All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 147 The Mongols are in big trouble!

But even though she was a little shy, Guo Xiang did not refuse Zhang Junbao.

After all, she was Xiao Dongxie, who didn't care that much about secular etiquette, and the person in front of her was Zhang Junbao, which gave Guo Xiang no reason to refuse.

She jumped generously and landed on the flying sword, standing behind Zhang Junbao.

Guo Xiang's Qinggong was extremely outstanding. Although the long sword under his feet was only a short length, Guo Xiang still stood very firmly without shaking at all.

Zhang Junbao could feel that the hair of the beautiful woman behind him was blowing in the wind from time to time, gently brushing his cheek with a burst of fragrance.

Back in Xiangyang City, Zhang Junbao's expression had not changed at all, but now he was blushing.

He couldn't help but silently thinking that he must go to a public space later to say thank you to Lu Mingfei. His ideas were really useful!

Zhang Junbao stood up with his sword, and in a flash of thought, the figures of the two people shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, the entire Wudang Mountain was in view.

The strong wind howled and rolled up their clothes.

Guo Xiang looked down and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

This was a perspective she had never seen before. She could control the wind with nothing, and everything in the world seemed to be trampled under her feet.

Although Zhang Junbao's sword was very stable, Guo Xiang could hardly feel any shaking at all. With her Qinggong skills, she felt no pressure at all while standing on the stable flying sword.

But this feeling of not having her feet touching the ground and having no support still made her feel a little scared.

She was a little hesitant, but she still couldn't help but feel heart palpitations when looking at the scene below her, so she couldn't help but wrap her arms around him and hug Zhang Junbao gently from behind.

With stable support, Guo Xiang's heart hanging in mid-air finally settled down.

And Zhang Junbao also felt a soft body pressing against him, with warmth and fragrance.

Zhang Junbao felt as if he had fallen into a gentle land, his whole body felt light and airy.

He couldn't help but think silently in his heart. It seemed that just saying thank you wasn't enough, so he had to prepare a big gift for Xiaolu!

In his excitement, Zhang Junbao's speed with his sword surged, and the wind roared, leaving a turbulent air wave in the air.

With the support, Guo Xiang gradually began to feel the joy of wielding a sword, especially when Zhang Junbao took her to accelerate in the air. This unprecedented experience made her feel more excited.

Guo Xiang put her head close to Zhang Junbao's ear, opened her red lips lightly, and exhaled like a orchid: "This feeling is so wonderful. It turns out that flying in the air feels so good. I want to go further and see it!"

Naturally, Zhang Junbao would not refuse Guo Xiang's request. He drove the flying sword, leaving a brilliant sword light in the sky, and galloped away into the distance.

The wild geese were flying across the sky, and under the warm sun, two figures were already close to each other on the sword.

At this time, Zhang Junbao had already completely forgotten his original purpose, to check the terrain of Wudang Mountain and see what it was.

With Zhang Junbao's current skill, Yu Jian's flying speed was already very fast. In a short time, the two of them were flying over thousands of mountains and rivers, viewing the vast mountains and rivers.

Until the two of them flew to a beautiful and steep mountain and river, Guo Xiang held Zhang Junbao's hand tightly and gently pressed her cheek against Zhang Junbao's back.

Feeling the movement of the beautiful woman behind him, Zhang Junbao held down the sword light: "The beauty and precipitousness of Huashan Mountain is so shocking every time I look at it."

Guo Xiang looked at the Huashan Mountain under her feet and couldn't help but said: "I read the book "The Sword Immortal Zhiyi" before and read the sentence "Chaoyou Beihai Mu Cang Ming". At that time, I thought the original version of "Zhiyi" was exaggerated. I didn't expect that today It’s really amazing to be able to experience this feeling myself.”

Zhang Junbao also felt a little like a dream. A few months ago, he was a young novice monk in the Shaolin Temple.

In just a few months, he had undergone such earth-shaking changes, all of which were brought about by the chat group.

Zhang Junbao held Jian Guang down and said, "I remember that this was where we first met."

Guo Xiang was also very sad. Just thinking of this, she couldn't help but hug Zhang Junbao tightly.

Guo Xiang lowered her head and looked at the scenery below, and couldn't help but recall everything that had happened.

