All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 169: Want to run away? Have you asked my words?

Hong Xuanji knew that he could not continue like this. If he continued to fight like this, once his physical strength declined, he would really lose to the little girl in front of him.

Since there is no chance of winning by seeking stability, it is better to resort to dangerous tactics.

Hong Xuanji is also a hero among people, a martial arts wizard who is rare to see in thousands of years. He will not hesitate at all at such a critical moment.

Hong Xuanji shouted loudly, and a stream of energy and blood surged out of his body, swimming in his body like a giant dragon, sprinting towards his limbs and bones and the martial arts acupuncture points all over his body.

The essence rushed towards the sky from the top of Hong Xuanji's head, forming an extremely thick smoke of essence that went straight to the sky, as if a huge hole was poked in the sky.

Following Hong Xuanji's loud shout, acupuncture points were opened one after another under the surge of energy and blood, and were condensed into shape.

Hong Xuanji actually chose to make dangerous moves in such a fierce battle, concentrating on his acupoints while fighting!

As little Nannan and Hong Xuanji continued to fight, she felt that Hong Xuanji's aura in front of her became stronger and stronger. At the end, Hong Xuanji's combat power was more than twice as strong as when they first fought.

The most powerful thing about Hong Xuanji's Wheel of Life and Death is that it gathers acupoint condensation methods from countless sects. Among them, there are 365 acupoint condensation methods. It can be said to be the masterpiece of martial arts in the world. .

At this time, Hong Xuanji had just entered the human-immortal realm, and had only condensed more than 200 acupoints, far from maximizing the boxing skills of the Wheel of Life and Death.

But this does not mean that Hong Xuanji does not have the ability to perfectly condense the acupoints. He has been at the peak of the Martial Saint for 20 years. During these 20 years, the Qi and blood he has condensed are extremely strong, enough to allow him to penetrate the wheel of life and death. All orifices.

The reason why his speed of condensing the acupoints is so slow is mainly for stability. Each acupuncture point has its own condensation method. A slight mistake may cause irreparable consequences, so Hong Xuanji They are all cautious and practiced slowly, acupoint by acupoint.

But at this time, Hong Xuanji could no longer control so much. During the fight, he kept opening acupuncture points that had not been condensed before. As the battle continued, Hong Xuanji actually opened the acupoints recorded on the wheel of life and death. All condensed, and in one fell swoop, he entered the realm of condensing 365 acupoints. ,

This is such an astonishing behavior. Ordinary immortals are not careful about any of their acupoints, for fear of causing irreparable damage to their bodies while exploring.

The fight between Hong Xuanji and Xiao Nan was extremely fierce, and the situation on the field changed rapidly. In such a complicated situation, Hong Xuanji was able to open the acupoint so quickly. He was indeed a martial arts wizard who was rare to see in a thousand years.

As the number of acupuncture points that Hong Xuanji has condensed increases, the power of his boxing skills becomes stronger and stronger. His fists and feet are like driving wind and thunder, carrying wind and lightning.

At this time, Hong Xuanji's cultivation has reached an extremely advanced level in the realm of human immortals, which is enough to compete with masters of ghost immortals who have experienced six thunder tribulations. He is only one step away from being able to break through to the point where he knows everything. A powerful realm, comparable to the Creator of seven thunder tribulations.

At this time, in terms of cultivation alone, he was no less than the little girl who had just broken through to the secret realm of the Dao Palace, and the power gap between the two was gradually smoothed.

During the process of Hong Xuanji's breakthrough, the little girl couldn't help but exert all her strength to activate the sword intention of the Caozi Sword Technique. This was the combat intuition she had developed during this period. She knew that if Hong Xuanji was allowed to continue to break through, the person in front of her would change. It was very difficult to deal with it. She would never be able to suppress Hong Xuanji so easily and freely again.

But in the end she held back, because the little girl knew that with her current level of cultivation, it would be difficult for Hong Xuanji to resist the Cao Zi Sword Technique, and she might be able to kill Hong Xuanji to death with just one sword.

If it were other enemies, then just kill him. Little Nannan wouldn't take it to heart at all.

But Hong Xuanji is different. Little Nannan knows that this person is extremely important to Brother Hong Yi. Regardless of whether this person is dead or alive, the decision should ultimately be left to Brother Hong Yi.

