All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 168 Hong Xuanji: I was beaten by a three-year-old child?

The power of this past Amitabha Buddha was simply earth-shattering. As soon as it appeared, it suppressed all the attacks of several aristocratic family heads.

Several family heads let out a roar at the same time, countless crystal clear thoughts poured out from their souls, and terrifying power poured into their Taoist arts. In an instant, extremely terrifying power broke out, and the power condensed by Hong Yi was In the past, cracks appeared on Amitabha Buddha's body.

But Hong Yi didn't panic at all. A calm and calm smile appeared on his face, and then dense thoughts emerged in his soul. The number of these thoughts was like the gravel of the Ganges River, one after another. Thoughts flickered in the air, and each thought was as bright as a star. Countless thoughts were imagining Amitabha Buddha in the past. In an instant, he seemed to have traveled through the past and present. In the past era, the Buddha was sitting there. On the Buddha above the void, a vast and boundless power surged toward his soul like a tide along this connection. In an instant, the Buddha's golden body in the sky took on a new look.

Seeing this scene, the head of the Fan family showed an expression of disbelief on his face: "Your soul does not have the masculinity of the Thunder Tribulation Ghost Immortal. There are distracting thoughts in every thought. This shows that you You are just an ordinary ghost immortal who has just seen through the barrier of life and death, but why can your soul power be able to condense this Buddha and even suppress the Taoism of several of us? This is impossible! "

The head of the Fan family has begun to doubt life. He is a ghost immortal who has survived five thunder tribulations. His cultivation in his life can be said to be all-powerful. With his cultivation, ordinary ghost immortals are nothing in front of him. Thoughts can be suppressed, but Hong Yi was able to compete with him and even suppress him with the cultivation of a mere ordinary ghost fairy. This instantly shattered the three views that the head of the Fan family had cultivated for a long time.

"Is it possible that the Amitabha Sutra of the Great Zen Temple in the past is so magical that it can give an ordinary ghost immortal the power to fight against the five calamity ghost immortals?

This makes no sense. The Six Paths of Brahma that I practice is also a unique skill passed down by saints. Logically speaking, even if it is not as good as the Amitabha Sutra in the past, the gap will not be too big. If the Amitabha Sutra in the past was really so powerful, then the ancient Zen masters Isn't it true that Yuan, the founder of the temple, can suppress all opponents with his own power and is invincible in the world! "

Several other heads of aristocratic families couldn't believe their eyes, their hands were trembling, and they almost fainted.

Hong Yi smiled slightly. It is true that because he has not survived the thunder tribulation, his cultivation has been limited to the level of ordinary ghost immortals. There is no way for one to break through and become a thunder tribulation ghost immortal, but this does not represent his power. cannot be increased.

After joining the chat group, he gained the ability to quickly increase the power of his soul by swallowing the power of incense. The speed of this kind of swallowing practice is extremely fast. Although he is trapped in the realm of ordinary ghosts and immortals, his soul power has been growing through the power of swallowing incense.

In the world of Yang Shen, the power of the soul consists of two dimensions. One is the number of thoughts, and the other is the purity of the thoughts.

The best way to increase the purity of your thoughts is to survive thunder tribulations. Every time you pass through a thunder tribulation, your thoughts will be baptized and become purer, and even give birth to various supernatural powers, which can create things out of the void and destroy all sentient beings.

But this does not mean that there is no way to increase the accuracy of thoughts without going through the thunder tribulation. Going through the thunder tribulation is just the most convenient way to increase the purity of thoughts. After all, this is the rule of heaven and earth in the world of Yang Shen, which is equivalent to the official opening of hang.

However, Hong Yi has more than a dozen worlds as its backing. There are countless ways to purify the spirit in these worlds. Whether it is Taoism and Buddhism for cultivating the soul in the ancient world, or the cultivation paths of psychics in the star world, there are many ways to purify the spirit. Learned knowledge.

Hong Yi will naturally not miss this knowledge, so although Hong Yi's current thoughts have not survived the thunder tribulation, the intensity of his thoughts is comparable to that of an expert ghost immortal who has survived the second thunder tribulation.

Apart from the purity of his thoughts, the most terrifying thing about Hong Yi is the number of his thoughts.

Ordinary ghost immortals only have hundreds or thousands of thoughts at most after surviving the thunder tribulation, but Hong Yi is different. He has the power of incense and fire as an accelerator for his cultivation. Coupled with the time acceleration function of the chat group, to this day, he already has Hundreds of thousands of thoughts.

