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Chapter 151 Shaolin Temple has lost all its shame!

Abbot Tianming sighed, with a helpless expression on his face. He said slowly: "Junior Brother Wuxiang, please calm down. Zhang Junbao did nothing wrong. We treated him like that. It is normal that he does not want to teach Shaolin disciples Jindan Martial Arts." , after all, it was me, Shaolin, who was at fault first.”

Zhang Junbao's actions did not go beyond the expectations of the senior officials of the Shaolin Temple. They had thought of this possibility when they sent the monks to Xiangyang City.

In fact, Abbot Tianming was hesitant before sending out the monks because he really couldn't bear to do this.

After all, their conflict with Zhang Junbao a few months ago was because of the inheritance of martial arts.

At first, Shaolin had a conflict with Zhang Junbao because he secretly learned martial arts. Now Shaolin wants to ask Zhang Junbao for martial arts.

Coming and going, it was like rubbing the face of Shaolin Temple on the ground.

But he had no choice. If he couldn't learn the golden elixir martial arts from Zhang Junbao and couldn't keep up with the trend of martial arts, then there was only one way waiting for the Shaolin Temple, which was to be eliminated and become an inferior sect.

Abbot Tianming could not just watch the centuries-old inheritance of Shaolin Temple weaken in his hands.

But Zen Master Wuxiang's anger did not diminish, and he continued: "Senior brother, what you said is wrong. It's just that Zhang Junbao is unwilling to personally teach Shaolin Temple's Golden Elixir Martial Arts, but he also blocks all channels for Shaolin to learn Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

To actually say in Xiangyang City that anyone who dares to teach Shaolin Golden Elixir Martial Arts will be punished will not be spared. Doesn’t it mean that I, Shaolin, are driven to a dead end! "

When sending his disciples to Xiangyang City, Abbot Tianming prepared several plans, including one to deal with Zhang Junbao's refusal to teach the Shaolin Temple monk Jindan Martial Arts.

After being rejected by Zhang Junbao, the monks of Shaolin Temple planned to save the country in a devious way.

These monks began to make friends with the martial arts masters in Xiangyang City. Relying on the reputation of the Shaolin Temple, they soon became very familiar with these martial arts masters.

This was Abbot Tianming's plan. Since there was no way to learn Jindan Martial Arts from Zhang Junbao, then the next best thing was to learn Jindan Martial Arts from the martial arts masters in Xiangyang City.

Although the effect of learning Jindan Martial Arts from these martial arts masters is definitely not as good as joining Zhang Junbao's sect in person.

But it's better than never learning.

Moreover, Abbot Tianming also has strong confidence in his martial arts attainments.

He is confident that as long as he can learn the basic framework of Jindan Martial Arts and rely on Shaolin Temple's thousands of years of martial arts accumulation, he will be able to develop a unique way of immortal martial arts unique to Shaolin and continue to maintain Shaolin Temple's top-notch martial arts status.

But no matter how much the Shaolin Temple monks monopolized the masters in Luochen, and even promised various benefits, and even the Shaolin Temple's treasured Dahuan Dan was used as a bargaining chip, there was still no martial arts person who dared to teach the Golden Pill Martial Arts to Monk from Shaolin Temple.

Later, these Shaolin Temple monks found out that Zhang Junbao had warned those martial arts people at the beginning of teaching Jindan Martial Arts that whoever dared to teach Jindan Martial Arts to Shaolin would be his enemy and would be killed without mercy. .

Zhang Junbao has already said this, and no one who is not afraid of death dares to disobey his orders.

Although the Shaolin Temple has a great reputation, it also depends on who it is in front of. In front of Zhang Junbao, the Shaolin Temple's reputation is really not worth mentioning!

After coming to Xiangyang Chen, the perception of Shaolin Temple in the minds of many martial arts practitioners has undergone a huge change.

In the martial arts world of the past, the Shaolin Temple was certainly the leader in the arena and the leader of the righteous path. At that time, if the Shaolin Temple opened their mouth, they would be eager to offer their special skills to them.

But today is different from the past. Little gods have appeared out of the blue, and Shaolin Temple's former status in the world has become a joke.

If these bald heads still want to ride on their heads and dominate them, then they will definitely want these bald heads to know that you, sir, are eating shit.

The six old monks in the Xin Chan Hall sat above and nodded repeatedly after hearing Master Wuxiang's words.

The old monk sitting above had wrinkled cheeks and two long eyebrows hanging on his chest. He said, "The second son is really too vicious. Although Shaolin has something to do with him, but After all, he grew up in my Shaolin Temple, how can he not miss any love at all!"