Hong Xuanji was extremely ferocious after his breakthrough. He rotated his hands and drew large and small circles of different shapes in the air, actually dissolving all of Xiao Nannan's unrivaled power into nothingness.

At the same time, his body also exuded an aura of controlling the way of heaven and sitting in the center, just like a supreme god king sitting in the central world and ruling all directions.

The King of Gods sits high in the sky, with countless giant wheels that are constantly rotating behind him. There are the Brahma Wheel of Freedom, the Wheel of Impermanence, the Natural Wheel of Taoism, the Ear, Nose, and Hell Wheel. Densely packed wheels are all over the sky, and every wheel They all carry different artistic conceptions, as if they are a collection of avenues.

This is the most terrifying fist intention of the wheel of life and death. It controls the void and suppresses the avenue. It is also the domineering fist intention that belongs uniquely to Hong Xuanji.

Even though the extremely terrifying Shen Xi erupted from Xiao Nan's body at this time, and the secret realm of the Dao Palace emitted light that was extremely dazzling, Hong Xuanji was still able to keep up.

Hong Xuanji's performance made the little girl couldn't help but nod her head: "This person's talent in martial arts is really unfathomable. In such a rapidly changing environment, he can still make breakthroughs one after another and evolve this discipline of life and death." to the state of perfection.

The fist of the Wheel of Life and Death of the Heavens can dissolve all forces during the rotation. His strength is obviously not as good as mine, but he can dissolve all my strength with his fist skills. It is really amazing.

No wonder this person can become the son of Daqian, have supreme luck, and even become the biggest enemy of Brother Hong Yi. This kind of martial arts talent will make him a hero no matter which world he is placed in. "

The five family heads on the other side were also caught in a bitter battle.

Xiao Shihao stood in the void, waving his left hand lightly, and one after another purple thunder balls appeared in the void. The purple thunder balls were scattered all over the void, like stars.

A mountain-like Suanni appeared on the battlefield, with a long roar, countless lightning flashes, and directly suppressed the originally invincible Brahma wheel.

Several family heads kept dodging, trying to avoid Xiao Shihao's Suanni method, but what they didn't expect was that Xiao Shihao's body method was also extremely terrifying. He broke through the void in an instant, making it impossible for them to hide. .

The head of the Fan family has already tried his best at this time. His soul condensed six incarnations in the void. They were the strongest six incarnations in the six incarnations left by Fanzi. The six incarnations kept shuttling back and forth in the air. The powerful force could almost break the void.

One of the incarnations suddenly jumped forward, and the void around him shattered like glass. In an instant, he passed through a distance of several hundred meters and appeared in front of Xiao Shihao. This incarnation stretched out his hand and pointed. There was a sense of selflessness, impermanence and lawlessness on this finger, as if this finger pointed out, the whole world would be turned upside down.

This is exactly the six incarnations in ... A move of Brahma Heaven Finger, this finger can suppress the soul of the person who is hit in the Six Paths Brahma Heaven Realm, as if he has fallen into a mortal. Unless the suppressed person breaks free from the oppression of the six worlds in an instant, he can break through the suppression of this move.

It is said that Fanzi once used this finger to freeze an ancient saint emperor. It can be said to be the most powerful suppression killing move in the Six Paths Brahma Book.

The speed of this incarnation was so fast that even Xiao Shihao did not react. At the moment when the head of the Fan family thought he had succeeded, countless runes appeared on Xiao Shihao's chest. These runes kept condensing in the air, bringing up a path of divine light, and the divine light condensed into a white light flashing .

It was the supreme treasure of the Supreme Bone, the Heavenly Tribulation Light.

In front of the Heavenly Tribulation Light, no matter how powerful the Brahma Finger was, it was useless. The Six Paths of Brahma Realm shattered instantly and could not withstand the oppression from Heaven. The incarnation of the Brahma Family Master was also shattered in an instant, disappearing like a dream bubble.

However, the Brahma Family Master's finger was just a feint, the purpose was to attract Xiao Shihao's attention.

The figure of the Brahma Family Master in the distance also dissipated like bubbles, and then he turned into countless thoughts. Then they gathered together next to Xiao Shihao.

"The flow of heavenly people, the growth of leaves, and the evil ghosts are busy eating... Take my Great Wilderness Sealing Heaven Hammer."

