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Chapter 149 Tai Chi Cloud Hands, Dark Clouds Covering the Sky

Mongol soldiers have always been known for their bravery and never feared bloodshed and sacrifice. For many Mongol soldiers who advocated fighting, dying on the battlefield was an honor.

However, facing such a one-sided battle, even such iron-blooded men could not help but show fear.

They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of dying worthlessly.

The gap between them and these Xiangyang City masters was too big.

Even if they were wearing iron armor, holding steel knives, and fully armed, they could be called the strongest army of this era, but facing these inhuman monsters, they were as fragile as children who had not grown up!

No matter how sophisticated the equipment was, it seemed as if it did not exist in the face of the powerful internal force of the martial arts masters.

In fact, the martial arts gap between the masters of Xiangyang City who came to support was also very large.

Those who were originally more powerful made greater progress after learning the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

So Guo Jing, the Old Boy, and Huang Yaoshi were the strongest among these martial arts masters.

In addition to Guo Jing, the Old Boy, Huang Yaoshi and other top masters, there were many martial arts masters who were originally only second-rate.

After learning Zhang Junbao's Jindan martial arts, the combat power of these martial arts masters has not reached that inhuman level. They can only initially achieve the internal force leaving the body and injuring people from more than ten meters away.

Compared with Huang Yaoshi's miraculous performance, such martial arts are undoubtedly very ordinary.

But even so, their existence is enough to scare the Mongolian soldiers.

What's the use of wearing iron armor? The flesh and blood under the iron armor will instantly rot into mud as the internal force is swallowed and spit out.

No matter how sharp the steel knife is, it can't even cut the corners of the clothes when it cuts on the body protection of these martial arts masters.

On the battlefield, even the weakest Xiangyang City master can easily fight one against a hundred.

The most terrifying existence on the entire battlefield is Huang Yaoshi. When the song of the rising tide of the blue sea sounded, Huang Yaoshi was like a meat grinder. Wherever the green waves passed, all the Mongolians fell down and wailed on the ground in pain.

Huang Yaoshi did not kill them, not because he had pity on the Mongolians.

On the contrary, he just didn't want them to die too comfortably.

All the Mongol soldiers who fell to the ground had their meridians shattered by him. Although they didn't die for a while, they couldn't get timely treatment on the battlefield, and the only outcome waiting for them was still death.

Only such a painful death would be worthy of the innocent souls of the people who died on their butcher knives over the years.

However, in the face of such a massacre-like attack, the Mongol army actually maintained a complete formation, did not collapse directly, and even tried to fight back.

After all, there were only more than 200 martial artists in Xiangyang City, and there were a full 300,000 on the opposite side. The difference in numbers between 200 and 300,000 was too big.

Some Mongol cavalry organized an effective resistance. They charged alternately in groups of ten, encircling and killing martial artists who rushed into the enemy formation.

The speed of the horses brought a strong impact, which made the long spears in their hands also carry terrible power. If you want to defend against such an attack, you must consume a lot of internal force.

This is still very challenging for martial artists who have just been exposed to Jindan martial arts for a short time!

Some martial arts masters with weaker Jindan martial arts cultivation gradually couldn't hold on after being repeatedly consumed. Their faces turned pale and their hair was messy.

As the leader, Guo Jing naturally noticed these situations. He raised his palms, and golden dragons flew out, circling up, flying to the side of those masters who were over-consumed, killing the cavalrymen who tried to attack, and helping them resist the enemy's attack.

With the help of Guo Jing, these masters fought and retreated, and then gradually withdrew from the enemy's encirclement and retreated to the rear alive.

As time passed, the situation on the battlefield gradually became clear. Although the masters on the Xiangyang side were not unscathed, there was no death, while the Mongolian Yuan army suffered heavy losses, losing nearly 20,000 soldiers.

The situation of the whole war was completely one-sided.

The bright red spread from the border to the distance, gradually dyeing the entire ground red.

Looking down from the air, the whole earth seemed to be splashed with ink by a being, graffitiing wantonly, leaving red notes all over the ground.

Corpses were everywhere. The death of the Mongol soldiers was bizarre. Some were cut by knives, some were chiseled by axes, some were smashed into meat paste by fists, and some were roasted into charcoal by the fire. Among the corpses on the ground, there was almost no intact corpse.

At this time, no Xiangyang City master had any pity for the Mongol soldiers. There was only one word in their eyes, that is, kill!

The Mongol soldiers were notoriously fierce and bloodthirsty, cold-blooded and ruthless. The number of people of the Song Dynasty who died at their hands was countless.

The area where they were located was the Sichuan and narrow land.

In the decades of the Song Dynasty's war with the Mongols, more than 10 million people of the Song Dynasty died at the hands of the Mongols in the Sichuan and narrow land.