Another old monk sitting on his left also spoke slowly, with a hint of resentment on his face: "If there is no Shaolin Temple to feed him and clothe him, where would Zhang Junbao come from today? We have already paid for the Shaolin Temple for what happened back then." The two scriptures at the bottom of the box were taken as a price, and the senior brother who gave the order also died in their hands. As a result, he is still so fussy and petty. "

When Zen Master Wuxiang heard what his two uncles said, he also showed an expression of approval: "According to Zhang Junbao, his Golden Elixir Martial Arts was achieved through self-enlightenment.

But in my opinion, this Jindan Martial Arts at least has the merits of Shaolin Temple’s Three Successes.

After all, no matter how terrifying Zhang Junbao's talent is, it is impossible for him to comprehend such a terrifying martial arts method from scratch.

Just like Huang Shang Sanren back then. Without countless Taoist treasures as a foundation, Huang Shang would not be able to comprehend the Nine Yin Scriptures no matter how talented he was.

Zhang Junbao came to Shaolin when he was seven years old. During these years, he lived with Jue Yuan in the Sutra Pavilion.

The collection of books in the Sutra Pavilion is vast and all-encompassing. He must be able to understand the Golden Pill Martial Arts. The Sutra Pavilion Square in my Shaolin Temple must have played a big role.

In this case, it is a natural thing for us in Shaolin to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts. After all, without the efforts of our Shaolin Temple, this unique martial art would not have come into being! "

The words of Master Wuxiang seemed to open the painting box of the monks in Shaolin Temple, and they all criticized Zhang Junbao's actions.

In their view, even if Shaolin Temple has many inconveniences, it is still the place where Zhang Junbao was born.

Now Zhang Junbao treats Shaolin Temple differently, which is really unkind.

In addition, Master Wuxiang's Sutra Pavilion theory has won the hearts of these Shaolin monks.

After all, in their view, Zhang Junbao has lived in Shaolin Temple since he was a child, and the only place where he can get in touch with a lot of knowledge is the Sutra Pavilion.

With this theory as To support, the monks of Shaolin Temple seemed to stand on the moral high ground all of a sudden.

Taking from Shaolin but excluding Shaolin, this behavior made them even more angry, and their criticisms of Zhang Junbao became more and more excessive. If it were not for the constraints of the precepts, these Shaolin monks would have started to curse.

Master Wu Se had been silent all the time, quietly listening to the discussion of the monks in the production, but when he heard them cursing more and more excessively, Master Wu Se gradually couldn't help it.

He couldn't understand what kind of brain circuits these people had to be so shameless He insulted Zhang Junbao.

In fact, Master Wu Se was a pretty good person. He was quite nice to Zhang Junbao in the original timeline.

When Master Wu Xiang ordered the arrest of Zhang Junbao, he was already very puzzled, but he was insignificant and could not do anything in front of the temple rules.

In the original timeline, Master Jue Yuan brought Zhang Junbao to the foot of the mountain. When he passed away, it was Master Wu Se who led the Shaolin Temple's hunting monks to another direction, which allowed Zhang Junbao to escape.

Maybe This is also the reason why the adult Lao Zhang in the original timeline did not cause trouble to Shaolin Temple.

On the one hand, it was because of Master Jueyuan's incense, and on the other hand, it was because Master Wu Se was still alive. =,

Master Wu Se looked up at the monks of Shaolin Temple. In his eyes, these people were no longer kind-hearted monks, but like demons who could not distinguish right from wrong, without any mercy and tolerance, selfish to the extreme, and had fallen into the devil's barrier.

"Master uncles, and Brother Wu Xiang, can you please not be so double-standard.

What did Zhang Junbao do wrong to be insulted by you like this.

We are all from the same sect, so I will speak frankly. I believe you all know the strict temple rules of Shaolin Temple.

If a monk who secretly learns martial arts is caught and sent to the Dharma Hall, the lightest punishment is to abolish martial arts and cut off the meridians of the whole body, so that he can never learn martial arts again.

But what martial arts did Zhang Junbao learn?

It was just a Luohan boxing, a few basic boxing moves, which would not be accepted in the martial arts world, but you shouted and killed him.

Is it really necessary to do this, to impose such cruel punishment on the disciples of the temple for an entry-level boxing.

The predecessors set this rule for a reason, in order to avoid the tragedy of Huogong Tou Tuo from happening again, but decades have passed, the situation has changed.

It was just a Luohan boxing, Zhang Junbao learned it, so what, is there really someone who can replicate Huogong Tou Tuo's record and break through Shaolin with a Luohan boxing?

