All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 167 Spring thunder explodes, everything is renewed

Although the voice of the head of the Fan family was very soft, the masters present heard it clearly. No one was not surprised when he said this!

Even Su Mu, who had always been very calm, could not help but have a strange ripple flash in her eyes at this time. The famous name of the Amitabha Sutra in the past felt like thunder to her ears, even as the successor of the Supreme Way.

Legend has it that the souls of those who practice this scripture are extremely strong, as if they were sitting in the void of the past, motionless. No matter how terrible the damage is, the souls of the practitioners can recover in a very short time.

At this time, Su Mu suddenly realized why Hong Yi was able to regain his clarity in such a short period of time when faced with her charm just now. It turned out to be because he had practiced the Amitabha Sutra in the past.

Hong Xuanji's face was as hard as iron. His eyes lowered slightly and looked at Hong Yi on the ground. There was only coldness in his eyes without any trace of warmth.

"Hey you little beast, let me tell you why you have been able to cultivate this good skill in your life. It turns out that you got the inheritance from the remnants of the Great Zen Temple!

It seems that you not only possess the Amitabha Sutra of the past, but also the Tathagata Sutra of the present time. Otherwise, it would be impossible for you to become a peak martial saint in such a short period of time.

But don’t be complacent. The inheritance of the Great Zen Temple is nothing in my eyes. I destroyed the Great Zen Temple when it was at its peak. I don’t even take Monk Yinyue in my eyes. You just got the Great Zen Temple. What does the inheritance of the temple mean?

Now it seems that His Majesty was really far-sighted and eliminated the hidden dangers for Daqian in advance. The monks of Dazen Temple are all rebellious officials and traitors, and you, who have inherited their inheritance, are also an animal without a king and a father. "

While Hong Yi was fighting with Fangyuan, he also focused his attention on looking up at Hong Xuanji who was standing in the air.

His soul rises and falls in the surrounding sound wave world, sometimes dim, sometimes bright, constantly going back and forth between damage and rebirth.

In fact, if he was more careful and did not use the special ability of the Amitabha Sutra to restore his soul as unscrupulously as he does now, it would be difficult for others to see what kind of Taoism he practiced.

However, after joining the chat group, Hong Yi's way of thinking is completely different from before. Now Hong Yi is familiar with the plot and has all kinds of trump cards in his hand, and he doesn't even bother to hide his cultivation skills.

It is nothing more than a past Amitabha Sutra. There is nothing to hide.

Even if Hong Xuanji knew that he was practicing the Amitabha Sutra of the past and the Tathagata Sutra of the present, so what if, with his current abilities, as long as those old monsters hidden in the long river of time do not come out, no one can do anything to him.

"Hong Xuanji, do you really not know how to blush? How did you defeat Zen Master Yinyue back then? Do you need me to publicize it to the world for you?

You obviously relied on a large army to besiege and win. You are talking as if you defeated Zen Master Yinyue by yourself.

With your martial arts skills, if you were to appear in front of Yinyue single-handedly, you might not be able to catch even ten moves. "

Hong Xuanji's expression did not change, he stood in the void like a divine king who controlled the heavens: "King of success, bandit of loser, nothing you say can change the fact that I destroyed the Great Zen Temple.

You managed to escape last time, but this time I want to see if you can escape from my grasp. "

After saying that, Hong Xuanji no longer cared about Hong Yi who was fighting with Fangyuan, and looked at Xiao Shihao and Xiao Nan next to Hong Yi. Although he was sitting in the palace last night, with his eyesight, It was natural to recognize that these two were the two masters who fought outside Yujing City last night.

These two people showed earth-shattering power last night, but their bodies were still two three-year-old children, which was obviously quite unreasonable.

Hong Xuanji secretly speculated that these two people looked like children, and their faces were tight. I am afraid that the appearance in front of him was not their original form.

Seeing Hong Xuanji's gaze, the little girl was very unhappy. She raised her pink and tender face and glared back fiercely.

"What are you looking at, you wretched uncle? If you look at it again, be careful and I'll beat you up!"

Hearing what the little girl said, Hong Xuanji smiled instead of being angry.

Why do you two behave like children? Although your current form is that of children, this is not your original appearance.

I don’t know which sect of Taoist master you are, but you secretly reincarnated and joined me, a rebellious son, to fight against Hong.

With the strength of the two of you, if you are willing to abandon the dark side and join the Qian Dynasty, I will certainly report to His Majesty that you will be promoted to a noble rank. From now on, you will have endless glory and wealth waiting for you. "

Hong Xuanji's words made the little girl a little confused about reincarnation and what the uncle was talking about.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? My little girl can't understand."

