All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 163 Why don’t we go to Sanhua Tower?

Seeing the compromise of the three family heads, a smile appeared on Hong Xuanji's face: "In this case, the five family heads must be prepared. If they want to get the secret from Hong Yi, one prerequisite is that they must be able to capture Hong Yi alive.

Even though I am a very young person, he is actually not that simple.

Moreover, he did not come back alone when he returned to Yujing City this time.

Presumably, the three heads of the family should have received a tip. Last night, two great supernatural powers fought outside Yujing City, causing the mountains and rivers to burst and the rivers to roll back. These two great supernatural powers were the subordinates of my traitor, so this time the five The head of the family cannot take it lightly and must be fully prepared. "

Hong Xuanji's words surprised the five family heads. The powerful families like them naturally have their own spies in the capital, so they also knew about the battle that took place outside Yujing City last night.

According to the spies' report, the scene of the battle was extremely grand.

During the day today, they went to explore outside the city. The entire riverbed of the Changbai River outside Yujing City was widened by three meters due to the battle. The mountains and rivers on both sides of the river collapsed, the earth cracked, and the entire terrain was beyond recognition, as if it had suffered a world annihilation. Like a natural disaster.

With this level of destructive power, the five masters asked themselves that they couldn't achieve it without trying their best.

The purpose of their coming to Yujing City this time was to investigate the information of these two great magical powers.

Unexpectedly, not long after arriving in Yujing City, he found out from Hong Xuanji that these two great magical powers were Hong Yi's subordinates.

But even so, the five family heads still had confident smiles on their faces, and they did not take the news seriously at all: "Brother Xuanji, don't worry, we are naturally fully prepared when we come this time.

Not only did we bring the artifacts passed down from generation to generation, we even brought out the manuscripts of our ancestors.

As long as the saint's manuscript is there, even if there are many masters around Hong Yi, he will still be vulnerable. "

Hearing this, Hong Xuanji nodded and said nothing more.

"In this case, Hong has no doubts, but before capturing Hong Yi, the Holy One wants to see the five gentlemen first.

Please five gentlemen go to the palace to meet the saint first, and then come to Hong Mansion to meet me after the palace affairs are over. Then I will naturally capture Hong Yi with you. "

After Hong Xuanji finished speaking, the five family heads also nodded: "It's rare for me to come to Yujing City, and it's only right to go to the palace to pay homage to the Holy One. Brother Hong, please stay for a while, and we'll go back."

After saying that, the five family heads were shrouded in the oval light and broke through the air, disappearing into the Hong Mansion in an instant.

Seeing the five family heads leaving, Hong Xi quickly walked to Hong Xuanji and asked with confusion on his face: "Father, what kind of secret does that little bastard have that makes even the family heads of the saint family so persistent.

Although this little brat is practicing extremely fast, he is not particularly outstanding compared to the talents in the world. As far as I know, three of the saint families have a child prodigy named Fangyuan, who has already become a ghost fairy at the age of eight. .

Moreover, there are such outstanding figures in our Da Qian Dynasty. The champion is almost the same age as Hong Yi, but his cultivation is definitely more domineering than Hong Yi.

Why didn't the five family heads search for the secrets in them, but were so persistent with Hong Yi? "

Hong Xuanji put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Of course it's not because of Hong Yi's cultivation that these five people are so anxious. The family of saints has been passed down for thousands of years. In their eyes, a mere young martial saint means nothing.

The only thing that can make the five family heads so urgent is the secret that can increase the strength of the entire family.

If I guessed correctly, their goal should be for the ancient dragon tooth rice on Hong Yi. "

The moment he mentioned the ancient dragon tooth rice, Hong Xuanji's eyes lit up with a frightening divine light, as if the ancient god king came to the world to judge everything and suppress everything.

He looked far away in the direction where the five family heads had disappeared, and with a flick of his hand, an astonishing aura emerged from his body, as if he had suppressed all five of them in his palm.

"Taikoo Dragon Tooth Rice! How can this little brat have such a rare treasure on his body? How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible!

Thinking about the rise of my Hong family for more than 20 years, I have made good friends with all the major families, and wiped out many sects and sects, but with my Hong family's background, I have not been able to obtain special rice seeds.

Who is he, Hong Yi, to be able to get the world's most precious Qimi, Ancient Dragon Tooth Rice! "

Hong Xuanji's eyes were indifferent: "That little beast naturally has his fate. With his great luck, it is not a strange thing to get Taikoo Dragon Tooth Rice.