With the blessing of such a large number of thoughts, although his thoughts are not as accurate as those of several heads of saint families, such an astonishing number has long been enough to smooth out the gap in cultivation between them.

However, although Hong Yi's sudden burst of cultivation was earth-shattering, the five family heads were not vegetarians, let alone the fact that they came here with the sacred artifacts passed down by the saints.

The head of the Fan family pointed with his hand. The Brahma Wheel beside him emerged from the void, blending into his six-path Brahma supernatural power with its mighty aura.

The six-path Brahma of the head of the Brahma family has evolved into six incarnations. Each incarnation is a small Brahma world. In the world formed by these incarnations, there seem to be countless living beings, and then a selfless and invincible wave emerges in the Brahma world. , the breath of no birth and death, the heavenly wheel rotates, and bursts of sutra sounds are heard, as if all living beings in all worlds are chanting sutras together, and a power of fearlessness, great freedom, and great wisdom emerges.

Several other family heads also followed suit one by one, using the most powerful power of their holy weapons. In an instant, the power of the spiritual arts of several family heads increased greatly.

In the past, Amitabha Buddha was sitting in the air, with countless golden lights flowing on his golden body. He pointed one finger at the sky and the other at the earth, as if one person could suppress the world.

But in front of these holy artifacts, even the powerful Amitabha Buddha could not bear it! In an instant, the power of these soul and Taoism made the indestructible golden body of Amitabha Buddha, which was suppressed on it, tremble constantly, and cracks appeared on the body of Amitabha Buddha.

Xu Chenzhou sighed slightly when he saw this scene. Although Hong Yi's cultivation at this time was enough to fight against the heads of several saintly families, the opponent was really not a human being. It was not enough to bully the weak with the big, but he actually had to sacrifice the artifacts passed down from the ancient philosophers.

With the blessing of these artifacts, the power of their Taoism was more than ten times stronger. Now Hong Yi was a little reluctant to fight against these family heads alone, not to mention that they were five people fighting together, which was simply too bullying.

Xu Chenzhou slowly raised his hand, and the palm of his right hand was facing the five family heads. The red emperor dragon flame in his body was surging and boiling like magma, and the shadow of a red dragon slowly emerged from his spine.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei, holding a huge sword made of black iron, slowly blocked in front of Xu Chenzhou.

"Group leader, a moment of spring thunder is worth a thousand gold. There is no time to waste. You take Hong Yi to overcome the tribulation first, and leave these people to us."

Although Lu Mingfei also practiced Yangshen Taoism, his focus was not on this path of cultivation, so he had not yet reached the level of seeing through the barrier of life and death, and did not need to overcome the tribulation.

As Lu Mingfei finished speaking, the group friends who had been watching the battle came forward one after another.

Xiao Shihao walked out with two short legs and slowly walked in front of the five family heads.

"Brother Mingfei is right. Group leader, you still have to hurry to overcome the tribulation, and these people will be left to us."

Xu Chenzhou looked at Xiao Shihao's back and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Okay, little guy, then this is left to you, protect our physical bodies."

With Xiao Shihao's protection, Xu Chenzhou was quite relieved.

Just kidding, although the five patriarchs of the saintly families in front of him are powerful, what can they count for in front of Xiao Shihao.

He was alone in fighting against the darkness above the heavens, leaving only a back figure of the emperor of the wilderness who ruled the world for eternity. The heavens couldn't do anything to Xiao Shihao, so what can the five patriarchs of the saintly families count for.

Although Xiao Shihao is still in his infancy, he is still very trustworthy.

Looking at the young back of Xiao Shihao, Xu Chenzhou vaguely saw the emperor of the wilderness who would rule the world for eternity in the future.

As he thought about it, Xu Chenzhou's soul changed and jumped into the void with all his thoughts, flying towards the thunder in the sky.

In addition to Xu Chenzhou, Misaka Mikoto, Hong Yi, Zhang Junbao, Han Li, and Yang Chan also sat cross-legged, their souls escaped from their bodies, and rushed towards the sky together.

In the entire chat group, only the five of them had cultivated the Yangshen Taoism to the point where they needed to pass the tribulation.

Although Han Li did not practice Yangshen Daoism at the beginning, after defeating Doctor Mo, Han Li also added Yangshen Daoism to his luxury gift package for cultivation. Over time, their Yangshen Daoism cultivation has reached the level of seeing through the barrier of life and death.

