All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 157 The cultivation path of the three little ones

Xu Mo Ran said weakly: "Sister, don't you blame me for secretly giving the talisman to my brother?"

Zhou Xuemei smiled gently: "It's not a big deal. The master gave you the talisman, so how to use it is your business.

You are worried about your brother's safety, so how can the senior sister blame you?

But junior sister, you are still a little reckless. No matter what, your safety is the most important.

You know how much the master loves you. If the talisman is given to your brother, just give it to him. Just ask the master for another one.

You just act like a spoiled child, and the old master can't stand it.

It's just a good thing that you were not at home when Li Xuangang came that day, otherwise you would be in real danger without the protection of the talisman that day."

Zhou Xuemei couldn't help but feel a little scared when she thought of the scene Xu Mo Ran just described. Although the Nine Dragons Immortal Sect is a small sect in front of the Supreme Creation Sect.

However, the power of their sect-protecting secrets is still considerable. With the cultivation level of my junior sister, there is absolutely no reason for her to survive under such a powerful immortal method.

Zhou Xuemei continued, "Oh, junior sister, I have another thing to tell you this time. You should also know about the Tianji Clan.

The Star Domain Alliance has issued a call for conscription. My master and I are above the sixth level, so we are within the scope of this call for conscription.

After my master and I leave, you must be careful of those people in the sect. The lineage of the sect master has always wanted you to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter. Without the protection of my master and me, they will definitely try to attack you.

If someone in the sect comes to you after my master and I leave and asks you to take you back to the sect If you do not follow him, you must not follow him.

Activate this jade pendant directly, and then Master Qingxu of Luoxue Temple will come to pick you up.

She is a close friend of the master and a genius of the same era as the master. However, due to some reasons, her cultivation has fallen to the fifth level, so she is not within the scope of this call-up.

With her protection, the remaining chickens and dogs in the sect will definitely not be able to do anything to you. "

After saying that, Zhou Xuemei opened the window, stepped on a black and white flying sword and went straight into the sky, leaving here.

After Zhou Xuemei left, Xu Chenzhou withdrew his induction and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that my sister's senior sister is the same as my sister said, and she is really good to her.

But it's hard to say for other people in the Supreme Creation Sect.

From Zhou Xuemei's words, Xu Chenzhou learned that the sect master's lineage seemed to be very persistent in letting Xu Mo Ran practice the Supreme Forget Love Chapter.

It is even possible to take advantage of the opportunity when Zhou Xuemei and the master were marked to force Xu Mo Ran to practice.

Xu Chenzhou was very curious about what kind of benefits Xu Mo Ran's practice of the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter could bring to the lineage of the sect master, which made this group of people so persistent.

Another week of peace passed quickly. During these days, Xu Chenzhou had been immersed in the world of practice.

The invasion of the Tianji Clan broke his peaceful life. Although the current Shuilan Star was still peaceful, there were already undercurrents behind the scenes.

Xu Chenzhou also accelerated his practice speed and changed his practice strategy.

Before, Xu Chenzhou was not in a hurry to improve his practice level. Instead, he put more energy on the road of practice that integrated different worlds, which could lay a more solid foundation for practice, but this approach would also slow down his practice progress.

Now facing the crisis, Xu Chenzhou completely let go. He turned his head and put all his energy on improving his realm.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou was involved in three ways of cultivation. One was the extraordinary martial arts. Xu Chenzhou used the extraordinary martial arts to integrate different cultivation systems in the heavens and the worlds. For example, his spine dragon bone integrated the martial arts golden elixir condensed by the nine branches of the nine Yang true qi, and the bones in his body integrated the runes of the perfect world. Whether it was the runes in Shi Hao's supreme bones or the runes in Yang Chantian's eyes, they were all engraved on his bones by Xu Chenzhou bit by bit.

After this period of cultivation, Xu Chenzhou's extraordinary martial arts cultivation reached the peak of the second level. With the help of Zhou Xuanyi, Xu Chenzhou only needed to gather the last material to break through to the extraordinary third level.

The second way of cultivation is the soul and spirit of the Yangshen world. Although the soul and spirit of the Yangshen world are not very strong in terms of combat power, they actually have deep potential to be tapped. Apart from anything else, the ability to split the spirit and transform thoughts is definitely a magical tool for auxiliary cultivation.