Your Majesty received a tip some time ago. After Hong Yi, the little beast, left Yujing City, a big rice merchant appeared in the world. He traded the deteriorated Taikoo Dragon Tooth rice with many aristocratic families, and the number reached countless. all the wealth

Under His Majesty's instructions, the spies found out the identity of this rice merchant, who was a big businessman from Kamikaze Kingdom.

This businessman is naturally not the person behind the scenes. He is just a businessman, so what qualifications do he have to get such a rare treasure.

However, the people of the Kamikaze Kingdom are extremely careful. After we discovered the rice merchant, all subsequent clues were cut off and there was no way to investigate further.

Originally, I could not conclude that this matter was related to Hong Yi. It was not until the abnormal actions of these five family heads that I confirmed my guess.

The main reason why we couldn't find the person behind the mountain man was that the mountain man didn't trade with official forces at all. Without the opportunity of close contact, the spies lost the clue.

According to the spies' intelligence, these five families had participated in the trading of ancient dragon tooth rice. With the strength of the various families, it was not difficult to find the person behind him by following the rice merchant.

Before leaving Yujing City, Hong Yi had a close relationship with Luo Yun, the princess of the Divine Wind Country. After he left Yujing City, the merchants of the Divine Wind Country took out such rare treasures to collect wealth. Isn't the truth of the matter already exposed?

However, since the ancient dragon tooth rice is the opportunity of this little beast, it naturally belongs to my Hong family.

The heads of those saintly families may have made a wrong decision this time. "

Hong Xi's blood boiled after hearing Hong Xuanji's words, and even the sadness of his mother's death was diluted a lot: "Father, you are right. Hong Yi, this little beast, is originally from my Hong family. He has been eating and drinking from my Hong family since he was a child. If it weren't for my Hong family, he would have frozen to death and starved to death, so his opportunity itself belongs to our Hong family.

Besides, the ancient dragon tooth rice is so precious. Once my Hong family gets it, I don't know how many talents can be cultivated.

Those aristocratic families hide from the world, even if they get the ancient dragon tooth rice, it is a waste of heaven's gift.

They are not like our Hong family, who are loyal to the court.

When the time comes, it will be a blessing for the whole Daqian to have these talents from my Hong family. "

Hong Xi expressed his loyalty while imagining his future of becoming a human immortal with the help of the ancient dragon tooth rice. He couldn't help but feel a little proud.

He knew that with his qualifications, it was not difficult to become a martial saint, but it was difficult to become a human immortal. With the ancient dragon tooth rice, he would have the opportunity to improve his qualifications and truly have the hope of becoming a human immortal.

Hong Kang on the side couldn't help but sighed, "What a pity, the little beast only had the degraded ancient dragon tooth rice. The effect of this ancient dragon tooth rice that has degraded ten times is much worse than the authentic ancient dragon tooth rice. How great it would be if he had the authentic ancient dragon tooth rice!"

Hong Xuanji shook his head: "It's hard to say. Hong Yi has been dormant in the Hong Mansion for more than ten years. He has never shown his edge. He lets you bully him, lets the servants beat and scold him, and is willing to be humble.

With such a terrible mentality, if the little beast only had the degraded ancient dragon tooth rice, how could he take it out for trading.

In all likelihood, he has the authentic Taigu Longya Rice, so he took out the degraded Taigu Longya Rice as a tool to make money.

Although the degraded Taigu Longya Rice is very strong, it is only about three levels better than those secret rice varieties of the aristocratic families, so the little beast judged that it would not cause too much trouble.

However, he did not expect that those aristocratic families would follow the clues and hit him, and even guessed that he had the authentic Taigu Longya Rice.

Otherwise, these aristocratic family heads would not be so solemn this time, and even asked for the ancestral artifacts and saints' manuscripts of the clan. "

Hearing this, Hong Xi was greatly encouraged: "Great, if there is authentic Taigu Longya Rice, my Hong family will usher in a real prosperity.

It seems that this little beast is still useful to my Hong family.

But father, are you sure? These five family heads are coming with a fierce momentum, and it seems that they are not easy to deal with. ”

Hong Xuanji also nodded: "Don't worry, the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind. The power and foundation of our Daqian Dynasty are far beyond your imagination.

These five family heads think they are hunters, but they don't know that they have already become the prey of me and your majesty.