It is nothing more than proving to the martial arts world that Shaolin Temple is pitifully small-minded, and even an entry-level boxing is fussy.

On the other hand, Zhang Junbao's behavior is simply two extremes from Shaolin Temple.

I believe you all know the power of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts. It is superior to the entire martial arts world and is a hundred times stronger than the most precious Yijing Xisui Scriptures of Shaolin Temple.

Zhang Junbao was able to share such a powerful martial arts with the entire martial arts world without reservation. How amazing is this spirit!

As for the so-called Sutra Library, it is even more self-deception. The Sutra Library of Shaolin Temple has existed for many years. Why haven't we seen other people realize the Golden Elixir Martial Arts?

Besides, the Sutra Library that Zhang Junbao can access is just a place for storing scriptures. The books there are only Buddhist scriptures. The real martial arts are all stored in the cabinet.

Just these few Buddhist scriptures are still being said by you as a great contribution. It's really funny to hear it.

Look at your behavior at that time. Don't you feel ashamed?

You are going to kill the talented young man of your own sect for a simple Shaolin boxing.

But others can share the world's strongest magic with the entire martial arts world.

How ridiculous! "

The more Master Wu Se spoke, the more disappointed he became. His eyes were filled with mixed emotions. He looked up at the monks of Shaolin Temple, as if he had just met them on the first day.

After Master Wu Se finished speaking, the monks opposite him not only did not feel ashamed, but became even more angry.

Especially the old monk from the Xin Chan Hall who was sitting at the top. He stood up suddenly, with goosebumps on his face shaking constantly: "Wu Se? What are you talking about? Have you forgotten that you are a disciple of Shaolin Temple?"

Master Wu Se put his hands together and sighed: "Amitabha, why did Master Uncle say that? Wu Se naturally remembers that he is a disciple of Shaolin Temple."

The old monk from the Xin Chan Hall sneered: "Really? If you hadn't said it, I would have thought you were a dog raised by Zhang Junbao, and your butt is almost crooked to the horizon.

So what if Shaolin Temple is not right?

Do you want to watch Shaolin Temple fall into a third-rate sect?"

The old monk of Xinchan Hall could not understand Master Wu Se at all. In his eyes, Master Wu Se, who was partial to Zhang Junbao, was simply a traitor of Shaolin Temple.

Buddha also has fire, can be compassionate and save the world, and can also be angry like a diamond.

Hearing what the old monk of Xinchan Hall said, Master Wu Se's face changed a little. Anger ignited from his eyes, and the surging internal force poured into his palm. He almost couldn't help swinging a powerful diamond claw to hit him on the forehead.

His generation is one generation lower than the old monk of Xinchan Hall, but it doesn't mean that his martial arts will be weaker.

In addition to the abbot, the most capable fighters in Shaolin Temple are the chief monk of Luohan Hall and the chief monk of Damo Pagoda. As the chief monk of Luohan Hall, he has never been afraid of anyone in Shaolin Temple when it comes to fighting.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost out of control, Abbot Tianming quickly made a move: "Everyone, stop arguing. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong at this time. The most urgent thing is to find a way to obtain the golden elixir martial arts."

For the sake of Abbot Tianming, Master Wu Se and the old monk of Xin Zen Hall stopped fighting and did not continue the conflict.

But the relationship between the two had cracked and was no longer as harmonious as before.

In the court, in the palace, a man in a dragon robe sat on a wide chair, leaning against the armrest with a bohemian look.

This chair looks very luxurious, with gold paint on the surface, and nine lifelike dragons carved on the chair body with exquisite techniques. What's more, the chair is so wide that people can even stretch their bodies and lie on the chair sideways.

On the man's body sat a beautiful woman in a light gauze, she was wearing a nine-palace cloud wall, and her two slender and beautiful jade feet were resting on the man's hands.

The man in the dragon robe rubbed the jade foot in his hand with his palm while looking at the memorial in front of him, and a trace of worry appeared between his eyebrows.

The beautiful woman beside him saw the expression of the man in the dragon robe and couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, the battle report in this memorial is a great victory, the whole court is jubilant, the Mongols were repelled by us, this is a great thing that everyone celebrates, why do you look sad?"

Song Duzong Zhao Xie frowned, his five fingers subconsciously played with the cardamom-like toes in his hand and said softly: "It is indeed a good thing that the Mongols were repelled, but the information in this memorial is not all good news. We have just driven away the jackals, and now there are tigers and leopards that are more ferocious than jackals. The country of the Song Dynasty is in danger!"

There are at least two more chapters, which will be later, maybe there will be three chapters, depending on the situation! Then there will be a day off tomorrow, and I can continue writing when I get up!

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