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Chapter 150: Shaolin Temple Shrouded in Dark Clouds

Under Zhang Junbao's terrifying power, the five thousand surviving Mongolian soldiers gave up their resistance.

They allowed the warriors pouring out of the city to tie them up, without any soldier trying to resist.

They knew that they were lucky enough to survive Zhang Junbao's hands, and they couldn't ask for more.

The martial arts masters on the battlefield rushed over and surrounded Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang.

They were all stunned by Zhang Junbao's performance just now.

The previous Zhang Junbao was already a god-level existence in their hearts, but the force Zhang Junbao displayed at that time was far from reaching this terrifying level.

Especially after learning Jindan Martial Arts, some young warriors even fantasize in their hearts that one day they will surpass Zhang Junbao in Jindan Martial Arts, and become better than their masters.

But now no one dares to dream like this.

They knew that even after learning Jindan Martial Arts, there was still an incredible gap between them and Zhang Junbao, completely on two levels.

The head of the Qingcheng Sect, Yu Linze, exclaimed, "Little fairy, your move is really too powerful. That power, my dear, almost scared me to the point of peeing just looking at it!"

After Yu Linze learned Jindan Martial Arts, what he was most proud of was his Qinggong, which was said to be fleeting and fleeting.

Originally, he thought that after possessing such strong physical skills, no one in the world could keep him. Even if he faced Zhang Junbao, he still had hope of escaping.

But facing this devastating attack just now, Yu Linze felt a suffocating despair.

What's the point of running fast? Even if he were allowed to run for ten minutes first, he still wouldn't be able to get out of Zhang Junbao's attack range.

The old naughty boy also came over with a smile: "Jun Bao, your move looks so interesting, I want to learn it!"

Seeing the old naughty boy, Zhang Junbao also had a smile on his face: "Uncle Zhou, if you want to learn, then I will definitely be willing to teach. I will find a time to teach you when I return to Xiangyang City."

The relationship between Zhang Junbao and the old naughty boy is quite good. First of all, the old boy does not treat Zhang Junbao with the same respect as others, which is very bad for Zhang Junbao's temper.

Secondly, he is Guo Jing's brother, which is roughly equal to Guo Xiang's uncle. To put it bluntly, we are all members of the same family, so there is no need to speak two languages.

The city gate opened, and Zhang Junbao slowly returned to the city surrounded by a group of martial arts people.

At the city gate, many ordinary people who had received the news gathered here and lined the streets to welcome the martial arts people who returned to the city.

Their expressions were filled with joy and a hint of heaviness. Some even some elderly people were laughing and crying at the same time, as if they had mental problems.

“My son, my son, your death was not in vain!

Defend the city, defend the home, defend until the gods come down from the sky and kill the Meng Yuan people! "

Their eyes were red, and they were crying and shouting, and their voices were even hoarse from crying.

There was an old man with white hair who even cried until blood and tears oozed from his eyes, but even so, he still had a smile on his lips.

These decades of war have been too long and too heavy for the people on the border.

Zhang Junbao was no stranger to the situation in front of him. He had already experienced such a scene once in Xiangyang City.

But seeing such a scene again still touched his heart a lot.

The people suffer in times of prosperity, and the people suffer in times of death. The real victims of war are always the people.

Officials in the city invited Zhang Junbao to attend the celebration banquet. Zhang Junbao naturally would not refuse. He could live without eating, but Guo Xiang could not do that.

It took most of a day to get to the border from Wudang Mountain. Guo Xiang had not touched a drop of water during such a long time, so Zhang Junbao would not let her return to Xiangyang City hungry.

Knowing that the little fairy will also participate in tonight's banquet, the chefs here used what they have learned throughout their lives to make each dish with a full color, fragrance, and spicy taste. Even Zhang Junbao, who is used to eating different world cuisines, couldn't help but The index finger moves very much, and the food is very enjoyable.

The morale of the military personnel attending the banquet was very high.

Today's victory was really exciting. Although they only played the role of a cheerleading team, it did not affect their excitement.

During the banquet, they talked loudly and brought up many ideas that they had never dared to think about before.

Some people even proposed to regain the lost territory, regain the Yanyun Thirteen States, restore Chinese orthodoxy, and then further counterattack Mongolia to completely establish the orthodox majesty of the Celestial Kingdom.

Zhang Junbao actually agreed with this idea. After all, there was no reason to guard against wolves all the time. How could the couch beside him allow others to snore.

It's just that Zhang Junbao didn't like the rule of the Song Dynasty.

Zhang Junbao had already obtained five thousand years of Chinese history from Lu Mingfei. Zhang Junbao's evaluation of the Song Dynasty was "more than above, less than above". Compared with the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the Song Dynasty actually did quite well, but compared with the powerful Han Sheng The Tang and Song dynasties had many shortcomings.

The banquet is over, but everything is not over yet.

There were also many martial arts people who came to support at the border. The impact of this battle shocked the entire martial arts world.