At that time, she was immersed in the emotion of not letting Yang Guo leave, and had no special impression of Zhang Junbao. She just felt that the young monk was very pitiful, so she bandaged him out of sympathy.

But in the blink of an eye, a few years passed, everything changed, and this little monk gradually became a very important person in her life.

After revisiting their old place, the two of them were in a completely different mood than before. It was summer in Yitian World now, and the vegetation on the top of Mount Huashan was growing very prosperously and looked full of vitality.

The two walked side by side, their hands touching each other from time to time.

This atmosphere made Zhang Junbao want to hold the hand of the beauty next to him, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

The two of them walked around the top of Huashan Mountain for a while and took a stroll to see the beautiful scenery on the top of Huashan Mountain.

Until we came to a forest, the trees were covered with wild flowers and fruits, which looked red and very attractive.

Seeing this fruit, Guo Xiang's face showed an expression of joy: "Jun Bao, help me pick a few fruits, I want to eat them."

With the height of this fruit tree, Guo Xiang could pick the fruit with a single jump, but at this time she had no idea of ​​doing it herself, and just called Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao flew up and picked a few red wild fruits, washed them in the stream beside him, and handed them to Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang skillfully peeled off the skin of the fruit and divided it into petals.

"Let me tell you, this fruit is delicious. Whenever I went to Peach Blossom Island when I was a kid, my grandpa would always take him to pick this fruit. It's so sweet!"

As she spoke, Guo Xiang raised her slender and beautiful hand and handed a piece of fruit to Zhang Junbao's lips.

"Try it quickly and see if it tastes good!"

This scene made Zhang Junbao a little overwhelmed. This was the first time Guo Xiang fed him.

However, Zhang Junbao naturally would not reject Guo Xiang's kindness. He opened his mouth and gently bit the piece of fruit.

During this process, Zhang Junbao's lips accidentally touched Guo Xiang's cold fingers, and the extremely delicate touch came from his mouth, which made his heart flutter.

"How about it, is it sweet or not?"

Guo Xiang looked at Zhang Junbao with expectation.

"Yeah! It's very sweet, it's so delicious!"

In fact, Zhang Junbao ate a little fast and didn't taste the flesh of the fruit very much, but in his heart he just felt that this wild fruit was the sweetest fruit he had ever tasted in his life.

The two walked side by side again, and Guo Xiang would peel off a piece of fruit from time to time and hand it to Zhang Junbao.

In the process of handing over the fruit, the two people's hands inevitably came into physical contact. As they walked, Zhang Junbao suddenly gently held Guo Xiang's catkin with his backhand.

When Zhang Junbao held her hand, Guo Xiang's face turned red visibly, but she didn't speak or refuse. She just silently put the fruit into the bag beside her with her other hand.

After one hand is held, there is no way to peel the fruit.

The strange thing is that this is the first time that the two of them have held hands, but as they walked, no charming thoughts appeared in their hearts. They just felt very at ease, as if they were an old couple who had been together for many years, as naturally as possible.

The two of them walked all the way down the mountain, and only when they were halfway up the mountain did Guo Xiang remember that they had something serious to do.

So Guo Xiang quickly shook off Zhang Junbao's hand and urged him to fly back to Wudang Mountain with his sword again.

This time, the two of them carefully surveyed the terrain of Wudang Mountain. The broad field of vision brought by Yujian Feitian made it easy for Zhang Junbao to find a place where Feng Shui gathered.

This ability to survey terrain is a skill Zhang Junbao learned from Yang Chan, and it is a basic operation for monks in the ancient times.

Even from a prehistoric perspective, this place can be regarded as a very good blessed land and cave.

In fact, this place where Feng Shui gathers has nothing special in the current Yitian World. It looks ordinary. At most, it has better lighting and ventilation.

But this is because the world of Yitian is still an inanimate world, and the concentration of extraordinary energy is very low, almost non-existent.

And now that there is the way of immortal martial arts, there will only be more and more extraordinary energy in Yitian World in the future. By then, this place will become a place where spiritual energy gathers, with the appearance of a blessed land and a cave in the sky!

After choosing the location for the palace, Zhang Junbao's task was completed.

