All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 159 Gathering, Yangshen World

Kamijou Touma couldn't believe it. Bilibili must be bragging. The designer of the tree diagram was a satellite orbiting in the sky. How could she destroy this thing?

Suddenly Kamijou Touma thought of a possibility, which frightened him, who had always been a big-hearted person.

Doesn’t Bilibili intend to rely on her superpowers to invade the military system, control military weapons and knock down satellites?

It would be a big deal if she really did this, but thinking that the designer of the tree diagram was related to the lives of 20,000 sisters, he couldn't say anything to stop Misaka Mikoto.

The atmosphere between the two gradually became a little silent, and Kamijou Touma didn't know what to say for a moment.

Misaka Mikoto is thinking about how to defeat the tree diagram designer.

With her current soul strength and computing power, coupled with the special warhead, her range has been extended thousands of times compared to before. She is still in the realm of possession, even if she controls the flying sword, it can be up to three thousand meters above the ground. There is still some gap between her extended range and the distance to destroy the tree designer.

Unless someone can help her shorten the distance between her and the histogram designer, Misaka Mikoto thought of many candidates at this moment. For example, Kuroko Shirai is a good choice. The super power of the space user can definitely help her. But Misaka Mikoto didn't want to involve other people in this incident, so she was still thinking of other ways.

Just when Misaka Mikoto was still thinking about how to deal with the upcoming absolute ability user plan,

Suddenly, a notification sound from a special chat group came to her ears.

With a croak, a very cute frog call came.

Upon seeing this, Misaka Mikoto quickly opened the light curtain of the chat group.

The functions of the chat group are very comprehensive, and you can freely set the prompt sounds in different situations. This frog's cry is the prompt sound set by Misaka Mikoto when someone is being liked.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "I have predicted from the stars that there will be several spring thunders tomorrow. If you want to form a group to overcome the disaster, hurry up and get on board!"

Spring thunder is different from summer thunder. Summer thunderstorms often last for several hours. Countless thunders come and go, giving enough time to overcome the disaster.

The spring thunder is even more precious than the summer thunder. It often only sounds a few times and lasts for a short time. If you don't grasp the opportunity, you will miss the opportunity to overcome the disaster.

In order to seize the opportunity to overcome the disaster in spring, Hong Yi began to learn the knowledge of weather prediction very early.

After joining the chat group for so long, Hong Yi has already adapted to the learning rhythm of the chat group. He not only learned the divination methods of the prehistoric world, but also learned the weather science knowledge of the technological society, integrating various schools. At this time, Hong Yi Yi is definitely a master-level figure in the skill of predicting weather. Even Zhuge Kongming would call him "teacher" when he saw Hong Yi.

As the timeline of the Yangshen world got closer to Chungui, Hong Yi spent some time every night to observe the changes in the weather, because he knew that according to Xu Chenzhou's information, there would be a light rain accompanied by spring thunder before Chungui.

This spring thunder is very important. Spring thunder is too precious. Once you miss this one, Hong Yi doesn't know if he can wait for the next thunder to arrive this spring.

This thunder is not only related to whether he can advance to the level of ghost immortal, but also affects the cultivation process of Yangshen Taoism of many group members. Hong Yi does not want to miss it.

Finally, last night, Hong Yi calculated based on the knowledge of many different worlds that there would be a spring rain with spring thunder coming tomorrow, and then he issued an invitation to the group to overcome the tribulation. .

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Great! I finally waited for this thunder. My cultivation of Yangshen Taoism has been stagnant for who knows how long. This time I finally have a chance to break through."

Zhang Junbao was extremely excited. During this period of time, apart from studying Jindan Martial Arts, he spent the rest of his time practicing Divine Soul Taoism.

The progress of Divine Soul Taoism is really important to him. The reason why he was able to develop Jindan Martial Arts, a heaven-defying cultivation technique, in such a short period of time was because of the help of Divine Soul Taoism. .

When distracted, each of his thoughts can be used as a person. Now he has hundreds of thoughts, which means there are hundreds of him studying together at the same time, and they can also communicate and discuss with each other. .

