All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 165: Heroes gather and the storm rises!

In fact, it makes sense that Champion Hou's killing fist intention is already very powerful. It is the murderous intention condensed by countless lives, and it is the essence poured out by each life.

But his killing intent pales in comparison in front of Zhang Junbao and Xiaonan. They are not on the same level at all.

Let’s talk about Zhang Junbao first. Although he is not a murderous person, too many people died in his hands. He killed those people out of love for his family and country, which is understandable, but those Mongolian soldiers who died in his hands were also real people. The loss of life naturally gave him an extremely terrifying killing intent.

Although the champion was a mass murderer and fought on the battlefield all year round, the number of people he killed was only over ten thousand at most. However, there were hundreds of thousands of Meng Yuan soldiers who died in Zhang Junbao's hands. The murderous intention fostered by these hundreds of thousands of lives was certainly not something that the champion could resist.

Although Xiao Nannan killed few people, every one of them was an elite. Those soldiers from the Yuhua Divine Dynasty were all masters in the world of Yangshen. In addition, Xiao Nannan’s murderous intention evolved from the grass-character sword formula. , he was born with a hint of the sword intent of the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, and the purity of his killing intent could never be matched by Yang An.

Under the attack of Zhang Junbao and Xiao Nannan's murderous intention, the champion Hou's boxing intention, which was originally a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, was washed away in an instant. A look of pain appeared on his face, and drops of cold sweat flowed down, as if he had fallen into a fantasy. among.

His knees weakened and he almost fell to the ground. The Chang Sheng Little Marquis next to him saw Yang An's miserable state and hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, so that the champion didn't make a big fool of himself.

Seeing the performance of the champion Hou Yangan, the little girl withdrew her murderous eyes with satisfaction. Her tightly clenched fists gradually loosened, and she let out a cry from her mouth. He snorted coldly: "You dare to come out and bark at anything, you are overestimating your capabilities!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Sanhua Building showed incredible expressions. What is going on!

"How is it possible? The murderous intention on Mr. Hou's body just now was so terrifying. I could feel my legs trembling even from a distance. It almost scared me to the point of peeing my pants. Why did Mr. Hou become like this in the blink of an eye? Look, what happened just now!"

"I don't understand, I really don't understand. Mr. Hong Yi clearly didn't take action, so why did the champion just kneel down?"

"What do you know? They were having a spiritual confrontation just now. It's obvious that Mr. Hong's friend is superior in skills and puts the champion at a disadvantage."

For a moment, the field was extremely noisy, and everyone was talking about it. They couldn't believe their eyes, and they agreed without taking action personally. Just their friends around them could put the champion at a disadvantage.

After standing up, the champion still did not return to normal. His eyes were still dull, as if he was still trapped in the illusion just now. After about ten seconds, his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

Fortunately, the champion Hou Yang'an is also a strong man at the peak martial saint level, and his fists are as strong as iron. He can barely keep his mind and is not destroyed by these two terrifying murderous intentions and becomes a fool.

After coming back to his senses, the champion showed an extremely angry expression on his face.

"You are looking for death. Anyone who dares not to give me face has not been born in this world yet!"

He clenched his fists tightly, his body tensed, and he held his right hand forward far away, as if summoning something, and an extremely terrifying aura rose up from his body.

Although Zhang Junbao and Xiao Nannan's murderous intent was very strong, it did not make Yang An feel the slightest fear, but made him even more angry.

He lost the duel with killing intent, but this did not mean that he, the champion, had lost. He had so many trump cards in his hand that the mere killing intent was not worth mentioning at all.

Originally, in his opinion, today's protagonists were only him and Hong Yi. As for the other members of the chat group, he regarded them as Hong Yi's slaves, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

Think about what kind of character he is, Champion Hou, and talk about the traveler who wanders the world in the center.

Since being reincarnated into this world, Yang An has regarded himself as the protagonist of the world, the person destined to be destined. In his eyes, he is the overlord and the lord of the world, and all the benefits belong to him.

And Yang An's words and deeds also follow this principle. When he acts like a king, as long as he knows about it, no matter what magical powers, secrets, magic weapons and wealth, he will find a way to get it in his hands.