Yang Chan was able to cultivate to the level of transcending the tribulation because of her unique cultivation environment and the reward from the prehistoric heavenly way. Therefore, although she joined the group chat late and did not focus on Yangshen Daoism, her Daoism cultivation has reached the level of seeing through the barrier of life and death.

As for the other group members, their cultivation speed is slower than the six of them. For example, the three little ones who joined the group chat the latest are just at the entry stage of the soul Daoism now, and they can't even fly with a sword.

The five family heads were once again stunned by the scene in front of them. Each of them was an experienced ghost fairy, and naturally knew what the souls of these people were going to do when they left their bodies.

For the Taoist practitioners in the Yang God world, the physical body is very important. It is the precious raft for saving the world. Without the physical body, it is simply a fantasy to achieve the Yang God.

Although the ghost immortals can regain their physical bodies through reincarnation, reincarnation has various harsh requirements and great side effects.

If these people in front of them leave their bodies, then their physical bodies are equivalent to being defenseless. This is simply not taking them seriously at all. How arrogant is this.

The five family heads looked at Xiao Shihao and Lu Mingfei standing in front of Hong Yi's physical body, and a hideous smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

The head of the Fan family laughed: "Hong Yi, you are really not a son of man. Even you can't resist the six Brahmas of my Fan family. Do you think that you can stop us with this child in front of you?

Boy! Get out of my way!"

The head of the Fan family shouted, he stretched out his hand, and the six Brahmas kept rotating, and the cycle of life and death was in progress. With a terrifying power, he wanted to crush Xiao Shihao directly into blood foam.

Hong Xuanji also saw this scene, but he had no way to react at this time.

Because he had completely fallen into a disadvantage in the confrontation with Xiao Nannan. Although the little girl in front of him looked extremely weak, the moment he really fought with her, Hong Xuanji realized how terrifying the little girl in front of him was.

He could feel that the little girl in front of him did not use her full strength, because she had been using the Wheel of Life and Death.

Hong Xuanji could clearly feel that Xiao Nannan was not very skilled in using the Wheel of Life and Death. This was not her main training method, but the little girl's body was extremely strong. Endless divine energy would emerge between each move and each style. Even though Hong Xuanji was now a human immortal and his body was extremely strong, every time he fought with Xiao Nannan, he would feel numbness in his body, and even felt that he could not bear this terrifying power.

In addition, every time Xiao Nannan attacked, her fists and feet would carry a terrifying sword energy. The sword intent of this sword energy was extremely sharp, slashing the sky, the earth, and the stars, poking immortals, gods, and Buddhas.

This sword intent was integrated into his artistic conception of the Wheel of Life and Death, and immediately raised the benefits of the Wheel of Life and Death to a higher level.

Hong Xuanji vaguely felt from the sword intent of the little girl in front of him a high artistic conception comparable to the boat of creation crossing the other shore and recreating all living beings, as if the source of this sword intent came from an existence comparable to or even surpassing the Taoist of Creation.

Although his boxing skills of the Wheel of Life and Death of the Heavens are more profound than Xiao Nannan's, and are so vast that they can control all living beings in the three realms, in front of this sword intent, there is no way to maintain the supreme artistic conception of the rotation of all actions and the reciprocating impermanence.

This confrontation made Hong Xuanji feel extremely aggrieved. He was suppressed by the little girl in front of him in all aspects, whether it was physical strength or martial arts boxing.

This made Hong Xuanji, who had already cultivated an invincible boxing intent, doubt himself a little. He was not a person who could not accept failure. With his mental fortitude, he would not give in no matter what difficulties he faced. Even if he fell into adversity, his only thought would always be how to break this adversity instead of obeying fate.

However, as a martial arts master at the level of human immortals, Hong Xuanji has the ability to see the big picture from the small details. With his current martial arts cultivation, ordinary warriors only need one punch in front of him, and he can read all the other party's thoughts.

With the continuous fighting, Hong Xuanji gradually sensed from Xiao Nannan's boxing intent that the little girl in front of him was actually just a three-year-old child.

The innocent brilliance of a child can never be faked. Although that innocent brilliance is hidden under an extremely terrifying murderous intent, Hong Xuanji's mind is extremely clear, so he can still feel it.

He was actually beaten by a three-year-old child! ! ! ! !

This is even more unacceptable to him than Hong Yi beheading Mrs. Zhao in front of him.

What kind of shit has he cultivated for his martial arts and pursuits in his life?

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