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Chapter 18 Take my three punches and set the sky on fire

Zhao Zhicheng, who was standing aside, became more arrogant at this time.

"Mr. Li is here in person, why don't you return the money quickly!

If the money is not enough, Mr. Li can help you pay first.

You just need to write an IOU."

Xu Chenzhou heard Zhao Zhicheng still chattering, and his anger surged.

If this kind of traitor is allowed to leave the White Crane Martial Arts School today, then the White Crane Martial Arts School will not be opened in the future.

"I remember that Coach Zhao was a disciple of my father, but he never graduated!

Now that you want to leave the martial arts school, I will perform this graduation ceremony on behalf of my father.

By the way, let's solve your departure ceremony as well."

Zhao Zhicheng is a disciple accepted by Xu's father. His status is completely different from that of the students in the martial arts school. He is a disciple who truly inherited the mantle of the White Crane Martial Arts School.

The White Crane Martial Arts School has a total of four veins of inheritance, the Burning Flame Demon Fist, the Rock Immovable Power, the Demon Dragon Turning Fist, and the Immortal Crane Crossing the Void Power.

These four skills can only be practiced after officially becoming a one-star warrior.

Zhao Zhicheng is practicing the Immortal Crane Crossing the Void Force.

This inheritance can train the Immortal Crane Fighting Body, cross the air in the air, and be extremely agile.

According to the rules of the White Crane Martial Arts School, after the closed disciple becomes a one-star warrior, he can prepare for the master's ceremony.

As long as he can catch three punches from the master at the master's ceremony, he can be considered a formal master.

When Xu's father died, Zhao Zhicheng was very young, just in his early twenties, and had not become a one-star warrior for a short time, so he had not had time to graduate from Xu's father.

Originally, after Xu's father died, Zhao Zhicheng was considered a master.

Now Xu Chenzhou mentioned this master's ceremony, the subtext is to teach you, the unfilial disciple, a lesson for his father.

Hearing this request, everyone on the scene showed a surprised expression on their faces.

"Junior brother, you are not confused!

I am now a peak one-star warrior. As long as there is a chance, I can break through to two stars at any time.

You are a non-star warrior, and you come to me to challenge me.

Have you forgotten that I can fight back during the departure ceremony?

And according to the rules of warriors, casualties during the departure ceremony are considered conflicts within the martial arts hall, and the higher-ups will not pursue responsibility.

Since you want to die, then I will help you."

Zhao Zhicheng was not surprised but happy when he heard what Xu Chenzhou said.

He never thought that Xu Chenzhou would agree to hold the departure ceremony.

In his imagination, the four of them asked to resign, and the only thing Xu Chenzhou could do was to swallow his anger and let them leave.

After all, casualties were allowed during the departure ceremony.

With Xu Chenzhou's strength as a non-star warrior, he could never be their opponent.

If he could beat Xu Chenzhou to death here, he could help Master Li take over the White Crane Martial Arts Hall.

Young Master Li will definitely look at him with new eyes, and he will definitely get more benefits by then.

There were also waves of discussions among the audience.

"I think this young gym owner is a bit overconfident.

After entering the star, the warrior guides the energy to flush the body to form a combat body. Once the combat body is formed, it is considered to be truly extraordinary.

I am afraid that Coach Zhao can tear this young gym owner to pieces with one hand."

"It is overconfident to try to stop a chariot with a mantis arm. Fortunately, I came to withdraw from the class today.

Otherwise, if I were still learning martial arts in the White Crane Martial Arts Hall, I am afraid that my brain would become stupid."

Li Tiezhu also walked in front of Xu Chenzhou and said in a low voice.

"Master, if they want to leave, let them go.

There is no need to be angry with Zhao Zhicheng, this villain.

I still have some savings, which can be used to subsidize the martial arts school.

Adding the connections left by the master, although 20 million is a lot, it can still be raised.

As long as you can break through to the realm of a one-star martial artist.

