All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 152 New group chat function, the fantasy world

The beautiful woman was stunned when she heard this, and said somewhat incomprehensibly: "I can't understand what your Majesty said. The Meng Yuan people are jackals, so who are the tigers and leopards?

The memorial does not say that the heroes of the Song Dynasty helped the court defeat the Mongolian and Yuan armies. This was obviously a good thing for the court.

The Mongolian and Yuan people suffered such heavy losses, and the border areas of the Song Dynasty could at least usher in ten years of peace.

These Jianghu people spontaneously defended the Song Dynasty. They were so loyal and patriotic. How could they be tigers and leopards? "

Song Duzong Zhao Yu said quietly: "My beloved, you are thinking too little. Although jackals are ferocious, they have a small appetite.

No matter how ferocious the Meng Yuan people were, could they really destroy our Song Dynasty?

The emperor's master had long told me that the Song Dynasty had a vast territory and a long inheritance. The Meng and Yuan people were just barbarians and could not take over the Central Plains. They couldn't do it!

So what the prairie barbarians want is nothing more than money and goods from our Song Dynasty.

At worst, I will bow my head like the emperors before me. If I pay tribute every year, I can protect my country in the Song Dynasty.

Anyway, my country in the Song Dynasty is so wealthy, so a mere yearly coin is nothing, it is of no importance at all.

But Zhang Junbao is different. He is also from the Central Plains. In addition, his deeds of repelling the Mongolian people are spread among the people, and he already has a strong prestige.

And according to the information in the memorial, each of the martial arts men under Zhang Junbao has the strength to fight one against a thousand. With this power in hand, coupled with such a strong prestige, if he intends to overthrow the rule of the Song Dynasty, There is definitely hope to replace it, then the Song Dynasty will be really in danger.

The twists and turns here are very deep, and it’s normal that you, my beloved concubine, can’t understand it.

In fact, I didn't think about it at the beginning. If it hadn't been for the emperor's master to give me some advice, I wouldn't have been able to understand the key points. "

The imperial master mentioned by Song Duzong Zhao You was Jia Sidao, and it was Jia Sidao who told Zhao Yu this theory of Zhang Junbao's threat.

According to Jia Sidao, the Mongolian Yuan people are not a big threat, because those Mongolian Yuan people have no basis for rule in the Central Plains, and it is impossible to really conquer the Song Dynasty. Fighting the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, at most losing some property and territory, is nothing. event.

On the contrary, Zhang Junbao was the real thorn in his side of the Song Dynasty. A human being with such power was like adding a dragon chair to the emperor's head!

It was precisely because of Jia Sidao's influence that Zhao Fu turned from joy to worry in the past few days and fell into deep fear.

Although he has a low IQ due to his inherent shortcomings, he knows very well how he is doing as an emperor.

He can do nothing but sleep with women. The government is in a mess and the people are living in dire straits. To describe him as a piece of shit is not an exaggeration.

In the past, he was able to live so happily because he was the emperor. He was the biggest in the world and no one could limit him. But it was different now. There was a little god on his head, which gave him a very strong power. Sense of crisis.

After Zhao Yu's explanation, the beautiful woman finally understood what happened.

The emperor was obviously so happy after seeing the battle report a few days ago, and even favored ten maids in a row overnight in excitement. However, after meeting Jia Sidao, he suddenly became extremely depressed. It turned out to be this reason.

Zhao Fu pondered for a while, but couldn't think of any way to deal with Zhang Junbao. It was okay to make him worry, but to let him get along with him and restrain Zhang Junbao, to be honest, it was difficult for his IQ.

: "Forget it, forget it, I have the Imperial Master to help me anyway.

Let him worry about these things. A moment of spring is worth a thousand dollars, so don't waste your time on these things. "

After saying this, Zhao Fu began to touch and touch the beautiful woman in his arms, and even summoned two more coolly dressed palace maids with a wave of his hand to have fun together.

The beautiful woman was also very accustomed to Zhao Yu's behavior. After following this lecherous emperor for so long, she already knew what kind of king he was in front of her, and she immediately began to cater to Zhao Yu's attacks.

The candle shadows swayed, the night spread, and a spring scene came from the palace.

The sound coming from the study made the moon in the sky shyly hide in the clouds.

At this moment, Jia Sidao opened the door of the imperial study and walked in without knocking.

Several people in the room were immersed in the fierce battle and did not notice Jia Sidao's arrival at all.

Seeing Zhao Yu and the beautiful woman fighting fiercely, Jia Sidao was not surprised, nor did he shy away from it.

He had long been accustomed to this kind of scene, so he just stood aside and waited for Zhao Yu to finish.

Zhao Yu, who has been addicted to women for many years, has a very average fighting ability. He surrendered in just a few minutes. He leaned lazily on the chair, his face was red and his eyes were blurred.