In addition to these external possessions, Yang An's desire to control women is even more incredible. As long as it is a woman he likes, no matter what the identity of the woman is, he will use all means to control her body and mind to completely obey her. to oneself.

It can be said that Yang An's life experience since his reincarnation has been extremely smooth, and he has never encountered any setbacks.

Even if it is Hong Yi, Yang An actually doesn't take it seriously at all. In his opinion, Hong Yi may be quite lucky, but all this is just to make a wedding dress for him, the son of real luck. As long as he takes action, Being able to easily rob Hong Yi of everything is the confidence of a true son of destiny.

What's more, this time he was actually forced into such an embarrassing situation by the two servants around Hong Yi, which Yang An really couldn't accept.

However, in the face of Yang An's anger, everyone in the chat group still had a cheerful attitude and did not take the champion at all.

Everyone has long known the champion Hou Yangan from Xu Chenzhou's information.

Yang An's apparent identity is the illegitimate son of Emperor Qian Yang Pan and Concubine Xiang, but he has a hidden identity behind the scenes, that is, a time traveler from the Central Panhuang World.

The Central Panhuang World is a world led by Xu Yi, the leader of the Tianwai Tian. Under Xu Yi's leadership, the development of humanity in the Panhuang World is very prosperous. The development of both the human immortal martial arts and the ghost immortal Taoism is far superior to the Great Thousand World.

In the Great Qian Dynasty, the Martial Saint is the top master, and those who can achieve human immortals are peerless masters in the world, who can dominate the world, but in the Central Panhuang World, human immortals are the middle class, far from the top.

In the Central Panhuang World, there are even human immortal masters who can derive from flesh and blood and change in a thousand ways. In terms of martial arts alone, they are several levels ahead of the Great Qian Dynasty.

Of course, the identity of this time traveler is not Yang An's real identity. His real identity is actually an artificial person, created by the Immortal God King with Xu Wuyi, the son of Xu Yi, the leader of the Central Panhuang World, as a template. He is the chess piece he is trying to use to control the world.

This is why Yang An has so many opportunities and has obtained the Panhuang Life Sword, the Shangmang Divine Spear, the Tianmang Horn Divine Armor, and the Human Immortal Clone.

As a chess piece of a top figure like the Immortal God King, there is a big thigh that has arranged all kinds of opportunities for him in the dark.

Of course, in the original timeline, Yang An did not play any role as a chess piece at all. Instead, he became the captain of the transport brigade. He can be called the top brother on the road to Hong Yi's rise. From Yang An, Hong Yi obtained the Human Immortal Clone, the Panhuang Life Sword, the Shangmang Divine Spear, the Tianmang Horn Divine Armor and other rare treasures, which laid a solid foundation for Hong Yi's rise.

It can be said that if Yang An did not exist, the time for Hong Yi to achieve the half-step other shore would be at least delayed by three to five years.

For a transport captain like Yang Anyu who is conscientious and responsible, everyone naturally doesn't take him seriously, and even hopes that he will explode quickly, so that they can get the benefits from him as soon as possible.

Just when Yang An was about to explode and was about to summon the Panhuang Life Sword to overturn the table, a figure came out from behind the screen on the second floor.

"Gentlemen, give me some face and calm down for now."

A voice like the singing of a lark sounded melodiously and gracefully, like a spring in an empty valley, clear and moving.

This figure was wearing a white dress, with a head of smooth black hair tied up behind her head, with a golden phoenix hairpin inserted. Her face gently showed a smile, which was amazing for years, charming, and gentle, and instantly made everyone present unable to take their eyes away.

As graceful as a startled swan, as if swimming a dragon, and born with a charming bone, all kinds of adjectives are not too much for this woman.

This person is none other than Su Mu, the courtesan of Sanhualou and the contemporary saint of Taishangdao.

She is the only one in the whole Yujing City who can have such a temperament, both holy and charming, and is simply a beauty in troubled times who brings disaster to the country and the people.

Everyone was fascinated by her and couldn't even speak. The most exaggerated one was the champion Hou Yangan, who was just furious. At this time, he gradually calmed down and indulged in Su Mu's beauty, looking completely fascinated.