Hong Xuanji thought that the little girl was still pretending to be stupid, and suddenly became a little unhappy: "Why do you think that Mr. Hong is a fool? Since your identity has been revealed, you can just admit it openly.

It is really beneath the dignity of a dignified ghost and fairy to pretend to be a child. "

The little girl was still staring very cutely with her big eyes, standing there in confusion, her head full of questions.

Seeing the little girl's reaction, Hong Xuanji finally became completely angry: "What an old monster. You don't have to drink wine as a penalty, but you have to let Hong take action. Are you satisfied?"

Hearing that Hong Xuanji was so persistent, everyone also started to communicate in the chat group.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Lao Hong's eyesight is not very good. Our little Nannan and Xiao Shihao are so cute and full of youthful atmosphere. He can actually recognize them as reincarnated old monsters. It's really funny. Kill me."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Last night, when Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shi Hao were dueling, there was too much noise, and Hong Xuanji saw it.

It's normal for him to think this way. After all, given the situation in the Yangshen World, if he were told the true ages of Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shi Hao, Hong Xuanji might really doubt his life. "

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Hong Xuanji is a man who uses his heart and soul for his own purposes. He is very deep in the city. The most important thing is his incomparable stubbornness.

He only believes in himself, so as long as it is something he believes in, it is useless no matter what others say.

However, he made a miscalculation in finding the little girl. Even though the little girl looks young, her real strength is probably far beyond Hong Xuanji's imagination. "

Everyone nodded again and again. Even though Xiao Nannan had not been in the group chat for too long, and her starting point was very low, Xiao Nannan had practiced very hard during this period, and she had soldiers from the Feathered Divine Dynasty as fuel. Her cultivation speed is extremely fast

Strictly speaking, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Kung Fu is a magic method. Even if the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Kung practiced by little Nannan is a pirated version introduced by the friends in the chat group, it will not change the demonic properties of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Kung Fu.

The most powerful thing about the magic method is that the initial training progress is very fast. In addition, Xiaonannan is unscrupulous in practicing to save her brother. Like a madman, she does not care about her own endurance and madly hunts down the members of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty. Soldier, if it were other people who were devouring as madly as she was, they would have exploded and died, but little Nannan had the existence of a chat group practice space, and could make unlimited trials and errors, and completed the extreme devouring many times. After such After practicing to the extreme, Xiao Nannan's strength can now reach the level of the first echelon in a group chat.

There was certainly a reason why Shi Hao was merciless in last night's duel, but being able to fight to an equal level with the merciless Shi Hao was enough to show how terrifying the little girl's strength was at this time.

Hong Xuanji finally became a little angry when he saw the little girl still unmoved.

Although the little girl's performance last night was amazing, Hong Xuanji was not afraid at all.

The scene when the little girl took action last night was extremely gorgeous, but in Hong Xuanji's view, those were all flashy. Only power is the only thing that is eternal. Although many Taoist masters look full of special effects and very deceiving on the surface, in fact they are really They are often vulnerable to a fight.

During this period of time, he practiced the Wheel of Life and Death, fully developing his potential in the human-immortal realm, and his strength once again improved by leaps and bounds. He was confident that with his strength, no one in the world could do anything to him.

"Brother Fan, please help the five of you to arrest my traitor, and leave these two masters to me."

After finishing, Hong Xuanji stretched out his hand and swiped lightly, and a fist force that surpassed all the rotations of the heavens tore a crack in the light mask in front of him.

Hong Xuanji stepped out of the crack and suddenly fell to the ground.

There is a drawback in the cultivation of Yang Shen warriors, that is, they cannot fly in the air unless they have cultivated to a very high level. Even though Hong Xuanji is already a human immortal at this time, he still does not have the ability to fly. From the head of the Fan family Hong Xuanji fell into the light barrier and naturally lost the ability to fly.

As Hong Xuanji fell to the ground, a terrifying shock wave spread out in all directions. The terrifying shock wave smashed a big crater into the ground and raised countless dust.

Then a figure suddenly jumped out from the dust, and circles of white air waves appeared behind him.

In an instant, Hong Xuanji rushed in front of the little girl and punched the pretty little girl.

Hong Xuanji's punches were merciless, and the momentum of destroying everything and destroying the heavens was condensed on the edge of his fists.

