All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 170 Seven Dragon Hunting Methods, Shadow of the Dragon King

"Word Spirit: Trapped Beast, Death Boundary!"

The word spirit used by Lu Mingfei is not on the word spirit periodic table. It is a new word spirit developed by Lu Mingfei through the sorting out of the law power in his blood.

In the original work of Dragon Clan, the word spirit will be recorded on the word spirit periodic table after it is discovered. After thousands of years of accumulation, almost all the word spirits have been recorded on the word spirit periodic table after they are discovered.

However, most of the word spirits awakened by Lu Mingfei are completely different from others. Almost none of them are on the periodic table. They are brand new word spirits.

In the eyes of many people, Lu Mingfei's word spirit power is a gift from the little devil, but in fact it is not the case.

After joining the group chat for such a long time, although he has not joined Kassel Academy due to time constraints, with so many worlds of cultivation as food, Lu Mingfei naturally embarked on the road of developing the power in his blood.

With the cultivation knowledge of many other worlds, Lu Mingfei naturally conducted in-depth research on his blood. After research, he found that the power of the dragon word spirit actually comes from the blood of the dragon.

After modifying the cultivation methods of many worlds, Lu Mingfei himself created a method that can purify blood and sort out rules. Lu Mingfei has not yet thought of a name for this method. It is different from the cultivation paths of other worlds. It is a cultivation method exclusive to hybrids. Its main function is to purify blood, calm the mind, and resist the erosion from the dragon blood. The most important thing is to control the rules in dragon blood, that is, the power of the word spirit.

Moreover, during this period, Lu Mingfei also secretly contacted some hybrids and obtained blood from them for research.

There are many law fragments in the blood of the dragon race. Some of these fragments are explicit, and these explicit fragments bring the power of the word spirit.

Of course, the law fragments in most hybrids are actually very complicated. Due to long-term hybridization, most hybrids actually have several blood sources, but those law fragments are suppressed by the explicit law fragment and cannot play an effect.

Lu Mingfei also studied his own blood. His blood was more peculiar than other hybrids. In his blood, there were a huge number of law fragments. These law fragments were not only numerous, but also extremely complete. However, for some reason, they were all in a deep sleep and could not function.

However, under the effect of the skills that Lu Mingfei had developed, Lu Mingfei found that he could slowly awaken these sleeping law fragments.

In other words, the power given to him by the little devils was actually the power that he already had in his own blood.

The little devil seemed to be a gift, but in fact it just untied the shackles in his blood.

After discovering these, Lu Mingfei naturally did not need to rely on the power of the little devil to control the words. He could freely combine these law fragments and then research his own words!

So Lu Mingfei began to try to develop his own words. This trapped beast and death barrier was one of Lu Mingfei's achievements.

So far, Lu Mingfei has developed a total of nine words like this.

These nine words were called the Nine Dragon Hunting Methods by Lu Mingfei.

The function of this word spirit is to imprison the void and everything. All beings trapped in this word spirit have only two choices, one is that Lu Mingfei takes the initiative to release the restraint, and the other is that both sides will be separated by life and death.

Under the restraint of this word spirit, as long as his power essence is not higher than the source of Lu Mingfei's bloodline, then he has no way to break free, and the only choice is to defeat Lu Mingfei.

The biggest reason for researching such a word spirit is because of Lu Mingfei's experience in Monster Hunter World.

It is well known that in addition to the powerful strength, the dragons in Monster Hunter World also have a very powerful ability, that is, the ability to escape.

During the hunting process, those dragons will start to try to escape and get rid of the enemy as long as they suffer a certain degree of trauma.

Even in the game, the monster changing area is extremely tormenting for the hunter. It is obviously fun to fight hard, and the opponent suddenly runs away, just like that thing suddenly stalled.

In real hunting, the monster escape is the most troublesome thing for hunters. The strong endurance of dragons is a real severe test for hunters.

Especially dragons like Sharon that can travel underground, they can escape without a trace, which is a nightmare for hunters.

