All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 160 The Drunk Emperor Huang Tian and the Ruthless Emperor

Zhang Junbao was also looking around. The decoration of this pleasure boat really opened his eyes. In addition to the gold and silver inlays, there were also many furniture made of precious wood and extremely exquisite reliefs. He had seen many dignitaries in Xiangyang City, but the decoration of no one's mansion could compare to the luxury of Hong Yi's pleasure boat.

A small thing can reveal a big thing. A mere pleasure boat used for meeting guests is so luxurious. It can be seen how amazing the wealth in Hong Yi's hands is now.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but exclaimed: "In just two months, Hong Yi, you have accumulated such amazing wealth. It's really not easy. How did you do it?"

Hong Yi shook the fan in his hand, with a look of indifference on his face: "These wealth came easily. I just sold the degraded dragon tooth rice that cannot be planted to some noble families.

The effect of these dragon tooth rice is not even one tenth of the ancient dragon tooth rice we eat, but for these noble families, it is the best rice in the world.

These noble families have accumulated unimaginable wealth over a long period of time. Even the royal family of Daqian may not be as rich as them.

Even if the wealth of those ancient noble families to buy dragon tooth rice is just a drop in the bucket, it is enough for my daily expenses.

To be honest, although these worldly wealth is good, what is the meaning to us? It's enough for use."

During the days since leaving Yujing City, Hong Yi has done many things besides practicing, one of which is to become a rice merchant in the Yangshen world and make countless wealth.

He has too many things to do in the future, and he really can't do without money. So Hong Yi will naturally cash in all the resources he has.

Moreover, selling the degraded Taigu Longya Rice to the aristocratic families is not considered to be aiding the enemy. These Longya Rice are useful to the aristocratic families, but definitely not as big as imagined.

Because these aristocratic families themselves have many precious rice varieties, although they are not as good as the degraded Longya Rice, but the gap is not very big.

Of course, Hong Yi did not personally come forward to resell rice, but gave up 30% of the profit and cooperated with Luo Yun, so that Luo Yun came forward to cooperate with the ancient aristocratic families.

This is also the reason why Hong Yi's Longya Rice sales were so smooth.

After all, Luo Yun has the background of the Divine Wind Country as a backer, even the ancient aristocratic families dare not attack him at will.

Of course, this is also because the Longya Rice that Hong Yi took out is a degraded version. If it is the original Longya Rice, let alone the Divine Wind Country, I am afraid that Daqian will not be able to bear it.

Lu Mingfei also nodded: "That's true. After joining the chat group, I found that it's so easy to make money.

Not to mention the advanced technology contained in the robots that the group owner gave me last time.

Even if I only analyzed some of the fur, it's already a very simple thing for me to become the world's richest man.

But after joining the chat group, I have no interest in worldly money. What's the use of making more money? It's enough to spend.

Especially the money in the Dragon Clan World is of no value. It's hard to buy precious cultivation resources."

Although Lu Mingfei was amazed at Hong Yi's luxurious life, he didn't envy him. After all, he was surrounded by several girls, and each of them looked as good as the singer on Hong Yi's ship. But for Lu Mingfei, who had become a steel straight man after returning from the Monster Hunter World, women would only slow down his speed of drawing his sword.

What he cares most about now is to practice and become stronger, and the wealth of the Dragon Clan World is of no use to him to become stronger, so Lu Mingfei has little interest in making money.

Xu Chenzhou was drinking and listening to his friends bragging. Looking at the familiar faces and hearing the familiar names, he couldn't help but smile. This relaxed atmosphere made him feel very relaxed.

When everyone was chatting happily, suddenly a wave of air flashed, and two small figures left the table, shining with countless divine brilliance, and flew to the river.

Xu Chenzhou looked up and found that the two people were Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shihao.

The two little guys had red cheeks and drunken eyes at this time, looking like they were drunk.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou slapped his head fiercely. It was over. This offline meeting was too happy. I didn't notice that I couldn't give these two little guys alcohol. As a result, these two little guys who drank for the first time actually drank too much.

Before, everyone often held online gatherings in the chat group space, but no one brought alcohol in during the online gatherings.

After all, the group members in the group are generally young, almost all of them are minors, and rarely have the habit of drinking.

So the most popular drink during the party was still happy water. After all, who could refuse to drink a big bottle of happy water after eating barbecue?

This time, the offline party held by Hong Yi was different. In order to be polite, Hong Yi prepared a lot of different kinds of good wine on the table.

