All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 164 The murderous intent in little girl's eyes

In the folks of Yujing City, Sanhualou is known as the first brothel in Yujing City, but in fact, Sanhualou is not a brothel in the traditional sense.

The women in Sanhualou are all prostitutes who sell their art but not their bodies. They are all proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and each of them is a well-educated lady.

In a sense, the existence of Sanhualou is more like a high-end club salon in modern society. Many dignitaries and civil and military ministers often invite prostitutes in Sanhualou to perform. It is not at the same level as those ordinary brothels that sell flesh.

Generally speaking, the business hours of brothels are in the middle of the night, when the brothels will usher in the peak period of customer flow.

But Sanhualou is different. It is still daytime now, but there are luxurious sedan chairs at the door of Sanhualou. One by one, the servants stand in front of the sedan chairs humbly, respectfully guiding the nobles in the sedan chairs into Sanhualou.

Although Sanhua Tower is called a building, it is far from being just a building. It covers a large area of ​​five acres, which is not inferior to the residences of senior officials in the court, and even to the Wu Wenhou Mansion.

In addition to its large area, the decoration of Sanhua Tower is also extremely luxurious, with carved railings and jade bricks, splendid pavilions, showing the atmosphere of wealth.

From the outside, Sanhua Tower is five stories high, and the eaves of each floor are hung with lanterns of various shapes. You can imagine lighting these lanterns at night. The twinkling lanterns on the jade-like attic will make this Sanhua Tower look like a dream.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the luxurious scene of Sanhua Tower: "Group leader, you said this place is called Sanhua Tower. I thought it was really a building. I didn't expect it to be so outrageous. It's too luxurious!"

In Lu Mingfei's eyes, even if this Sanhua Tower is moved to modern society, it is definitely a top-level club, which kills those seemingly magnificent nightclubs in seconds.

Let alone this wooden structure, every part of it is filled with the ingenious ideas of ancient craftsmen, which can definitely beat those seemingly luxurious but actually rustic club decorations.

Everyone nodded, and in their eyes, this Sanhua Building can also be regarded as a high-standard building.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but say, "Although this Sanhua Tower is not as peculiar as the Xuanyong Pavilion in Zhao State, when it comes to architectural beauty, the Xuanyong Pavilion is far inferior to the Sanhua Tower.

The Xuanyong Pavilion is a nine-story building, which is the proud work of the previous generation of Mohist masters. He cleverly used the structure of wooden materials and used a sophisticated force-bearing method to make the Xuanyong Pavilion have a peculiar load-bearing structure. With each floor of the Xuanyou Pavilion, the area of ​​the attic becomes larger. Such an outrageous structure is extremely stable. Even a typhoon or earthquake cannot shake the Xuanyong Pavilion. It is simply a building that presses Newton's coffin board to the ground and rubs it.

Everyone walked into the Sanhua Tower. The guest standing at the door saw Hong Yi's face. His expression instantly became stiff. He pulled the corners of his mouth and uttered two words in a hoarse voice: "Hong Yi!!! "

As the name of Hong Yi spread, silence spread across the entire Sanhua Tower as if it were contagious.

Originally, listening to music in a brothel was a very happy thing. Every guest in Sanhua Tower had a smug expression on their face, looking extremely happy.

But the moment they heard the word Hong Yi, everyone's proud and ostentatious expressions froze at this moment. Everyone turned their heads to look at the entrance of Sanhua Tower, with a probing look in their eyes, eager to confirm whether Hong Yi really came to Sanhua Tower.

Until they saw Hong Yi's face clearly, they hurriedly turned their heads back, lowered their heads like ostriches and looked at their shoes, not even daring to make a sound, trying their best to hide their existence, for fear of being noticed by Hong Yi.

Even the singer performing on the stage was affected, and the originally elegant and melodious singing began to fade away. The tone became a little sharp and piercing.

When everyone was silent and trying to be an ostrich, a handsome young man walked in from outside the Sanhua Tower and opened the fan he carried with a snap. The fan was embroidered with the vast mountains and rivers of the Qian Dynasty. As he shook his wrist, the vast mountains and rivers on the fan seemed to come alive, which was extremely magical.

Behind him, there was also a young man wearing light silver silk. This young man lowered his eyebrows and looked obedient, as if he was obeying the words of the handsome young man in front of him.

Seeing the young man wearing light silver silk, there were a few whispers in the originally silent scene.

"Isn't this the son of Lord Changsheng? On weekdays, Lord Changsheng is so arrogant and domineering, fearless, why is he so submissive today? What is the identity of the young man in front of him? "

A friend behind him gently tugged at his sleeve and whispered in his ear: "Speak softly, can't you guess who the young Marquis Changsheng is so respectful to? "

"Could it be Marquis Guanjun! Yes, Marquis Changsheng is a soldier, and as his legitimate son, only Marquis Guanjun can make him so respectful.