So although Zhang Junbao is just studying Jindan Martial Arts alone, it is actually equivalent to a martial arts laboratory with hundreds of Zhang Junbao-level researchers doing research together, and these more than 100 people can share all the information without any grudges. Experience and share all inspiration.

The research on such a configuration is not easy.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "Jun Bao, let us compete this time to see whose divine soul skills are stronger."

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "Hong Yi, you have to be careful. During this period, I have absorbed most of the incense power in my hand. This time I can at least become a ghost immortal in the three tribulations."

Hong Yi (Da Qian Scholar): "It's nothing to become a ghost immortal for three tribulations. I can at least become a fourth-level ghost immortal. Although your progress is great, I have not been idle during this period. I have absorbed the power of incense." There are quite a few, but I won’t lose to you!”

Zhang Junbao himself is not a stingy person. He has continued to provide his friends with incense telekinesis. In the past few months, the incense telepathy in Shaolin Temple has been sucked dry by Zhang Junbao.

But this is not a big problem. The most abundant resource in the Yitian world is the incense and spiritual power. If Shaolin Temple runs out of incense and spiritual power, it can just go to other temples. Anyway, no one will compete with it for this thing.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "I envy you two. I am not so confident. If I can survive two thunder tribulations this time, I will be very happy!"

Misaka Mikoto was even more excited. She was just sleepy and immediately got a pillow. She was still thinking about how to increase the range and destroy the tree diagram designer. As a result, Hong Yi immediately brought her good news.

As long as she can achieve the ghost fairy, Misaka Mikoto is confident that her combat power will soar again. At that time, it will be much easier to destroy the tree diagram designer.

Misaka Mikoto took a lot of detours when she practiced Yangshen martial arts in the early stage. After all, the cultural background is different, and there are many concepts that she cannot understand well. When practicing Taoism, a slight mistake can lead to a huge error, which also made her practice progress much slower than other group members in the group. Compared with others who were full of confidence in the third and fourth tribulations, Misaka Mikoto's goal was particularly low. As long as she could survive two thunder tribulations, she would be very satisfied.

However, Misaka Mikoto also spent a lot of time to understand Chinese culture later, and gradually caught up with the practice progress of group members.

Everyone in the group also began to discuss excitedly, even Shi Hao and Xiao Nannan were very excited, and couldn't wait to start this group trip to the Yangshen World!

The two little souls and Taoism were far from being able to survive the tribulation, and they just wanted to join in the fun. Although the chat group has a virtual place for meeting in the group space, it is the first time to meet offline, which gives everyone an incomparable sense of freshness.

Xu Chenzhou counted the number of group members who signed up for the offline meeting in the group chat, and found that the people in the group chat came very neatly this time, and even the three new members of the group chat signed up for this trip to the Yangshen World. This made Xu Chenzhou very happy. The friends in the group chat were so united, which was exactly the group chat environment he had been pursuing.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader) "In this case, let's deal with the things at hand, and then we will set off now to get familiar with the environment of the Yangshen World.

Anyway, there are three days for this time of crossing, so there is no need to rush there before the tribulation, which would be too hasty."

Xu Chenzhou's proposal was recognized by the group members. They were also very curious about the other world and wanted to have a good look around the Yangshen World before the tribulation.

Misaka Mikoto certainly agreed to this proposal, but she was a little worried about leaving the Academy City at this time.

After all, this trip to the Yangshen World will take three days away from the Academy City World, and the Absolute Ability Plan seems to be in the preparation process. She doesn't know when Accelerator will agree to carry out the Absolute Ability Plan. You must know that in the information Xu Chenzhou gave him, a Misaka sister died in his hands when Accelerator entered the laboratory for the first time.

Fortunately, at this time, Misaka Mikoto overheard the conversation between Accelerator and the mysterious man. They agreed to visit the laboratory in five days.

This made Misaka Mikoto temporarily relax. It seems that Accelerator's first contact with Misaka sister should be five days later. She has enough time to go to the Yangshen world to achieve the ghost fairy.