The White Crane Martial Arts School will have a day of comeback sooner or later."

Xu Chenzhou did not answer.

It was too troublesome to explain, Xu Chenzhou was too lazy to explain, and just spoke with facts.

Sometimes the power of language is far less than seeing is believing.

Xu Chenzhou took a step forward, and the aura on his body soared into the sky.

"Since you agree, then under the witness of so many people, the apprenticeship ceremony officially begins.

As long as you can take my three punches, then from today.

You, Zhao Zhicheng, will be officially graduated from my White Crane Martial Arts School."

Xu Chenzhou has always been straightforward in doing things. He said he would take action and he took action immediately.

After saying this, Xu Chenzhou's figure flashed and he took a step forward.

The Bull Demon stepped on his hoof.

In the eyes of the crowd, a demon bull with long horns piercing the sky appeared in a trance.

With this step, Xu Chenzhou rushed towards Zhao Zhicheng like a demon bull.

The Bull Demon stepped on his horns.

A punch hit Zhao Zhicheng's chest fiercely.

Zhao Zhicheng never took Xu Chenzhou seriously, and did not take Xu Chenzhou's attack seriously.

And Xu Chenzhou used the power-generating technique of the Bull Demon's Great Strength Fist in this punch, fully exerting his brute force.

The 8,000-jin strength was doubled by the Bull Demon's Great Strength Fist, and one punch had a power of 16,000 jin.

In addition to the blessing of the Nine Yang True Qi of the second-rate master level, this punch had at least 20,000 jin of strength.

The White Crane Combat Body is a relatively flexible combat body. It can cultivate a line of energy wings behind it. With a slight flap, it can move dozens of meters, and can even soar in the air for a short period of time.

In contrast, the White Crane Battle Body's power increase is not very good.

It is completely unable to resist the brute force of the Bull Demon's Great Power Fist

Zhao Zhicheng had no time to react.

He flew backwards and slammed into the wall of the martial arts hall.

The walls of the White Crane Martial Arts Hall are made of special materials.

Even so, Zhao Zhicheng still left a human-shaped mark on the wall.

It can be seen that the power of this punch is very amazing.

Zhao Zhicheng's head, which was trapped in the wall, slowly drooped, as if he was dead.

Xu Chenzhou certainly would not show mercy.

His figure flashed and appeared in front of Zhao Zhicheng.

Not only that, a layer of flames was burning on his fist,

"Raise the fire to burn the sky"

A layer of flames spread as Xu Chenzhou's fist swung, bringing up a brilliant flame.

This move was Xu Chenzhou's Burning Flame Demon Fist, which simulated the operation of the Burning Flame Battle Body with the Nine Yang True Qi.

The Nine Yang Qi is extremely yang and strong, and coupled with the extremely explosive Burning Flame Demon Fist, it is just like oil meeting fire, igniting at a touch, with infinite power.

The punch was like a volcanic eruption, and the speed was incredible.

But at this time, Zhao Zhicheng, who seemed to be unconscious, suddenly emitted a white light.

Two white wings suddenly appeared behind him.

Crossed in front of his chest.

Not only that, countless feathers burst out from these two white wings.

It turned out that Zhao Zhicheng's coma was just a disguise.

The wings of the White Crane Battle Body are his killer move.

"Go to hell, little beast.

My White Crane Battle Body can train an energy wing, and the energy feathers shot out are as powerful as firearms.

You are dead if you are hit by me at such a close distance."

Zhao Zhicheng roared with resentment on his face.

He could feel the burning pain in his chest, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken.

He was a peak one-star warrior, but he was beaten like this.

Zhao Zhicheng couldn't swallow this anger.

Originally, he only planned to cripple Xu Chenzhou and prevent him from practicing martial arts from now on.

But now, Zhao Zhicheng changed his mind.

He wanted to kill this junior brother who made him lose face.

But what he didn't expect was that Xu Chenzhou's punch, which seemed to be full of strength, stopped in an instant.

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