Everyone didn't care about these wines. They drank a lot of wine while chatting and laughing. With their cultivation, drinking some small wine would naturally not be a problem, and it would only make the atmosphere of the banquet more lively.

However, among the wines prepared by Hong Yi, there were several jars of wine brewed from the ancient dragon tooth rice. The power of this wine was amazing, and even Xu Chenzhou didn't dare to drink more.

You know, he felt a little dizzy after drinking half a catty. If he drank a little more, he would be knocked down.

Now Xu Chenzhou clearly saw that there were two empty wine jars next to the place where the two little guys just sat. This kind of wine jar can hold ten catties of wine.

The seal of the wine jar was sealed with the words "Dragon Tooth Rice Wine" in vermilion paper.

After drinking so much strong liquor, it would be strange if the two little guys didn't get drunk.

Little Shi Hao was shaking his head in the air, and even his figure was a little unstable, as if he would fall into the river at any time. He looked very cute when he was swaying.

And little Nannan was not much better. She twisted and turned in the air, constantly drawing S-shaped curves, and was more unstable than little Shi Hao.

Fortunately, a pair of light wings composed of countless divine auras grew behind her. Every feather on the light wings was very clear, as if they were a pair of real wings. This pair of light wings fluttered slightly in the void, bringing up colorful auras all over the sky. It was with the help of this pair of light wings that little Nannan could stay in the air like this and didn't fall into the river.

The two little guys confronted each other for a while, and suddenly they attacked each other.

Xiao Shihao raised his hand, and a purple lightning flashed across the entire river. In an instant, countless fish suffered an unexpected disaster and floated in the river with their bellies turned upside down.

Behind Xiao Shihao, a huge purple lightning Suanni appeared, holding its head high and crossing the river. The giant beast twisted its body, and countless lightning flashed as if it was going to turn the whole world into a land of thunder and lightning.

And Xiao Nannan was not to be outdone. At this time, she was no longer the little girl who had just joined the chat group and was powerless. After this period of training, she had already mastered powerful strength.

I saw the light wings behind Xiao Nannan waving repeatedly, feathers scattered all over the sky, and constantly collided with the thunder in the void. Between the annihilation of light, powerful energy burst out, and the water in the entire section of the river was evaporated into water vapor by this powerful energy. In an instant, the water level dropped by seven or eight meters, and the river water in the distance flowed into this section of the river like a waterfall.

The two little guys fought more and more bravely, and in an instant, the sky was filled with strange phenomena and the light spread.

Xu Chenzhou looked up at Hong Yi and said softly: "Do you want me to control these two little guys? This is your territory after all. If they make too much fun, I'm afraid they will cause some trouble to you."

Hong Yi shook his head slightly with a smile on his face: "Let them do whatever they want, as long as they have fun.

These two little guys have too much on their shoulders. It's rare to have such a relaxing time. What's the trouble? I will naturally settle it."

Hearing what Hong Yi said, Xu Chenzhou also nodded. It was indeed the case.

Xiao Nannan has been hunting soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty recently. Although this is very helpful for her cultivation progress, Xu Chenzhou has actually been worried about Xiao Nannan's mental state.

After all, she is only a three-year-old child, and it is actually a big burden for her to be in the midst of killing all day.

It's good to relax now. Even if there is a big mess, they can cover it.

So Xu Chenzhou reached out and brought a plate of peanuts, filled the wine glass in front of him with fine wine, ate and drank while watching the performance of the two little guys, and even took out a camera to record this precious scene.

Just kidding, the drunk young Emperor Huang Tian fought against the drunk young Emperor Hen Ren, such a shocking scene must be appreciated.

When the two little guys achieve the sacrificial path in the future, I will take out this precious video and show it to them, it will definitely be very interesting.

The fight between the two little guys became more and more exciting. Although their combined ages are less than ten years old, the two little guys have extremely rich combat experience.

One has been wandering in the virtual world for many years to practice killing gods and killing Buddhas, and the other is a single-handed killer. The soldiers of the three camps of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty are trembling all day long, and they don’t even dare to go out for patrol.

The scene of the two young emperors fighting together is really too exciting. Shi Hao was so excited that he directly controlled his signature skill, the Six Paths of Samsara Fist.

After this period of practice, Shi Hao's Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art has become more and more proficient. As Shi Hao's fist technique is performed, the birth and death of the universe and the reincarnation of time appear behind him. It seems that all living things in the world are returning to their origins and returning to the void.