This battle simply refreshed their outlook.

Although Zhang Junbao's performance in Xiangyang City last time was equally astonishing, many martial arts people did not believe that it was true. For them, hearing is false and seeing is believing.

In the eyes of these people, Zhang Junbao is just a charlatan. He hired people to spread the news in the martial arts world in order to become famous.

They even secretly laughed at the martial artists who went to Xiangyang City to attend the class. They didn't even have any brains and were fooled by such a cheap trick.

But this time they couldn't laugh anymore. In just two months, these martial artists who went to Xiangyang City to study had undergone a complete transformation. They were no longer the same as them.

Especially after they knew that the martial arts classes in Xiangyang City had been closed, they sighed and regretted why they were so stupid and missed such a good opportunity.

It was not until they knew that Zhang Junbao was going to open a school in Wudang Mountain to publicly teach the Jindan martial arts that they turned from sadness to joy.

However, the Wudang Academy is still under construction and it will take a long time to wait. Many martial artists even spontaneously planned to go to Wudang Mountain as volunteers, and many martial artists also donated a lot of money just to build the Wudang Academy as soon as possible.

Through the information channels of these people in the martial arts world, the deeds of Zhang Junbao and the masters of Xiangyang City spread all over the country in a few days.

Zhang Junbao's god-like performance was indeed shocking, but what surprised the people in the martial arts world was the performance of the masters in Xiangyang City. In just over two months, these people had such a drastic change, which made everyone very jealous!

With the news coming from all directions, even some extremely stubborn old antiques had to believe that all this was true.

The whole martial arts world was boiling. Almost all the martial artists in the streets and alleys, teahouses and taverns were discussing Zhang Junbao and Wudang Academy.

The whole martial arts world was immersed in a joyous atmosphere.

Zhang Junbao's great spirit of spreading martial arts all over the world almost conquered the hearts of all martial artists.

The only exception was Shaolin Temple.

These days, Shaolin Temple can be said to be gloomy and bleak, and the whole temple is shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

On the main hall, the six elders of Xinchan Hall sat cross-legged in the hall, and opposite them sat the abbot of Shaolin Temple Tianming, the first seat of Damo Hall, Wuxiang Zen Master, and the first seat of Luohan Hall, Wuse Zen Master.

Abbot Tianming sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, his face full of sorrow, his thin eyebrows wrinkled, and a "Chuan" character was squeezed out between his eyebrows.

If outsiders saw the current appearance of Abbot Tianming, they would definitely not believe their eyes.

As the abbot of Shaolin Temple, Abbot Tianming is the leader of the righteous path in the martial arts world, and he is in a high position and has great power.

It can be said that there are few things in the entire martial arts world that he cannot do.

Who else can see him showing such an expression.

In addition to Abbot Tianming, the faces of the other eight old monks were equally ugly.

They gathered together, looking at each other in silence, and the gloomy atmosphere kept brewing among them, as if they were attending a memorial service.

Abbot Tianming sighed: "My fellow masters, there is no appearance or color. Things have come to this point, and the general trend cannot be changed. What will the future of Shaolin be like?"

The atmosphere in the field was very solemn, and no one answered Abbot Tianming's question.

After a long time, Master Wuxiang slowly spoke: "Zhang Junbao has opened the door to spread the Jindan martial arts he created in Xiangyang City, regardless of the family or origin.

No matter if you are from a famous sect or a wanderer.

As long as you are kind-hearted and can pass Zhang Junbao's test, you can learn this martial arts from him.

But he only rejected our Shaolin Temple. As long as the disciples who have been in Shaolin Temple, whether they are monks or lay disciples, he is unwilling to teach the Jindan martial arts.

It's really too much, he wants our Shaolin Temple to die!

Although I am reluctant to admit it, the power of the Jindan martial arts he created is too strong. If we can't get his teachings, in the long run, Shaolin Temple will not only lose its current status, but will also become a third-rate sect."

Master Wuxiang became more and more angry as he spoke, as if he couldn't breathe.

If you want to say which sect in the world of martial arts knows Zhang Junbao the most, it must be Shaolin Temple.

A few months ago, when the news that Zhang Junbao defeated 100,000 Mongolian troops by himself first spread in the martial arts world, all the martial arts sects were skeptical about the news, but the monks of Shaolin Temple believed it was true the first time they heard the news.

After all, Zhang Junbao's flying sword was also very sharp when he cut them. If Master Jueyuan had not mediated, I am afraid that the Shaolin Temple would have been a river of blood that day.

When they heard that Zhang Junbao publicly taught the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, the monks of Shaolin Temple were moved and sent many monks to Xiangyang City to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, but they were all rejected by Zhang Junbao.

I have encountered some things recently, and I am really overwhelmed. It is really hard to say. I am very Buddhist in updating. I am really sorry! I finally got everything done today and can update normally. I will try my best to make up for what I owed before!

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