But Marquis Guanjun should be fighting outside now, why would he rush back to Yujing City at this time. "

With the arrival of Marquis Guanjun, the atmosphere in Sanhua Tower gradually became heated.

They were indeed afraid of Hong Yi, after all, this vicious man did not even take Marquis Wuwei Hong Xuanji seriously, and dared to kick his wife's head as a ball in front of Hong Xuanji.

But now that there is a championship scene, it's different.

Hong Xuanji spent the past twenty years cultivating his moral character and devoted almost all his energy to the study of Neo-Confucianism.

In the eyes of many people, Hong Xuanji's force value is far inferior to that of the champion. In their eyes, Yang An, who has been fighting in all directions since he was a weak champion at a young age, is the top master in the Daqian court.

Champion Hou Da stabbed into the Sanhua Building, as if no one else was around. Behind him and Chang Sheng Xiao Hou, there were 20 fully armed soldiers.

These soldiers were all covered in armor, with dark armor covering their entire bodies, and a black iron steel knife hanging from their waists.

This group of soldiers is an absolute force of steel. You can tell at a glance that they are strong soldiers from the army who fought in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Their faces are expressionless, their eyes are firm, and their killing intent seems to be like a vast ocean. spread across the body.

With these murderous vines, the Sanhua Building, which was originally filled with spring scenery, seemed to have turned into an iron-blooded battlefield.

The champion waved his hand: "You guys, relax, we are here to listen to music, not to kill people, why are you so tense!"

When this group of soldiers heard the words of the champion, they immediately performed a military salute and said neatly: "I obey my orders!" Then they restrained their murderous intent and relaxed.

After the champion finished speaking, he led his men back to the Sanhua Building.

The path they took was extremely straight, and wherever they passed, no matter the dignitaries or the servants of Sanhua Tower, they hurriedly made way for them to pass unimpeded.

And Hong Yi's group of people happened to be blocking the way of Champion Hou.

Just when the two groups were about to collide, the soldiers behind the champion came out more and more, reaching for their waists. A clear sound of steel clashed, and the black sword was unsheathed and pointed at Hong Yi and others.

This black knife was full of evil intentions, and there were still a few dark blood stains on the blade that had not been washed away. Everyone present could not help but feel chills running down their spines when they saw this black knife, and their heads felt slightly dizzy, as if for a moment. Being in a battlefield filled with murderous intent.

"The Marquis is on his way out, and you still don't get out of the way. Are you waiting for me to take action?"

Following his loud shout, Xu Chenzhou and others did not react at all, and still stood there talking and laughing.

The little girl even turned her head and gave the soldier a sweet smile.

Somehow, even though she was just a cute three-year-old girl, this smile made this battle-hardened soldier feel a chill.

But then the soldier suppressed the fear in his heart, because the champion prince was standing behind him. He was more afraid of the prince standing behind him than the fear in his heart.

"I'm counting to three. If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Following the soldier's warning, the 19 guards behind him also filed out, forming a long dragon behind the soldier.

Their right hands were holding the handles of their swords, as if they were about to draw their swords out of their sheaths at any moment and wash away the Sanhua Building with blood.

The fierce power of Champion Hou shocked the guests in the Sanhua Building.

They have always known that the people in the army are arrogant and arrogant. There are many military generals who are arrogant and domineering on the frontiers. They are simply the emperors and emperors.

But no matter how arrogant the military generals are, they are cautious after coming to Yujing City and don't even dare to fart.

Because if they are not careful here, they will offend someone more noble than them, and everything they own can be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

But the champion's men were different. They seemed to have no scruples and dared to be so arrogant under the eyes of so many noble people.

You can imagine how powerful the champion was, so powerful that his men dared to kill people wantonly in the capital of the Great Qian Dynasty.

It can only be said that the champion is worthy of being a champion, and is no longer on the same level as ordinary military generals.

As the soldier's three-count countdown ended, they actually took out the steel knives in their hands and were about to charge forward and kill Hong Yi and others here.

At this moment, the expressionless champion said softly: "Okay, please step back first! This person in front of you is not something you can deal with!"

After finishing speaking, the champion walked forward with a smile on his face: "Brother Hong, I have admired you for a long time!

When I was in the borderland, I heard that there was another young talent among Daqian, named Hong Yi, who was evenly matched with Marquis Wu Wen even before he was young.

At that time, I was very curious about what kind of young talent he was. Today, when I saw him, he certainly lived up to his reputation.

I have already prepared a banquet in the Sanhua Building. I wonder if Brother Hong has time to go upstairs and talk about ""

Facing Champion Hou's invitation, Hong Yi still ignored him. He still tilted his head and chatted with Zhang Junbao beside him. He laughed loudly from time to time when talking about something happy.