The moment he saw this figure, a person with a strong mind like Hong Yi was instantly attracted by her, and even lost his mind for a while, with all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind.

At that moment, he seemed to understand the origin of these idioms such as beauty brings disaster, one smile can overturn the city and another smile can overturn the country.

But in an instant, the image of Amitabha in his mind flashed by and suppressed all kinds of distracting thoughts in his mind, which made him come to his senses.

In the past, there were various visualization methods for tempering the soul in the Amitabha Sutra, such as the hell visualization, the bone visualization, the jade girl visualization, etc. For example, the bone visualization is to imagine a beautiful woman gradually decaying from a beautiful woman to a skeleton. Through these visualizations, the practitioner can strengthen the soul, remain motionless, and not be affected by the temptations of the outside world.

In addition to Hong Yi, the friends in the chat group also broke free from Su Mu's influence by visualizing the past Amitabha Sutra.

After everyone came to their senses, they opened the chat group panel and started chatting privately in the group.

The reason why everyone opened the chat group panel and started chatting privately when they were together was because chatting in the group was the most hidden way of communication in the world. In addition to communicating in the group, their other ways of communication might be detected by masters.

So before crossing the world, everyone had already agreed that all matters related to the chat group would be communicated through the chat group panel.

Of course, sometimes if you want to say something that you want to be noticed in public, you can also communicate through the chat group panel.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Oh my god, this woman is too beautiful. If I hadn't practiced the Amitabha Sutra, I would have been fascinated by her."

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage): "I have also met the King of Zhao in Zhao State and the concubines around him. Those concubines are charming and beautiful in their own ways, but even if their strongest points are added together, they can't compare to that woman just now."

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "You may not believe me, but I am obviously a girl, but even I almost thought I was going to fall in love with him just now. This kind of charm is really terrifying, she is really beautiful!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "This effect cannot be achieved simply by being good-looking. When he appeared just now, he had already used the charm technique from the Supreme Dao.

Under the influence of the charm technique, if one does not have a strong soul, even a gentleman with a strong mind will fall in love with Su Mu.

The reason why we can easily break free from Su Mu's temptation is because we have practiced the Amitabha Sutra in the past and have the protection of Amitabha's true form. "

Everyone was chatting enthusiastically in the group chat. After chatting for a long time, everyone in Sanhua Tower had not yet broken free from the influence of Su Mu's charm.

Until Su Mu walked down the attic with lotus steps, the screen in the stairwell rose and fell, covering Su Mu's exquisite and peerless face, and then the young masters gradually came to their senses.

And the champion Yang An was also awakened from Su Mu's beauty at this time.

In fact, according to reason, with his peak martial arts cultivation, he should not be affected by Su Mu's charm so much, but on the one hand, Yang An was originally an extremely lustful person, and he loved beauty very much. On the other hand, he was just eroded by the murderous intent of Xiao Nannan and Zhang Sanfeng. At this time, his soul was weak and his spirit appeared. The flaws had such a huge impact on him.

Although he had recovered from the influence of the charm technique, Yang An's eyes when looking at Su Mu were even more explicit.

Her eyes followed Su Mu's movements closely, as if she wanted to see through Su Mu's clothes. The heat of this look even surpassed the look he had just given Hong Yi.

At this moment, Yang An no longer had the anger that was about to erupt before, and the whole person looked polite. A smile hung on his angular face, and a hint of arrogance was revealed in his confidence, which actually made him look a bit handsome.

If this kind of smile is placed in a female novel, it must be described as evil and crazy.

"Since the girl said so, I must give her a face. How dare I disobey her! "

Guanjun Hou looked very generous, walked slowly in front of Su Mu, and never looked at Hong Yi and others again.

At this moment, another figure appeared at the door of Sanhua Tower. This figure was not tall, only about 1.3 meters tall, with a childish face, and it can be seen that he was still a child.

But the temperament of this child was not simple. He was wearing a green scholar's suit and had a bookish air, as if he was a great scholar who was well-read and learned.

As soon as this figure appeared, it caused exclamations again.

"It's him, the little prodigy Fang Yuan, why is he here too?"

"The wind and clouds are gathering, and the talents are all out! Today's Sanhua Tower is really lively!"

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