All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 154: Hundreds of Schools Follow the Path

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Great, I was shocked just now. After all, King Zhou is so cruel. Just for fun, he would abandon the belly of pregnant women and tie people alive to copper pillars. Roasted to death. If this kind of person really joins the group chat, I really don’t know how to get along with this kind of person.”

Everyone in the crowd was relieved, and even Han Li breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how mature Han Laomo is in the future, he is only a thirteen-year-old child now, and it is still too difficult for him to get along with such a tyrant.

In the other two worlds, two little guys were staring nervously at the screen in front of them. This strange screen suddenly appeared, with a lot of information pouring out like a waterfall.

Especially Zi Shou, his world view was greatly impacted.

Zi Shou is Emperor Xin. He has not succeeded to the throne yet, so he still uses his original name of Zi Shou.

He just encountered a talking armor, and he hasn't recovered yet!

In the blink of an eye, I encountered another screen that could type. This encounter was really fantastic.

The little guy looked at the news in the light screen and secretly wondered which group friend they were talking about, King Zhou. It shouldn't be me!

After all, he is a good boy. Although he is usually a bit naughty, Zishou does not think that he will become a tyrant.

Not to mention doing such a terrible thing as leaving a pregnant woman's belly behind.

Just thinking about that scene made him angry.

Zishou observed the chatting of the group members in the group for a while. Di Xin felt a sense of goodwill from the words and deeds of the group members. He felt that the group members were not bad people, so he started talking in the group chat.

Zishou (descendant of Xuanniiao): "Dear brothers and sisters, hello everyone, I am Zishou, nice to meet you all."

Seeing Zi Shou appear, Ying Zheng, who had been diving for a long time, also sent out the message.

Ying Zheng (Qin Guozi): "Hello everyone, I am Ying Zheng. I am very happy to join the group chat."

Lu Mingfei (school belle killer): "Hello Lixin, I'm glad to meet you too. You are welcome to join the chat group!"

Other group members also expressed their welcome.

Xu Chenzhou also compiled the information of these three group friends at this time and uploaded them to the group chat.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "For the three new group members, the introduction to this group is in the group announcement. You can take a look first.

But there is one thing I want to explain. Ying Zheng, you are not from the world that I am familiar with, so the information I provide can only be used as a limited reference. "

After Xu Chenzhou sent this message, the group became quiet instantly, and everyone began to check the information Xu Chenzhou sent to the chat group.

It took a long time before someone spoke in the group.

Ying Zheng (Qin Guozi): "Brother, group leader, are everything in the group announcement true?

It turns out that the world is so big, with all the heavens and all the worlds. The Qin and Zhao countries where I live are like an insignificant piece of sand among all the worlds. This is an eye-opener for me!

Especially the information you sent me, the group leader, it turns out that there are so many mes in other worlds. This is really amazing.

Those who were able to unify the six countries and make such great achievements, I wonder if I can catch up with them! ’”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Of course it's true. Hearing is false and seeing is believing. After you joined the group chat, the chat group opened a new function of plane travel.

Now if you want, you can travel to other worlds at any time, and you will know with your own eyes when the time comes. "

Zi Shou (the descendant of Xuanniao): "You can actually travel across borders and travel through such distant heavens and realms. The power of the chat group is really terrifying."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Well, this is just one of the functions. The chat group also has many incredible functions. You will know about it later."

Ying Zheng (Qin Guozi): "Even without these additional functions, it would be good enough just to be able to learn the cultivation systems of other worlds in group chats!"

A few days ago, I was judged by Xuanyong Pavilion of Zhao State as having no talent for cultivation and was kicked out by the Master.

Those Zhao people actually dared to look down upon others. Now that they can learn other cultivation systems, I must let them know how powerful I am. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't worry, it doesn't matter what kind of cultivation talent you have after joining the group chat. With the help of the chat group and group friends, these are all trivial matters.

The little girl had no cultivation talent when she joined the group chat, but she has grown up now.

It's a pity that I haven't read any of your works, otherwise I could be of more help to you. "

Ying Zheng (Qin Guozi): "It's okay. I'm lucky enough to be able to join the chat group. I don't dare to ask for more help."

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Wait a minute, Xuan Yong Pavilion, why does this name sound so familiar? It seems that I have seen it somewhere. Ying Zheng, wait for me, I will check the information."

After a while, Misaka Mikoto uploaded a piece of information to the group chat.

This information contains a lot of content, including novels, comics, movies and TV series, and it is a large-scale IP.

It can be seen that this IP is very popular in Misaka Mikoto's world and has spawned many works.

The source of the IP was a novel called Bai Jia Zhu Dao. Xu Chenzhou downloaded the information and read it carefully.

With his current Taoist realm, he flipped through hundreds of thoughts and finished reading this information in just a few minutes.

This IP tells the story of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, two young men who rose from obscurity and saved the world.

Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng is more like a background version in this story, and also a tragic hero.