But then Misaka Mikoto's heart was lifted again, which also meant that in five days, she must directly stop the Absolute Ability Plan, so as to protect her sister from dying in the hands of Accelerator. This made Misaka Mikoto pay more attention to the tribulation of the Yangshen world this time, because only with enough power can she fight against the mastermind behind the Academy City.

Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto could no longer care about other things. She hurriedly waved goodbye to the anxious Kamijou Touma.

A flash of electricity flashed under Misaka Mikoto's feet and connected with the wall. In an instant, a magnetic force took effect and sucked Misaka Mikoto's body to the wall. After a few ups and downs, Misaka Mikoto disappeared from Kamijou Touma's sight.

What happened to the electric girl? Was she going to do something stupid? Why did she suddenly lose focus while talking and then run away in a hurry?

Kamijou Touma's expression became a little solemn. Misaka Mikoto's hurried look made him very worried.

In the Yangshen world, a very luxurious painting boat was floating on a river outside Yujing City.

On the deck of this painting boat, there was a carved and jade-clear attic with golden tiles and silver eaves, exuding a sense of nobility.

In front of the railing on the third floor of the attic, a young man in white clothes was leaning against the railing. He had a strong bookish aura on his body. It was obvious that he was a scholar who was well-read.

He held a volume of Daqian history in his hand, looked up at the sky, and his face was full of expectation.

Suddenly, a series of light gates appeared in front of him, and then a number of figures in strange costumes walked out of the light gates.

Some of these figures wore loose martial arts uniforms, looking unfathomable, some wore animal skins, as if they had walked out of the wilderness, some wore ancient costumes, looking noble, and some wore school uniforms, like an ordinary student.

These people were completely different from the style of this painting boat, and they suddenly appeared here and seemed very out of place.

But this young man did not show any surprise, but walked up to them enthusiastically, leading these strange people who walked out of the light curtain to the attic one by one.

In the attic, wine and food had been prepared long ago, which was very rich, and almost all of them were special delicacies of the Yangshen world.

This is naturally the reception banquet prepared by Hong Yi's friends.

At the banquet, Hong Yi also invited more than a dozen musicians and dancers to play music and dance.

Even if Xu Chenzhou is not very proficient in music and martial arts, he can still feel how profound the musical attainments of these musicians invited by Hong Yi are. A unique tune from the Yangshen World, "Luo Hua Yin", made even him, a musical idiot, listen to it. So drunk.

And these dancers invited by Hong Yi are not ordinary people. Their exquisite looks. Even though Xu Chenzhou was born in modern society and was used to seeing beauties, he was still amazed by the exquisite faces of these dancers.

Their dancing postures are even more ecstatic. Perhaps because they have practiced unique martial arts, their flexibility is incredible. During the dance, they often make movements that are beyond ordinary people's understanding, but coupled with their soft dancing postures, it makes people... There is a pleasing feeling.

If a dancer of this level were placed in modern society, she would definitely become a top star. Even in the world of Yangshen, she would still be an oiran-level existence.

Xu Chenzhou nodded slightly. It seemed that Hong Yi had really prepared the reception banquet this time with great care.

These musicians and singers were very strict about rules. Although Xu Chenzhou and others were definitely dressed in strange clothes in Yangshen World, no one showed the slightest strange look towards them.

After the singing and dancing, the banquet came to an end. The musicians and singers stood up one after another, bowed and bowed respectfully.

Their attitude was very humble. They looked straight and bowed their heads when saluting, as if they were facing their masters.

After saluting, these musicians and singers quietly retreated, leaving only the friends in the group.

Lu Mingfei looked left and right, looking very curious about everything.

Although he has lived in the world of monster hunting for eight years, this is the first time for him to come to this kind of feudal dynasty similar to ancient China.

When he was a child, he had seen in books how mysterious the lives of the upper class in the feudal era were.

However, the reception banquet prepared by Hong Yi really opened his eyes. These musicians and singers respected Hong Yi so much that they were as humble as servants.

Lu Mingfei believed that if Hong Yi was willing, each of these very beautiful musicians and dancers would be played by Hong Yi at will. This made Lu Mingfei know what kind of life the dignitaries in feudal society lived.

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