Therefore, in the Monster Hunter World, in addition to having strong combat power, you also need to have skilled tracking ability to become a mature hunter.

In the early days of becoming a hunter, the biggest challenge for Lu Mingfei was not how to defeat monsters, but how to catch those dragons that escaped at any time.

Every time Lu Mingfei recalled those days of hunting in the desert, he couldn't help but burst into tears. It was a hellish and painful experience to suffer in the desert under the scorching summer sun.

Now when Lu Mingfei thinks of those Sharon, he can still vaguely smell the strange smell of gravel after being exposed to sunlight.

Sharon's shell is not only ridiculously hard, but also has an amazing escape method. It will drill into the sand at the slightest disturbance.

Every hunt is an absolute test of physical strength.

Lu Mingfei still remembers the most outrageous hunting he ever conducted, which was to hunt the Sharkosaurus. In order to hunt this slippery ichthyosaur, Lu Mingfei, who was not particularly familiar with the habits of this dragon at that time, was there. He spent seven whole days in the desert. Every time he thought he was about to succeed in hunting, this slippery little thing would burrow into the sand, dive underground at a speed comparable to that of a shark, and disappear without a trace. Without a trace.

Even with the existence of hunting balls, which can leave a special aura on the dragon's body, chasing them is still a painful experience.

It was precisely because of this resentment that after Lu Mingfei discovered the power in the bloodline, he immediately began to collect fragments of the binding laws in the bloodline.

In the end, this spirit of speech was created, trapping the beast, and the death barrier.

You want to run, right? It doesn't exist. A 1v1 real man battle on the road. Either you die or I live. There is no second choice.

The head of the Brahma family looked at this light shield with curiosity on his face. He struck out fiercely, and countless thoughts condensed into a huge Brahma wheel in the void. Then he hit the light shield with a palm, carrying a sense of lawlessness. The breath of selflessness and impermanence, this palm is the Brahma Destruction Slash. In front of this palm, all living beings in the three realms, whether they exist or not, seem to be destroyed.

But such a terrifying palm hit the golden light shield without causing any ripples.

Seeing this scene, the head of the Fan family couldn't help but nodded: "Your Taoist skills are indeed good. You can actually catch my palm. No wonder you dare to speak arrogant words."

Although Lu Mingfei's words were so strong, the five family heads did not take them seriously at all. They still maintained an extremely arrogant demeanor. This arrogance was engraved in their bones and was brought to them by tens of thousands of years of inheritance. their confidence.

As the heads of the sage family, their power is no less powerful than the top princes in Daqian. In a sense, they even feel that they are more noble than the emperor of Daqian.

After all, dynasties that last for thousands of years don’t come around often, but families that last for thousands of years are passed down from generation to generation.

As the head of an aristocratic family with tens of thousands of years of inheritance, in their eyes, except for the children of the aristocratic family, everyone else is an ant.

The head of the Wang family looked at the mask with curious eyes: "You are so naive to use this thing to trap the five of us.

The rich heritage of the family is beyond the imagination of a fool like you.

With the blessing of the ancestral sacred weapon, our power is comparable to that of the Sixth Tribulation Ghost Immortal. Only with the Sixth Level Ghost Immortal can we have the ability to tear through the void and travel through the void.

After achieving the Six Tribulations as a Ghost Immortal, no matter how dangerous the place in the sky or on earth is, it will be as smooth as walking on the ground.

The shackles of mere entities have no effect on us. "

Lu Mingfei didn't care at all, and still played with the black iron giant sword in his hand. This thing was a heavy weapon that he asked Xu Chenzhou to help him forge.

It is exactly the same as the big sword he used in the Monster Hunter World, and due to the addition of many super alloys that are only available in the star world, the hardness is even harder than the big sword he used to forge with ancient dragon bones.

While playing with him, he said casually: "Since you said so, then you can try it. If you can get away, I will write your name upside down today."