However, Xu Chenzhou's soul cultivation has been stuck at the peak of possession for a long time. His actual cultivation has far exceeded the possession realm. As long as the spring thunder in the Yangshen world sounds, he can break through to the ghost fairy realm in an instant. He can also achieve the second or even third calamity realm in one thunder tribulation like Hong Yi.

The last kind of cultivation path is the immortal way, strictly speaking, the prehistoric immortal way.

In fact, there are many merits in the immortal cultivation path of the mortal world, but Han Li is too stable, so there are still relatively few immortal cultivation secrets in the mortal world in the chat group until now, and Xu Chenzhou has no chance to learn from them even if he wants to learn from them.

Xu Chenzhou's prehistoric immortal way cultivation is not bad, and he has broken through to the Nascent Soul stage.

The other two cultivation paths are stuck at a certain level, so Xu Chenzhou's main energy during this week's cultivation time is to focus on the cultivation of the prehistoric immortal way.

It is also natural for Xu Chenzhou to break through, after all, his cultivation has reached the peak of the Golden Core for some time.

Moreover, the basic technique he practices is the Yuxu Qi Refining Technique personally taught by Yuanshi Tianzun. This is a technique directly aimed at the Chaos Daluo Golden Immortal. It would be really ridiculous if he was stuck in the golden elixir stage.

Practicing this level of skills, Xu Chenzhou's breakthrough from the golden elixir to the Nascent Soul stage was extremely smooth, without any bottlenecks at all.

After practicing for a day, Xu Chenzhou opened the chat group. Since the invasion of the Tianji clan, Xu Chenzhou has completely suspended other entertainment activities and focused all his energy on cultivation. It can be said that he and his group friends Shui Shuiqun are now his only friends. entertainment activities.

Ying Zheng (Qin Guozi): "Let me tell you, those two fools came to me again today to show off their newly learned magic. It is just a small Kui Shui Xuan Yin Qi, an introductory magic from the Yin Yang family. A rabbit can’t even freeze to death, so I don’t know what to show off. It makes me want to laugh.”

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): “There’s no way, they don’t have the opportunity to join a chat group, so for them this level of extraordinary power is already very novel.

I remember that Azheng, your immortal cultivation has reached the fifth level of foundation building. With your current cultivation level, you can kill a giant beast with just a fireball spell. You are no longer on the same level as them. "

Luo Feng (Martial Arts Apprentice): "Ying Zheng's talent in the Immortal Way is indeed good. He obviously joined the group at the same time. I have just started to practice the Immortal Way, and A Zheng has already broken through to the foundation-building stage."

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Luo Feng, stop pretending. According to you, the spiritual energy on the earth is thin, and your speed of practicing immortality is of course very slow. Why don't you talk about the progress of your sky-shielding method? But In just one week, you have opened up the sea of ​​hardships and your progress has been rapid.”

Luo Feng (student at the martial arts school): "There is no other way to choose the Heaven-Shielding Technique. The spiritual energy on the earth is really thin. On the contrary, the Heaven-Shielding Technique has the lowest requirements for the external environment, so you can barely practice it."

Xu Shenzhou nodded slightly as he watched the conversation in the group. The three group members who joined the group chat this time all chose different paths of cultivation.

Ying Zheng chose the Prehistoric Immortal Way because according to him, the aura content in the Baijia Zudao World is pretty good, almost reaching a quarter of the level of the Prehistoric World. With this concentration of aura content, he would be able to practice the Prehistoric Immortal Way. Like a fish in water.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, chose the Heaven-Shielding Technique and the Divine Soul Taoist Technique. His choice of the Heaven-Shielding Technique was based on considerations from various levels.

First of all, the concentration of spiritual energy in the earth world is relatively thin. Relatively speaking, the sky-shielding method has the lowest requirements for the concentration of spiritual energy. Secondly, although there are not many cheats for covering the sky in the group now, the covering method can almost use all kinds of divine passage techniques in the perfect world. Plus, with the little girl here, there will definitely be no shortage of covering the sky method in the group chat in the future. High-end secrets.

Not to mention Divine Soul Taoism, Luo Feng was not only a warrior, but also a spiritual master. Practicing Divine Soul Taoism was a professional counterpart for him.

Finally, there was Zi Shou, who chose Jindan Martial Arts and Divine Soul Taoism as the path of cultivation.