The Mongols even captured the capital of this place three times in the Sichuan and narrow land. In just one massacre, there were 1.4 million debris in the capital.

How could you be worthy of the more than 10 million heroes of the Song Dynasty in heaven if you still showed mercy to these cold-blooded butchers in the Sichuan and narrow land?

What made these martial arts masters even more excited was that there were waves of cheers piercing the sky from the city behind them.

The soldiers on the city wall hit the ground with their weapons, cheering and encouraging the martial arts masters on the front line.

The atmosphere of the people in the city was even more enthusiastic than that of the soldiers on the front line. Many people took out the pots and pans in their homes and kept knocking them, cheering and encouraging.

The people in the city had long learned about the situation on the battlefield from the soldiers on the front line.

The hatred they had accumulated for the Mongol soldiers over the years was too deep. Almost everyone living in the narrow river had a relative who died at the hands of the Mongol soldiers. This hatred was so deep that even the water of the four seas could not wash it away.

The news from the front line at this time was definitely the most exciting news they had ever heard in their lives!

As the battle reached a white-hot stage, the resistance of the Mongol soldiers became weaker and weaker, and many soldiers even began to flee in all directions.

At the beginning, some generals in the army killed the deserters to keep the formation intact, but later, these generals in the army could not help but start running away.

They really could not see the hope of victory.

Ordinary masters were okay. Although they could fight one against a thousand and break the formation and kill the general, they had a full 300,000 people. Even if they piled up the number of people, they could exhaust the internal strength of these masters.

But the most troublesome thing was the top ten or so masters. Each of these masters had extremely terrifying lethality. They could kill more than a dozen soldiers with a single move, and their internal strength was extremely abundant. They had been fighting for a long time, but they were not tired at all, making them completely unable to compete.

At this moment, a small black dot appeared on the horizon, and then there was a sound of thunder, and a black shadow flew from far to near in the sky above the battlefield.

On the green sword body, there stood a pair of men and women. The man was tall, with big sleeves fluttering, and had the demeanor of a master. The girl looked cute and lovely, and looked very quirky.

The people who came were Guo Xiang and Zhang Junbao who came after hearing the news.

Because they were flying on the sword, the two arrived at the battlefield very quickly, much faster than Guo Jing expected.

Because the speed was too fast, the movement of Zhang Junbao flying on the sword was like the arrival of the Thunder God, shaking hundreds of miles and attracting the attention of the entire battlefield.

The martial artists on the battlefield looked up and saw Guo Xiang hugging Zhang Junbao's waist tightly with a little bird-like appearance.

Seeing this scene, the martial arts masters in Xiangyang City all smiled knowingly.

The little fairy gained a lot from this trip, and successfully made great progress with Miss Guo Xiang.

Even Guo Jing showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Guo Xiang is his biological daughter, and it stands to reason that he would not want his cabbage to be eaten by pigs.

But this is Zhang Junbao!

Where in the world can you find such an excellent son-in-law as Zhang Junbao!

Guo Jing was so happy to see that the relationship between Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang had made substantial progress.

Guo Xiang saw the look in her father's eyes, blushed instantly, and quickly let go of the hand hugging Zhang Junbao's waist, stepped back slightly, and moved a little distance.

Zhang Junbao didn't mind at all. He said to the battlefield: "Thank you for your hard work this time.

Now I'm here, everyone can take a break.

During the trip to Wudang Mountain, I learned a new martial art with great power. Now is the perfect time to try it out.

Everyone, step back a little to avoid being accidentally injured by me!"

Hearing this, the originally extremely brave martial artists instantly ran away from the battlefield like rabbits seeing a tiger.

They were afraid that if they ran a little slower, they would be accidentally injured by Zhang Junbao!

In the past two months, they have seen the new martial arts developed by Zhang Junbao several times, and the power was more outrageous than the other.

Once, the new martial arts developed by Zhang Junbao almost split a mountain directly, but even with such a strong martial art, Zhang Junbao only said that the power of this martial art was not bad.

The little immortal said that this martial art was extremely powerful, so you can imagine how terrifying the power of the martial arts he will perform next will be.

Seeing that most people had run away, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hands and clasped them slightly in front of his chest.

In Zhang Junbao's hands, a small cyclone appeared and slowly rotated, and then more and more air was drawn into the cyclone.

Driven by Zhang Junbao's skills, this process was very fast, and a huge air mass appeared in the blink of an eye.

This air mass slowly rotated in the void in front of Zhang Junbao. As the air mass continued to rotate, the air gradually condensed as if it had become a solid. A huge black and white Tai Chi diagram seemed to appear in the void, covering the entire battlefield.

