All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 158 Brothers, don’t read it yet. I will finish it in ten minutes. There is still one chapter

The people in the group chatted enthusiastically. After spending some time together, the relationship between the group members became more and more familiar, just like a family. Even the new group members were infected by the atmosphere of the group and integrated into it.

In a gymnasium in Academy City, Misaka Mikoto closed the light curtain in front of her with a smile.

Misaka Mikoto was still wearing the classic school uniform, and her flaxen hair fluttered in the breeze. She sat on a high platform in the gymnasium and looked at the sweaty hedgehog in front of her. Her two calves in white tights swayed slightly, and she looked in a very good mood.

This hedgehog was wearing a white karate uniform. Although he looked thin, through the gaps in the karate uniform, you could see the protruding muscles on his body, like a sculpture in ancient Greece, looking very powerful.

At this time, the hedgehog head was lying on the ground, with his back arched, like a tiger coming down the mountain. Muscles were constantly flowing with the ups and downs of his body. All parts of his body seemed to be connected together. Drops of sweat flowed from his forehead, dripped on the ground, and twisted into small puddles.

From a distance, there seemed to be a shadow of a tiger on his body, with a bloody mouth and sharp fangs, as if he would suddenly jump up and bite people at any time.

The students around the gym looked at the hedgehog head with fear in their eyes, staying away from this strange pair, and did not dare to walk to them.

The momentum of this hedgehog head was too terrible, and they did not dare to approach this weirdo

"Bilibili, have you reached the training volume today? I have been training for three hours, and I am almost exhausted."

As he spoke, the hedgehog head stood up and kept moving his wrists. The terrifying momentum on his body disappeared instantly, and he switched to a casual temperament.

He curled his lips slightly, looking a little unhappy.

Hearing Kamijou Touma's words, Misaka Mikoto clapped her hands, a flash of lightning flashed at her feet, and then she took off from the high platform, turned 360 degrees in the air, and landed neatly on the ground.

She nodded with satisfaction: "Well, today's training volume has reached the standard, but I still have something new to teach you today."

Hearing what Misaka Mikoto said, Kamijou Touma's eyes lit up: "New things? Is it the secret method of training the internal organs you mentioned before? Could it be that my bone training skills have been trained to the point!"

Kamijou Touma was very excited, and his eyes showed an impatient look.

In fact, at the beginning, when this legendary level 5 superpower in the Academy City suddenly ran to him and said he wanted to teach him martial arts, Kamijou Touma was still quite resistant.

He is not a child anymore. This world is a world of superpowers. Everyone knows that martial arts are all lies.

He once suspected that the superpower in front of him had some mental problems.

Besides, even if martial arts really had nothing to do with him, with the Fantasy Hand on him, any extraordinary power was meaningless to him.

But helplessly, Bilibili's strength was too strong. Although he had the Fantasy Hand, he was not afraid of Misaka Mikoto if he really fought, but this electric girl kept pestering him, which would also make him quite troubled.

His own luck was already bad enough. If there was another electric girl in his life to make trouble for him, he didn't know how to live this life.

And he himself was a good person by nature, and he really didn't know how to refuse others, so in the end he reluctantly agreed to Misaka Mikoto's request.

After starting to practice, Kamijou Touma found that he was slapped in the face. The more he resisted practicing martial arts at the beginning, the more he loved it after he really started practicing.

After starting to practice, Kamijou Touma found that the martial arts taught by Bilibili could actually avoid the side effects of the Fantasy Hand. After practicing martial arts, his physical fitness improved rapidly. In just half a month, his physical strength was comparable to that of a Level 2 physical enhancement ability user.

Kamijou Touma guessed that it was because the Fantasy Hand targeted extraordinary power and needed to be touched to produce an effect. The martial arts taught by Bilibili trained his own body, so the Fantasy Hand did not produce an effect.

And the moves on the Bull Demon Power Fist were very exquisite. After learning the Bull Demon Power Fist, his combat effectiveness increased significantly, and he got rid of the situation where he only relied on the Turtle Fist to fight before.

And the strange food that Bilibili brought him also made him very fond of it. It tasted crispy and numb like electric beast meat, and the rice was surprisingly large like the teeth of a beast, and there were all kinds of other foods, which almost made his tongue fragrant.

This made him sigh that it was good to have money. Misaka Mikoto was worthy of being the eldest lady of Tokiwadai. The food she ate was different.

