All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 166 Fang Yuan can’t stand the stimulation

Beside Fang Yuan, there stood a handsome young man. He had a handsome face and a slender figure. From a distance, he had a flying temperament.

The child prodigy Fang Yuan walked slowly into the Sanhua Tower. His steps were slow but very steady. The distance between each step was as if measured with a ruler, not more or less. There was a kind of discipline and grace in every move.

He had a peculiar temperament. As Fang Yuan moved, everyone was attracted by his actions.

Fang Yuan's purpose of coming here was naturally for Hong Yi.

To be precise, it was for the ancient dragon tooth rice on Hong Yi.

In fact, the Fang family had received a letter from Hong Xuanji yesterday, but the head of the Fang family rejected Hong Xuanji's invitation.

But this does not mean that the head of the Fang family has no idea about Hong Yi. After rejecting Hong Xuanji's invitation, the head of the Fang family brought Fang Yuan to Yujing City secretly.

They did not want to cooperate with the royal family because they did not trust the Daqian royal family.

Besides the Fang family, the two saint families, the Li family and the Chen family, also contacted him and formed an alliance secretly. The purpose of their coming here is of course to bypass the Daqian court and take all the benefits from Hong Yi.

In the past few years since Yang Pan boarded the plane, the entire Daqian Dynasty has been extremely powerful, sweeping across the eight wildernesses and suppressing the four seas. I don’t know how many sects that have been passed down for thousands of years are struggling under the majesty of the Daqian Dynasty.

The Fang family has long understood that once Daqian suppresses all these sects, the next target will be these thousand-year-old families, so they came secretly to compete with Daqian for the opportunity of Hong Yi.

It is not surprising that these families are so violent, mainly because the ancient dragon tooth rice is so important.

You must know that the reason why these saint families can be passed down for so many years without decline, and there are many talents in the family, the most important reason is that each saint family has an unusual special rice variety.

Although the saint family has the skills passed down by the saints and various treasures.

However, it is impossible to maintain a stable inheritance of a family by relying on these alone. For a family, the most important thing is talent. Only an endless supply of talent can be the source of vitality for a family to survive for a long time.

You must know that once a mediocre person appears among the descendants of the next generation, it is very likely that all the foundation they have accumulated for tens of thousands of years will be lost in one day.

But it is not easy to let every generation of the family cultivate talents who can take on the responsibility of family inheritance.

But special rice varieties can do this. Food is the first necessity of the people. These special varieties can improve the user's physique and purify the user's spirit in a subtle way. Long-term consumption of special rice varieties can make the eater's spirit and spirit continue to grow, and his talent and mind are agile and clear.

Moreover, special rice varieties have countless benefits for cultivation. Ordinary warriors can only rely on pills to assist in cultivation, but these pills often have side effects. If used for a long time, it will reduce the potential of the cultivator, and special rice varieties do not have such concerns.

Ordinary special rice varieties are so domineering, let alone the king of ten thousand rice, the ancient dragon tooth rice. It is said that long-term consumption of the ancient dragon tooth rice will give even an ordinary person the opportunity to become a human immortal.

If the ancient dragon tooth rice is obtained by the Daqian Dynasty, I am afraid that there will be no living space for these families in the world a hundred years later.

These families are not sure whether Hong Yi has authentic ancient dragon tooth rice, but as long as there is a possibility, they will not give up and must find out clearly.

Fang Yuan walked in front of Hong Yi, raised his hand and said: "This brother has such an extraordinary temperament, I guess he must be the young master Hong Yi who has become famous recently.

I am Fang Yuan of the Fang family. I am entrusted by the head of the family to invite Young Master Hong Yi to come to the mansion for a chat."

Fang Yuan's face was full of confidence. He didn't think that anyone would refuse his invitation with his status, not to mention that the source of this invitation was still from the head of the Fang family.

But Hong Yi's performance was beyond his expectations. He saw Hong Yi frowning slightly and looked extremely impatient.

"Are you guys done yet? I just want to take my friends to have a good time in Yujing City. Why do you have to bother me at this time?"

Hong Yi is actually very decent in dealing with people, but this is only limited to the premise that the other party has no ill will towards him.

Hong Yi has long known what kind of people Fang Yuan and Yang An are, and naturally he will not give them a good face.

Hong Yi is in a bad mood. He has expected that he will encounter the influence of Hong Xuanji and the powerful forces of Daqian Dynasty when he returns to Yujing City, but he didn't expect that even these monsters would show up.

Hong Yi attaches great importance to receiving the group members of the chat group to play in the Yangshen World this time. He wants to give the group members the best experience.