Naturally, Zhang Junbao does not need to take care of the subsequent construction matters. He only needs to be responsible for selecting the address, and other things will naturally be done by others.

The two of them rode white horses back to Xiangyang City.

In fact, Zhang Junbao originally wanted to take Guo Xiang back with his sword. After some small breakthroughs in his relationship with Guo Xiang, Zhang Junbao no longer wanted to ride a horse.

However, these two white horses were raised by Guo Xiang since childhood and were very affectionate. Guo Xiang was not willing to let them stay in Wudang Mountain. Therefore, under Guo Xiang's strong opposition, Zhang Junbao had no choice but to ride on the white horse.

After returning to Xiangyang, Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang found that the entire Xiangyang City was empty, with almost no people in the world.

This surprised Zhang Junbao, because since he publicly taught martial arts, the entire Song Dynasty martial arts world was in a state of excitement, and countless people from all walks of life rushed to Xiangyang City.

Some time ago, the Jianghu people in Xiangyang City were already overcrowded, and even the inn could not accommodate them.

In order to stay in Xiangyang City and attend Zhang Junbao's classes, many Jianghu people even spent a lot of money to live in civilian houses. It is no exaggeration to say that Jianghu people can be seen almost everywhere in the streets and alleys.

It's really unusual to see the streets so empty right now.

Zhang Junbao curiously stopped an old man carrying fruits and vegetables from behind: "Old man, what happened? Why are all the martial arts people in Xiangyang City missing?"

The uncle didn't look back and said stabbingly: "Of course there is no one in sight, the Meng Yuan people are coming, and those heroes have gone to help the court fight the Meng Yuan people.

Those heroes learned such powerful martial arts from the little god, so naturally they wanted to do things for the little god.

What the little immortal hates most is the Mongolian people, so as soon as they heard that the Mongolian people were invading, the heroes rushed to the border to help the court.

I have to say that those Meng Yuan people were really courageous. After so many people were killed by the little gods, they actually dared to come and die. "

The old god mentioned by this uncle is naturally Zhang Junbao.

Due to Zhang Junbao's god-like performance in the Battle of Xiangyang, the people in Xiangyang City have long regarded Zhang Junbao as a god who descended from heaven. Some even say that he is the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu.

Zhang Junbao's popularity in Xiangyang City is extremely high. His statue even defeated the Stove Lord, God of Wealth and other popular gods and successfully ranked No. 1 on the enshrined list of Xiangyang City.

Hearing the uncle's words, Zhang Junbao also showed a surprised look on his face: "What, the Meng Yuan people actually dare to come and die. Didn't I kill enough people that time?"

Zhang Junbao never expected that the Mongols were so stubborn. Did they all grow from the ground? Just like leeks, there is always another crop after cutting!

The old man did not turn around when he spoke. He was shocked when he heard Zhang Junbao's voice. He was very familiar with this voice.

He turned around and looked behind him. Only then did he realize that the person who asked him the question was the little fairy he mentioned.

The moment he saw Zhang Junbao, the old man's face showed a look of great admiration. His knees softened and he wanted to kneel on the ground, but at that moment he remembered that what Zhang Junbao hated most was others kneeling to him, so he stood up and bowed deeply to Zhang Junbao, then turned around and picked the best fruits from the box behind him.

"I have met the little fairy. I wish you a long life. I didn't know that the little fairy came in person just now. It was a bit rude. Please don't blame me, little fairy!"

After that, the old man handed a bag of bulging fruits to Zhang Junbao.

"These fruits are grown by the old man himself, they are so sweet,"

Facing this respectful old man, Zhang Junbao had a headache.

Influenced by the atmosphere in the group, he actually didn't like being respected like this.

But he had no choice, after all, the respect of these people for him was from the heart.

Zhang Junbao quickly helped the old man up and took the fruit from his hand.

He never refused the gifts given to him by these people, because these gifts contained their most sincere gratitude!

Of course, Zhang Junbao would not let them suffer, he had just put the copper coins into the old man's bag with his soul.

Then Zhang Junbao asked the old man in detail about the whole story of the invasion of the Mongols.

After the old man finished speaking, Zhang Junbao suddenly realized it.

The Mongols who invaded this time were not the same as the Mongols who invaded last time.