Instantly, a vast and boundless brilliance emerged from the fist of the head of the Fan family, and hit Xiao Shihao like a falling star.

Xiao Shihao only felt an unspeakable sense of oppression coming from the space in all directions, as if the sky palace fell and the universe collapsed.

At the same time, the other four heads of the family also flashed in the void together, and simultaneously used the strongest killing moves in the inheritance of the ancient philosophers.

Xingluo Destroying God Palm, Galaxy Universe Sealing Demon Qi.

Several extremely terrifying attacks came together, and the terrifying power seemed to permeate the entire void.

He Their thoughts were brilliant and extremely crystal clear, shining brightly in the void, making the heads of the families look like the rebirth of the ancient philosophers.

But how could this make Xiao Shihao feel afraid? What about five people? With the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he was least afraid of fighting with a crowd.

Xiao Shihao took the starting position of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and in an instant six balls of light appeared in front of Xiao Shihao. These six balls of light were like six worlds that kept flowing under Xiao Shihao's fist. In an instant, it was as if the universe was opened up and all things were created. With the flow of time and light rain, these six worlds seemed to be In an instant, he passed through endless reincarnations and fell into extinction.

When the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art is cultivated to the extreme, it can promote 6 different magics at the same time. At this time, Xiao Shihao cannot do this and can only activate 5 different magics at the same time.

But this is enough. The 5 magics are just enough to deal with the 5 heads of the saintly families.

In front of Xiao Shihao, all the shocking magics such as the Grass Sword Art, the Heavenly Tribulation Light, the Suanni Magic, etc. were performed by him, colliding with the Taoist magics of the five heads.

Although these five heads have not yet passed the 6 thunder tribulations, they practiced the medieval magic. The sage arts passed down by the disciples, and the divine weapons passed down by the sages, made their fighting power not inferior to the ghost immortals who had experienced six thunder tribulations.

But even so, their Taoism still could not break through Xiao Shihao's defense, and was completely blocked by the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art.

The faces of the five family heads were filled with shock. They simply could not imagine that there was someone in this world who could block their fatal blows at the same time.

Because the person they were facing was not Hong Yi, the five family heads did not think about being able to capture him alive, and used the most powerful killing moves in the sage's inheritance, without holding back at all.

The five family heads looked at each other and saw fear in each other's eyes.

Although the dragon tooth rice is good, they are afraid that they will have a life to take it but not a life to spend it.

Hong Yi's own cultivation is already shocking enough, and the two children beside him are even more terrifying than him.

The most terrifying thing is that Hong Yi has several friends around him.

Originally, the family heads did not take the friends around Hong Yi seriously, because in their opinion, those people were either Hong Yi's servants or friends made by Hong Yi on this trip.

There are a certain number of masters in the world, how could it be so easy for so many terrifying existences to suddenly appear.

But at this time, the performance of Xiao Shihao and Xiao Nannan made the family heads completely dare not believe their previous judgments.

After all, they recalled the scene of Hong Yi getting along with his friends before. Everyone talked and laughed with great equality, and it was obvious that they were of the same status.

If those people also had the same strength as Xiao Shihao, when they came back from the tribulation, how could they still be alive?

At the moment when the five family heads turned around and wanted to escape, a huge black sword fell from the sky and smashed fiercely in front of Fan Yunfei, the head of the Fan family.

"You want to leave after causing trouble? There is no such easy thing in this world!"

Fan Yunfei looked forward along the giant sword, and there stood a black-haired young man in front of him. This black-haired young man was wearing a slim-fitting robe, holding a sword that was bigger than his body in his hand, with a cynical smile on his face.

But what impressed Fan Yunfei the most was the eyes of this black-haired young man, which actually exuded a breathtaking golden light. This golden light not only had the domineering aura of ruling all things, but also had the contempt of looking down on all things as ants. It didn't look like human eyes at all.

Lu Mingfei blocked the way of the five family heads with a smile on his face. He knew that with the cultivation strength of these five family heads, they already had the ability to tear through the void and shuttle through the void with the help of the saintly magic tools. This was their greatest reliance for not worrying about anything.

But shuttle through the void was meaningless to him.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth slightly, and a strange and indescribable syllable came out of his mouth, and then a huge circular light shield fell from the sky, trapping him and the five family heads together.

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