All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 155 Group crossing function enabled

After choosing the cultivation method, the three new group members went offline one after another. They couldn't wait to try the cultivation method from another world.

Especially Ying Zheng, he was extremely excited.

He had just been kicked out of Xuanyong Pavilion and thought that he would never have the opportunity to cultivate extraordinary skills in this life. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he had such an opportunity.

So the little guy is now trying his best to give some surprises to those classmates in Xuanyong Pavilion.

After the three left, the group chat gradually became deserted.

Everyone had their own things to do, so naturally they didn't have time to stay in the group.

And Xu Chenzhou also closed the chat group, opened the notification panel, and checked the notification just issued by his chat group.

Since the number of people in the group chat has exceeded 10, everyone has obtained a new achievement [Gradually Prosperous Chat Group],

This new achievement gives each group member a reward of 3,000 chat group points, and opens a new function of primary world crossing.

Through this function, members of the chat group can cross to the world that has been linked to the chat group.

Moreover, the chat group guarantees that after the group members travel through time, it will erase all traces of the group members' existence from the root level. Except for those who have contacted the group members in reality, the group members who have traveled through time cannot be calculated or perceived, which is equivalent to an invisible person.

However, since this function is still in its infancy, there is a time limit for traveling through time. Each time you travel through a world, you can only stay in that world for three days. After the time is up, you will be repatriated immediately, and it will take seven days to start traveling through this world again.

It is worth mentioning that before being repatriated, you can choose to travel to other worlds, and you only need to pay 500 points again to travel through again.

As for the seven-day cooling time, it only applies to the world you traveled through before. If the group members have enough points, they can even travel through time and never return to the original world.

Moreover, this travel function is also charged. Each time you travel through time, you need 500 group points, and you can bring five companions with you each time you travel through time.

To be honest, this price is not cheap. Five hundred group points can be exchanged for 50 days of acceleration time, but only three days are used for traveling through time.

Another point that must be explained is that before traveling through the world, you must obtain the consent of the group members in the target world, so that you can travel through time.

Otherwise, the crossing will be marked as not possible.

However, the chat group also provides a function of early confirmation. Group members can apply in advance. After the group members of the target world agree, the group members will be included in the whitelist and can cross at any time.

Of course, the group members of the target world can also cancel the whitelist at any time.

And during the crossing process, the group members of the target world can terminate this crossing at any time and repatriate the crosser immediately.

However, early repatriation also requires a price. If early repatriation is carried out, the group members need to pay an equal amount of group points to compensate the crosser.

For example, if the repatriation is carried out one and a half days in advance, the group members need to pay 250 group points.

As for the 500 points collected by the chat group, sorry, that is the handling fee. Once the crossing begins, it will not be refunded.

In fact, this is understandable. After all, the chat group is responsible for building a round-trip channel and hiding the traces of group members. It is already a friendly price to collect 500 points. How can it be refunded?

In general, this function is quite humane, and it takes into account the interests of the crosser and the group members of the target world.

After reading the introduction of this function, Xu Chenzhou expressed great satisfaction. For someone like him who likes to travel around and see new things, this function is quite meaningful.

Now his group points are not enough. When he has more group points, he can travel through the world at any time to see different scenery.

And apart from seeing new things, this function is also very helpful to group members in terms of cultivation.

You should know that after crossing, group members can still use the time acceleration function of the chat group.

The cultivation environment of different worlds is also different. Some exercises are very difficult to practice in the star domain world, but if you change the environment, it will be completely different.

For example, Xu Chenzhou is now practicing the prehistoric immortal way.

It took him more than two months in the star domain world to practice to the peak of the golden elixir stage, and this is under the premise that he has always maintained a ten-fold time acceleration.

In the prehistoric world, Xiao Yangchan only took ten days to practice to the Nascent Soul stage. The gap between them is simply too big.

Although this is also because Xiao Yangchan has a better talent for cultivating immortals, it still shows the difference in the environment between the prehistoric world and the star domain world in the way of cultivating immortals.

If he wants to practice the prehistoric immortal way, then crossing to the prehistoric world is a very good choice.

Although there are only three days in every ten days to cross, these three days are enough to make his cultivation speed have a qualitative leap.

However, Xu Chenzhou has no plans to cross to the prehistoric world for cultivation for the time being, because he has more important things to do.

His Yangshen Daoist cultivation has been stuck at the peak of possession for a long time, and he must survive the thunder tribulation of the Yangshen world before he can temper his soul.

A few days ago, Xu Chenzhou made an appointment with his friends in the group to go to the Yangshen world to survive the tribulation together and do an offline team building.

According to Hong Yi, spring has arrived in the Yangshen World, and a spring thunder may fall at any time, but he cannot be sure of the exact time, so he asked everyone in the group to wait for his notification.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou originally had a free seven-day tour of the Yangshen World, but in the last crisis, in order to deal with Li Xuangang, Xu Chenzhou escaped his soul into the Yangshen World, which consumed the seven-day free crossing opportunity given to him by the system.

