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Chapter 17 Pull out the carrot and occupy the pit again

During these nine days, Xu Chenzhou practiced the Bull Demon Fist and the Nine Yang Magic Skill diligently every day. In his spare time, he would practice the Amitabha Sutra to nourish his soul.

These three martial arts books, one for body training, one for qi training, and one for soul training.

The internal and external training, plus the soul training, made Xu Chenzhou reborn at this time.

From a rookie in martial arts, he transformed into a martial artist with restrained essence.

However, the six people present were all one-star martial artists who had seen many storms.

The mere change in temperament could not shake their hearts.

The four martial artists on the opposite side saw Xu Chenzhou coming, and they were not surprised but happy.

They walked quickly to Xu Chenzhou.

"Master, I have something going on at home, and I am afraid I can't work in Baihe Martial Arts Hall in the future.

This is my resignation letter, and the liquidated damages have been deposited into the account of the martial arts hall.

Take a look, if there is no problem, I will leave."

After the coach signed a contract with the martial arts hall, it is not easy to leave the martial arts hall.

Martial arts halls are an important part of the martial arts association, and many people rely on martial arts halls to learn martial arts.

In order to maintain the stability of martial arts halls, the martial arts association has strict regulations for coaches in martial arts halls.

After all, coaches control the source of customers, and the source of customers is the lifeblood of martial arts halls.

So once the contract is signed, the martial arts association does not allow coaches to change their clubs midway unless the contract expires.

Before the contract expires, the martial arts hall can prepare in advance to transfer customers to other coaches to avoid the situation where a large number of customers are taken away by coaches.

However, there is one exception.

That is, the coach's strength exceeds that of the hall owner.

How can you lie down in the water?

If a hall owner can't even suppress his coaches, then he is not qualified to let this coach work under him.

So if you want to leave the martial arts hall during the contract period, there is only one way, that is, to defeat the hall owner at the departure ceremony.

In this way, you can leave the martial arts hall on the premise of paying the penalty for breach of contract.

Of course, it is also possible to forcibly resign without holding a departure ceremony.

However, such a martial artist who violates the basic ethics of martial artists will be directly expelled by the martial arts association.

No more services related to martial arts will be provided, and it is forbidden to engage in any industry related to the martial arts association.

In the martial arts field of Shuilanxing, the martial arts association can be said to be all-powerful.

Without the martial arts association, martial artists can hardly move forward.

There are only two ways left: becoming a mercenary or entering a large family as a guest official.

And they will also face the pursuit of the martial arts hall.

This kind of coach who forcibly resigns is equivalent to a traitor. Even if he is beaten to death, it will be considered a dispute within the martial arts hall and he will not bear any responsibility.

If there is no other way out, basically no one will choose to take this path.

Of course, the martial arts association also has strict regulations on the employment contract of martial arts halls, and the longest contract can only be signed for three years.

And there are regulations on the share ratio and welfare benefits, etc. The longer the signing time, the better the welfare benefits.

It avoids the situation where some martial arts halls use overlord contracts to restrain coaches.

The four coaches in front of them have signed a three-year long contract with Baihe Martial Arts Hall, and there is still a long time before the contract expires.

Now that they have proposed to resign, Xu Chenzhou knows that these four people have made up their minds to leave.

Unless they are offered a huge benefit, they will definitely not stay.

Xu Chenzhou has no intention of retaining them.

The relationship between Baihe Martial Arts School and these warriors is a normal employment relationship.

If these coaches had discussed it with him, Xu Chenzhou would actually let them go.

If they want to leave, then leave.

He now has a chat group system, and a few one-star warriors are not worthy of being taken seriously by him.

However, these people left and even encouraged a large number of customers to withdraw from the class.

This behavior completely violates professional ethics.

Xu Chenzhou took the resignation letter with cold eyes.

"You guys, do you really think that my Baihe Martial Arts School is a place where you can come and go as you please?"

Xu Chenzhou's tone was cold and chilly.

Hearing this, the three warriors on the opposite side laughed.

A coach standing in the middle, with a sturdy figure and a scar on his face, spoke with a hint of disdain.

"Master Xu, I'll call you Master for the last time.

Why did we come to Baihe Martial Arts School to be coaches?

Don't you understand it in your heart?"

Another coach immediately took over.

"A martial arts school like yours that doesn't have a star-level warrior as a witness.

The biggest advantage is that you can come and go as you please.

After working for a period of time, you can bring a large number of customers to other martial arts schools and collect a huge amount of agency fees.

I'm leaving today, what can you, a useless person who doesn't even get into the stars, do to me."

The tone of these three coaches was very frivolous, and their eyes and eyebrows showed disdain for Baihe Martial Arts School.

They came to Baihe Martial Arts School to be coaches, and they had this idea in mind.

The Baihe Martial Arts School has a good location and high salary. The most important thing is that the owner is still an ordinary warrior, not even a one-star warrior, so he can come and go as he pleases.

Work here for a few years first, and when you have a group of customer resources, you can run away directly.

You know, if they bring a group of customers to the new martial arts school, the agency fee alone is enough to make them well-fed.

Moreover, this time a noble person offered them a high price, so they really made a lot of money this time.

Thinking of this, several coaches showed proud smiles on their faces.

Xu Chenzhou ignored these clowns.

Those who think they have a chance to win are actually just meat on the chopping board.

His eyes passed over the three warriors, and finally his eyes were fixed on the last warrior.