However, if Hong Yi, this beast, still has loyalty, filial piety, integrity and shame in his heart, he should naturally offer the ancient dragon tooth rice to me.

However, it is obvious that he is an unfaithful, shameless and rebellious son, so I will personally take back the ancient dragon tooth rice that he should have offered. "

When he spoke, his eyes were arrogant, and he didn't take the five patriarchs of the saint family seriously at all.

On the other side, Hong Yi took his friends in the chat group to browse the customs and practices of Yujing City.

He brought everyone to the street where he often played when he was a child, and bought a few strings of candied haws and distributed them to his friends in the group.

Hong Yi looked at the candied haws with deep eyes, and he said slowly: "This is where I grew up when I was a child. I still remember that when the monthly allowance was distributed at the end of each month, my mother would take me to the street to play. Every time I passed by here, I would cry and ask her to buy a string of candied haws, and she would always touch my head with a smile and buy me a string of sweet candied haws. ”

Taking his friends back to the place where he grew up, Hong Yi's mentality has obviously changed.

If he were to revisit the old place himself, Hong Yi would not be so emotional, because he would never dwell on the past.

But traveling with his friends is different.

The friends in the chat group are the first group of friends Hong Yi has made in his life, and they are very meaningful to him.

Revisiting the old place with these relatives and friends reminded Hong Yi of many things that happened in his childhood, and the blurred face in his heart gradually became clear.

Xu Chenzhou quietly accompanied Hong Yi to visit several streets he often walked when he was a child. These streets are very close to the Hong Mansion, almost next to the Hong Mansion.

When the people in the area far from the Hong Mansion met Hong Yi, they all looked terrified.

However, the people in these streets did not show any strangeness when they saw Hong Yi. Some vendors were even very enthusiastic when they saw Hong Yi and were unwilling to accept money.

Little Nannan was very surprised by this scene: "Brother group leader, why do the people in other places feel like they have seen a monster when they see Brother Hong Yi, but in these streets, everyone is so close to Brother Hong Yi?"

Xu Chenzhou smiled and explained: "Justice is in the hearts of the people. Although Emperor Qian and Hong Xuanji control public opinion, they think they can control the situation and reverse black and white.

But the people in these streets have watched Hong Yi grow up since childhood and know what kind of person Hong Yi is.

Another point is that when Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji had a conflict, these people were nearby and heard the whole story.

And when Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji fought, Hong Yi had divided his energy to protect the nearby residents several times.

They have experienced these things personally, so they will naturally not be deceived by Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan."

However, after explaining, Xu Chenzhou secretly thought that this was also because the communication of the Great Qian Dynasty was not developed. If in a place with developed media, people who control public opinion can reverse black and white.

Even if there are some things that you have experienced personally, under the brainwashing day and night, if you are not the kind of person who knows a lot about communication, your mind will be changed unconsciously.

After walking around these streets, Lu Mingfei said: "Hong Yi, are there any other fun places in Yujing City?"

But Hong Yi didn't have any ideas for a while. His memories of Yujing City were very thin. Apart from these streets, there was only Hong Mansion.

He spread his hands and said helplessly: "I also want to take you to visit again, but the problem is that I don't know where to go. I was not valued at all in Hong Mansion back then. It was difficult to even have enough food with the monthly allowance, so how could I have the heart to go around and play."

Xu Chenzhou suddenly suggested: "If you don't know where to go, why don't we go to see the Sanhua Tower in Yujing City together?

It's a rare opportunity to come to the ancient world. If you don't try to listen to music in the brothel, it's just a waste of time."

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Lu Mingfei showed an incredible expression on his face: "Group leader, the group members who came this time are not only big Master, what about the beautiful girls and children? You actually want to take them to a brothel! ! ! ! "

Xu Chenzhou knocked on Lu Mingfei's head: "What do you mean by visiting a brothel? What are you talking about? I'm doing archaeology, investigating the customs and practices of ancient times.

And almost all the people in Sanhualou are Qingguan people who sell their art but not their bodies. What's wrong with us going there to listen to some songs?

Besides, the most interesting people in Yujing City are in the palace, the second most interesting people are in Hong Mansion, and the third most interesting people are in Sanhualou.

Su Mu of Sanhualou is the descendant of Taishangdao. It's a rare trip to the Yangshen world, so how can we not see the unique skills of Taishangdao? ""

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