So Xu Chenzhou could only temporarily keep the opportunity to cross and wait for Hong Yi's notification, so as not to miss the hard-won spring thunder.

Although he could cross to the Yangshen World again even if he crossed to the prehistoric world, if Xu Chenzhou had just arrived in the prehistoric world, the thunder of the Yangshen World would come, which would be a huge loss.

Crossing once costs 500 chat group points, even the landlord has no surplus food!

Just as Xu Chenzhou was thinking, a doorbell sounded at the door.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, and the scene outside the door of his house appeared in the light curtain.

This light curtain is not a magic spell, but a holographic projection built into Xu Chenzhou's smart home system.

After receiving a large amount of compensation, Xu Chenzhou luxuriously set up a full-house holographic projection system at home, which can summon various holographic projections at any time and anywhere in the villa.

Although Xu Chenzhou can also use the water mirror technique to do this with his current Jindan stage, Xu Chenzhou will naturally not refuse to be lazy with technology.

In the light curtain, Xu Chenzhou saw a familiar old man, Zhou Xuanyi.

Behind Zhou Xuanyi was a middle-aged man in a martial arts uniform.

Xu Chenzhou was also familiar with this middle-aged man, who was Liu Sanbian, the president of the Tiancheng City Martial Arts Association.

At the beginning, the large amount of compensation was signed smoothly with Liu Sanbian's signature. Xu Chenzhou would naturally not neglect the God of Wealth.

Xu Chenzhou hurried to the door and welcomed the two in.

Zhou Xuanyi's face was solemn as soon as he walked in. He took out a handbag from his back and handed it to Xu Chenzhou.

The whole body of this handbag is dark black, and it looks bulging and very heavy.

Xu Chenzhou also faintly felt the surging energy fluctuations from the handbag.

Xu Chenzhou asked a little puzzled: "What is in this, Mr. Zhou?"

Zhou Xuanyi did not answer Xu Chenzhou's question immediately. He frowned and said to Xu Chenzhou: "Chenzhou, you should know that Shuilanxing has been a little uneasy recently."

Xu Chenzhou nodded and said: "Of course I know, the storm is coming. In the past few days, the news has been broadcasting several emergency war notices. Either it is defeated here, or it is attacked there again, and the front line is tight.

Just looking at these news, you can know that the situation this time is not optimistic."

In recent days, the news has frequently reported the defeat of the Star Domain Alliance Army, which has caused the atmosphere of the entire Shuilanxing to fall into panic.

The attack of the Tianji Clan was so fierce that they used all their strength. They not only drew out almost all the troops in the clan, but also sent out two-thirds of the high-end forces of the entire clan. Under the influence of these forces, the forces deployed by the Star Domain Alliance on the southeast front were no match for the Tianji Clan.

Zhou Xuanyi nodded: "It is true. I have received the news of the call. All the supernatural beings above level 6 in the border planets must accept the call to go to the front line to focus on resisting the invasion of the Tianji Clan. Anyone who disobeys will be charged with treason.

Moreover, this time, even the immortal cultivators who have always been high and mighty are included in the call, and the order is signed by the Immortal Cultivator Association in person."

Hearing this news, Xu Chenzhou was a little stunned. Warriors above level 6 are collectively referred to as god-level extraordinary beings in the extraordinary system of the Star Domain World.

Each god-level extraordinary being has the ability to change the outcome of a local war.

In large-scale wars, the Star Alliance occasionally issues a sign order for god-level strongmen, but those sign orders are generally for combat god-level extraordinary people, and only extraordinary people who serve as combatants in major associations will be signed.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, a superpower like the Star Alliance will not easily issue a sign order to sign all god-level extraordinary people.

Because every god-level extraordinary person is the foundation of the Star Alliance, the cultivators who are promoted to god-level extraordinary people are already two species from the extraordinary people before the god-level. In fact, the top talents in all walks of life are almost all god-level extraordinary people, and many of them are not really useful in combat.

Once these non-combat god-level extraordinary people suffer casualties, it will be a huge loss for the entire Star Alliance.

This time, the sign of disregarding the consequences, I don’t know how many god-level extraordinary people will die in this war. It can be imagined that the situation on the southeast front has really reached a critical moment.

Xu Chenzhou was a little confused: "How could this happen? Although the Tianji Clan can be considered a strong clan, it is not strong enough in front of the Star Domain Alliance. How could it be possible to force the Star Domain Alliance into this state?

In theory, the defense force of the southeast front is indeed a little weak, but once the defense force of other fronts is transferred, the attack of the Tianji Clan can be easily resolved."

Zhou Xuanyi smiled bitterly: "You are right, but the problem is that we have no reinforcements!

Three days before the Tianji Clan launched the attack, several teams of mysterious people sneaked into the territory of the Star Domain Alliance and used the Tianji Xuanwen Cannon to blow up all wormholes leading to the southeast front, cutting off all support lines.

In this situation, other fronts can only fly over slowly if they want to provide us with support. "

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