in Wudang Mountain has better terrain, which location If the terrain is relatively poor, it will become particularly conspicuous, so you don’t have to waste a lot of time searching slowly in Wudang Mountain!”

After hearing this method, Guo Xiang showed a disappointed expression on her face. Although she had a good relationship with Zhang Junbao, the most intimate interaction between them was to touch their heads and pull their sleeves. They had never done anything like wielding a sword together. have never done it.

What, if she had to leave herself alone to survey the terrain, why would she follow Zhang Junbao here?

At this moment, Zhang Junbao said softly in a very calm tone: "However, detection from a high place is not intuitive enough. In fact, it is quite easy to make misjudgments. Otherwise, Xiang'er, you will go up with me."

Hearing these words, Guo Xiang's cheeks suddenly turned red. She looked extremely shy.

Zhang Junbao's flying sword is not very long, only two feet in length. If two adult men and women stand on the flying sword together, their bodies will be very close, and they will touch each other if they are not careful. This kind of scale It was a bit too big for Guo Xiang, who lived in ancient times.

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