Of course, strictly speaking, Ying Zheng in this story can also be regarded as the final boss.

In the world of hundreds of schools of thought, all the schools of thought have mastered their own schools of strange arts, and each school of strange arts has its own magical uses. Farmers cultivate fields and plant crops, and wave their hands to grow forests. Doctors can bring people back to life and even transform their bodies.

The pinnacle of each family is the saint. The saints of each school have the powerful power to move mountains and fill the sea, and to defeat a country with one person.

However, if you want to become a powerful practitioner, you must have the talent for strange arts. People without the talent for strange arts cannot master extraordinary powers.

In this story, when the first emperor Ying Zheng was young, he was bullied by the people of Zhao because he had no talent for strange arts, so Ying Zheng was very eager for extraordinary powers since he was a child.

After returning to Qin and becoming an emperor, Xiao Ying Zheng summoned many alchemists, especially Xu Fu, who was a gifted genius. He developed a method of practicing without the need for special skills.

With the efforts of Xiao Ying Zheng, this way of practice gradually became popular.

During this period, Xiao Ying Zheng also became the most powerful practitioner in the world with this new way of practice, and led his practitioners to flatten the six kingdoms, unify the whole world and establish the Great Qin Empire.

Ying Zheng unified the various schools of thought, established academies, recruited talents, and tried to use the power of special skills for the people's livelihood. In just a few decades, the entire Great Qin Empire has undergone tremendous changes, with a technological explosion, countless airships flying over the entire Great Qin Empire, the majestic Great Wall of God surrounding the entire Shenzhou, and one after another super-large buildings rising from the ground

However, as the Great Qin Empire became more and more prosperous, the road in the Kyushu world had come to an end, so Ying Zheng began to explore a wider world.

This is also in line with the ideas of the various schools of thought. In this era of a hundred schools of thought, everyone has a strong interest in the unknown.

With the leadership of Ying Zheng and the efforts of various schools of thought, the Qin practitioners began to explore the outside world. They made many attempts, but there was no result.

Until Xu Fu came up with an idea. He wanted to develop a giant teleportation array that could randomly connect coordinates far away. With the existence of this teleportation array, as long as they kept trying, they would definitely be able to find a suitable new world.

His idea was unanimously affirmed by various schools of thought, so Ying Zheng approved the plan.

In the process of Xu Fu's research on the teleportation array, he opened a strange space, from which countless terrible creatures emerged, including a giant dragon with nine heads and eight pairs of wings, a centipede with a thousand human legs, and a very irregular body, like countless twisted people put together. These terrible creatures brought endless destruction as soon as they appeared.

Countless people united together to seal this space, but their actions were stopped by Xu Fu.

It turned out that Xu Fu was from another world. He was stranded in the Kyushu world due to an accident. If he wanted to go back, he could only build a giant teleportation array.

Of course, his purpose was not just to go home, he opened this channel to conquer Kyushu.

And the new way of cultivation he researched also had problems. It was fine before the channel was opened, but once the channel was opened, the power of the entire other world would affect the mind of the practitioner. No matter how strong the power was, it would be controlled by Xu Fu and become his puppet.

In an instant, the strongest man in this world, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, became Xu Fu's puppet, and more than half of his Qin Iron Army were also hit, and instantly turned to Xu Fu's men.

Under Xu Fu's control, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng sat on the dragon throne, and endless darkness rose behind him. A huge dark dragon rose in the early morning, and the Tai'a sword in his hand flashed a terrifying red light, and behind him were the densely packed Qin Iron Army that had been controlled.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng was too strong, and the masters of the entire Shenzhou could not defeat Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's sword. In front of him and the Qin Iron Army, everyone was in despair.

At this time, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng actually got rid of Xu Fu's control. He turned to face the terrifying darkness. With the Qin Iron Army, which gradually woke up under his influence, he stopped countless terrible creatures from the other world, giving the hundreds of masters a chance to escape.

In the end, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng and the Qin Iron Army stayed in the dark Xianyang to resist the invasion of darkness, and never left.

At the last moment, the masters who escaped from Xianyang City could only hear a soft murmur, "My empire, I will protect it myself!"

Although Ying Zheng guarded Xianyang City, there were too many monsters pouring out of the other world, and there were still some fish that slipped out of Xianyang City. The power of these monsters was extremely powerful. Since then, the whole Shenzhou has fallen into darkness.

And Ying Zheng slowly changed from an emperor of the ages to a tyrant in the mouths of the people. In order to pursue immortality, he opened the passage to the other world and brought endless darkness to the whole world.

Of course, this part of the story does not belong to the main line of Baijia Zhudao. This book mainly tells the story of how Liu Bang and Xiang Yu rose in this dark world and eventually saved the world.

At the end of the story, the two teenagers led the army into Xianyang. In the melee, Xu Fu died at the hands of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng. However, the power of Xu Fu blowing the channel before his death also completely eroded Ying Zheng, making him lose all his sanity and become a terrifying dark emperor.