The beautiful woman sat on Zhao Ji's lap, looking disheveled and very seductive.

When Jia Sidao saw this scene, he just coughed lightly.

It wasn't until he heard this cough that Zhao Fu noticed Jia Sidao's arrival. He quickly stood up from the large chair and walked towards Jia Sidao.

Jia Sidao took out a memorial from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Yu: "Your Majesty, these are some strategies that I have come up with after thinking hard recently. Please take a look and see if there are any gaps that need to be filled in."

There are many strategies in Jia Sidao's memorial, the core of which revolves around three points.

The first point is to use the power of the Song Dynasty officials to spread negative messages about General Zhang Junbao in various places to undermine his prestige among the people.

The second point is to send Ouchi masters to Xiangyang City to learn Jindan Martial Arts.

Jia Sidao also wrote down the details in the memorial. He knew that Zhang Junbao hated the Mongols very much. At that time, the court could take advantage of Zhang Junbao's psychology and teach Zhang Junbao the Golden Elixir Martial Arts in the name of training masters to fight against the Mongols.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to establish a military system belonging to the court to counter Zhang Junbao's power.

The third point is to secretly send people to join Zhang Junbao's forces and penetrate the enemy. These people are different from the masters of the palace in public. They will completely hide their identities and convey all kinds of information.

Zhao Xi took the memorial and put it on the table without even looking at it: "The strategy you proposed is naturally excellent, just do it directly.

These martial artists have become the biggest threat to my Song Dynasty's rule. As long as you, the emperor, can suppress their power, no matter what you want, I agree and give you the greatest support."

Hearing what the emperor said, Jia Sidao smiled.

Maybe it was because his mother drank abortion pills when he was still in her womb, Zhao Xi's IQ was really not very high, and he was also addicted to women, so he was too easy to fool.

Jia Sidao couldn't be more satisfied with such an emperor!

Now his position in the Song Dynasty is second to none.

Strictly speaking, there is not even one person below him.

The emperor relied too much on him. Every time he was dissatisfied with the emperor's actions, he would threaten the emperor with resignation. Facing his threats, the emperor in front of him would even kneel on the ground and cry to keep him.

In this situation, Jia Sidao even felt better than being the emperor himself.

It was for this reason that Jia Sidao was so deliberate against Zhang Junbao. The power of the rivers and lakes and the court was originally relative.

The rise of Zhang Junbao made Jia Sidao feel a huge threat. Whether he planned to serve as an official in the court or to overthrow the Song Dynasty, everything Jia Sidao had now would be wiped out.

"Your Majesty is right. As the saying goes, a knight-errant breaks the law with his martial arts. Those martial artists have no respect for their superiors. Now they have gained such a powerful force. They have become a thorn in the flesh of our Song Dynasty.

We must first stabilize the country before we can resist foreign aggression. If we do not suppress the power of these martial artists, they will threaten the orthodoxy of our Song Dynasty."

Xu Chenzhou was meditating in the practice room when he suddenly heard a ding.

Congratulations to group member Zhang Junbao for making a huge change to the world line he was in. He completed the achievement [The Destiny of Setting Sail], was awarded 10,000 group points, and the group chat opened a new function, Taixu Fantasy.

With the arrival of this message, the group chat instantly became very lively.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Old Zhang is great, he actually triggered a new achievement!"

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "I heard from the group leader before that if our life trajectory undergoes a huge change, he will be rewarded.

I originally thought that this was a benefit exclusive to the group leader, but I didn't expect that we can also get rewards for making a huge change to the world.

It seems that the chat group really hopes that we can change the world."

Han Li (Disciple of Qixuanmen): "Not only that, Junbao's achievement also opened a new group chat function!"

Han Li was very surprised. Although the chat group has few functions, each one is a boutique.

Yang Chan (Disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Brother group leader, what is the use of this new function opened in the group chat?"

Xu Chenzhou looked at the instructions provided by the chat group and quickly understood this new function.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "This new function is very simple. It is actually a spiritual time house.

Once the Great Illusion is opened, our spiritual body can enter it.

One day in reality is equal to 100 days in the Great Illusion.

And in the Great Illusion, we can simulate all the scenes we have seen before. Not only can we repeat them continuously, but we can also change the angles at will.

The most important thing is that it only takes 100 group points to redeem the right to use the Great Illusion for one day.

This function seems to be very similar to the group time acceleration function, but in fact there are still many differences.

The group time acceleration function is a physical entry, where you can practice, forge magic weapons, etc. Everything that can be done in reality can be done with the time acceleration function.

But the Great Illusion is different. There are many restrictions. Our spiritual body can only control thinking in it. Not only can the physical body not be substituted in it, but even martial arts and skills cannot be practiced. The only thing we can do is to watch the past scenes and think."

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