All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 153 There are actually two emperors!

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "This function is good. Although it has many restrictions, the exchange rate alone is already conscientious enough."

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "This function has many ways to play. Although it seems to have great restrictions and conflicts with the time acceleration function, it is actually an excellent supplement to the time acceleration function."

In an instant, Hong Yi's mind had all kinds of ideas on how to use the Taixu Illusion.

Whether it is to study the skills or to comprehend the Tao, it is an excellent choice.

The most important thing is that they can repeat the scenes they have seen in reality.

This means that they can observe the scenes of others' actions infinitely many times, which is really a great help.

Think about it, being able to watch others' actions from multiple angles and infinite times, what does this mean?

This means that all the martial arts and Taoist skills of all opponents, as long as he has seen them once, they are his.

After all, if he can't learn it after watching it once, he can watch it a hundred times or a thousand times. With his understanding and such research conditions, there is no martial arts and Taoist skills in the world that he can't learn.

Xu Chenzhou is also quite satisfied with this function.

The 10:1 acceleration provided by the chat group is actually very useful, but Xu Chenzhou still often feels that time is not enough.

After all, there are skills from all over the world in the chat group, and if you really want to learn, time is never enough.

Especially for some group members from worlds with lower upper limits, this function is even more useful.

In addition to this new function, Zhang Junbao's achievement also brought Xu Chenzhou an unexpected surprise.

The chat group prompted him that he had a new group member to draw. And this time, he was given a full three chat group members.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a chat group. Except for the time with Xiao Nannan, the chat group is extremely generous every time it opens up new group members.

Xu Chenzhou has been looking forward to the admission of new group members for a long time. This not only means that there will be two more world resources in the chat group, but also means that the world crossing function that Xu Chenzhou has been looking forward to for a long time will be officially opened.

Xu Chenzhou couldn't wait to press the draw item, and the long-lost phantoms of thousands of worlds passed by in front of Xu Chenzhou.

After a long time, the world stopped spinning, and a thin figure of a young man appeared in the shadow in front of him. He was wearing dark black clothes, his face was a little pale, his fists were clenched, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes. He was standing in front of a magnificent palace.

The shape of this palace was very strange. There was a plaque hanging on the gate with three big characters "Xuanyong Pavilion" written on it.

The palace had 18 floors, and each floor was larger than the next one. From a distance, it looked like an inverted pagoda.

In front of this young man, there were two peers of the same age as him, wearing bright red robes, looking at him with a proud and teasing look.

"Prince Zheng, others say that you are the future king of Qin, but in my opinion, you are just a puppy that no one wants.

Your father didn't want you and left you in Zhao, and now even the teacher wants to drive you out of Xuanyong Pavilion.

You don't even have the basic talent for strange arts, so you will be a waste even if you return to Qin.

It really makes me laugh to death. If I were you, I would have committed suicide long ago."

The two men laughed loudly, mocking the boy in front of them wantonly.

The boy did not speak or refute, but with a strong unwillingness in his eyes, he clenched his fists, his nails deeply embedded in the flesh, and drops of blood flowed down his fists to the ground.

Prince Zheng? Qin?

Although Xu Chenzhou had no impression of the Nine City Palace in front of him, he guessed the identity of the person in front of him just by these two words, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng

But the Ying Zheng in front of him made Xu Chenzhou feel a little unfamiliar, and he had no idea which version of Ying Zheng he was.

This is also normal. The universe is so vast that there must be many times that Xu Chenzhou does not know.

As time went by, the name of Ying Zheng gradually appeared under the shadow.

Xu Chenzhou did not know which version of Ying Zheng it was, but he clicked the consent button without hesitation.

Although Ying Zheng had a bad reputation in history, it was difficult for Xu Chenzhou to define Ying Zheng as a good or bad person.

No matter which version of Ying Zheng it was, it had a special meaning for the Chinese, and he would naturally not refuse the First Emperor to join the group chat.

Then Xu Chenzhou began to draw the second group entry quota, still with the familiar special effects, and after a while the shadow gradually stopped.

This time, a young man in school uniform appeared in the shadow, punching in a martial arts hall.

Xu Chenzhou thought that although his boxing skills were superficial, there was a unique charm in the hands of this young man, as if he had beaten this boxing skill out of his soul.

The scene of boxing in the martial arts hall was too ordinary, so Xu Chenzhou watched for a long time but still could not guess the identity of this young man.

After the young man finished his punch, he slowly picked up the school uniform on the chair beside him and put it on.

On the chest of the school uniform, there was a line of words printed in red handwriting, Yi'an City No. 3 High School.