Unlike the initial resistance, after this period of practice, Kamijou Touma has become very interested in martial arts practice, otherwise he would not follow Misaka Mikoto to the gym every day to practice together.

But what frustrated Kamijou Touma was that no matter how hard he practiced, he was just like a toy that could be manipulated at will in front of Misaka Mikoto.

This electric girl was terribly strong. Not only did she have super powers that far exceeded the rumors, but her strength was as terrifying as a monster. His super powers had no effect on this terrifying existence with a physical body!

Don’t be fooled by the thin and weak appearance of the electric girl, but Kamijou Touma once saw Misaka Mikoto crush a piece of hard rock with her bare hands as easily as crushing a piece of tofu. Since then, Kamijou Touma has become particularly gentle when facing Misaka Mikoto.

Every time he recalled the terrible power of Misaka Mikoto, Kamijou Code felt a little chilly.

Misaka Mikoto nodded, and she took out an antique secret book from her arms. The cover of this secret book had five big characters written on it: the Spirit Turtle Breathing Method.

She raised her hand and threw the secret book into Kamijou Touma’s hands.

Of course, this secret book has been translated into the language of Academy City by Misaka Mikoto, otherwise Kamijou Touma would not be able to understand it.

"Touma, your Bull Demon Power Fist and Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist have been practiced to the extreme. Next, you will touch the stage of internal organ training. Once your internal organs are trained, your combat power will soar again."

Misaka Mikoto is quite satisfied with Kamijou Touma's progress. She knows that Kamijou Touma has really worked hard in his training. Although the hedgehog head keeps crying and crying during the training, Misaka Mikoto knows that the hedgehog head will secretly practice more every time he goes home.

In fact, unlike what Kamijou Touma himself thinks, his fantasy hand still has a certain negative effect on his practice of Yang Shen Martial Arts.

From Misaka Mikoto's perspective, every time Kamijou Touma's blood and qi flow to his left hand, it will be affected by a strange force and become a little weaker, which has a great impact on Kamijou Touma's training speed.

But even so, Kamijou Touma's training speed is enough. Once Kamijou Touma can advance to the realm of training the internal organs, with such terrible physical strength, Accelerator at this stage will definitely not be Kamijou Touma's opponent. Even with Kamijou Touma's dodge ability, Accelerator may not be able to cause damage to Kamijou Touma.

After Misaka Mikoto gave the secret book to Kamijou Touma, she began to personally demonstrate and explain to Kamijou Touma the various key points of the realm of love battle.

Her current Yang Shen martial arts cultivation has reached the realm of refining marrow, and it is more than enough to guide Kamijou Touma in training the internal organs. Misaka Mikoto's Yang Shen martial arts can be practiced so strongly, in fact, it is also for teaching Kamijou Touma. After all, she forced Kamijou Touma to practice Yang Shen martial arts, and with Misaka Mikoto's sense of responsibility, she will definitely prepare the best training conditions for Kamijou Touma. During this period, Misaka Mikoto took some time out every day to practice Yang Shen Martial Arts. Only after a long time of accumulation could she achieve such achievements.

With Misaka Mikoto's explanation, Kamijou Touma gradually began to enter the state and soon mastered the various key points of practicing the Zang realm.

From here, we can also see that Kamijou Touma has a good talent for martial arts. He not only has a very strong physical athletic ability, but also has a very strong understanding of the practice of Yang Shen Martial Arts.

If there is no influence from the fantasy hand, his current martial arts practice must be more than the realm of Lian Gu.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto's face suddenly changed, as if she had seen something incredible. Her face, which always looked very calm, turned pale. A drop of sweat flowed from her forehead, wetting her flaxen hair, making her look a little pitiful.

Kamijou Touma noticed Misaka Mikoto's change instantly, and he took a step forward: "Discharge sister, what's wrong with you, you look so bad."

Misaka Mikoto said faintly: "I saw a strange person appeared next to Accelerator and tried to contact him. The plan should start soon."

Although Misaka Mikoto forced Kamijou Touma to practice Yang Shen Martial Arts, she never intended to force Kamijou Touma to help him deal with Accelerator.

Soon after Kamijou Touma practiced Yang Shen Martial Arts, Misaka Mikoto told him about the Absolute Ability Plan.

And Misaka Mikoto also told him that whether he was willing to help or not, Misaka Mikoto would continue to teach him Yang Shen Martial Arts.