In the late Northern Song Dynasty, the internal situation of the Mongols was also turbulent.

A few years ago, the Mongols invaded Xiangyang. The Condor Hero Yang Guo rushed to help and killed the Mongol leader Mengge in the midst of thousands of troops.

After Mengge's death, Kublai Khan and Alibuga fought for the throne. The two sides fought fiercely. I don't know how fierce it was.

After ten months of fierce fighting, Alibuga led his army westward, and the Mongol Empire was gradually controlled by Kublai Khan.

A few years later, Kublai Khan took the throne of Han and enfeoffed the Golden Horde, Chagatai Khanate and other independent Han countries.

Although these Han countries were nominally under Kublai Khan, they were actually completely independent in politics and economy.

A few months ago, Zhang Junbao came out of nowhere and defeated the 100,000-strong army of the Mongol Empire by himself.

Although Zhang Junbao directly killed only more than 10,000 soldiers at the beginning, he killed almost all middle and upper-level officers. Without the leadership of these people, the remaining defeated troops could not reunite at all and were hunted down by various forces of the Song Dynasty.

Along the way, all forces devoured the defeated Mongolian troops as if they saw a piece of fat meat.

At this time, it would be a great achievement for the Song Dynasty to capture or kill the Mongolians, and there was no risk in besieging and killing these defeated Mongolian soldiers. It can really be said that only a fool would not do it.

In the end, no more than a thousand Mongolians were able to escape back to the grassland, which dealt a devastating blow to Kublai Khan's forces.

You should know that although the Mongolian Empire occupied the grassland, their population was very small, and they were divided into several major forces. The 100,000-strong army was almost half of Kublai Khan's military force.

With the loss of 100,000 troops at once, Kublai Khan's power was greatly reduced, and even it was difficult to defend the territory on the grassland, which made several other forces ready to move, including Alibuge, who was driven to the west the earliest.

Without Kublai Khan's power as a deterrent, who would not want to take a bite of the fat meat of the Southern Song Dynasty court.

These people did not believe the words of the Mongolian soldiers who fled back to the grassland.

For these people, what about gods descending from the sky, fire from the sky, and someone slaughtering 100,000 Mongolian troops by himself? Isn't this just a fantasy?

It is more reasonable to say that these are the excuses that the defeated army came up with to evade responsibility!

After all, Xiangyang City is famous for being easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the generals defending Xiangyang City are also the famous golden sword prince consorts among the Mongolians.

In the eyes of some Mongolians, Guo Jing is the god of military tactics.

These forces generally believe that the reason why the 100,000 troops were defeated in Xiangyang City must be because the leading generals were greedy for merit and reckless, and accidentally fell into Guo Jing's trick, so the whole army was annihilated.

After understanding this, they thought this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If they did not take advantage of the opportunity of Kublai Khan's weakening power to attack the Central Plains, once he recovered his vitality, they would have no chance.

So four Mongolian forces united to invade the border of the Song Dynasty together.

Of course, these Mongol forces are not stubborn. Their purpose is not to occupy the Central Plains. Occupying the Central Plains will not benefit them in any way. It will only make them be attacked from both Kublai Khan and the Song Dynasty. For them, grabbing a big sum is the most important thing.

Grabbing money, people, food, and accumulating strength is the most advantageous choice for them.

In their opinion, no matter how easy it is to defend Xiangyang City and how hard it is to attack, what does it matter if you, Guo Jing, are good at using troops?

We will not look for you and attack from other places. No matter how good your military tactics are, what can you do to us?

After all, the strongest point of the Mongol soldiers is mobility. The defenders of Xiangyang are almost all infantry. Besides, they don't believe that Guo Jing dares to withdraw the defenders of Xiangyang City to rush to the border.

After understanding everything, Zhang Junbao was not worried at all but was a little surprised. He turned his head to look at Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang's pretty face also showed a smile: "Those Mongolian barbarians don't know that you, Junbao, have spread your military power throughout the world and trained a large number of masters. They still think that the Song Dynasty is as easy to bully as before!

Now my father and grandfather have been reborn, and the Mongolians are going to be in big trouble this time."

Zhang Junbao nodded and said, "Yes, I can't help but want to rush to the scene to see what the current battlefield is like."

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