These endless flies will undoubtedly greatly affect the group members' experience.

According to the plot, neither Fang Yuan nor Guanjun Hou should appear in Yujing City at this time.

Hong Yi also knows in his heart that the reason why these people appeared in Yujing City must be related to what he did in the past two months.

In fact, when Hong Yi took out the degraded dragon tooth rice, he had already anticipated the subsequent troubles, but he did not expect these aristocratic families to come so quickly.

He used Luo Yun's power to hide himself behind the scenes. He knew that these aristocratic families had worked very hard in the entire world and their forces were complicated. It was a pipe dream for a mere Kamikaze country to stop the investigation of these aristocratic families.

This was originally part of his plan. The degraded dragon tooth rice was originally the bait he released, and the purpose was to be able to hook up the family hidden behind the scenes.

The fish was hooked at this time, but it was not the right time to be hooked, which made Hong Yi feel a little bad.

After being rejected by Hong Yi, Fang Yuan's little face suddenly turned red. Such a direct rejection was something he had never thought of before coming.

Although Fang Yuan has a great reputation, to be honest, he is just an eight-year-old child, how could he bear such anger.

"Bold, do you really know who I am? You dare to talk to me like this!"

Hong Yi pulled a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I don't care who you are, can you get out of the way, I don't have time to play with a little kid like you now."

Hearing Hong Yi's words, Fang Yuan was completely broken.

"Infinite Heavenly Sound, Heaven and Earth Shake!"

He pointed with his finger, and a sound wave flashed from the ring on his hand. This wave was accompanied by a terrifying roar, and the ears of the spectators close to Fang Yuan felt a terrifying impact. There were even a few spectators with fragile bodies left with a bloody mark in their ears, as Fang Yuan's blow shattered their eardrums.

"If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink the wine for punishment. I wanted to be polite, but you forced me to take action.

My Wuji Tianyin is the world's first-class sound wave Taoist magic. With one blow, it can destroy bones and marrow, and break tendons and flesh.

The blood of the peak martial saint is indeed strong, but my Wuji Tianyin is pervasive. Unless you can achieve the perfect immortal, you will never be able to stop me."

The Daqian Dynasty is extremely resistant to Taoism on the surface. Under the leadership of Grand Master Hong Xuanji, the entire court regards Taoism as heresy. If it is a martial arts master, then there is naturally no scruples to take action, but it is different for Taoist masters. Once the original Taoist cultivation is exposed, they will be instantly resisted by the entire Daqian court. Fang Yuan originally wanted to take the imperial examination, and it is reasonable that he should not perform Taoism in front of everyone. But what Hong Yi did this time really made Fang Yuan very angry. In addition, for Fang Yuan, the benefits of capturing Hong Yi and getting dragon tooth rice from Hong Yi were far greater than the imperial examination, which made him act without scruples in public.

But what Fang Yuan did not expect was that his sound wave was actually dissipated into nothingness in front of Hong Yi.

"Acala, Lapis Lazuli Pure Fire."

As Hong Yi waved his sleeves, a ferocious Acala with six arms holding different types of magic weapons suddenly appeared in the void, and a blazing Lapis Lazuli Pure Fire was burning on the body of Acala.

This Lapis Lazuli Pure Fire was as clear as a piece of clear and transparent glass. Under the burning of the Lapis Lazuli Pure Fire, all foreign things such as dirt, evil thoughts, etc. were blocked and turned into ashes.

Fang Yuan's infinite heavenly sound hit the body of Acala, which only caused the figure of the Acala to shake slightly, and the glazed pure fire on his body dimmed a little, but as Hong Yi visualized the true form of Amitabha, the figure of the Acala immediately returned to its original state.

Hong Yi's move stunned Fang Yuan.

"How is it possible? Rumor has it that you are a peak martial saint who can compete with human immortals. You have practiced martial arts, and at your age, you can't have the energy to distract yourself from Taoism, but how can your Taoism be so strong that you have reached the level of breaking through the barrier of life and death and become a ghost immortal."

After the Yangshen world is possessed, it can try to break through the barrier of life and death. Once the barrier of life and death is broken, it can actually be regarded as a ghost immortal in a sense.

But this kind of ghost immortal is actually more like a pseudo-immortal, with only its form but no spirit.

This kind of ghost immortal is nominally a ghost immortal, but compared with the ghost immortal who has survived the thunder tribulation, the soul and thoughts of this kind of ghost immortal without tribulation are weak and powerless, like a stunted child.

But then Fang Yuan's mouth curled up a smile: "Okay, very good, that's enough!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yuan stopped staying. He stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the ring on his hand shone.

