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Chapter 148 The first appearance of Jindan martial arts

At the border of the Song Dynasty, thousands of defenders gathered in the narrow land of Sichuan. Soldiers wearing sophisticated equipment were ready for battle, with military flags flying and horns blowing, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Outside the city wall, a full 300,000 Mongolian troops were ready for battle, setting up camp in an open space about ten miles outside the city.

Looking down from the air, 300,000 people were connected together, like a dark cloud covering the sky, giving people a great sense of oppression!

There was a group of people standing in the middle of the city wall.

Some of these people were wearing mighty armor and had a majestic figure. They were obviously generals in the army.

Next to these generals were a group of people in the underworld wearing various clothes.

The composition of these underworld people was extremely complex. There were old men over 70 years old, beggars with pale faces and patched clothes, and beautiful young girls who appeared next to a group of soldiers and were very peaceful.

Unlike the nervous defenders, they looked very relaxed and were still talking and laughing with each other. They were the martial artists who came from Xiangyang City to support.

This time, the lineup of martial artists supporting the border was quite luxurious. Not only did they have Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi, and Guo Jing, the five great masters in the world, but also the leaders of various major sects and many heroes. It was simply an all-star lineup.

Standing in the center of the crowd was a great general with a bright silver long sword on his waist. He looked at the scene outside the city with a worried look on his face.

"It's all over! This time the Mongols are coming with great force, gathering 300,000 troops to plunder the south.

Our city is blocking the route that the Mongols must take to the south. Once our city is broken, the Mongols will open up the entire logistics route.

Although we can defend the city, they can also bypass us, leaving some people to surround but not attack, and the rest to go directly south, so that we can ensure that we cannot interfere with their logistics route.

If we let these 300,000 Mongols go south, the entire Central Plains will be rotten, and the consequences will be disastrous."

This city is blocking the route that the Mongols must take to attack, and it is also a military stronghold. Even if the Mongols are numerous, it is quite difficult to capture this strong city.

However, the Mongols do not have to capture this city.

They only need to leave some people to surround the city and restrict the defenders in the city, which can also solve the problem of logistics.

Once entering the Central Plains, with the combat effectiveness of the Mongols, they can move like the wind and have extremely high mobility, and they can cause huge damage in an instant.

As long as they bypass these important military towns at the border, once they enter the heart of the Central Plains, it will be difficult for other cities to deal with this level of army.

After saying this, the general turned his head and looked at Guo Jing beside him: "Mr. Guo, I am very touched that you can come to support me, but the most important person is not here! What should I do!"

Zhang Junbao's name has spread all over the country in the past few months. Many court ministers do not care about Zhang Junbao's existence. In their opinion, Zhang Junbao's story is too fantastic and is definitely a lie deliberately made up by someone.

But the people in the border army are different. During this period, the Mongolian army defeated by Zhang Junbao fled in all directions, and many Mongolian prisoners were captured in various important cities at the border of the Song Dynasty.

With the testimony of this group of prisoners, the statements of hundreds of prisoners are exactly the same, which also makes the top leaders of the border army have no doubts about Zhang Junbao's existence.

If the little immortal does not come, even if more ordinary people come, they will not have a decisive impact on the battle situation.

The other generals also showed their worries. As generals at the border, they knew how terrifying the fighting power of the Mongols was.

A young general wearing silver armor and holding a red tasseled spear suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his hand and smashed it, and the spear hit the ground hard, making a loud noise: "General, we must not just sit there and wait for death. Once the Mongols open up the logistics transportation route and lead the army to break into the heart of the Central Plains, the whole of China will be corrupted.

I am willing to lead the troops out of the city and fight to the death with the Mongols, and swear to break through their blockade and cut off their logistics transportation routes!"

Hearing this, the other generals looked at the young silver-armored general with an idiotic look.

There are only 5,000 defenders in this city, and in order to ensure the smooth logistics transportation, the Mongols will leave at least 30,000 troops to besiege the city.

Fighting head-on with the Mongols with a six-fold difference in numbers?

This kid is probably crazy!

Do you understand the value of the Mongol cavalry? With the protection of the city wall, they still have some confidence to face the Mongol cavalry.

Go out of the city to fight directly? What a joke, this is not the way to die.

The general guarding the city looked gloomy: "Zhang Yinling, who do you think you are? Do you know how strong the Mongol army is?

