All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 161 Yang Pan was shocked. Whose general is this?

The night was slightly cool, and the moonlight climbed onto the branches. Under the bright moonlight, the maids and guards walked hurriedly through the Daqian Palace.

A palace maid held a tray carved from yellow dragon wood in her hands. On the tray were placed a jug of wine and several plates of preserved fruits.

This pot of wine is contained in a flask made of jade. The texture of jade is excellent, as pure and flawless as glass, making the body of the pot look translucent.

The moonlight penetrates the body of the pot and scatters into the wine in the pot, illuminating the wine transparently, as if this pot of fine wine is a jade liquid from the sky.

This palace maid moved very carefully and steadily, not daring to make any unnecessary movements.

After placing the tray in her hand on the stone table in the imperial garden, the palace maid turned around and left without even daring to look at the pair of monarchs and ministers sitting in the pavilion.

It wasn't until she walked far away and out of the sight of Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan that she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Since ancient times, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. In the past two months, Yang Pan has become very irritable. He will get angry whenever the palace maids and eunuchs who are guarding him do anything slightly dissatisfied with him.

This frightened her, who had been in the palace for more than ten years, fearing that she might make a mistake and offend the king, and end up like several other colleagues who were beaten to death.

The monarchs and ministers in the imperial garden had no intention of paying attention to this little palace maid, and they didn't even bother to look at the pot of wine brought by the palace maid. At this time, they were all distracted by the noise coming from the distance.

Hong Xuanji's face was dark and his eyes were staring straight into the distance on the horizon.

In that very far place, you can vaguely see a huge Suan Ni shadow fighting with the Phoenix shadow. Colorful flowers flickered, dyeing half of the sky purple and red, as if thousands of trees were blooming and silver light fell to the ground. .

With Hong Xuanji's cultivation level, he could easily sense the terrifying power hidden in the vision in the distance. Just the aftermath of their fight could make the earth shake, even hundreds of miles away. A slight vibration could be felt in the palace. This terrible destructive power made Hong Xuanji feel extremely horrified.

Yang Pan's face was also very serious, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Presumptuous, really presumptuous!

Next to the Jade Capital City, at the emperor's feet, there was a bold maniac who dared to fight outside the city.

This is completely disrespectful to me. "

Over the years, Yang Pan ordered Hong Xuanji to suppress the world, and the world's cultivation circles were all crawling under the power of Daqian. It has been countless years since anyone dared to fight so unscrupulously around Yujing City.

However, Yang Pan's anger was also filled with incomparable fear and panic.

During his reign, he destroyed mountains and temples, destroyed countless sects, and collected many classics from these sects.

In addition, he himself also had the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the Tao of Creation, so he thought that he had an incomparable understanding of the cultivation world of Yangshen World.

But now he couldn't understand what kind of skills these two beings who were fighting outside the city were practicing.

If it is a divine soul technique, if you want to have such terrifying destructive power, you must at least practice it to the level of the Creator of Six Tribulations.

But the physical bodies of these two beings are extremely terrifying, like ancient beasts that created the world and wreaked havoc in the wilderness.

Among other things, the boy sometimes transformed into a Suan Ni in the air, and sometimes turned into a blue bird, flying back and forth like a god or demon.

According to Yang Pan's understanding of Yangshen Martial Arts, only human immortal masters in the ever-changing realm can do this.

When he thought of this, Yang Pan's face was covered with beads of sweat, and he no longer had the calmness he had before. He knew deeply how terrifying the ever-changing immortal masters were.

If a master of that level wants to, one person can become a million masters. It is just a thought to destroy the rule of Daqian. Unless he can repair the boat of creation, the king of artifacts, he can compete with the ever-changing human and immortal masters. rival.

Seeing Yang Pan's expression, Hong Xuanji quickly spoke out to comfort him: "Your Majesty, don't panic. Although the two traitors fighting outside the city with the views of humble ministers have amazing magical powers, they are definitely not masters of the ever-changing level.

Wei Chen did not feel the fist intention on them. It was obvious that they did not practice human immortal martial arts, and their changes were obviously limited, and they could only change back and forth between those kinds of strange beasts. Therefore, their changes should be due to the power of divine soul Taoism, but the Taoism they practice is rather strange and can change the physical body.

Xiao Shihao is able to constantly change his physical body, naturally because of the Perfect Method.

If you practice the Perfect Method to the level of formation, you can carve runes into your flesh and blood. With the power of runes, the practitioner's physical body can change in countless ways.