The moment he saw the school uniform, Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized and recognized the identity of the young man.

City Lord Luo, it turned out to be you.

The high school that Luo Feng attended in Devouring Starry Sky was Yi'an City No. 3 High School.

After these days of practice, Xu Chenzhou's spirit became stronger and stronger, and his memory became clearer and clearer. Xu Chenzhou could recite every novel he had read in his previous life. This was how he could determine Luo Feng's identity based on this small detail.

Sure enough, Luo Feng's name also appeared below the shadow. Xu Chenzhou didn't need to hesitate about City Lord Luo.

No matter from what angle, Luo Feng's image was absolutely positive. From the beginning, he risked his life to save the earth to save the universe. He spent his whole life guarding and saving. He was definitely an excellent group friend.

Moreover, the power system of the Devouring World was also very special, which was definitely of great help to the group friends in the group chat.

Then Xu Chenzhou made a third extraction, and this time the shadow appeared in a dark dungeon.

There were no prisoners in this dungeon, but a set of armor was locked. The armor looked very old, with several scratches on the surface, and it looked like it had experienced vicissitudes of life.

Opposite the armor stood a little boy, who was looking at the armor with great curiosity, and kept muttering to himself, as if he could have a conversation with the armor.

Xu Chenzhou did not guess the identity of the little boy, and could only wait for the chat group to give information.

After a while, the identity of the little boy gradually emerged in the shadow.

Wu Geng Ji, Emperor Xin Shou.

Seeing this name, Xu Chenzhou was surprised. Although the chat group had successively drawn two emperors this time, both of them were emperors with extremely high reputation in history.

After knowing the identity of the little boy, Xu Chenzhou also guessed what the little boy was doing now.

Emperor Xin in Wu Geng Ji possessed the power of the mythical beast Phoenix, and this Phoenix should be living in the armor in front of him

Emperor Xin's mouth opened and closed at this time to communicate with the Phoenix soul in the armor. It seems that Emperor Xin should have come into contact with the Phoenix armor for the first time today.

If it was the brutal version of King Zhou, Xu Chenzhou would definitely not agree to let him join the group chat.

King Zhou in the Investiture of the Gods was a tyrannical king who was licentious and murderous, and even performed cesarean section on a pregnant woman to take the baby away for a word from Daji. Allowing such a person to join the group chat would only pollute the harmonious atmosphere among the group members.

But the King Zhou in front of him was definitely a moral role model among many versions of King Zhou.

In order to prevent the human race from being enslaved by the gods, he resolutely gave up his position and rebelled against the will of the gods.

In order to establish a new order, he fought against the gods regardless of his own life, and finally died in the hands of the gods.

Such a king who cared about the people was undoubtedly worthy of his status as the emperor of mankind.

Xu Chenzhou clicked the invite button, and three new group members entered the group chat.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Wow! Finally, there are new members joining the group, and there are three new members at once, which is really great!"

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Zhao Zheng, Di Xin, group leader, the new members joining the group chat this time are very special."

Yang Chan (Yuxu Palace disciple): "Brother Junbao, what's wrong with these two names, are you famous there?"

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "It's more than just famous, it's simply well-known. These two new members will become emperors in the future, and their fame can be ranked in the top ten among all Chinese emperors.

Xu Chenzhou: "In fact, you also know the famous member Xiao Yangchan. He is in the information I gave you, but in that information I called him King Zhou, so you didn't recognize him."

Xiao Yangchan (Yuxu Palace disciple): "That tyrant! (Maomao shocked.jpg)”

Yang Chan was shocked when she heard Xu Chenzhou’s words.

King Zhou actually joined the group chat. Is he kidding?

After reading the information Xu Chenzhou gave him, Yang Chan was shocked by King Zhou’s brutal behavior. He burned people and burned snakes, and was hated by both gods and humans. King Zhou did all kinds of heinous evil deeds, which simply refreshed Yang Chan’s three views.

In Yang Chan’s opinion, it is definitely not a good thing for the chat group that such a demon joins the chat group.

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): “Don’t panic, Xiao Yangchan, there are still many versions of King Zhou. If it is the historical version of King Zhou, he is not a bad person.”

The real King Zhou in history was actually a good emperor who was both civil and military. He consolidated the unification of Dongyi and Pingyuan and made some achievements.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “Mingfei is right. The King Zhou who joined the group chat this time is different from the King Zhou in the Conferred God World. He can definitely be regarded as a real emperor. ”

Fell asleep. My problem is that I didn’t set an alarm and slept until five o’clock.

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