And Xiao Nannan is not to be outdone. She stretched out her hand and pointed, and powerful sword energy came out of thin air. With the powerful sword intent of cutting off the world and chopping off the sun, moon and stars, she fiercely clashed with the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist in Shi Hao's hand.

In order to hunt down the soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty, Xiao Nannan's main skill is the most efficient killing grass sword technique. A blade of grass can cut off the sun, moon and stars. With the decisive killing of the grass sword technique, killing the soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty is just like mowing grass. As she continued to kill, Xiao Nannan's cultivation of the grass sword technique became more and more profound.

Xu Chenzhou could feel that an extremely powerful sword intent was brewing in Xiao Nannan's body. This sword intent came from the Caozi Sword Art, but it was different from the original sword intent of the Caozi Sword Art. It carried Xiao Nannan's own understanding of the Caozi Sword Art.

Although this sword intent was still in its infancy, Xu Chenzhou could feel that once this sword intent blossomed and bore fruit, it would produce an extremely amazing fruit.

Facing Xiao Nannan's Caozi Sword Art, Xiao Shihao did not dare to be careless. As his fist moved, a red and white robbery light fell from the sky.

Xiao Shihao stood in the void, with an extremely lofty aura condensed on his body. The white robbery light emitted from his hand was even more vast and supreme, as if to judge everything.

This white tribulation light was the God's tribulation light that he took back from Shi Yi's hand. He carved the runes of the God's tribulation light from Shi Yi's hand. After this period of practice, Xiao Shi Hao successfully mastered this light. Treasure technique.

After all, strictly speaking, this magic is actually his innate magical power, and it fits perfectly with Xiao Shi Hao.

At this time, Xiao Shihao used this extremely terrifying light of heaven's calamity, annihilating all the sword intentions of the Cao Zi Sword Technique in an instant.

Everyone watched this fierce battle on the boat, and no one stopped it, because they knew that although the two little guys fought fiercely, they actually did not fight with all their strength, maybe because even though they were drunk, they were still fighting. Subconsciously, I still know that the person in front of me is a very close and important person to me.

The two little guys were fighting, and the little girl suddenly tilted her head, the light of the wings behind her disappeared, and the whole person fell straight into the river like a cannonball.

Xu Chenzhou smiled bitterly and shook his head and looked at Hong Yi: "It seems that the stamina of your Dragon Tooth Brew is really big. Even the monks who practice the Heaven-Shielding Technique can't withstand it."

After he finished, he flew out with a sword light and transported the little girl directly back to the painting boat.

After losing his opponent, Xiao Shi Hao was a little confused. He looked left and right as if he was confused about the situation. It wasn't until he saw Xu Chenzhou's sword light that Xiao Shi Hao followed the sword light and swung back to the boat.

Xiao Shi Hao, who was lying on the boat, was obviously a little exhausted. His eyes were very blurred and he was swaying every step of the way, as if he would be drunk at any time.

Xu Chenzhou stepped forward, picked up the little guy with one hand, and rested his head on his left shoulder, while he was holding the little girl in his right hand.

The two little guys leaned on him, one on the left and the other on the right, sleeping very sweetly.

"You guys keep drinking, I'll send these two little guys to rest first."

With that said, Xu Chenzhou left the hall and walked towards the guest room that Hong Yi had prepared for them.

As he walked, he heard a sound of sleep coming from the mouths of the two little guys leaning on his shoulders.

"The animal milk is delicious. Every kind of animal milk that the group leader brother bought for me is delicious.

Mom and Dad, where are you? I want to drink with you."

"Brother, I miss you. I don't know if you are doing well. You must also be worried about how I am doing.

Don't worry about me, I'm living a good life and have met many brothers and sisters who are very nice to me like you.

But I still miss you very much, and I still want you to come back to me. "

Hearing the two little guys talking in their sleep, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but feel soft. These two little guys were so distressing.

Although these two little guys are the youngest in the group, in fact, the pressure these two little guys face is the greatest among the group friends in the group chat.

Due to various reasons, he now has no way to help these two little guys find their relatives. After all, he can only be regarded as a strong ant in Zhetian and the perfect world.

But Xu Chenzhou secretly made up his mind that as long as there was a chance in the future, he would definitely reunite these two little guys with their relatives as soon as possible.

Xu Chenzhou placed Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shi Hao in different rooms, tidied their loose hair, then carefully covered them with quilts, and said softly to the two little guys.

"Good night and have sweet dreams!"

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