Open the city gate to fight, do you want to kill the people of our city!"

Other generals also shouted angrily, accusing the silver-armored young general of having wild ideas.

Guo Jing looked at the various generals on the city wall, his eyes were very calm.

It was still the generals of the Song Dynasty he was familiar with, this taste was right!

If it weren't for this group of people holding him back, he wouldn't have been trapped in Xiangyang for twenty years.

Only when he looked at the silver-armored young general, Guo Jing's eyes had some admiration.

What a good man!

"General Chen Daolin, I think Captain Zhang Yinling's suggestion is quite good.

Once this group of Mongolian and Yuan armies were allowed to enter the Central Plains, the consequences would be disastrous. For now, the best solution is to block all 300,000 Mongolian people from the border.

We will stop this group of Mongolian people later. Please prepare in advance and be prepared to receive a large number of prisoners. "

Guo Jing put his hands behind his back and looked at the Meng Yuan army under the city with firm eyes and said calmly.

Chen Daolin looked at Guo Jing in surprise, in disbelief: "What did you say, Mr. Guo? I didn't understand something."

Chen Daolin felt like he was almost stupid. It didn't matter that the young general under him couldn't carry it clearly. After all, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

But as a martial arts hero, Guo Jing has been guarding Xiangyang for more than 20 years. He has such rich military experience. He doesn't know how many times he fought against the Meng Yuan people, so why did he go crazy along with him?

And he seems to be even more crazy than his young generals. He actually plans to rely on his existing strength to stop the 300,000 Mongolian Yuan army. I really don't know how to write the word "death"!

But then Chen Daolin's eyes lit up, and his tone was tentative: "Master Guo! Is there any news from the little immortal? He will be on the battlefield soon!"

This is the only explanation that Chen Daolin can think of. Guo Jing's confidence must be because there is a little god supporting him behind his back. As long as the little god can come in person, he can naturally stop the 300,000 Mongolian Yuan army from the border.

Guo Jing shook his head: "Jun Bao followed Xiang'er to Wudang Mountain to survey the terrain. According to the footsteps of the two white horses, it will take at least ten days to reach the battlefield. I have sent people to search for Jun Bao quickly, but Xiangyang The distance between the city and Wudang Mountain is too far, and I have no idea when Jun Bao will arrive. "

Chen Daolin's face instantly became extremely gloomy when he heard this: "Then why are you making such a joke, Master Guo? How could I stop the menacing attack with just our five thousand defenders and hundreds of martial arts people like you?" The Mongolian and Yuan armies.”

Huang Yaoshi who was on the side snorted softly when he heard this: "When did we say that we need five thousand defenders? You just need to do the logistics work in peace, and it doesn't matter if I have an army of only 300,000. "

Chen Daolin almost laughed out loud when he heard someone speak so loudly.

Who dares to look down on an army of 300,000 people? Does everyone think they are little gods?

He turned his head and was about to curse, but at this moment he saw Huang Yaoshi's appearance clearly and immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to speak.

As a member of the army, he knew very few martial arts people in the city, but Huang Yaoshi was one of them.

He did not dare to provoke Dong Xi, who was famous in the martial arts world. If Huang Yaoshi wanted to kill him, even with thousands of troops, it would be difficult to save his life.

After all, martial arts people are not good at frontal combat, but when it comes to assassination, they are definitely good at it, not to mention a top master like Huang Yaoshi.

At this time, another old man with gray hair and a childish face came forward. He looked at the army outside the city with great interest, as if he had seen some extremely interesting toy.

He turned to look at Guo Jing: "Jinger, don't delay any longer, I can't wait to go down and play with them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Botong jumped from the city wall, and smoke and dust filled the air as soon as he landed.

Then the old naughty boy tapped his toes, his figure was like lightning, and he ran extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he crossed ten miles and arrived at the formation of the Mongolian and Yuan army.

During the attack, a huge snake-shaped zhenqi appeared outside Zhou Botong's body. The giant snake snaked forward on the ground, like a bolt of lightning.

Guo Jing, who was standing on the city wall, saw this scene and said softly: "What a move like a snake-like raccoon flip. The true energy is condensed and not dispersed. It seems that there is a spirit in it. The old naughty boy is indeed a martial arts genius. He can do it so quickly." Integrate the golden elixir martial arts taught by Jun Bao into your own martial arts."

