All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 15 Nine Yang Acupuncture Points Internal Strength Minor Achievement

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Group leader, the packaging of this ointment is so high-end and looks very expensive.

I only have ten days left in Shaolin. According to my training speed, ten boxes are enough.

You should take the remaining fifty boxes back, group leader."

Zhang Junbao silently sent another designated red envelope in the group, which contained fifty boxes of Shiquan Body-building Cream.

Xu Chenzhou directly returned the red envelope.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "What are you talking about!

It's just a few boxes of ointment.

You can use these first, and come to me when you run out."

In fact, these 180 boxes of Shiquan Body-building Cream are not cheap. The price is not cheap, and you can buy a small car.

But for Xu Chenzhou, these ointments are nothing.

The White Crane Martial Arts School is located in a prosperous area and makes a fortune every day.

These ointments, which are very precious to ordinary people, are just resources for his daily practice.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou did not pay for these ointments in vain.

These are just initial investments.

There is no gain without effort.

Xu Chenzhou understood this very well.

Group members also have many resources in their hands.

Whether it is the spiritual medicine in Han Li's hand or the martial arts secret medicine in the Yangshen world, they are all rare good things.

In addition, he will also get rewards as the group members grow, which can be said to be killing two birds with one stone.

After a while.

Han Li spoke in the group chat again.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuanmen): "The Ten-Perfect Body Training Paste is much more useful than ordinary food.

After eating it, I practice Changchun Gong. The energy generated by one cell of ointment can support me to practice quickly for half an hour.

With these ointments, my Changchun Gong practice speed can be increased by at least four times."

Han Li silently calculated in his heart. This box of ointment looks inconspicuous, but the energy contained in this box is more than a cow.

This made him a little amazed. The gap between the worlds is really too big.

The upper limit of ordinary sects like Qixuanmen is really too low, which makes Han Li more and more yearning for how wonderful the world of cultivation is in the mouth of the group leader.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Han Li, you should have tested the power of the Heavenly Bottle."

Han Li nodded: "I have already tested it.

I dropped the Heavenly Creation Dew on a ginseng seed.

In just a few seconds, it broke through the soil and grew into a hundred-year-old ginseng."

After that, Han Li sent out a red envelope.

[Hundred-year-old ginseng x1]

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Since you have already promised Jun Bao, give him this spiritual medicine first.

But you keep the next spiritual medicine first.

I remember that you learned many recipes of precious elixirs from Doctor Mo before.

Huanglong Pill, Jinsui Pill, etc.

You can try to make these spiritual medicines into pills first.

Then take the pills, practice the body-building exercise, and see how it works.

If I am not mistaken, the energy in these pills should be more suitable for Changchun Gong than the Ten-perfect Body-building Paste."

In fact, Han Li has a better high-energy food than spiritual medicine, that is the Heavenly Creation Liquid.

But this thing is so fucking powerful that Xu Chenzhou is afraid that Han Li can't control it.

The energy contained in the Cangtian Creation Liquid is so abundant.

It can shorten the growth process of a plant by a hundred years in just a moment.

Unless the dosage can be accurately controlled, drinking a little more will cause the body to explode and die.

After answering the questions of the group members, Xu Chenzhou chatted in the group again and returned to the practice room.

Xu Chenzhou did not choose to continue practicing the Bull Demon Fist after entering the practice room again.

He felt that his body was already very tired.

Even with the recovery speed of the basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance.

His body has reached a limit.

It is not impossible to continue practicing, but it is very easy to be injured.

The original owner still chose to practice under such circumstances, which ruined his body into that state, and finally the hidden injury broke out and he died suddenly.

Since the original owner is a lesson for the past, Xu Chenzhou will naturally not repeat the same mistakes.

What's more, the current Xu Chenzhou is not like the original owner, who only has the choice of body training.

Xu Chenzhou took out the last box of the Ten-Perfect Body-Building Cream from the storage room, raised his hand and swallowed all six squares of the cream into his stomach.

Not only that, Xu Chengzhou also took out a hundred-year-old ginseng from the secret compartment next to it.

This hundred-year-old ginseng is one of the treasures of the Xu family.

Xu Chenzhou's parents left this ginseng, originally wanting him to use it when he was a one-star warrior and broke through to the level of a two-star warrior.

But now Xu Chenzhou would naturally not be reluctant to use it. A mere hundred-year-old ginseng is nothing. It is right to increase strength quickly.

He divided the ginseng into seven parts, took one seventh and put it into his mouth.

The hundred-year-old ginseng is too effective. Xu Chenzhou's strength is not strong enough now, so it is right to digest it bit by bit.

After eating the ginseng, Xu Chenzhou closed his eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Chenzhou gave up Changchun Gong and the past Amitabha Sutra and chose to practice the Nine Yang Divine Art.

He has limited time now, so it is not advisable to be distracted too much.

Although Changchun Gong and the Amitabha Sutra in the past are extremely powerful, it is difficult to form combat power in a short period of time. The increase in strength in the early stage of practice is not as good as the Nine Yang Divine Art.

Wait until you get the qualification certificate of a star-level warrior, then it will not be too late to practice these secrets.

With the help of the energy in his body, Xu Chenzhou only practiced for a while before he felt a stream of true energy generated in his meridians.

As the food in the stomach is continuously digested, the energy provided by the basic body-building exercises is increasing.

These energies flow into the true qi, making the true qi of the Nine Yang Magic Art run faster and faster.

The Nine Yang true qi shuttles between Xu Chenzhou's meridians like a series of small rockets.

There are countless acupuncture points between human meridians, and there are layers of obstacles between these acupuncture points. It takes a strong skill to open them and let the skill flow unimpeded.

Every time an acupuncture point is opened, the skill will be enhanced by one point.

This process is called acupuncture point flushing by martial artists.

In theory, acupuncture point flushing is a very difficult thing, which requires great efforts to complete.

But for Xu Chenzhou, it is not the case at all.

With the help of the essence of the hundred-year-old ginseng, all the acupuncture point obstacles are like nothing in front of Xu Chenzhou, and the Nine Yang true qi is unstoppable as soon as it arrives.

Puff puff puff, with the sound of acupuncture point flushing, the Nine Yang true qi in Xu Chenzhou's body is getting stronger and stronger.

In just half a day, Xu Chenzhou can feel that the true qi in his body has begun to take shape.

After a long time, it was already night, and the training room was pitch black.

After sitting for a long time, Xu Chenzhou finally slowly finished his training.

He opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark training room.

This meant that Xu Chenzhou's internal strength could be regarded as a third-rate master in the world of Yitian.

In the next few days, Xu Chenzhou's daily actions were very regular.

He did not go to the martial arts hall again, but stayed at home to concentrate on training.

In his spare time, he chatted with the group and exchanged training experiences with group members.

It seemed that there was no difference from before.

But in fact, only Xu Chenzhou himself knew that his strength had undergone earth-shaking changes in the past few days.

In nine days, he practiced the Bull Demon Fist to the state of great success.

And with the help of the hundred-year-old ginseng, his Nine Yang Qi also reached the level of a second-rate master.

At this time, he had a fist force of 8,000 kilograms with a wave of his arms, and with the assistance of the Nine Yang Qi, his combat power was extraordinary.

According to Xu Chenzhou's own estimation, except for the genius-level existence, ordinary one-star warriors are no match for Xu Chenzhou at all.

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