At the beginning, Xu Chenzhou was surprised by Zishou's choice, because these two cultivation paths were far from top-notch in the group chat. As a top-grade auxiliary cultivation method, Shenhun Taoism was quite popular in the group chat. , but Zhang Junbao is almost the only one who practices Jindan Martial Arts. If you insist on saying that, Xu Chenzhou can be added to the list of people who can still practice this technique. After all, Xu Chenzhou integrated the Jiuyang Magic of Jindan Martial Arts into his extraordinary Within the martial arts.

Except for the two of them. Xu Chenzhou always felt that before the Jindan Martial Arts created by Zhang Junbao matured, no group of friends would choose it as a minor path.

But later Zi Shou explained to the group the reasons for his choice.

Zishou had tried to practice other cultivation systems, but in the world of Wu Gengji, those powerful cultivation paths were a bit unaccustomed.

Whether it is the ancient immortal way or the perfect method of covering the sky, it is extremely difficult to get started, and the cultivation speed is extremely slow. Even after local adaptation in the chat group, these cultivation paths have only been optimized from being impossible to practice to the point where you can barely try it. Only those with extremely strong talents can get started.

The main reason for this is that the aura of the Wugengji world is very strange.

In Wu Gengji's world, the human race is a very weak existence, and the only extraordinary power they can master is the art of Qi refining.

Moreover, Wu Gengji’s Qi refining technique is very different from Qi refining techniques in other worlds.

In the world of Wu Gengji, the prerequisite for becoming a Qi practitioner is to open the mind's eye. Only when humans awaken the mind's eye can they see the flow of Qi, and then they can use Qi to construct other shapes, whether it is objects or objects. Weapons or other items can even have various elements attached to the items they constitute.

Although it has the characteristics of being easily molded, Wu Gengji's aura also has a characteristic that is completely different from other worlds, that is, it is difficult to be sensed and absorbed by the human body.

This is also the reason why there are so few Qigong practitioners in Wu Geng Ji. Aura is extremely unlovable, so ordinary humans cannot rely on Aura to cultivate from weak to strong little by little. Only those humans with extraordinary talents can rely on their own strength. Only by opening your mind can you control spiritual energy and become a spiritual master.

Of course, Zishou has the backing of the chat group and the resources provided by the group members. If he wants to practice these paths, he still has a chance, but it will be more difficult than other group members.

But the problem is that if Zishou chooses these unsuitable cultivation systems, he will certainly become stronger, but the ordinary human race in the world of Wu Geng Ji will not be able to benefit from it.

As a human emperor who goes to war with the sky for the benefit of his people, he cannot tolerate such things.

What he wants to see is the rise of the entire human race, not his own strength.

Only when the entire race becomes strong, can the human race truly stand up in front of the gods and have the confidence to become a real human race, rather than being a slave and vassal of the gods.

Neither the Perfect Law of Covering the Sky nor the Honghuang Immortal Way can meet his requirements.

For ordinary human beings in the world of Wu Geng Ji, these methods are no different from the previous cultivation methods of Qi Refiners. Only a small group of Zi Tian's pride can practice them.

But the Soul Dao and the Golden Elixir Martial Arts are different. These two cultivation methods do not rely on the outside, but only seek from the inside.

It can be said that as long as there are people in the world, there is space for these two cultivation methods to be practiced.

Of course, after practicing to a certain level, these two cultivation methods also have requirements for the environment.

For example, the Soul Daoist Art requires thunder from the Yang God world, or various resources to cleanse the soul.

But these are not a problem, and no one stipulates that the advanced route of the Soul Daoist Art must be the Ghost Immortal Yang God.

As long as you can get started, there are thousands of subsequent advanced paths. With Zhang Junbao's pearls and jade in front, plus the countless worlds in the group chat as a foundation, Zishou is confident that he can develop an advanced path suitable for his own world.

This is also the reason why Zishou did not choose to practice a powerful way of cultivation himself, and then teach others the suitable way of cultivation. Human energy is limited, and he can't be like a fish in water in several ways of cultivation.

What he wants to do is to rely on his own strength to pave a way to heaven for the human race of Wu Gengji.

And there is another reason why Zishou chose the Taoism of Soul and Spirit, that is, the Taoism of Soul and Spirit is very compatible with the world of Wu Geng Ji. After practicing the Taoism of Soul and Spirit to the level of driving objects, the practitioner can drive all things with the help of his soul. The actual effect is roughly equivalent to the opening of the mind of a Qigong practitioner. It can be said that the Taoism of Soul and Spirit can be perfectly integrated with the way of Qigong practitioners in Wu Geng Ji, and it also has extremely huge potential in the future, and it can be said to have unlimited development prospects.

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