Xiao Shihao has already achieved the Ten Caves in the Virtual God Realm. After this period of hard training, he has broken through to the formation realm.

Hong Xuanji's words made Yang Pan's expression gradually return to normal. It would be easier if he wasn't a master of the ever-changing level.

For Yang Pan, he is actually not afraid of ordinary Taoist masters. With Daqian's luck protection, it is difficult for Taoist masters to hurt him.

Even Meng Shenji, the master of the Ghost Immortal Supreme Taoist who is known as the world's best master and has survived seven thunder tribulations, can't do anything to him. Several attempts to assassinate him ended in failure.

"Xuanji, you are right. I looked at it carefully and it is indeed what you said.

These two people do not have the unique fist power of human immortals. From the looks of it, I am afraid they are not even martial saints, they are just physically powerful.

It seems that these two people should have practiced a strange Taoist technique, which can change the structure of the body with the power of thoughts, and achieve an effect similar to the ever-changing.

However, even so, we still have to pay attention to it. Just their performance in the battle just now is already the world's first-class masters.

I originally thought that Guanjun Hou was already an invincible general, but I didn't expect these two people to be even more brave.

Xuanji, think of a way to see if you can get in touch with these two people.

If you can recruit them, it will definitely be a blessing for Daqian. "

Hong Xuanji's face was still gloomy, and he said with a gloomy look.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid there is no hope for us to recruit these two people.

I received a tip-off two days ago that the rebellious son had returned to the vicinity of Yujing City two days ago, and the place where he was was exactly where these two masters fought.

I can feel that these two masters seem to be fighting fiercely, but in fact, the two people are not serious, they should just be sparring.

It seems that these two masters must be the subordinates recruited by my rebellious son. "

Hearing this, Yang Pan's face suddenly darkened.

This was the scene he least wanted to see. Hong Yi was a person he was extremely afraid of.

It was not that he did not have the emperor's bearing and tolerance, but that Hong Yi was too arrogant.

The main reason why he became moody in the past two months was because of Hong Yi.

In fact, he did not care much about the conflict between Hong Yi, Yi and Hong Xuanji, but was happy to see it happen.

This did not mean that he did not believe in Hong Xuanji, but for him, both Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji were his subjects.

As long as they were his subjects, they could be used by him.

Although the relationship between Hong Xuanji and him was closer, Yang Pan did not rule out having another Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji. The two of them were restraining each other.

However, Hong Yi's threat before he left made Yang Pan deeply understand that Hong Yi was definitely not a chess piece that he could control.

As long as Daqian dared to issue a wanted order against him, he would no longer be a minister of Daqian.

Is this a word that a minister can say?

For Yang Pan, a loyal minister would never threaten the emperor with the safety of the country.

Such a person is useless. Even if he surrenders temporarily, he is just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Moreover, Hong Yi's talent made Yang Pan feel terrified.

Yang Pan didn't know when Hong Yi started practicing, but Yang Pan had met Hong Yi two years ago. He was very sure that Hong Yi at that time was just a child who had never practiced, without any practice. For on the body.

In just two years, Hong Yi has grown from a helpless child to a martial saint who can face Hong Xuanji head-on. With this level of talent, Yang Pan simply dares not imagine Hong Yi's future. If he is given enough time, this kind of person may even have the opportunity to become a human-immortal martial artist of the ever-changing level.

After Hong Yi left Yujing City, Yang Pan had sent countless spies to visit and investigate Hong Yi's news.

Although these spies did not find Hong Yi's whereabouts, they did find out a lot of other news.

For example, a rice merchant suddenly appeared in the world, constantly taking out rare rice varieties to trade with major families, and accumulating a lot of wealth.

Another example is that a secret force suddenly appeared, He kept recruiting soldiers and cultivating power in various places.

For example, many private schools suddenly appeared in the world, all of which were funded by an unknown kind-hearted person.

In just two months, there were so many strange people and things in the world, which must be related to the disappearance of Hong Yi.

Although Yang Pan didn't know what Hong Yi was going to do specifically, he felt a strong threat in his heart for no reason.

As a result, Hong Yi now has two such powerful subordinates, which makes Yang Pan feel extremely dangerous.

Suddenly, Yang Pan's expression moved, and he said softly, "The skills practiced by these two masters are completely different from the martial arts and Taoism we know. I don't know if Hong Yi's ability to practice so quickly has anything to do with this skill."