The dark emperor was too strong. Even though Xiang Yu's combat power was already amazing enough at this time, not weaker than Ying Zheng before he turned black, he was still no match for the dark emperor.

At the end of the story, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng woke up again with amazing willpower and allowed the two teenagers to kill him on his throne.

The dragon governs the nine states, its blood is dark yellow, the Qin emperor surrenders, and the world is at peace.

Xu Chenzhou saw an upside-down attic in the fan art book in this material, which was exactly the same as what he saw in the phantom just now. It seems that Ying Zheng did come from this world.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It is basically certain that Ying Zheng is indeed from this world. This Xuanyong Pavilion is exactly the same as the attic I just saw."

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Ying Zheng and Zishou are both so miserable. As emperors, they have done very well, but in the end, they did not have a good ending."

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage): "I think this ending is not bad. As an emperor, the biggest responsibility is to protect his people. At least my death in the end brought peace to the world. Exploring the outer world was my decision. I personally approved the construction of the teleportation array. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame me for not being strong enough, so I was calculated by Xu Fu."

Zishou (descendant of Xuanniao): "Ying Zheng is right. If an emperor cannot make his people live happily, then this emperor should not be.

If I were to choose again, I would still choose to go against the will of heaven. My biggest mistake is the same as Ying Zheng's. I am not strong enough. If I were strong enough, I would be heaven!

For example, Luo Feng Group members, he also encountered many crises, because he was strong enough, so he was able to save the world repeatedly. "

Luo Feng (Museum Apprentice): "You are praising me so much that I am almost embarrassed. To be honest, I am still a little confused now.

Is what is written in the information really my future? It turns out that the world is so big, will my future really become such a strong existence? It is really unbelievable.

But if what is written in the information is true, in fact, I am just lucky.

If I had worse luck, I would have been eaten by the golden-horned beast when I was saving the earth. "

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Luck is also part of strength, but after joining the group chat, you don't have to worry about not being strong enough. With the existence of the chat group, the crises encountered in the information are nothing now. You can go and look through the information of the rest of us. Many group members have relied on the help of the group chat to get rid of their own fate. "

Xu Chenzhou sent three red envelopes in the group, and the red envelopes contained various resources.

This red envelope was not provided by Xu Chenzhou alone. Almost every group member contributed and took out materials from their own world that were helpful for cultivation. For example, Han Li provided spiritual medicine and the ancient dragon tooth rice he planted himself, Xu Chenzhou provided various precious extraordinary materials, and even Lu Mingfei, who had not yet come into contact with the dragon clan, provided many living materials from his own world.

This welcome red envelope system was proposed by Hong Yi at the last gathering, and it immediately received the response and support of all group members.

Everyone was a newcomer, so they naturally knew that the new group members were the ones who needed help the most.

So this welcome red envelope became a new system of the chat group, and every new group member who joined the group would receive such a red envelope in the future.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "These three red envelopes are cultivation materials provided by all of our group members. They are welcome gifts for you. You three should take them and improve your strength first. This is the hard truth.

There are many cultivation methods in the group cultivation method space, and the number is a bit too much, so I classified them according to different worlds.

You can first see which cultivation method you are interested in. If you have any questions, you can consult us in the group chat."

Luo Feng and others hurriedly accepted Xu Chenzhou's red envelope. The cultivation materials in the red envelope simply blinded their eyes. It was too rich. There were spiritual medicines, spiritual rice, meat of various beasts, and various steels and weapons. The value of the materials in this red envelope alone is inestimable.

After accepting the red envelope, they hurriedly opened the group public space, and then they knew why Xu Chenzhou said that there were too many cultivation methods. The way of cultivating immortals, the golden elixir martial arts, the extraordinary martial arts, the perfect method, the sky-covering method, the Yangshen method, and thousands of cultivation methods were simply a library.

The three newcomers were overwhelmed at once, but fortunately, with the guidance of the group members, they soon chose the cultivation system and cultivation method that suited their own wishes.

However, it is a pity that the three new group members are still in the starting stage. Zishou is only ten years old now and has not yet merged with the Phoenix Essence. Ying Zheng also has no talent for practicing strange arts, so he does not have any cultivation methods for strange arts.

Although Luo Feng learned some boxing from the martial arts hall, those boxing methods are too superficial and have not passed the group chat detection, so no new cultivation system has been added to the group chat for the time being.

But this is nothing. Xu Chenzhou understands that group members need time to grow. New group members joining the group is like planting a seed. As long as you wait patiently, it will naturally bloom and bear fruit.

To be honest, he was still looking forward to the cultivation methods of these three worlds. Just the Devouring World alone was a big harvest this time. As for the power level of Ying Zheng and Zi Shou's worlds, they were not very high, but the cultivation methods of different worlds were worth learning, and they were also worth looking forward to!

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