Of course, with Kamijou Touma's personality, how could he sit back and do nothing after knowing this? Even if there was no Yang Shen Martial Arts, even if he would face life-threatening danger, as long as he knew this, Kamijou Touma would definitely take action regardless of his life.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto also knew this, so she told Kamijou Touma about this only after ensuring that he could practice Yangshen Martial Arts.

Because she knew that after learning Yangshen Martial Arts, Kamijou Touma would definitely be able to easily defeat the arrogant Accelerator at this stage.

Hearing Misaka Mikoto's words, Kamijou Touma's face showed a nervous expression.

"So the sisters should have been born now, let the electric sister lead the way, we will stop Accelerator now."

Misaka Mikoto shook her head: "If you want to terminate the Absolute Ability Plan, in addition to proving that Accelerator is not the strongest, there is another prerequisite, that is, the tree diagram designer must be destroyed, otherwise even if Accelerator is defeated, it will be useless. As long as the tree diagram designer exists, he can deduce a new breakthrough plan at any time."

This point was also something Xu Chenzhou figured out later. When Misaka Mikoto joined the group, Xu Chenzhou's soul cultivation was still relatively weak, and he couldn't fully recall many details in the anime in his previous life.

In the original timeline, the reason why the plan was terminated after Code Kamijou defeated Accelerator was because the designer of the tree diagram was directly pierced by a light cannon fired by Index a few days ago and turned into space garbage.

Then Kamijou Touma defeated Accelerator again, which overturned the premise that Accelerator was the strongest in the plan, so the plan was invalidated.

In addition, without the subsequent calculation power deduction of the bar graph designer, Academy City naturally could not design a new Absolute Power User Plan.

All these superimposed together, the chain reaction led to the termination of the Absolute Power User Plan.

Of course, this is only the superficial reason. The real reason lies in the chairman of Academy City, Aleister Crowley, who is the mastermind behind the scenes.

He needs the Absolute Power User Plan to be terminated so that he can send the remaining sisters to all parts of the world and finally form a large ATM force field, forming a forbidden magic field, and complete his artificial heaven plan to eliminate magic.

In other words, if you want to terminate the Absolute Power User Plan, defeating Accelerator is only the simplest link.

The real difficulty lies in how to destroy the tree diagram designer.

And destroying the tree diagram designer can only temporarily prevent the birth of sisters.

Because it is the initial stage of the Absolute Ability Plan, the number of sisters produced is definitely not large. With the current number of sisters, it is impossible to implement the artificial heaven plan that the mastermind Aleister Crowley wants.

So as long as Aleister Crowley still controls the Academy City, the sisters will definitely be produced again for various reasons.

After Xu Chenzhou sorted out the interests in the middle, Misaka Mikoto once felt extremely desperate.

Because if he wants to save the sisters, then he has to face not only Accelerator, but the entire Academy City.

For Misaka Mikoto, who is only thirteen years old, all this makes her feel extremely desperate.

However, as the number of group friends in the group chat gradually increases, more and more group friends change their own destiny, which also makes Misaka Mikoto more confident in herself and gradually regains her confidence.

However, Misaka Mikoto has not yet planned to tell Kamijou Touma about the darkness behind the scenes.

A figure like Aleister Crowley is too dangerous, and Misaka Mikoto does not intend to involve Kamijou Touma.

Although Misaka Mikoto also knew that Kamijou Touma was one of Aleister Crowley's most concerned targets, it would only benefit him if he could involve Touma later.

Hearing Misaka Mikoto's words, Kamijou Touma showed a decadent expression on his face: "Tree diagram designer, how can we destroy this thing with our power.

Even if you can discharge electricity, you can't do anything to satellites in space.

I have also seen your super-electromagnetic gun. Although the range is much longer than the rumors, it is still too far to hit from the ground to space."

Misaka Mikoto's expression was very calm: "You don't have to worry about this. Believe me, I have a way."

Because the current timeline is too early, Index has not yet drifted to Academy City, so she has no way to use Index's power to destroy the tree diagram designer, which does not mean that Misaka Mikoto has no way out.

She is not the super-electromagnetic gun in the original timeline. Compared with her in the original timeline, she is much stronger now.

If equipped with a dedicated electromagnetic warhead and with the assistance of other people with special abilities, it would not be completely impossible for Misaka Mikoto to defeat the tree diagram designer with her current strength.

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