His hands rotated, alternating between life and death. For a moment, in everyone's eyes, a huge black and white wheel seemed to be rolling continuously in the void, as if he was a divine king in charge of all living beings in the world.

Facing Hong Xuanji's terrifying attack, the little girl showed no fear at all. She smiled and put her hands in the same posture as Hong Xuanji's. She rotated her hands in the same way, and an extremely huge black and white wheel appeared behind her. It controls the artistic conception of the cycle of life and death.

Little Nannan raised her hands, countless divine lights flashed, and she easily caught Hong Xuanji's punch that controlled the world.

"The wheel of life and death? Sorry, I know a little bit about it."

Hong Xuanji's wheel of life and death was uploaded to the group chat by Hong Yi, and Xu Chenzhou later received the cultivation reward of the wheel of life and death, so the group chat contained very complete training information about the wheel of life and death.

In order to improve the efficiency of hunting down the soldiers of the Feathered God Dynasty, Xiao Nannan learned a lot of martial arts in the group space. In addition to the unparalleled killing Cao Zi Sword Art, martial arts from other worlds are also within the scope of Xiao Nannan's exploration. Inside.

The Wheel of Life and Death can be said to be the most comprehensive method of human immortal martial arts in the world of Yangshen. Even if Hong Yi only obtained part of the acupoint condensation method, the fists and kicks in the Wheel of Life and Death are still very precious! Naturally, it is also within the scope of learning for little Nannan.

The moment he saw the Wheel of Life and Death, a trace of anger flashed in Hong Xuanji Gujing Wubo's eyes.

He knew where the wheel of life and death of the man in front of him came from. The face of Wu Guanjia flashed in Hong Xuanji's mind. Hong Xuanji didn't feel much about the death of this loyal old dog, but the man in front of him actually used his own martial arts to fight him. In Hong Xuanji's opinion, this was the biggest insult to himself.

"This rebellious son actually gave the wheel of life and death to you. It seems that you are indeed his confidants.,

But is the fist you use worthy of being called the wheel of life and death? Come, I will let you see what the real wheel of life and death is!"

Hong Xuanji no longer held back and attacked with all his strength. In an instant, the entire world was shrouded in this rotating fist.

On the other side, the five family heads also attacked Hong Yi fiercely. These five family heads did not hold back at all. They knew that the situation at this time was very complicated. The past Amitabha Sutra on Hong Yi had been exposed. I don't know how many masters secretly coveted the opportunity on Hong Yi like them.

The only way to ensure the safety is to capture Hong Yi as soon as possible.

The head of the Fan family let out a long roar, and a huge Brahma wheel emerged from his soul. This huge wheel carried the breath of destruction and rebirth, as if it could destroy everything and create everything.

Seeing this huge wheel, even Hong Yi nodded slightly. No wonder Hong Xuanji once said that the reason why his wheel of life and death was not perfect was because he had not read the six-path Brahma book of the Fan family. If he could get the six-path Brahma book of the Fan family, his wheel of life and death would definitely break through to the perfect state!

In addition to the Fan family, several other aristocratic families also made their best efforts, and terrifying magical powers appeared in the void.

A phoenix that burned the world spread its wings and soared, the sun's flames flowed, and the phoenix fire burned the sky.

A piece of green wood rose from the ground, carrying endless Qinglong Yimu Qi to ravage the entire Yujing City.

Under the seal of countless magical powers, the sky began to become gloomy, and subtle thunders sounded and lightning flashed.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou's eyes moved slightly: "Hong Yi, stop playing, the spring thunder is coming!"

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's reminder, Hong Yi nodded quickly, and he opened his hands, and a statue of Amitabha Buddha in the past slowly emerged from his soul.

This Buddha was extremely vast, with his head on the sky and his feet on the ground. With a slight movement of his body, it seemed as if he was going to transcend the world. The giant Buddha stretched out his palm and covered it down.

The past was motionless, like a wheel. In an instant, the sonic hell that was raging was actually destroyed by Hong Yi's palm, and there was no trace of it.

And the magical powers of those family heads were also suppressed by the giant Buddha. The past Amitabha Buddha sat in the void. Under him, the earth, water, wind and fire surged, the extremely terrifying Brahma wheel, and the phoenix that burned the world were struggling constantly, but they could not break free from Hong Yi's bondage at all.

It turned out that Hong Yi had been hiding his abilities during the fight with Fang Yuan for such a long time, and had not actually used all his strength. He had originally wanted to give Hong Xuanji and the others a huge surprise, but he did not expect the arrival of a thunderstorm to disrupt his plan.

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