Hong Xuanji shook his head slightly: "When I fought with the rebellious son two months ago, Hong Yi practiced the pure human immortal martial arts, but his strength was a little unusual. Judging from his performance, it is very different from these two masters, so it should not be related. "

Hong Xuanji's judgment was wrong. The reason why Hong Yi had such a strong power was because he practiced the Perfect Method. However, the Perfect Method was not obvious in the Blood Moving Realm, and it was somewhat like an ordinary natural divine power.

But this was not Hong Xuanji's fault. After all, he was born in the Yangshen World. The way of cultivation he had been exposed to since childhood was the human immortal martial arts and the soul and soul Taoism. His thinking had long been imprisoned, and he could not imagine the advanced path of the cultivation in the perfect world.

Yang Pan sat on the main seat. The moonlight shone through the eaves of the pavilion, casting a shadow on his face, making the emperor's face look a little uncertain.

After a long time, Yang Pan said softly: "The last time Hong Yi left, he said that he would return to Yujing City to participate in the Spring Boudoir.

And now is the time for the Spring Boudoir. Hong Yi came back this time, probably for this matter.

This is a rare opportunity.

Hong Yi is a man with wolfish ambitions. Once he is allowed to do so, he will definitely be a disaster.

Now, while he is still not established, it is the best policy to get rid of him quickly.

Xuanji, go and send a few visiting cards, contact those noble families in my name, and ask the heads of the families to come to Yujing City to meet me. "

Yang Pan is very cautious in doing things. It is obvious that Hong Yi did not come back alone when he returned to Yujing City this time, but brought his subordinates with him, and among these subordinates there are peerless strong men like those two.

Although Yang Pan also has the confidence that he can take down Hong Yi with the power in the imperial city.

But since he wants to do it, he will definitely do it to the extreme, and he doesn't want to leave Hong Yi any chance.

Hearing Yang Pan's words, Hong Xuanji's face had no expression, as if the person Yang Pan wanted to deal with was not his biological son.

He stood up and nodded to Yang Pan: "I know, I will go back and prepare now. Several heads of noble families will act together. No matter how powerful this rebellious son is, he will not be able to escape this time. "

The next morning, the sky was slightly bright, and the morning light broke through the clouds and shone on the river surface, reflecting the sparkling water.

All the group members in the chat group had gotten up on time and sat in the banquet hall, eating the breakfast carefully prepared by Hong Yi.

Emerald shrimp dumplings, lotus leaf wrapped chicken, Jiushan Creek noodles, etc., were all cooked by the chef hired by Hong Yi, and the taste was very delicious.

In fact, with Yang Chan and Han Li's cultivation, they could have gone without eating long ago, but they still got up on time and ate breakfast with their group members.

Eating has become a habit for them. After all, they were still ordinary people two months ago, and just two months is not enough for them to change their past living habits.

And the two little families The guy was sitting at the dining table in a daze.

Little Nannan closed her eyes and mechanically reached out her hands to pick up the exquisite dishes on the table, looking like she was still hungover.

The strength of the Dragon Tooth Rice Brew was so terrible that the two little guys had not yet fully recovered.

This breakfast still made everyone very satisfied. Everyone ate and chatted, very happy.

The group members were all teenagers. Teenagers of this age seemed to have endless things to say when they got together.

Even Han Lao Mo, who was always quiet, chatted happily with Zhang Junbao.

Looking at the appearance of everyone, Hong Yi also smiled. He waited until everyone had finished eating and said, "According to my speculation, the time when the spring thunder appeared is probably at midnight tonight.

It's still early before the time of the tribulation. Do you have any places you want to go?

At our speed of flying on the sword, half of Daqian is within our range of action, enough to rush back to the vicinity of Yujing City before midnight."

Little Nannan asked curiously, "Brother Hong Yi, what fun places are there in the Yangshen world? "

Hong Yi shook his head and said, "Speaking of fun places, there are so many. In the past two months, I have traveled around Daqian and seen many strange scenery, such as the Thousand Bamboo Forest in the Great Wilderness, the Endless Thunder Sea in the Northern Frontier, the Sea and Sky in the South Sea, etc., which are all rare wonders. "

Lu Mingfei suddenly said, "Those places are interesting, but it's a bit rushed to get there. Why don't you take us to visit Yujing City today?"

Zhang Junbao also said, "Yes, I think Yujing City is the most interesting, and I also want to visit the place where you grew up."

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