Seeing Hong Yi being so disrespectful, the smile on Champion Hou's face gradually faded, his eyes gradually became cold, and a killing fist spirit cultivated from fighting on the battlefield rose from his body.

When he returned to Yujing City this time, he came naturally for Hong Yi.

As the current number one member of the Grand Front Army, he has extensive contacts and a network of connections all over the world.

Ever since Hong Yi was born, Champion Hou paid great attention to Hong Yi and deliberately collected a lot of information related to Hong Yi.

This information allowed him to analyze many unusual things about Hong Yi from clues. After analyzing this information, Champion Hou determined that Hong Yi must have received the inheritance from ancient times like him, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for him to be born at such a young age. There is power that can rival Hong Xuanji.

This allowed Champion Hou to elevate Hong Yi's importance to a new level. Firstly, he did not want another young genius similar to him to appear in Daqian, and secondly, he was very keen on the opportunity in Hong Yi's hands.

With his domineering nature in heaven and earth, as long as he sees an opportunity, it will be his.

That's why he hurried back from the border after getting the news that Hong Yi had returned to Yujing City, just to seize the opportunity in Hong Yi's hands.

When he first met Hong Yi, he planned to use soldiers to give Hong Yi a show of strength. Unexpectedly, Hong Yi didn't take him seriously at all, so the champion changed his strategy and planned to get close to Hong Yi first and lower his wariness. He waited for an opportunity to seize the opportunity again, but he didn't expect that Hong Yi would not give him any face.

It was the first time for Champion Hou, who had always had smooth sailing, to meet someone like Hong Yi who didn't take him seriously, which made Champion Hou furious.

His killing intent is far beyond the killing intent of the soldier just now. He can become a champion at this age. In addition to opportunities, he has also made many meritorious deeds and experienced countless hardships. On the battlefield, there were no less than 10,000 innocent souls in his hands, so he was able to cultivate such a terrifying killing intent.

If the killing intention of the soldier just now was a river of blood, then the killing intention of the champion was a vast and boundless sea of ​​killing blood, which seemed to be able to turn the world upside down and kill all living creatures in the world.

Originally, the champion thought that Hong Yi would be able to resist a little bit when his murderous intention came out. As for Hong Yi's group of followers, they would probably faint under this murderous intention.

He wanted to use this method to fight back against Hong Yi's arrogance and let Hong Yi know that Champion Hou was someone he could not afford to offend.

But what the champion Hou didn't expect was that the group of people in front of him were not frightened and fainted as he imagined.

Only three people's faces turned a little pale, as if they couldn't resist his killing fist that was as turbulent as the mountains and seas.

If it is an ordinary person, after turning pale, his spirit will soon be eroded by the killing fist, and then he will fall into weakness or even faint.

But these three people were different. Their eyes were extremely determined. Faced with the terrifying fist intention of the champion, not only did they not be eroded by the murderous intention, but they gradually got rid of the influence of the murderous fist intention, and their faces slowly recovered. It's normal.

This shocked Yang An and secretly shouted: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

If Xu Chenzhou could know Yang An's psychological activities, he might not be able to help but smile.

Just kidding, who do you think these three people are standing in front of you?

Di Xin, who used his human body to resist the gods, and the peerless human emperor who was able to control the phoenix armor.

Unifying the six kingdoms and blaming Fang Qiu, the first emperor Ying Zheng was known as the one emperor through the ages.

There is also City Lord Luo who has extremely high understanding and unprecedented willpower. He can be said to be the first person to devour the universe.

With the killing fist intention of the mere district champion Hou, trying to overpower these three heroes is simply a dream.

Except for these three people, Xu Chenzhou and his party did not react at all to Champion Hou's fist intention. Even their expressions did not change. They were still talking and laughing, not taking Champion Hou seriously at all.

Just when the champion was still doubting his life, he saw among the group of people in front of him, a seemingly honest and honest boy, and a little girl who was obsessed with predictions raised their heads and looked into his eyes at the same time.

A Tai Chi diagram of black and white appeared in the eyes of the honest young man. Under the Tai Chi diagram, there were countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Endless resentment and murderous intent pervaded from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

The champion could feel that the murderous intent in the eyes of this honest young man was far more terrifying than the murderous intent he cultivated on the battlefield. If there were not hundreds of thousands of innocent souls under his command, he would never be able to cultivate the murderous intent. It can be called a peerless massacre.

In the eyes of the pink-carved little girl, there appeared a grass filled with blood. The grass swayed gently, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, as if it could fill the sky and destroy the earth, killing gods and stabbing immortals.

Although the little girl's murderous intention was not as strong as that of the honest boy, it was extremely pure. The murderous intention seemed to condense into a rain of blood, falling drop by drop, directly penetrating the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood behind the champion, and penetrating into his soul.

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