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Chapter 16: Dropping out of class

Xu Chenzhou has been practicing at home these days. Baihe Martial Arts School has its own operating system, and Xu Chenzhou does not need to stay in the martial arts school every day.

However, Xu Chenzhou has a habit of going to Baihe Martial Arts School for inspection every ten days.

After all, Baihe Martial Arts School is his property. Although Baihe Martial Arts School can operate without Xu Chenzhou, it cannot be completely free-range. He still has to show up from time to time to show his presence.

Today, Xu Chenzhou set out from home early in the morning and went to Baihe Martial Arts School.

The Baihe Martial Arts School is located in the commercial center of Tiancheng City. It covers a large area, with a total of three floors and about 2,000 square meters.

Xu Chenzhou himself does not hold any position in Baihe Martial Arts School.

He is still a martial artist who has not entered the star and is not qualified to accept disciples and teach.

There are a total of six one-star martial artists as coaches in Baihe Martial Arts School.

The operation of the martial arts school is usually handled by these six one-star martial artists.

As soon as he entered the Baihe Martial Arts School, Xu Chenzhou felt that the atmosphere in the martial arts school today was a little wrong.

The air was filled with a tense atmosphere.

A receptionist at the front desk saw Xu Chenzhou and immediately came up to him.

"Boss, boss, it's bad, something big happened in the martial arts hall!"

From the receptionist, Xu Chenzhou gradually understood what happened.

The operation of Baihe Martial Arts Hall depends entirely on six one-star warriors.

Three of these six people were former apprentices of Xu's father, and the remaining three were other warriors recruited by Xu Chenzhou later.

This morning, for some unknown reason, four of the six warriors suddenly proposed to leave Baihe Martial Arts Hall.

And these warriors left and took a large number of customers with them.

Many customers, influenced by them, called the martial arts hall to request cancellation of classes and refunds.

This made everyone in Baihe Martial Arts Hall confused.

Without these four warriors, the entire Baihe Martial Arts Hall could not operate immediately.

Whether it was classes or recruiting apprentices, it would be greatly affected.

So the atmosphere in Baihe Martial Arts Hall was so tense this morning.

Hearing this news, Xu Chenzhou knew that someone must be behind it.

Most likely, they are the competitors who have set their sights on the White Crane Martial Arts School.

Without these four warriors, the income of the White Crane Martial Arts School will immediately be reduced by more than half.

Moreover, a large number of customers dropping out of classes will also bring huge financial pressure to the martial arts school.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Xu Chenzhou immediately walked to the reception room of the martial arts school.

At this time, six warriors were deadlocked in the reception room with a large number of customers.

Xu Chenzhou pushed the door and walked in.

The atmosphere on the field was tense.

The six warriors were divided into two camps and were arguing fiercely.

Many customers waved contracts in their hands and kept asking for a refund.

"I chose your martial arts school because of Coach Li Shenzhou.

Now the coach said he would not work in your martial arts school anymore. Why do I keep so many classes? Hurry up and refund me."

"Yes, I chose your martial arts school because of Coach Zhao Zhicheng.

If there was no Coach Zhao, what other advantages would the White Crane Martial Arts School have besides a better location.

Refund, refund."

These customers were extremely emotional, with red faces and thick necks.

The two warriors who chose to stay.

One warrior in a blue martial arts uniform was named Li Tiezhu. He was tall and had extremely full muscles. He looked like a towering boulder.

The other warrior was named Zhao Shentong. He was thin and skinny. From under his skin, countless blue veins could be seen faintly.

These blue veins were extremely thick, like a dragon hidden under his skin.

Just one look, you can know that this warrior's explosive power is extremely strong.

These two warriors are disciples of Xu's father and the most loyal fans of the martial arts school.

It can be said that without the two of them, Baihe Martial Arts School would have closed down long ago after Xu's father passed away.

Relying on the young Xu brothers and sisters to guard such a large family business, they would have been eaten alive and wiped out.

The two of them are now busy appeasing customers, hoping to change some of their ideas.

But this is easier said than done. If the coach wants to leave, what can the martial arts school do to retain the students?

Each coach has a different teaching style and is suitable for different students.

For example, if you are halfway through learning Wing Chun and suddenly change to a Bajiquan coach, how can you continue learning?

The training effect is very different.

So most customers follow the coach.

The two became more and more anxious, and beads of sweat kept dripping down their faces.

If you can't pay for the withdrawal, the consequences will be serious.

In the martial arts world of Shuilanxing, it is very common for customers to withdraw from the class.

Because the level of each martial arts school is uneven, many students find that this martial arts school is not suitable for them after studying for a period of time.

But the price of martial arts classes is very expensive.

If you can't withdraw from the class, then for the students, the pressure is too great.

So in order to promote martial arts, the martial arts association has issued regulations.

Martial arts schools are not allowed to refuse customers to withdraw from the class, otherwise they will be punished, and in serious cases, the business license of the martial arts school will be revoked.

However, there are restrictions on students withdrawing from the class. If you withdraw from the class, only seven layers of tuition will be refunded, and the remaining three layers will be used as compensation for the martial arts school.

This rule was reasonable. The martial arts school had not provided any service yet, so it was natural for the customer to cancel the class. Moreover, there were three floors as compensation for the martial arts school.

But the situation of Baihe Martial Arts School was different.

If all these classes are cancelled, Baihe Martial Arts School will have to take out at least 20 million in working capital.

However, in order to help Xu Chenzhou break through to the level of a one-star warrior, most of the working capital of Baihe Martial Arts School was exchanged for various natural treasures.

Almost all of them were eaten up by the original owner.

Now Baihe Martial Arts School has only about 8 million in working capital on its books.

In fact, 8 million as working capital is already quite sufficient.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is no income, this 8 million is enough for Baihe Martial Arts School to operate for three years.

But now is not an ordinary situation.

Most of the customers in the entire martial arts school are asking to cancel classes.

In order to get this money, they can only sell the natural treasures left by Xu's father for Xu Chenzhou to break through to a high-star warrior.

But these natural treasures are extremely precious, and there is no place to buy them even if you have money.

It is a huge loss to exchange them for money.

Not to mention that the opponent is well prepared, and his tricks will definitely be one after another.

After dealing with this wave, there will be another wave. It is completely unacceptable to drink poison to quench thirst.

In other words, Baihe Martial Arts School is now out of money.

If they cannot come up with the money and do not fulfill their obligation to withdraw from the class, the martial arts school will immediately have its business license revoked in less than a month.

"Coach Chen, Coach Zhao, don't get excited, it's okay."

Xu Chenzhou walked in slowly from the door, looking calm and composed.

Instantly, all eyes on the field were focused on him.

Just a glance at Xu Chenzhou, the six warriors on the field were moved.

The temperament of the owner of the school has changed a lot.

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