The Tai Chi diagram was filled with lightning and thunder, wind and clouds gathered, and the cyclone rotated rapidly, as if it could destroy the world.

The dark clouds covered the sky, and the Tai Chi diagram slowly fell to the ground. The cyclone whistled and made a continuous explosion-like sound, as if a punishment from heaven had come.

The Mongol soldiers who saw this scene almost collapsed in their minds. Many people knelt on the ground with despair on their faces, calling out the name of Changshengtian, as if the end of the world had come.

If the countries in Europe could see the current Mongol soldiers, their eyes would probably pop out.

The invincible yellow devil in their eyes actually has such a fragile side!

This is such an unbelievable thing.

But for these Mongol soldiers, they really have no courage to resist.

Everything today is too cruel for them. First, they encountered a group of monster-like Southern Song masters, and they were just beaten to pieces.

And when they were about to run away, there was an even more outrageous existence, who could launch such a heavenly punishment attack with a wave of his hand.

Tired, destroyed, they don't want to play anymore.

Of course, more Mongolian soldiers were still trying to escape. Driven by the instinct of survival, they didn't care about the war horses that they regarded as their lives in the past.

Under the whip, the war horses were beaten to pieces and ran away with all their strength.

They didn't even have time to care about the life and death of their fellow infantrymen. Under the oppression of this terrifying heavenly punishment, the only thought in their minds was to run faster.

Many infantrymen were trampled into meat paste under the iron hooves of these cavalrymen.

In the distant city, whether it was the soldiers on the city wall or the people in the city, they were also stunned to watch this scene.

In their eyes, Zhang Junbao at this time was a god descending to the earth.

Such great power is an amazing god even among gods!

They knelt down towards the distance without any prior agreement, reciting the hymns of the little gods that came from Xiangyang City.

Even the martial arts masters in Xiangyang City were shocked, because Zhang Junbao played a bit too big this time. The entire Tai Chi diagram covered an area of ​​dozens of kilometers, which was simply a force that could destroy a city!

Even though they had already prepared for Zhang Junbao's martial arts, they still felt that this scene was too outrageous.

At this time, Zhang Junbao in the air controlled the wind and thunder, and a golden light flashed in his eyes, revealing a fascinating divine light, like a god descending from heaven.

He pushed his palms slightly, and the cyclone hit the ground fiercely. From the air, the black and white Tai Chi diagram covered the entire land.

The sky and the earth were upside down, the sun and the moon were dark, the lightning was shining, and the cyclone was rotating. Many Mongolian soldiers were directly ground into powder by this terrifying attack before they could even scream.

A few minutes later, the smoke and dust in the sky dissipated, and the originally dark Mongolian army had disappeared at this time, leaving only sparse figures standing on the field.

There were only about 5,000 people in these figures.

The soldiers who survived by chance looked at the empty battlefield and then at their hands, somewhat incredulous.

This horrific attack turned many of their comrades into powder, and although they were seriously injured, they did not die, which was simply incredible.

Just as they were amazed, a voice came from the sky: "Those who survived, there is only a faint red light of sin on your body, which means that you have not stained the lives of innocent civilians, so I will spare your lives for now.

However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. Since you are an invader, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

Whether you live or die in the future depends on the court's handling."

Some time ago, Zhang Junbao learned a magic eye technique from Yang Chan, which can see the light of merit and the red light of sin on others.

People with a bright light of merit often do good things, and people with a bright red light of sin often commit murders.

Zhang Junbao had already operated this method before taking action.

In fact, in his eyes, the Mongolian soldiers below had more or less sinful red light on their bodies, which was normal. Almost all soldiers who had participated in the war had sinful red light on their bodies.

However, the sinful red light on some soldiers was extremely blazing, rushing straight into the sky, dyeing the sky red.

There was only one explanation for such a blazing sinful red light, that is, these Mongolian soldiers had participated in the massacre, and the sinful red light shrouded them was the accusation of those who died in vain.

Of course, since the Mongolian front was very long, these soldiers did not necessarily slaughter Chinese civilians, but as long as they participated in the massacre, there were no good people who could attack unarmed civilians, and these people were not worth dying for.

However, the sinful red light on some Mongolian soldiers was very faint, indicating that this part of the Mongolian soldiers had only participated in normal war activities and had not massacred unarmed civilians.

So when launching the attack, Zhang Junbao used all his thoughts in his soul to operate this attack delicately.

Those beasts with a blazing red light of sin were naturally nothing to say. Zhang Junbao used all his strength, thunder and lightning, and the cyclone turned at full speed, killing them directly and grinding them into powder.

As for those with a very faint red light of sin, Zhang Junbao would slightly withdraw some of his strength.

As for whether they can survive, it still depends on their luck.

After all, these people are invaders, so it is not too much to kill them all.

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