Seeing that Lu Mingfei was so arrogant, the head of the Wang family smiled instead of being angry: "Well, you junior, I will open your eyes today." After saying that, the head of the Wang family instantly transformed into thousands of thoughts, and every thought They are all emitting glorious light, as if there is a Buddha and Taoist ancestor sitting in it, preaching and preaching.

It turns out that these family heads are not here in real form, but only the incarnation of their thoughts. For example, the thought incarnation of the head of the Wang family is composed of 18,000 crystal thoughts.

Then these eighteen thousand thoughts turned into sharp blades in an instant, slashing into the void.

Under these extremely sharp thoughts, the void shimmered as if it were made of paper. Then, these countless thoughts disappeared into the void, as if they had escaped into nothingness.

But in an instant, another wave of water appeared in the void,

One thought after another appeared in the air, and then they formed the appearance of the head of the Wang family.

He had an inexplicable look of horror on his face, staring at the golden circle covering the sky: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, I clearly didn't feel that the void was bound, and I had traveled thousands of miles in an instant.

But after I arrived at my destination, when I wanted to break away from the void here, I felt an extremely strong connection, binding me here, and pulling me back to where I was in an instant. Even the ancestral sacred weapon cannot break through that barrier. "

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the other family heads also changed drastically: "Brother Wang, there is no need to panic. We will definitely be able to break through this barrier by working together, inciting the souls, and activating the ancestral sacred weapons with all our strength."

As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the five family heads dispersed together, transforming into thoughts that filled the sky. Among these thoughts were five magic weapons, which were a simple wheel with an outer screen and a book with only half of it left. , a thin test paper, a half-burnt tree stump, and a silver writing brush.

An extremely terrifying aura emerged from these five magic weapons, and five vague figures seemed to appear in the void. These five figures had tall crowns and broad sleeves, as if they had stepped out of history. The characters are average.

The sound of countless chantings could be heard faintly around them, as if all the scholars from ancient times to the present gathered here to chant and praise the great achievements of these five figures.

The five figures joined forces, the void collapsed, the world shattered, and the entire golden dome seemed to have been re-trained.

The world was in chaos, and all things were pagodas.

Only Lu Mingfei's figure was still standing there, and he uttered strange syllables. Then a green light flashed within ten meters around him, fixing all the chaotic pagodas in place, making the ten meters around him still a piece of pure land, and all the strange phenomena could not spread around him.

He held a black iron sword in his hand and inserted it into the ground, like an eternal monument, fixing the earth, water, wind and fire.

This is the second of Lu Mingfei's seven dragon hunting methods, guarding and clearing the law domain.

Within ten meters around him is the extension of Lu Mingfei's will, and all external forces must be suppressed in the law domain.

As the power of the five phantoms was activated, the figures of the five family heads disappeared on the spot. After more than ten seconds, the five figures slowly appeared in the light shield again.

The head of the Fan family was extremely terrified! "What kind of magic is this? There has never been any record of this kind of Taoism in the books of the various schools of thought in heaven and earth!"

"We can't escape, we can't escape at all. Shuttle through the void has no effect on this golden barrier, unless we can cut off the shackles that bind our bodies, but even if we gather the power of the five saints' phantoms, we can't cut it off."

The face of the head of the Wang family showed a fearful expression, he thought of what happened in the void just now.

The five of them gathered the power of the saints' phantoms and slashed at the shackles that bound their bodies. At the beginning, he could feel cracks appearing on the shackles, as if they would be cut off in the next second.

But as the shackles were about to be broken, an extremely terrifying figure appeared in the void. The figure had a pair of wings that covered the sky, golden scales, eyes as hot as the scorching sun, and a supreme aura. When the wings were spread, a terrifying storm was brought up. Countless law fragments flowed in the storm, and the phantoms of the five saints were extinguished in an instant.

If this terrifying existence really came, let alone the phantoms of the saints they summoned, even if the ancient philosophers were resurrected, they might not be his opponent.

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