This warrior was wearing a white martial arts uniform with a colorful ribbon tied around his waist.

He doesn't look old, only 27 or 28 years old.

"Coach Zhao, are you planning to leave too?"

This coach’s name is Zhao Zhicheng, who is also a disciple of Xu’s father.

Zhao Zhicheng's eyes were a little dodgeful, and he did not dare to look into Xu Chenzhou's eyes.

Li Tiezhu couldn't stand it anymore. He had a very good relationship with Zhao Zhicheng, and he usually took good care of this junior brother and always regarded him as one of his own.

Unexpectedly, one day this junior brother he had watched grow up would take the lead in betraying Baihe Martial Arts School.

He took a step forward, stepped hard on the ground with his soles, and made a thunderous roar.

"Well, you Zhao Zhicheng, you are such a ruthless person.

How did the master treat you back then?

What did you swear before your master died?

Have you forgotten all about it? "

Zhao Zhicheng was an orphan who lived on the streets and fought with wild dogs for food every day, trying to get enough to eat.

Later, he met Xu's father. Seeing his talent in martial arts, Xu's father was moved by his love for talents and took him under his tutelage.

It can be said that Xu's father was kind to Zhao Zhicheng, and he was half a father.

Zhao Zhicheng lowered his head, not daring to face everyone's gaze.

After a moment, the look in his eyes slowly became firm, and he suddenly raised his head.

"Senior Brother Li, you are so stupid and loyal that you are willing to accompany Baihe Martial Arts School to poverty, but don't drag me along.

There are only a few people in Tiancheng City who can pass the assessment of many-star warriors before the age of 18 in a year.

With my junior brother's talent, trying to achieve this kind of achievement is nothing more than wishful thinking.

We have watched our little junior brother grow up, so how could we not understand the situation?

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Who doesn’t know the current situation of Baihe Martial Arts School.

Time waits for no one, Baihe Martial Arts School will change owners in a month.

What's wrong with me finding another way out in advance? "

As Zhao Zhicheng spoke, his tone became more and more confident.

At the end of the sentence, he straightened his waist and stared at Xu Chenzhou and Li Tiezhu with bright eyes.

Li Tiezhu was so angry that he had never seen such a shameless person.

"Master has been so kind to you, but you don't want to repay me, but instead add insult to injury at the most critical moment.

Junior brother, now is the last chance to make a breakthrough.

Anyone who understands what you have in mind when you suddenly leave the martial arts gym at this time will know.

And even if you leave, you secretly connect three warriors to leave with you, taking away a large number of customers.

Isn’t this the very foundation of Juewukan?

Let the martial arts school close down so that the people behind you can take over. "

Zhao Zhicheng seemed to have crossed the bottom line and was completely shameless, and there was no longer any hesitation in his tone.

"No matter what you say today.

I'm determined to make my move.

Mr. Li from Tianhua Martial Arts School is much more generous than our junior brother.

Not only did they triple my salary, they also provided me with a lot of resources.

And I also promised that as long as I win the White Crane Martial Arts Hall, the position of deputy head will be mine in the future.

With these resources.

In just a few years, I can break through to a two-star warrior.

Besides, this is also the master’s fault.

He clearly has several treasures in his hands, but he doesn’t leave any of them to us.

Everything was left to the junior brother.

If these resources were given to me, I would have already broken through to a two-star warrior.

With a two-star martial artist in charge, who else would dare to take advantage of the White Crane Martial Arts School.

What happened today is entirely the master's fault. "

The more Zhao Zhicheng talked, the more magnanimous his eyes became, as if everything happening today was really caused by Xu's father's partiality.

Zhao Shentong, who was beside him, remained silent and laughed a little angrily when he heard these words.

The treasures of heaven and earth left behind by Xu's father are his life's savings.

Zhao Zhicheng was an orphan. If it had not been for Xu's father's help, he might have starved to death on the street.

He didn't want to repay this great kindness, but he still had the nerve to think about the breakthrough resources that Xu's father left to Xu Chenzhou.

It's really shameless to the extreme.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open and a man walked in.

He was in his early twenties, with long hair hanging down his shoulders. He was wearing a bright yellow martial arts robe with mountains, rivers, sun and moon embroidered with gold thread, which made him feel expensive.

There were several followers behind him.

"Master Xu, the matter has come to this, just accept your fate.

If you let go now, you can still get some money for retirement.

If he continues to be stubborn, he will wait until the martial arts school goes bankrupt and liquidates.

You won't get a penny by then. "

When Zhao Zhicheng saw the visitor, he was like a pug seeing its owner, and a flattering smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Master Li, why are you here in person?

Just leave things here to us.

Make sure you do it clearly. "

Xu Chenzhou narrowed his eyes, and he recognized the identity of the person coming, Li Guanzhe, the young master of Tianhua Martial Arts School.

Tianhua Martial Arts School is one of the three largest martial arts schools in Tiancheng City.

However, due to historical reasons, the location of Tianhua Martial Arts Gym is very poor. It is located on the outskirts of Tiancheng City and the transportation is very inconvenient.

For martial arts schools, location is very important.

If you want to continue to expand the martial arts school, it is imperative to change the location of the venue.

However, martial arts venues are different from other stores and require a large amount of space.

In a location like the city center, this kind of venue is a carrot in a pit.

If you want to get such a venue, you must pull out the carrot in the original pit.

Obviously, Baihe Martial Arts School is the carrot they chose.

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