The appearance of this ring looks extremely simple and rustic, and there is a beast tooth inlaid on the interface. This is the Wuji Dragon Ring, the portable magic weapon of Sheng Huangji.

With the blessing of the Wuji Dragon Ring, the power of the sound waves released by Fang Yuan increased greatly. Obviously, he is just a boundless ghost fairy who has just seen through the barrier of life and death, but the power he exerts is not inferior to that of a second-level ghost fairy.

Countless sound waves emerged from the void, and wild sound waves surged in all directions.

The most terrifying thing about this kind of sound wave power is the indiscriminate attack. Although under Fang Yuan's control, the strongest point of the sound wave is directed at Hong Yi, but the sound waves he spilled also caused a devastating blow to the people around him.

One spectator was lightly touched on the arm by the edge of the sound wave. In an instant, his skin and flesh were like the waves of the wind and the sea, and then with waves of shock, blood gushed out of his body. His whole body was like an ice cube melting, and only a piece of human skin was left, slowly falling to the ground.

This horrible scene, like the end of the world, made the spectators present extremely frightened. No one wanted to watch the excitement anymore, and they all tried their best to escape from Sanhua Tower.

But what embarrassed them was that Fang Yuan was blocking the way out of Sanhua Tower, which made them extremely desperate.

Fortunately, at this moment, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of Miss Su Mu. No matter how wild the sound waves were, they would disappear when they hit the light curtain. This made everyone feel as if they had found a backbone. They rushed to Su Mu's back and began to watch the wonderful duel between the two with peace of mind.

Fang Yuan's Wuji Tianyin could control all kinds of sound waves, shake everything, and destroy everything. One after another, the sound waves formed one shape after another in the void. Tianyin Divine Spear, Tianyin Divine Axe, Tianyin Divine Cannon, one after another, streams of light ravaged the void, blasting the entire exquisite Sanhua Building into half a ruin. Many swords and knives left by the spectators were shaken into a pile of iron powder under the attack of this sound wave.

The power of this attack can be called destroying the world and destroying everything. Originally, everyone thought that Hong Yi would definitely not be able to support it under this terrifying offensive, but what everyone did not expect was that no matter how turbulent Fang Yuan's sound wave hell was, the Immovable King remained motionless, as if he was a white jade pillar supporting the sky and a purple gold beam bridging the sea.

Fang Yuan watched the image of Acala in front of him dim and then regain new life in the dimness. His eyes flickered continuously, and countless crystal-clear thoughts flashed in his mind, as if he was searching for information in his mind like a supercomputer.

"What a great Hong Yi, he can actually hold out for so long under my Wuji Tianyin blessed by the Wuji Dragon Ring. You should know that ordinary second-level thunder tribulation masters are no match for my Wuji Tianyin.

But this is not surprising, I have long seen that the Taoism you practice is not ordinary, your Acala Dharma Image follows the path of the Great Zen Temple. I was originally wondering whether you practiced the Bodhi Sumeru Sutra or the Acala Dharma King Sutra, but looking at the current situation, these two guesses should be wrong. If I am not wrong, you should practice the secret of the Great Zen Temple, the legendary Past Amitabha Sutra.

Your Acala Dharma Image is constantly destroyed and reborn, and only the Past Amitabha Sutra has such a magical power that can continuously repair the soul.

But the more opportunities you have, the more excited I am, and I will accept this Past Amitabha Sutra."

Fang Yuan looked like he had a pearl in his hand, and as he spoke, his thoughts shattered into powder and thrown into the Wuji Dragon Ring.

As Fang Yuan's thoughts were sacrificed, the light on the Wuji Dragon Ring gradually became brighter, and a terrifying momentum was steaming on the Wuji Dragon Ring. It seemed that a shadow appeared in the void. This shadow was wearing a dragon robe and a crown, and it was so noble that it could not be described in words.

With the appearance of this shadow, the power of the Wuji Tianyin around Fang Yuan made a qualitative leap. The sound waves kept evolving in the void, and actually derived a living being. These living beings lived and cultivated in the void, making various kinds of equipment, as if forming a small world composed of sound waves.

Just when the two were fighting, an elliptical air shield cut through the void, and in the air shield were the heads of the five saint families and Hong Xuanji.

The head of the Fan family, who was standing in the front, stroked his beard and said, "The kid from the Fang family is really knowledgeable. The Taoist technique that Hong Yi practices is indeed the Amitabha Sutra. I didn't expect that when the Great Zen Temple was destroyed, countless masters fought for this secret book, causing a bloody storm but none of them could find it. However, this secret book actually ended up in Hong Yi's hands. It's really a great fortune."

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