After finishing speaking, Guo Jing waved his hand: "Let's go together, don't let the old naughty boy fight alone!"

After Guo Jing finished speaking, he jumped up, and the strong energy surged out of his body and formed a giant dragon, roaring into the battlefield.

Not to be outdone, other martial arts people used their special skills to join the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Huang Yaoshi waved his hands, the sound of the flute sounded, and the blue waves broke through the air with his feet. The leader of the Qingcheng Sect let out a long roar and dragged out afterimages behind him, as if he was teleporting at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

The martial arts used by everyone are different, and the only thing they have in common is that the special effects are extremely gorgeous.

Zhou Botong took the lead and rushed into the Meng Yuan army. His true energy leaked out of his body and transformed into two giant arms in the void.

The veins in this arm are bulging, and the muscles are extremely developed, which is intimidating.

Zhou Botong waved his left hand gently, and thousands of fist shadows appeared out of thin air. In an instant, more than a dozen Mongolian soldiers died in Zhou Botong's hands.

And his right hand was not idle either. He used another boxing technique. A dozen giant zhenqi fists fell from the sky, leaving a giant fist mark on the ground. They smashed the Mongolian soldiers into meat cakes and caused blood to splash everywhere.

With the help of the mutual fighting between the left and right hands, Zhou Botong's left and right hands used completely different tricks to charge and kill freely among the Mongolian and Yuan armies, as if they were in a deserted land.

Compared with the bloody battle of Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi on the side was much more powerful. He held a jade flute in his hand, put it to his lips and blew it gently. The jade flute sounded, and a green sea wave appeared out of thin air. , like a tide, drowning a large number of Mongolian and Yuan soldiers.

The sound waves surged, like the King of Hell demanding his life. All the Mongolian soldiers within 500 meters around Huang Yaoshi were bleeding from all seven orifices at the same time, and they lay on the ground with faces full of pain.

This effect was actually the result of Huang Yaoshi's restraint. In fact, if he had gone all out, it would only take one second to kill all the soldiers within 500 meters around him.

After learning the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, Huang Yaoshi's Blue Sea Tide Song became more powerful. The sound of the jade flute could evoke a blue sea. Everything within the range of the sea would be washed by the infinite tide.

If Huang Yaoshi pushed the Blue Sea Tide Song with all his strength, even the hard rocks would not be able to resist under the cover of the blue sea, and would be slowly ground into powder.

In the entire Xiangyang City, the only ones who were sure to take on Huang Yaoshi's martial arts were Zhang Junbao, Guo Jing and the Old Boy.

This is also the reason why Huang Yaoshi said that he could defeat an army of 300,000 by himself. It must be said that the sonic wave skill is the ceiling of martial arts in terms of group attack. If it is used to bully weak people, it is simply a sure kill.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Mongolian soldiers is off the charts among ordinary people, in front of Huang Yaoshi who has learned the golden elixir martial arts, they are just stronger ants!

In addition to the two of them, there is another person on the battlefield who is extremely eye-catching, that is Guo Jing.

Guo Jing's moves can be said to be the most gorgeous among the people present. With a wave of his palms, countless dragons fly up, and the dragon body tumbles, easily twisting the Mongolian soldiers into blood foam.

This Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is amazing. It is the first golden elixir immortal martial arts that Zhang Junbao personally participated in improving.

As the signature skill of his future father-in-law, Zhang Junbao racked his brains to improve this martial arts, and spent a lot of effort.

This also makes the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms one of the most powerful martial arts in the world of Yitian.

Zhang Daolin was stunned by this scene. How come the martial arts of these martial artists were different from what he remembered?

The other generals on the city wall were also stunned and could hardly believe their eyes.

As generals in the army, they naturally knew some martial arts, but the martial arts in the army were not the same as the martial arts in the rivers and lakes.

But if they were not the same, could there be such a big difference?

The generals on the city felt the internal force in their bodies that could not leave their bodies at all, and looked at the gorgeous special effects under the city wall, and couldn't help but doubt their lives.

Are these people really practicing martial arts? What a joke!

This is clearly cultivating immortals!

Even more devastated than them was the Mongolian army in the distance.

They were just setting up camp and preparing to rest. Many Mongolian soldiers were already looking forward to tonight's meals.

At this moment, a group of weirdos suddenly rushed over and punched and kicked them. The most terrifying thing was that these weirdos were so strong.

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